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Scalp Psoriasis



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,561 ✭✭✭Mizu_Ger

    I've had eczema for years and have been to a consultant from time to time. For my scalp she always tells me to steer clear of the coal tar type shampoos as they are too aggressive and aggrevate my scalp more than anything else. She recommended using 2 shampoos (1. La Roche-Posay "Normaker" and 2. Any herbal shampoo) and alternating them each time I wash my hair. Then use any hair conditioner. She also gave me a prescription called Bettamousse, a foam to massage into the scalp. This treatment works fine for me (its not 100% though).

    I think that the main point is to keep the scalp clean, but not aggrevate it.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 4,695 Mod ✭✭✭✭Tree

    i dont think clean seems to help tbh. it's cell calming stuffs you'd need, coal tar is one of the better ones at reducing cell division.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12 Eddie108

    there is a video on u-tube explaining cure for eczema (amazing free eczema cure from Philippines).it worked for me.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 24 brundlefly

    betnovate scalp application on for Seborrhoeic eczema...many a night spent awake and in agony and this stuff works much better than coal tar etc ...try not to scatch before application as it can sting a bit....but 15 seconds of sting outweighs pulling out your hair all day and night !!

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,094 ✭✭✭✭Gael23

    I know this in an old thread but I have suffered from this for a long time now. You need to get a prescription for Bettamousse scalp application which I use twice a day and I also use stieprox shampoo. Over the years i've tried all the tar ones but to no great effect and I did use the betnovate but I find the bettamousse very good.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 251 ✭✭Scawgeen

    Feelgood wrote: »

    Hey guys,

    I seem to have a small touch of scalp psoriasis for about the last
    year and I cant shift it. Its only little small patches about the the size
    of the top of your finger. Sometimes it clears up nicely and then a lot of
    the time it gets very flaky.

    Has anyone any recommendations apart from the usual, T-Gel or Nizoral
    methods?. Is there maybe something I am eating thats causing it?. Or
    possibly washing my hair too much?.

    Any insight would be most welcome....cheers....

    I'd say first of all to have it diagnosed by a doctor, it may be something else other than Psoriasis. If it is Psoriasis ask his opinion about using Polytar shampoo. I use it now and again and it works wonders, smells awful though.

  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators Posts: 4,695 Mod ✭✭✭✭Tree

    Yeah everyone likes different tar shampoos. I'm using polytar at the moment and reckon i'll go back to capasal.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭Feelgood

    Hey guys,

    Its been a long time since I originally posted this problem and decided it was time to update you all!.

    Right well to start my psoriasis got a lot worse over the last year, I ended up with 3 rather large patches and two very small ones right under my fringe so I had to comb my hair down to cover them. What a hateful bloody disease!!.

    Ok so I have basically tried everything in the last year. Capasal, T-Gel, Niqourol, Cocois and a 180 quid a session dermatologist. I also tried that guy from Sligos cure that was posted and it didn't do a tap. 50 quid a bottle too.

    Next I bought Dr. Paganos book based on Edgar Cances theories. I recommend every buy this book. It will give you a true understand of why you have psoriasis and whats causing it. It really is a MANDATORY read for anyone who is suffering and just look at the comments on Amazon about it. Now there is a diet to follow and if you do follow it apparently you will be cured or see an improvement within 3-4 weeks. I honestly believe that this is true after reading it, but unfortunately the diet regime is extremely difficult to follow. It basically tells you what not to eat, but doesn't explain what to eat!.

    One of the core items of the diet is regular intake of Saffon tea. Its actually not bad, it tastes a bit like green tea but the only place that I could find it was in the states and it is also pretty expensive. seems to be the only place to get it, though shipping is pretty much instant around 2-3 days.

    Now for the really really good news!!. I can safely say I have managed to control my psoriasis. I tried something and it works wonders. I URGE you to go out and try it and I am pretty sure you will be delighted with the results. It took me about 2k to find this out and since I did my psoriasis is pretty much 80 - 90% gone...

    Are you ready for it???......

    APPLE CIDER VINEGAR, yep it was that simple 1.80 a bottle. I applied it neat to my lesions you could actually see them reducing hugely within about 20 mins. Keep it going a 2 weeks later, my lesions have pretty much cleared up and itching is completely gone. I have also started drinking it now too with honey every morning and I feel class.

    Right so my theory is that the apple cider vinegar will control your psoriasis in the short term cant vouch for long term yet as its only been around 3 weeks and after reading Dr. Paganos book you will understand what has to be done in the long term (A lot of it has to do with the digestive system and intestines, acid verses alkaline etc), the good news is that apple cider vinegar when drank is really good for this also. Though for some reason Pagano doesn't recommend it....

    Anyway, would you mind letting me know if this works out for you or how it went if you try it??. Would be very interested to see how it panned out for other people.

    Also note I have only tried this with scalp psoriasis, cant really vouch for the rest of the body...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭Feelgood

    There is a book that you have to check out. I've met and worked a little with the guy who wrote it a few years back and I've seen the results first hand. If you stick to the dietary program you usually have one flare up and then it clears up completely! As is total clear up. And you dont have to stick to it the rest of your life or anything. Just go back on the diet if you see any signs and slowly reintroduce problem foods to see what your trigger is.

    He takes referals from Yale Medical School when they think they cant do anything more for them. Very very reputable information. The paper back is available on

    Healing Psoriasis: The Natural Alternative
    by John O. Pagano

    Note this is the book I am talking about....

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,157 ✭✭✭Johnny Utah

    Feelgood wrote: »
    Hey guys,

    Now for the really really good news!!. I can safely say I have managed to control my psoriasis. I tried something and it works wonders. I URGE you to go out and try it and I am pretty sure you will be delighted with the results. It took me about 2k to find this out and since I did my psoriasis is pretty much 80 - 90% gone...

    Are you ready for it???......

    APPLE CIDER VINEGAR, yep it was that simple 1.80 a bottle. I applied it neat to my lesions you could actually see them reducing hugely within about 20 mins. Keep it going a 2 weeks later, my lesions have pretty much cleared up and itching is completely gone. I have also started drinking it now too with honey every morning and I feel class.

    Hi Feelgood,

    I have scalp psoriasis as well. I'm in my mid-20s, and I think I developed the condition about 12-18 months ago. At least, I never noticed before that time anyway.

    At its worst, I would get a ridiculous amount of white flakes on one of my shoulders and my back. At first, I thought it was just a bad case of dandruff, but it just kept getting worse. It got to the stage where I was literally covered in flakes, and could no longer wear dark coloured t-shirts or tops.

    I decided to go to a consultant dermatologist, and was diagnosed with scalp psoriasis. I have large patches on one side of my scalp and at the back of my scalp. I was prescribed a cream (Benovate I think), and also Betacap liquid and I'm also using capasal shampoo regularly. I also cleaned up my diet as I heard that can help.

    Although the medications have improved my condition somewhat, I'm still far from cured. I'm still taking the Betacap about twice a week to try to control the condition and as far as I understand controling psoriasis is about the best I can hope for. I still get a fair bit of scaling/flakes, which means I can really only wear white t-shirts/tops. I am at the stage now, where I'll try anything if it will give me a bit of relief. I just have a couple of questions, which I'd appreciate if you could answer first:

    (1) Where did you hear about the vinegar cure? Was it in the book you mentioned?

    (2) Can I get the apple cider vinegar in Tesco or a supermarket?

    (3) And, how do I apply it to my scalp? Do I just pour it on freely and let it soak in overnight?


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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭Feelgood

    (1) Where did you hear about the vinegar cure? Was it in the book you mentioned?

    (2) Can I get the apple cider vinegar in Tesco or a supermarket?

    (3) And, how do I apply it to my scalp? Do I just pour it on freely and let it soak in overnight?


    Hi Johnny,

    I feel your pain, I'm actually mid to late 20's too and mine started out with a very small patch and then just exploded and I suffered an awful lot of hairloss with it...hoping that all will grow back fine..

    1) I basically tried every shampoo and cream, some where not too bad they weren't really helping to be honest. Also tried Aloe Vera gel which is actually pretty good but is a bit of a whore to wash out after an hour in your hair.

    I actually stumbled on the apple cider vinegar while browsing the net and said sure feck it I've tried everything else what harm can it do. Here is the forum page that I found it on.

    If you then actually google apple cider vinegar and psoriasis together, you will find an awful lot of pages talking about it. So this is basically where I got the idea.

    2) You can get Apple cider Vinegar anywhere. I got mine in Super Value, in the italian cooking section. (Don Carlos). Mental isn't it??.

    3 I have actually been just dabbing it on my psoriasis with cotton buds or sometimes just the top of my finger.

    I would seriously recommend the book as well Johnny, it will help you understand that its not actually a skin disease that we have and that the psoriasis lesions on our skin are the result of something completely different.
    I am totally sold on this notion after reading the book. This is why none of the creams and shampoos work, because we are trying to treat a skin disease when its really its a digestive system disease..

    Also I have first hand knowledge that both nicotine chewing gums and patches are probably the worst thing you can use if you have psoriasis. In fact I actually thing my psoriasis started from using smoking cessation treatments.

    Hope this helps and keep the head up. After 2 years it took just me just 2 weeks to get it sorted...

    Any more queries just shout...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,157 ✭✭✭Johnny Utah

    Hi Feelgood,
    sorry about the delay in replying, I've just been very busy this week. I got the vinegar- it's the Don Carlos one called "Cider Vinegar" with a picture of apples on the label. I assume this is the right one?

    I actually applied it onto my scalp last night before I went to bed. I literally just poured it on freely, and it smells really strong, but I'm willing to give it a go for two weeks at least. I usually wash my hair once every 2 days, so my plan is to apply the vinegar to my scalp the night before I wash my hair. That way, the vinegar will get about 12 hours to soak into my scalp overnight. I think my psoriasis might be worse than yours because you said you have small patches, whereas mine covers most of the right side of my scalp and also at the back of my scalp. Anyway, I'll try out the vinegar, and I'll report back in about 2 weeks.

    I also had a consultation with my dermatologist on Thursday. Anyway, I mentioned the possibility that apple cider vinegar could cure psoriasis, and all he said was 'yeah, some people use that' He didn't elaborate or say whether I should try it.
    The appointment only lasted about 2-3 mins (no exaggeration) and cost 200 euro, so I'm thinking of looking for a new dermatologist. If you know of a good dermatologist in the Dublin area let me know.

    I've also been to other hair loss specialists who've given me all sorts of creams for my scalp, but tbh, none of them have worked in terms of eliminating or even improving my psoriasis. The betacap is the best I've experienced so far, and even then it only lessens the problem.

    You're right when you say it's not a skin disease; I went through a stressful period a while ago and my diet also suffered- I reckon this is what first caused my psoriasis.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,094 ✭✭✭✭Gael23

    Betacap is very good. In reality,there is no cure its just which treatment provides the best relief

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    This is fascinating reading. I have had psoriasis for the last 5 years (i'm 28 now). It's a fairly large lesion on my right shin, and a smaller one near the knee.
    Is the diet really tough to stick to? I ask as I am usually about at nighttime, when you might not have a choice in what you eat!
    And the aple cider vinegar sounds intrigueing. It's just applied neat, before bed?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭Feelgood

    Hi Feelgood,
    sorry about the delay in replying, I've just been very busy this week. I got the vinegar- it's the Don Carlos one called "Cider Vinegar" with a picture of apples on the label. I assume this is the right one?

    No worries, have been bit busy myself..That is the one I am using Johnny yeah, think they are all generally the same anyway. It is possible though that organic Apple Cider Vinegar from a health shop would probably be better again as it wouldn't be treated with any mad chemicals. Though reading the Don Carlos label it seems to be all natural anyway.
    I actually applied it onto my scalp last night before I went to bed. I literally just poured it on freely, and it smells really strong, but I'm willing to give it a go for two weeks at least. I usually wash my hair once every 2 days, so my plan is to apply the vinegar to my scalp the night before I wash my hair. That way, the vinegar will get about 12 hours to soak into my scalp overnight. I think my psoriasis might be worse than yours because you said you have small patches, whereas mine covers most of the right side of my scalp and also at the back of my scalp. Anyway, I'll try out the vinegar, and I'll report back in about 2 weeks.

    Give it a good try anyway, sure what have you to lose?. What I would suggest though is apply the vinegar every night if you can. Just for an hour then rinse your hair out with water. No need to wash it out. Though you should see your lesions starting to shrink and dry up significantly after about 4-5 days. Now remember I said mine is 80 - 90% gone, i.e. I still have it to some extent but I have managed to control it. What I am saying is that its not a miracle cure, but if it reduces the severity of the lesions then its a very cheap treatment isn't it?. I'm basically putting on my scalp every second day now just to keep my lesions at bay.

    I also had a consultation with my dermatologist on Thursday. Anyway, I mentioned the possibility that apple cider vinegar could cure psoriasis, and all he said was 'yeah, some people use that' He didn't elaborate or say whether I should try it.
    The appointment only lasted about 2-3 mins (no exaggeration) and cost 200 euro, so I'm thinking of looking for a new dermatologist. If you know of a good dermatologist in the Dublin area let me know.

    Yeah well my thinking behind this is that obviously they aren't going to tell you to use Apple Cider Vinegar?. Sure if it was that easy they wouldn't be getting paid 200 for 3 minutes work and all those ****ty cream making companies would be well out of business too. Its a complete farce is what it is. I've never actually met someone who was successfully treated by a dermatologist for anything. If ACV works for you well you just found your proper treatment for what 2 euro a bottle?.

    You're right when you say it's not a skin disease; I went through a stressful period a while ago and my diet also suffered- I reckon this is what first caused my psoriasis

    Did you order a copy of that book yet?. Definitely get it and have a read, it will blow you away and the guy that wrote it isn't even a dermatologist. Hes a bloody back specialist!. Its a very encouraging book though, particularly when you see his case studies.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭Feelgood

    Papa Smut wrote: »
    This is fascinating reading. I have had psoriasis for the last 5 years (i'm 28 now). It's a fairly large lesion on my right shin, and a smaller one near the knee.
    Is the diet really tough to stick to? I ask as I am usually about at nighttime, when you might not have a choice in what you eat!
    And the aple cider vinegar sounds intrigueing. It's just applied neat, before bed?

    Diet in the book is tough enough alright Papa, I haven't been able to stick to it for more than 2 weeks. I see your a mod in the smoking forum?. Well that is the first thing that you have to give up, then your not allowed ANY alcohol, No coffee, carbonated drinks and very little milk also, No spuds, no fatty or red meats, peppers, tomatoes or any nightshades. No white bread or starchy foods and even with the bread you can eat your own allowed about 1 slice a day. Citrus fruits can only be eaten on their own, that is you have to allow 2 hours either side of eating say an orange before you eat anything else. To boot your not really allow dairy either.

    So basically you get to drink Saffron tea, about $80 for 6 ounces. Loads of water, fish, fresh vegetables and fresh fruits period. Bit of a bitch eh?, apparently it works though.

    Apple Cider Vinegar is class, like I said don't know how it will work on the rest of the body as I only apply it to my scalp. However the more I read about it the better it sounds. Basically Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine hailed Apple Cider Vinegar as the cure for a ridiculous amount of ailments from digestive systems problems to the common cold.I have started drinking it now too and in about a week of drinking it you will get a new leash of life, wake up fresh as a button in the mornings and sleep like a log at night.

    I'm actually half thinking of getting all the blood extracted from my veins and replacing it with this stuff its that good. Do some research on it and then give it a try Papa.

    Like I was saying to Johnny, whats to lose?.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 359 ✭✭okgirl

    Hi there, just reading about ACV, sounds great. How long do you have to apply it before you notice any results? I have been applying it for about 6 days now and while I have noticed a slight improvement in one area I have another area which is quiet raw and is not improving. So much so I have to apply cream this morning which is what I am trying to avoid. I am also drinking abot 4 tbsp per day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭Feelgood

    okgirl wrote: »
    Hi there, just reading about ACV, sounds great. How long do you have to apply it before you notice any results? I have been applying it for about 6 days now and while I have noticed a slight improvement in one area I have another area which is quiet raw and is not improving. So much so I have to apply cream this morning which is what I am trying to avoid. I am also drinking abot 4 tbsp per day.

    Hi okgirl,

    It was around a week when I started seeing good results, I had no heavy scaling anymore. After about two weeks my lesions were a minute fraction of the size that they were (think the size of the top of your baby finger) , again they aren't completely gone though.

    If your seeing any improvement, it obviously means that its working to some extent so keep at it and see what happens. Might just take a few weeks to notice a real difference.

    Also spotted in a forum the other night where a girl was using apple cider vinegar and then 2-3 times a week washing her hair with Tea Tree oil shampoo. Then on the end of that forum a lot of people where saying that they mixed a few drops of tea tree oil with the apple cider vinegar and then applied it neat and got really good results. Might be worth a try also?. That would probably take the rawness out of it.

    I managed to get my hands on a pdf book on apple cider vinegar and it really is an interesting read, I unfortunately can't attach it to this forum as its too big, about 4mb. Mod's any way around this?.

    In the mean time have a read of these..

    Keep posting your results anyway Okgirl and see how you get on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 454 ✭✭DonFred

    Thanks for the heads up about the Apple Cider Vinegar Feelgood, bought some today in SuperQuinn so will try some tonight and rest of week. Was going to buy that Abbey Oil solution but will try this first. I too spent thousands of euro trying vary products and visiting doctors and none really worked on my scalp. Cheers again

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,191 ✭✭✭Feelgood

    DonFred wrote: »
    Thanks for the heads up about the Apple Cider Vinegar Feelgood, bought some today in SuperQuinn so will try some tonight and rest of week. Was going to buy that Abbey Oil solution but will try this first. I too spent thousands of euro trying vary products and visiting doctors and none really worked on my scalp. Cheers again

    No problem at all DonFred, hope it works for you.

    Abbey Oil solution wasn't great to be honest and miles too dear for what it was. I think it was just some sort of argan/peanut oil mixed with essential oils or something. If you scalp was any way bad at all, you would go through a bottle a week/fortnight at 50 quid to no great effect.

    Only thing I have noticed now after about 4 weeks is that ACV leaves your scalp very dry, so might be a good idea to get some moisture going. Vaseline was mentioned on the site. Great site if you haven't seen it yet. Well worth a visit. Think there is a membership fee though you can browse through the forums for free where a lot of people talk about different treatments. You will find a lot in there about ACV.

    Keep us posted anyway over the next week. Am hoping people come back with positive results...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 359 ✭✭okgirl

    just thought I would give you an update especially regarding ACV. I am still drinking it a couple of times daily but I have stopped applying it directly to my psoriasis. The reason being , that, I went to a TCM practioner and got advice. Apparently whilr the ACV may clear the surface of the p it is not treatin g the problem internally. I should state my p is also in patches on elbows anf kneees and lower back areas. She gave me 2 different capsules to take for detoxing and boosting my immune system. I also had accupunture today which was very relaxing. I am hoping that after a few weeks of this my immune system will be balance and p banished. I have alos been advised against seafood, spicy food and alcohol. :(:(:(

    I will keep you informed as to how it goes. At this stage I have decided that I am not spending any more money with alopahtic mecidine and this is the last cash injection I am putting into my p. No more tablets, creams or referrals! Touch wood all will be well in a few weeks.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4 sugarplum4

    Hi everyone, I suffer from scalp, body and joint psoriasis. A while ago my mam heard about this woman in limerick who had great success with a health food product. I was really desperate because my whole torso and arms were covered in one giant patch and my scalp was covered too. I was hardy sleeping with the itch and stopped going out because I felt like a monster. I went to limerick from galway to get a tub of this stuff called pro argi 9. It's berry flavoured powder stuff that you mix with water into a drink. It was developed to promote heart health but after a while people started to report a massive improvement in their psoriasis.

    I started taking it, praying that it would work. It seemed to be making a difference although the first few weeks the itch was worse. This I was told is a common complaint. After about two months it was half better and even my arthritis (caused by the psoriasis) was lots better. I then heard about another product made by the same company, a natural health food thing again. I started taking both of them together and now a few months later my scalp is almost clear, my torso is almost clear and I only have a small bit on my wrists. I'm sleeping so well, barely any itching and I've got my life back.

    The drink thingys were apparently on the dragons den with that limerick lady so hopefully they will be easier to get soon. Anyone living in Galway can get them in kennys book bindery in the lisbawn industrial est. Tom kenny was cured totally of his psoriasis by these.

    For anyone who says that food doesn't influence psoriasis, it can. It depends on the person but I have found that curry and red wine make me break out in about ten minutes. I hops this helps :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 17 jomama

    I have posted about a psoriasis case here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,740 ✭✭✭Backstreet Moyes

    Just a quick bump a family member of mine has got this fairly bad recently. I was just curious about a cure and came across this thread. Has anybody had much sucess thinking of suggesting the cider vinegar suggestion and see if it gives any relief.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,073 ✭✭✭sam34

    hi there,

    since this thread was created we have tightened up the rules on this forum and no longer give any comment on personal medical /health situations.

    thread closed.

This discussion has been closed.