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I Don't Want Mixed-Race Kids



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,085 ✭✭✭Xiney

    I feel like I will be betraying those who came before me. My bloodline was kept "pure", so to speak, for a reason.

    If your ancestors chose to have children with other caucasians, it was either due to chance (the fact that 20 - 30 years ago there were relatively few people in Ireland who were not caucasian) or down to a racist preference.
    I'm not racist at all.


    You may not WANT to be racist, but the opinions you have highlighted in your post show that you are.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,411 ✭✭✭ABajaninCork

    Please keep posts aimed at helping the OP

    Obviously you can disagree with someone's opinion and advice but as this is a discussion forum you are encouraged to explain your disagreement rather than posting a two word reply

    I did - or tried to. Please see my earlier posts....

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,788 ✭✭✭ztoical

    I will accept that some people have issues with this so called "mixing of races"....on a personal level I think it's utter rubbish but I can accept there are people out there who still think like that but I don't understand how the OP can say they are attracted to someones of a "different race" but wouldn't have a child with them cus it wouldn't be "white". Can't have your cake and eat it OP.

    Fo Real wrote: »
    Your mixed race child will grow up to have an identity crisis. It will be accepted by neither the black or white communities and will be forced to endure life-long bullying and discrimination from both blacks and whites. If you love your child, you will not place this burden upon it.

    Or they could grow up to be president of the USA...what a burden to place on a child ;) If you found when pregnant that your child was going to be disabled and would have a very hard life full of discrimination as a result would you abort? We all hope for the best for our children but we can't know what will happen to them, your child could be too short, too tall, etc and be bullied for that. Rather then trying to stop happy couples from having kids how about we educate idiots to stop being....well...idoits?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    ABajaninCork if you have an issue with a post report it, do not post in an abusive manner.
    If you have an issue with a mod's direction or warning, pm them as commenting on thread is off topic and derailing the thread, I suggest you read over the rules for this forum
    which you will find here before posting again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,041 ✭✭✭Penny Dreadful

    Stinicker wrote: »
    What the OP describes is perfectly normal and it is one of the most basic human desires is to raise healthy and similar children. We all want to see a bit of ourselves in our children. With mixed race children this doesn't happen and I think they are a tragedy for a both races involved.

    The reason Irish & European people are white is becuase for thousands of years our societys kept to ourselves and other races were not allowed into our societies. Only countries like Portugal, Spain and Southern Italy have a degree of mixture in their racial lineage and this was due to the Muslim conquests which saw thousands of white men killed and white women raped in an attemt to out breed the local people.

    Africa similarly is black because people don't want nothing to do with it and I consider it a disgusting insult to say we are all african, Human beings may have evolved from Monkeys and left africa but they evolved into the three major world races of Caucasian, Mongolid and Negroid, there is distinct differences between the three and each race has its own unique characteristics.

    European Caucasians adapted to a colder Northern Climate and were always adapting and it was really a case of survival of the fittest, Europeans conquered the known world 2,000 years under Rome and again from 1492 onwards, they also lead the world in technology and industry and the modern world as we know it would not exist but for the Caucasian race.

    Africans remained within their own continent as hunter gathers and built no real "civilisation" as defined in western terms, they had little technical advances made and for the most part were ignorant to the world until Colonisation by the various European powers. The bulk of historical Africans achievements were achieved by the North African Arabs and the Islamic conquests of North Africa.

    In Asia, the Mongolid race spread out and established it self across the vast continent and also into North and South America via the Land Bridge of the Bering Strait, Native Americans are closer to the Mongolid people ethnically than to Europeans. The Mongolids built a vast empire and attempted to conquer Europe but were defeated by the Caucasians on the doorstep at Hungary. They innovated and gave the world great inventions again during the renaissance when such things were rediscovered by European traders as alot of knowledge lost from Rome was regained from the East again, Ironically Rome (Under Catholicism) has self destructed and led Europe through a 1000 years of ignorance and superstition.

    Such Racial groupings are today frowned upon as outdated and racist and the liberals who are so hypocritical as to not allow discussion on the issue are to blame for racism in today world.

    So to sum it it I would not want a mixed race child and the OP is perfectly right and normal to not want one, by having a mixed race child you are destroying thousands of years of racial harmony and endangering the future of the race.

    In Europe at the moment Caucasian birth rates are at historic lows and every Caucasian woman that gives birth to non Caucasian children is not only endangering their race but also their national culture and way of life. Do we want a black or an Islamic Europe ? or to maintain our liberal tolerant way of life, which ironically through its tolerance could be its own downfall.

    However at the end of the day these are personal decisions to take and I am sure the OP will find herself a nice fella and eventually have some fine happy healthy children.

    all that is wrong with your statement (and thats a LOT) hurts my head. I truly wonder how on earth people can arrive at such selective statements and try to put them across as absolute fact.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,686 ✭✭✭RealistSpy

    What a thread.

    OP I have a mixed kid and he is totally white but he has my nose traceing his roots.
    He is born Irish and Ireland is his country ( He has English, Nigerian, Hungarien, Russian, Estonia Blood)

    I was scared he wasn't mine but he is health and strong. If you bring your child up believing we are all human which we all are what does colour have to do with it?

    If you are attracted to someone fine. As someone said in an earlier post, someone people can't have babies and where we are being picky. I know a black lady that gave birth to a white kid and the father is black.

    Anyways GL

    I have a feeling this thread will get locked.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 681 ✭✭✭Elle Collins

    OP, it is (or ought to be) obvious that it's a womans own business what racial mix she'd prefer her own child to be. You don't have any apologies to make on that score. I do think though that you need to re-think your feelings towards black men because to me it is clear that you entertain lustful feelings for them, not truly loving ones. If a woman loves a man she'll want her child to be the spitting image of him, and that includes skin colour.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,788 ✭✭✭ztoical

    RealistSpy wrote: »
    I know a black lady that gave birth to a white kid and the father is black.

    There cases of mixed races couples having twins where one twin has the features of one parent and the other the features of the other parent [for example white mother and black father would have a white and black twin] The genes that control skin colour are relatively small so the chances of having a child with different skin colour to your own is actually higher then people think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,055 ✭✭✭Emme

    Xiney wrote: »
    If your ancestors chose to have children with other caucasians, it was either due to chance (the fact that 20 - 30 years ago there were relatively few people in Ireland who were not caucasian) or down to a racist preference.

    It was unlikely to be down to a racist preference as 30 years ago or more most people in Ireland married people within a 40 mile radius which was a relatively small gene pool. Some peopel were put under pressure to marry within a minority religion which left an even smaller gene pool to choose from. Having children within an ever decreasing gene pool over the years can increase the risk of congenital problems such as CF.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 35,254 Mod ✭✭✭✭pickarooney

    RealistSpy wrote: »

    I was scared he wasn't mine but he is an he is health and strong.

    This is obviously not an issue for the mother of a child but can you see how your child's skin colour immediately caused you to doubt your partner's fidelity (if I understood you right)? It's a bit rich to say that colour has nothing to do with anything in that light, is it not?

    Edit: I find it hard to reconcile someone posting this
    Healthy yes, similar, hmmm nope. Do you have kids? Cus any one I know with kids is just happy to have a healthy child and couldn't care what the child looks like. A woman whose carried a child inside her for 9 months and then given birth is going to have a bond with that child regardless of wither it's black, white, purple etc.
    and thanking this
    If a woman loves a man she'll want her child to be the spitting image of him, and that includes skin colour
    unless it's selective agreeement.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,686 ✭✭✭RealistSpy

    This is obviously not an issue for the mother of a child but can you see how your child's skin colour immediately caused you to doubt your partner's fidelity (if I understood you right)? It's a bit rich to say that colour has nothing to do with anything in that light, is it not?

    exaggeration - to make a point oh how white he was when he was born. Maybe I used the wrong example.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 35,254 Mod ✭✭✭✭pickarooney

    RealistSpy wrote: »
    exaggeration - to make a point oh how white he was when he was born. Maybe I used the wrong example.

    Fair enough, it's not always easy to pick up on in posts.

  • Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 12,915 Mod ✭✭✭✭iguana

    My bloodline was kept "pure", so to speak, for a reason.

    Up until this line I could see where you were coming from. I don't think it's unnatural to want to see something of yourself in your children. But that 'something' isn't just about looks, it can be mannerisms, talents, sense of humour. Your children don't have to look like you to be part of you, genetically or emotionally.

    But the idea that your bloodline was kept 'pure' 'for a reason' is just wrong. Even if you are royalty your bloodline is all mixed up. Even Henry VIII was a descendant of Celts, Vikings, Normans, Saxons, Franks, etc. The 'purest' of bloodlines are still a mish-mash of races. And even if you were somehow purely of one race what reason was that done for? (And if you were you would have some bigger issues than worrying about your children's eye colour as the amount of inter-breeding necessary to insure that would cause a myriad of health problems.) The actual reason that you are all-white, as I assume you mean, is lack of opportunity. I doubt your parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, etc had much opportunity to interact with and fall in love with people of different skin colour. So no reason at all.
    Emme wrote: »
    The gene for blue eyes is recessive so if the blue-eyed parents have siblings with eyes of a different colour it's possible that their children could have eyes of a different colour.

    No, two brown eyed parents can have blue eyed children but it is impossible for two blue eyed parents to have brown eyed children. The blue eyed gene is recessive, this means that some one with brown eyes can still carry the gene but someone who has blue eyes can absolutely not carry the brown eyed gene because if they did it would have won out within their make-up and they would be brown eyed.
    Stinicker wrote: »
    Africans remained within their own continent as hunter gathers and built no real "civilisation" as defined in western terms, they had little technical advances made and for the most part were ignorant to the world until Colonisation by the various European powers. The bulk of historical Africans achievements were achieved by the North African Arabs and the Islamic conquests of North Africa.

    Really? So what about the quite magnificent Oyo Empire? In many ways more complex and forward thinking than any of it's European or Asian counterparts at the time.
    Most families in the West Indies can claim some European ancestry - usually Scottish.

    More than that. From the early 17th century up until the late 18th, maybe early 19th, an enormous amount of Irish people were captured and sent to South America and the Caribbean as slaves. Up until the law changed in 1681 it was highly profitable for plantation owners to 'breed' female Irish slaves to black slave men in order to create highly profitable mullatto slaves, who would be trained as fashionable house slaves. The law preventing this was introduced under pressure from powerful slave traders who found this inter-breeding to be detrimental to their profits. But most descendants West Indian slaves have a very strong Irish genetic heritage.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 692 ✭✭✭i-digress

    OP I'm the eldest of six, but the only biological child. I have two brothers from Romania, one sister from China, one sister of mixed race and a fully Irish brother all through adoption. All the others have mannerisms and personality quirks that my parents have, there's more to life than genes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,788 ✭✭✭ztoical

    Edit: I find it hard to reconcile someone posting this

    and thanking this

    unless it's selective agreeement.

    Just to clear it up I was thanking the section of the post where the poster said :
    I do think though that you need to re-think your feelings towards black men because to me it is clear that you entertain lustful feelings for them, not truly loving ones.

    The thank button thanks the whole post not sections of it and I wasn't about to add more posts to thread just to +1 that section as the whole reason the thanks button was introduced was to bring down the amount of +1 posts.

    On a personal level I have major issues with the OP's views on mixed race kids but I accept people have these views, what I find odd and frankly annoying about the OP's post is the claim that she is attracted to dark skinned men but doesn't want to have their babies, I attempted to put that thought into writing but Elle Collins summed it up better then I could I felt so I thanked their post.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 35,254 Mod ✭✭✭✭pickarooney

    ztoical wrote: »
    On a personal level I have major issues with the OP's views on mixed race kids but I accept people have these views, what I find odd and frankly annoying about the OP's post is the claim that she is attracted to dark skinned men but doesn't want to have their babies, I attempted to put that thought into writing but Elle Collins summed it up better then I could I felt so I thanked their post.

    It reads like a classic case of being attracted to something forbidden in someone indoctinated by racists.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,645 ✭✭✭IzzyWizzy

    I just can't believe that most women really care that much about their child looking like them. I can honestly say I had never even thought about it. All I'm interested in is being able to have a child, a healthy child. I'd certainly consider adopting from Asia or South America and then they definitely wouldn't look like me.

    And arguments about racism aside, genetics are funny. People are saying mixed race kids look black. They don't. I know plenty who are as pale as any Irish person with no black features to speak of. I have loads of cousins with the same genetic make up as me (1/4 Italian, 3/4 British isles) who ended up blond and blue eyed, even though one of their parents is really tanned and dark haired. It isn't as rare as people think for the child of a white person and a non-white person to come out looking Caucasian.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Unhelpful and off-topic posting will get you banned from this forum.
    Do take time to read the charter which contains the rules and abide by them.
    Have a nice day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,776 ✭✭✭up for anything

    Fo Real wrote: »
    Perfect example: Just this week, many players on the french football team complained about how they don't feel French which is why they performed so poorly in the World Cup. Many of these players are mixed race, raised in France, and have opened up about their identity crisis to the world's media. Subject your child to a life of misery of you want but my kids will know their proud heritage and where they come from and who they are.

    Talk about tailoring some facts to suit yourself.

    I would consider myself mixed-race. Irish, Lebanese, Toubou, French, English that I know of, born in Nigeria, bred in Ireland and very much at ease with my Irish heritage except for Irish traditional music which I just don't get. People only become at ease with their colour/race/nationality based on the way other people react. I was lucky in that I grew up in Ireland at a time when my mother was the darkest person that most people locally had ever seen so the culture of intolerance and racism wasn't fully apparent. At the time it could have affected me I was considered more exotic than unwelcome. I was like the Spanish/French Summer students except all year round. The only time I was verbally abused was when I was twelve and called a half-caste from Nigeria and a white ******. However, I was firm in my belief of my Arab princesshood so it didn't really bother me and the lad who called me that was podgy so that cancelled it out in my mind.

    Would you consider a baby of English and German parents mixed-race? I doubt it, but according to several of the dictionary definitions of race such a baby would be mixed-race.

  • Administrators Posts: 13,860 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Big Bag of Chips

    If you don't want mixed race children, there's a very easy and simple way of ensuring it doesn't happen..

    Don't procreate with a "person of colour"!

    Are you even going out with anyone? Is there a particular "person of colour" that you would maybe like to spend your life with, but are being held back because of the issue of mixed race children? Is he aware of this?

    If the answer to any of the above questions is "no", then you really are getting ahead of yourself!

    I'm guessing you're fairly young. If that is the case you have years ahead of yourself to meet and fall for someone, and then another few years to decide whether or not you're going to have children.

    I have 3 children (not mixed race) not 1 of them bares any resemblance to me, except same skin colour I suppose!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6 El Ladron

    OP, if you don't want mixed race kids that your choice and there is absolutely no shame in it. It's simply down to your personal preference. Please do not take any heed of some posters who love to play spot the racist at any given opportunity. You do what you want to do and ignore any twats who tell you your bigoted, racist, etc. Don't hate yourself, you've done nothing wrong.

    My friends and I had a discussion about this a while back. Most of them are white, but two of them are from Africa. Nearly all agreed that we wanted to have any future children with partners from within our own race, or ethnicity if you will. This included my two blacks friends, they said they would prefer their children to be black. Going by some posters this makes us racist, it doesn't, it's simply our preference. We don't see people of other skin color inferior/superior it's simply our choice.

    The one thing I get from your post is that you seem as if your pressured to have mixed race kids.
    My attitude has changed over the last couple of years and I'm not sure I want mixed-race kids.

    Why exactly do you seem so sure you were always going to have mixed race kids? Are you going out with someone of a different ethnicity at present? Or is it the fact that you are so attracted to dark skinned men that you just assumed you would eventually end up having children with a dark skinned partner? I'm not trying to pry, just trying to get a better handle on your original post to try and understand what exactly put you into this line of thought.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 173 ✭✭decembersun77


    My attitude has changed over the last couple of years and I'm not sure I want mixed-race kids. It feels kind of wrong to me. I want to see myself in my kids. Some of my friends have mixed-race kids and most of them bare little resemblance at all to the lighter-skinned parent. I feel like I will be betraying those who came before me. My bloodline was kept "pure", so to speak, for a reason. (apologies if that is an unsuitable phrase, I can't think of a better way to put it)

    On the flipside, I love men of colour and always have. I like darker men but don't want mixed kids. :(

    I feel really confused. I feel like a bad person for feeling like this. I'm not racist at all but it just doesn't feel right.

    Is this kind of attitude normal? What are others opinions on mixed kids? Would you have mixed kids with a partner that you really care for? I don't want to be horrible to those that I love. I hate myself for getting into the predicament that I'm in.

    Well, most irish people are of mixed race anyways, vikings from scandinavia, the celts that are descendants from people of central europe( not sure of the countries) normans from france and saxons from britian and probably all of those races are descendants from other races! A historian would know or maybe be able to trace back to centuries ago. Your attitude is not normal. How could you betray the people that came before you? Who rules your life? Your ancestors are mixed races. Are you more about being your nationality that about being true to your self and your own heart and living your life on your own terms.

    Most women are hoping to have healthy children! I know some people whos mother/father is irish and indian and irish/italian and they have alot of each side of their parents like they might have tan skin and physical features from the the mother side but in personality and mind set would be alot from the father. Its always of equal measure well from my experience anyways. Alot of the times well in my family and relativess, the girls took after their father both alot in personality and physcial features especially the first girls with me and my cousins too, the boys take after their mother the same way.

    The skin colour of a person is irrelvant, its only a colour, your missing a persons physical features and the main thing their personality they could look alot like their father and have their mother's personality. Its superficial to think of skin colour, your not seeing the bigger picture.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,102 ✭✭✭Stinicker

    Mixed Race Children are also at risk of more health complications due to their diverse make up. Caucasians for example are more prone to certain diseases and where as Mongolid or Negroid are also more susceptible to certain diseases. Take for example if a Caucasian Male and a Mongolid Female has a mixed race child then their child will have inherited the negative genes from both parents and will be very susceptible to the weakness of both races.

    Mixed Race children with leukemia have massive problems finding marrow donors as a result of the rare and unique DNA makeup of a mixed race child.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,411 ✭✭✭ABajaninCork

    Stinicker wrote: »
    Mixed Race Children are also at risk of more health complications due to their diverse make up. Caucasians for example are more prone to certain diseases and where as Mongolid or Negroid are also more susceptible to certain diseases. Take for example if a Caucasian Male and a Mongolid Female has a mixed race child then their child will have inherited the negative genes from both parents and will be very susceptible to the weakness of both races.

    Mixed Race children with leukemia have massive problems finding marrow donors as a result of the rare and unique DNA makeup of a mixed race child.

    Yes, there's the risk of sickle-cell/Thalasselmia (for Caucasian people of Mediterranean descent in case you didn't know). It is also true to say that there are significant problems in finding suitable donors of African/Afro Caribbean descent. But I think you will find this is a cultural problem, rather then anything else you're trying to suggest.

    What other 'weaknesses' were you thinking of???

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,645 ✭✭✭IzzyWizzy

    Stinicker wrote: »
    Mixed Race Children are also at risk of more health complications due to their diverse make up. Caucasians for example are more prone to certain diseases and where as Mongolid or Negroid are also more susceptible to certain diseases. Take for example if a Caucasian Male and a Mongolid Female has a mixed race child then their child will have inherited the negative genes from both parents and will be very susceptible to the weakness of both races.

    Mixed Race children with leukemia have massive problems finding marrow donors as a result of the rare and unique DNA makeup of a mixed race child.

    Plenty of genetic diseases in Ireland because of the tiny gene pool.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,411 ✭✭✭ABajaninCork

    Or here's an original thought....

    How about looking at ALL mixed-race children whatever the make-up might be, as people who have taken the best bits from both sides!:rolleyes:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 173 ✭✭decembersun77

    What if you fell madly in love with a great man who was african or jamician or indian or a race that is dark skined and you wanted to be with him for the rest of your life, Would you deny your God given right to be a mother and your ablity to procreate because you don't want to have babies that are of mixed race? You would'nt be true to your self and you would be living a lie and in denial of your own truth. So if you cannot be honest to yourself, how can you be honest to others.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    At this stage I am locking this thread.
    If the op wants it open again they can pm on of the mods.

    The dabate on the pros and cons of mixing races can happen in the humanaties forum
    which can be found here.

This discussion has been closed.