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Pros and cons of doing transition year?



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 779 ✭✭✭Flashling

    Hmm...I think I disagree with Mysteryfish, about the fifth year students not being able to study because they didn't listen and are lazy. That's a bit harsh, tbh, and as so many people have said it it might be true? What do other 5th years (who have done transition year, sorry fobia and roe!) think?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 315 ✭✭Mysteryfish

    It came out a bit harsher than I meant it to, but I still think that just because it's a bit harder to study for actual exams when you go back into 5th year, doesn't mean you shouldn't do TY. Some people might not have worked in 5th year even if they had skipped TY cuz they might have viewed it that "oh, well I can just rest on my Junior Cert this year", so really it's hard to know what you would have been like had you done/not done TY.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36 BlueRollingPin

    As I've said many a time, I love TY. I'm getting to try so many new things which is 'broadening my horizens' so to say. It's a nice recoverey year for those who took the JC way to seriously and burnt themselves out due to stress.:D Not to mention, I get to stay with my friends, who've all opted to do TY as well.

    A con would be that I no longer remember any French but I'm working on it and it's slowly coming back to me. C'est trés bien, non?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,584 ✭✭✭Diarmsquid

    That word looks funny when it's typed.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,479 ✭✭✭✭philologos

    perhaps thats because its horizons

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,584 ✭✭✭Diarmsquid

    Now you wrecked it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 36 BlueRollingPin

    Ah, my apologies; spelling has never been my strong point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,432 ✭✭✭Steve_o

    Pro's : Doing Sweet f*** all each and every day
    Cons : Everything else

  • Registered Users Posts: 192 ✭✭j22

    To be honest the only thing I learnt anyway worthwhile was the words to the National anthem.

    Although it was the best year of my life so far.

    Went on loads of trips. The main trip we went on was a trip to mainline Europe and participated in the European Youth Parliament. Good Experience. We also went to Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands(where we got absolutely locked and were falling about in front of the teachers, and got away with it) and Germany. It was all government subsidised so the whole trip only cost about £200 punt.

    Didnt find any trouble getting back into study. and got an extra year to choose my subjects.

    I would highly reccomend doing it

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,801 ✭✭✭✭Kojak

    Simona1986 wrote:
    It really got me out of the swing of doing any work and i was enver able to get back into doing any decent study.

    That happened to someone I knew - he wanted to be a Civil Engineer in NUIG (Formely UCG) and he was well on course to get it (Going by his junior cert Results) but after TY he totally lost the plot and is now a trainee mechanic - nothing wrong with that but it does highlight a problem with TY. If you dont have a lot of self discipline then you could get lost.

    By the way I skipped it as the set up for TY in my secondary school was a complete joke.

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  • Posts: 8,647 [Deleted User]

    everybody shud def do it!it likr so cool and you get to work and like choose better subjects reall is so cool!just do it!

    there you go!i have a positive post so you dont have to ban yourself flashling.:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 779 ✭✭✭Flashling

    Postitive, text speak, yes. I'm sorry, you lose.

    One more time and you get banned.

  • Posts: 8,647 [Deleted User]

    do what pet?:) im not being condescending.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,584 ✭✭✭Diarmsquid

    /me subscribes to thread. :p

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 167 ✭✭Apple Gal

    This thread helped me so much with my english essay,thank you. It was "should transition year be made compulsary".

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,851 ✭✭✭PurpleFistMixer

    The internet helps all.
    (TY should not be made compulsory.)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 167 ✭✭Apple Gal

    Yeh thats what I said.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,479 ✭✭✭✭philologos

    The internet helps all.
    (TY should not be made compulsory.)
    Amen... it's been compulsory for us... I would had liked to skip to 5th

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 45 Dearv

    I was a reluctant Transition year student to say the least. For me, along with most other teenagers across the globe, school has always been a “get in, get out and try not to get hurt along the way” kind of experience. Well I really really didn't want 2 do TY but in our skool its compulsory so just finishin it up now & I have 2 admit it was woth doin - while I still do have another 2 years left in skool :eek: It was a fantastic year - I did everything & I mean everything i.e. the school musical “Fiddler on the Roof”, the Gaisce award, the young scientist competition, the mini company experience, community service, debating, model united nations, model european parliament, etc & it was well worth it made gr8t friends from outside skool got loads of stuff 4 my cv & had a brill year in general - I dont think it should b made compulsory cause if u dont sign up 4 stuff & get involved in everything it really is a total waste of a year but for me it was definately a success ! & 4 anyone who is thinkin of doin it it is really good but ( and i no this is cliched) what you put it u do get out!:D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 Dafiru

    Where you get it???

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,366 ✭✭✭ninty9er

    Do it and try to get involved in as much as possible thats not compulsory.

    We did Young Entrepreneurs (every1 had to set up a mini company). Me and my friend got to the national final in 5th yr after doing it in TY

    Got the school recycling and got the Green Flag.

    Learned judo

    Learned how to sail and canoe through reeds

    Did a communications module.

    Got to try the LC subjects.

    Watched Amú le Hector in Irish for half the year and read short stories the other half.

    Wrote a short story in English.

    Got a hedstart on LC german

    Got a tiny headstart on LC maths

    tried all the sciences.

    Did 2 enterprise modules.

    Did a charity 30 mile cycle.


    Plus TY students (on average) get 20-50 points more than people of equal intelligence who didn't

    It gives you a chance to look at your life and see what you want. Work experience is an important part too

  • Registered Users Posts: 653 ✭✭✭clairek6

    im in third year at the moment, im a fairly average student and really confussed if i should do ty there seems to be equal ammounts of-do ty!
    and dont!:confused:
    most of my friends are doing it,but im afraid if i do it will i fall behind in 5th year as ideally i would like to be a teacher
    any help gladly accepted!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 81 ✭✭elaine93

    It really does depend on the school. I'm doing it at the moment, counting down the days till its over. I think TY is only of benefit if you have huge self discipline and are willing to use the extra time well. Make it clear to your brother they will not start the leaving cert course so you will not get a head start. Make sure he goes to meet a current TY student/5th year and ask them what they thought of the schools Ty, DO NOT BELIEVE WHAT THE SCHOOL SAYS YOU WILL DO, THEY ARE LYING! My school made out like we would be doing all this fun stuff, and guess what, we do nothing! No photography,psychology,criminology,journalism! All we got was a class in film-making which is a disaster and a class in makeup!

    1 It gives you a chance to try new subjects
    2 It gives you a chance to try out careers (though you could quite easily do work experience during the summer holidays.
    3 If you are willing to study yourself, you can revise all your JC stuff
    4 Its great if you are a waster and hate doing any work ever. If you are in anyway hardworking or academic you will hate it.

    1 You are stuck in school a whole extra year
    2 Its very expensive (trips,whatever else)
    3 The classes are pointless but you still have to go to them. You don't learn anything, whether its to do with the leaving or not.
    4 You have to do all these stupid projects.
    5 It makes you forget how to study and concentrate
    6 Did I mention its an enormous waste of time?
    7 The teachers really can't teach you anything, because they can't do the LC course. You spend most of your time staring at a wall
    8. If you took honors at JC, you will forget everything because in the interest of 'inclusion' they put everyone in together and you end up doing the ordinary level. Goodbye my A in maths, it was nice knowing you.

    In conclusion, run as far away from it as you can. *bangs head on table "why did I take TY?Why?!"*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,234 ✭✭✭thetonynator

    I agree!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,321 ✭✭✭Jackobyte

    Apple Gal wrote: »
    This thread helped me so much with my english essay,thank you. It was "should transition year be made compulsary".
    Thats from JC english papers, write a motion for or against the blah blah blah!!! We had to do that one two weeks ago. They think we are retarded. Speech-writing you are meant to have a strong opinion on the matter or else it will be noticable in the results but how can you feel strongly about such shit motions. You really couldn't care less

  • Registered Users Posts: 40 bobsy

    I thought TY was the best year of my school was unbelieavable.we just took the piss out of each other.I couldn't get back though and im doing the leaving in a couple of months and im wrightly screwed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 307 ✭✭Orlaladuck

    It really depends on the school.
    My school was AWFUL. We did Nothing the entire year. The best bet is to talk to one student who liked it, one who didn't. Don't let the teachers fool you into thinking it's going to be Amazing and you'll do everything and whatnot.
    But if you're a weak student, it's probably better to just go straight into 5th year and get it over and done with because you forget quite a lot and become unused to doing work by the end of it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,544 ✭✭✭hitlersson666

    1. our school do it really badly
    2. Its so expensive its not funny
    'nuff said

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 39 roxykid07

    clairek6 wrote: »
    im in third year at the moment, im a fairly average student and really confussed if i should do ty there seems to be equal ammounts of-do ty!
    and dont!:confused:
    most of my friends are doing it,but im afraid if i do it will i fall behind in 5th year as ideally i would like to be a teacher
    any help gladly accepted!

    If u want to do teaching, then maybe TY is a good idea for you.
    In some schools like mine, we focus a lot on oral Irish and french this year. And if u Want to do teaching, you need Irish, big time. Also
    now that the marking of the oral for Irish is going up to 40% from 2012 (correct me if I'm wrong) the year mite really help with Irish.
    Just one point to consider..

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 CountessBigBoot

    Hello there! I'm doing TY at the moment, and I can see how it can be a lovely oppertunity for many people, but it isn't really suiting me.

    Pros: You'll get plenty of different experiences, like at a work placement, on trips etc...
    If you're willing to get up off your backside and take part in everything, you'll have a good time.
    You will mature as a person, because you've got some time off, less pressure. You'll probably become a lot more confidant too.
    In most schools I think you've got the option to do the ECDL, which requires a bit of study,but computers is a very handy skill to have
    Take work experience seriously and pick jobs you've got an interest in, because that oculd help you become more driven for the LC.
    TY does give you an extra year to swing back and take a look at your subject options for the LC.

    Cons: It can distract you from study as it's not the best year for real acedemics. I suggest, if you had no bother with the JC, and you're very driven, that you consider very carefully before taking up TY, it could just stunt your flow.
    The projects are pretty pointless, and I'm tearing my hair out at the moment because there's feck all to get stuck into.

    It's really up to each indivdual to make the year work for them, sure you're not gonna like everything, but just learn to use things to your advantage.
    Personally, I'm getting a bit tired of TY. Maybe I'm just impatient, but I'd really like to get on with my life and get to college! (actually, TY's made me realise I've got a **** load more drive than I thought I had :D)
