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i am loosing my hair



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,199 ✭✭✭G-Money

    Shave it all off, that's what I did.

    I noticed a few years ago that my hair was thinning on top but I kind of would let it grow in an effort to hide it. Then I remember one night being out in Dublin and it was lashing rain and I got soaked. We ended up in Cafe WhataPain on Dawson St (don't judge me, I didn't want to go there but was overruled). Anyway I was in there and they had a big huge mirror behind the bar and I seen myself and all I could see was my scalp and what looked like rats tails hanging from it. I was horrified.

    That was a Thursday night so I decided then that I was going to get the head shaved. So I naturally got all nervous about it, got up early on the Sat morning and went straight to the barbers. Psyched myself up, sat down and said "number 2 all over". I think he asked me was I sure and I said "yep, do it". And I'm telling you, it was one of the most liberating feelings ever. I felt like I was casting off an old person, an old shell and becoming someone new.

    The flip side is that a bottle of shampoo lasts you about 6 months, it takes about 5 seconds to dry your hair, literally. Just wipe it with the towel and its sorted. The downside is that your head can be a bit cold in the winter so I'd advise doing it now while the weather is still ok-ish and it gives you time to adjust.

    I haven't regretted doing it and have received compliments from my friends reckoning that it looks much better and healthier. My mother hates it of course so it must be good :)

    I have to admit I think I've received more attention from women as well since I shaved my head.

    I don't shave it tight with a razor so it's bald. Just a number 2 blade when I went to the barbers the first time. After that I bought a set of clippers in Argos or some place and I just cut my own hair every 2 weeks or so now. So you're saving money on shampoo and trips to the barbers. It has to be done in these recessionary times!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,008 ✭✭✭uch

    Maybe you've just got too tall for it and out grown it


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,007 ✭✭✭SIX PACK

    smashey wrote: »
    Embrace the comb-over.

    Gees dont say that. when a gust of wind comes your left red faced :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 86 ✭✭PatB71


    Worried about going bald?Women pointing and sniggering at you?
    With my secret formula potion you too could enjoy a full head of flowing locks just send $99.99 and we`ll throw in not one but 2 bottles with free applicator,hurry while stocks last.;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,599 ✭✭✭BumbleB

    call the A team .

    I'm bald btw and it didn't do me any good ,

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 858 ✭✭✭goingpostal

    I love the cue ball look, but its so fecking cold.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,463 ✭✭✭KTRIC

    I started loosing it at my temples slowly over the past 5 years.

    When I shaved my long locks off its more obvious. I keep it at about 6 mil and it looks fine.

    Is it just a myth or do women actually find balding men attractive ?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 321 ✭✭CPT. SURF

    A barber once told me that if you are going to lose hair you will lose 85% of what you will lose between the ages of 25-35. So what you have left at 35 is what you will continue to have. Is this true?

    Anyway I started getting a widows peak around 22 but all hair loss seems to have stopped now at 27. In fact, I don't think I have lost any in the last two years, if anything it might even look a little better. Anyone else experience something like this?

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,556 ✭✭✭DublinWriter

    I've heard that Propecia and other drugs will at least stop the fallout so be something soon rather than later.
    Yes, but it's that classic trade-off between taking DHT-suppressors and growing breasts.

    Look...all the wimmins really want from a man is a nice smile, clean shirt and that you nod and go 'yes, that's right darling' intermittently when they talk at you.
