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Proven Conspiracies and a general comment



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 153 ✭✭Smudgeyboy

    Micheal Moore is a NWO puppet, that's why he made it to the cinema, he said nothing but made it seem that everyone got the 'real story'. Where is he now?

    It's very common for people to believe in whatevers in his films, and nothing else, despite his lack of evidence and the amount of evidence there is out there on other, more important conspiracys.

    I simply cant see how someone can not 'believe' in a New World Order of some form.

    The Pope has said it, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Bushes, Kissinger, Sarkozy, Clinton...
    Even if it doesnt mean RFID chips and slavery, it's some kind of new world order. If it wasnt, then why would the world leaders be saying it?

    Im basing it being a world order based around fear of terrorism/child abductions/etc. just because of how it's going, the personal views of these world leaders and their past actions. Add in the secret societys they are in and what they are into and we have a clear picture. And if any of ye were in any doubt, read Revelations.

    Im not a christian, but it's the same system that gave us that book that are putting this New World Order to us. And whats to be learned from it? Prison or death, dont worry you'll go to heaven. It's blindingly obvious!

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,976 ✭✭✭✭humanji

    Doesn't Revelations tell us about false prophets pretending to be warning us and acting in our best interests, etc? Kind if ironic you'd bring it up...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,281 ✭✭✭PullMyFinger!

    Teddi wrote: »
    Not wanting to harp on about 9/ its been talked to death, but watched a program on it the other day....where this man had his face obscurred, and voice altered..saying that, on the day that the incident happened....he saw something missile like hitting the passenger plane before it hit the towers, having witnessed this....government officials came to his home and threatened him with dire consequences if he is to share any of this information with anyone.....

    What was the title of the documentary?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 153 ✭✭Smudgeyboy

    humanji wrote: »
    Doesn't Revelations tell us about false prophets pretending to be warning us and acting in our best interests, etc? Kind if ironic you'd bring it up...
    Yes it does, I believe Barack Obama is playing the part of the wolf in sheeps clothing, and I mean 'playing the part'.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    Revalations!!!!! FFS
    the stoned ramblings of a 2nd Century Priest.

    Seriously, are you talkin about the KJ Bible?

    ever since man foirs realised that the world would end one day there have been people claimin that its tomorrow.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,027 ✭✭✭Kama

    It was Zizek I think who said it was peculiar that we find it far easier to imagine the utter and complete destruction of everything than to conceive of a modest change on our socioeconomic system...

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,925 ✭✭✭aidan24326

    Kernel wrote: »
    I'd say next conspiracies to be exposed will be UFO and JFK. JFK one may never be exposed, but I put it in there since those involved or with knowledge would be getting on a bit at this stage, and deathbed revelations may surface.

    Someone apparently has made some revelations, a former CIA agent by the name of E.Howard Hunt. though there's no way to know for sure if he's telling the truth.
    E. Howard scribbled the initials "LBJ," standing for Kennedy's ambitious vice president, Lyndon Johnson. Under "LBJ," connected by a line, he wrote the name Cord Meyer. Meyer was a CIA agent whose wife had an affair with JFK; later she was murdered, a case that's never been solved. Next his father connected to Meyer's name the name Bill Harvey, another CIA agent; also connected to Meyer's name was the name David Morales, yet another CIA man and a well-known, particularly vicious black-op specialist. And then his father connected to Morales' name, with a line, the framed words "French Gunman Grassy Knoll."

    So there it was, according to E. Howard Hunt. LBJ had Kennedy killed. It had long been speculated upon. But now E. Howard was saying that's the way it was. And that Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't the only shooter in Dallas. There was also, on the grassy knoll, a French gunman, presumably the Corsican Mafia assassin Lucien Sarti, who has figured prominently in other assassination theories.

    "By the time he handed me the paper, I was in a state of shock," Saint says. "His whole life, to me and everybody else, he'd always professed to not know anything about any of it. But I knew this had to be the truth. If my dad was going to make anything up, he would have made something up about the Mafia, or Castro, or Khrushchev. He didn't like Johnson. But you don't falsely implicate your own country, for Christ's sake. My father is old-school, a dyed-in-the-wool patriot, and that's the last thing he would do."

    Teddi wrote: »
    when the pentagon was hit a few years ago, they said a plane hit it...yet, there was no plane debris, no wings salvaged, air traffic control never detected planes in that area at that given time, but a much much smaller object, flying at nearly three times the normal speed that planes fly at, coming to the conclusion that It was a cruise missile that impacted upon a brand new reburbished area of the building

    A plane did hit the pentagon, that's what all known evidence points to. There are undoubtedly some question marks surrounding certain aspects of what happened that day, but this isn't one of them.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,718 ✭✭✭SkepticOne

    I suppose the Iran-Contra affair would be another fairly well established conspiracy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,718 ✭✭✭SkepticOne

    Kernel wrote: »
    Interesting how all these proven conspiracies are from vanquished foes eh? ;) Apart from the minor stuff like watergate for example...
    Obviously things are going to come out when an enemy is defeated that would otherwise remain secret. Governments do have secrets particularly in wartime. Much of Britain's activity during WWII only emerged decades after the war ended.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,388 ✭✭✭Kernel

    SkepticOne wrote: »
    Obviously things are going to come out when an enemy is defeated that would otherwise remain secret. Governments do have secrets particularly in wartime. Much of Britain's activity during WWII only emerged decades after the war ended.

    My point exactly. Of course, a successful black op would never come to light.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,981 ✭✭✭✭Wishbone Ash

    Kernel wrote: »
    JFK one may never be exposed
    Because there is nothing to expose.
    Diogenes wrote: »
    What exactly about the JFK assassination do you think is a conspiracy.
    ah Diogeness, Do you think that Lee Harvey Oswald acted ALONE, without any assistance from any organisation?
    One small question:

    Do you really think that, if any organisation was behind the biggest murder in history, they would have selected an unstable and unreliable person like LHO to do it and provide him with a mediocre mail order rifle, and then insist that he gets a bus and taxi to make his getaway?
    Kernel wrote: »
    How could one man fire a bolt action rifle scoring such hits on the moving target at an elevated position which senior Marine Corps & SWAT marksmen have stated is impossible indeed
    Because of people like Oliver Stone and his tissue of lies (JFK 1991) it's a common myth that no one could match LHO's feat. It has been surpassed by marksmen, one of which, using Oswald's actual rifle, exceeded it 47 times in one day and on one occasion, exceeded it by over 1 second.
    Kernel wrote:
    And then there's the Warren Commission report, ever hear of that pile of ****e?
    Which part of it do you have a problem with?

    It's been 45 years since the assination and not one of the conspiracy theorists has been able to provide any credible evidence other than that LHO acted alone.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,701 ✭✭✭Diogenes

    Kernel wrote: »
    My point exactly. Of course, a successful black op would never come to light.

    Ah so the absence of evidence is in fact evidence of the conspiracy.

    Jesus Kernel doesn't the sheer level of cognitive dissonance in the under utilised organ that sits on your shoulders give you a headache?
    Kernel wrote:
    How could one man fire a bolt action rifle scoring such hits on the moving target at an elevated position which senior Marine Corps & SWAT marksmen have stated is impossible indeed

    Seriously mate I finished "Case closed" a few weeks ago. Which specific Marine Corps and SWAT marksmen claimed it was impossible?
    And then there's the Warren Commission report, ever hear of that pile of ****e?

    Yes I have would you care to get into a detailed specific point by point rebuttal of what it got wrong?

    Incidently while I'm not about to get into a gun ho defense of the warren commission, perhaps for ****s and giggles you could lay out;

    A) your biggest issues with the Warren Commission.


    B) Your theory as to what happened that day in November.
    aidan wrote:
    Someone apparently has made some revelations, a former CIA agent by the name of E.Howard Hunt. though there's no way to know for sure if he's telling the truth.

    The "confession" Of E. Howard Hunt, comes from his estranged coke addled son. We have only his son's word as to his fathers dying confession.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,388 ✭✭✭Kernel

    Do you really think that, if any organisation was behind the biggest murder in history, they would have selected an unstable and unreliable person like LHO to do it and provide him with a mediocre mail order rifle, and then insist that he gets a bus and taxi to make his getaway?

    That's because, as he himself said, he was a patsy. A screw-up. Who was promptly shot dead by a mobster. Don't you find that a little... convenient? Incidentally, the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand by the Black Hand (a proven conspiracy) would be what I consider the biggest murder in history, since it sparked off WWI.
    Because of people like Oliver Stone and his tissue of lies (JFK 1991) it's a common myth that no one could match LHO's feat. It has been surpassed by marksmen, one of which, using Oswald's actual rifle, exceeded it 47 times in one day and on one occasion, exceeded it by over 1 second.

    Have you got a link to that information?
    Which part of it do you have a problem with?

    The part where they claim LHO was acting alone and killed JFK! :)
    It's been 45 years since the assination and not one of the conspiracy theorists has been able to provide any credible evidence other than that LHO acted alone.

    There has been plenty of evidence. You chose to disregard it obviously. Have you read Jim Marrs' book on the assasination? It would take me more time than I have to go through the JFK assassination at the moment. What do you think of this deathbed confession:

  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭pauldiv

    About 20 years ago there was a documentary on one of the UK channels that gave a lot of attention to the evidence in the JFK assasination.
    Some interesting points they made -

    The car slowed down and stopped after the shot(s) rang out.
    Every chaffeur in the world who is driving important people around is trained to speed off and prevent any more damage to the passengers.

    The president's brain was removed from his corpse and has never been found.
    The said brain would have given the forensics team a clue as to the direction from which the fatal shot was fired.

    An the amateur movie that was shot - pardon the pun - from the side of the passing car shows the presidents head goes back on impact. This means the shot was fired from somewhere in front of the car and not from the back, namely the direction of the book depository.

    The rifle was a WW2 vintage Italian army carbine which is known to be cheap and inaccurate.

    The presidents coffin was disposed of. Instead of being buried it was dumped into the ocean from a US military plane.

    We will never know the truth because the Kennedy assasination was a coup that was carried out by some of the most cunning s.o.b's on the planet.
    Some say it was Mossad, CIA and Myer Lansky.

    JFK and Bobby were no angels. They were different though and they had plans that the bankers did not like one little bit, such as, printing low interest greenbacks. Lincoln wanted to do the same and release the US from their debt prison and he was eliminated also.

    The guys we are talking about here are thought to be part of a small clique of families that have been assasinating people for years. There is no evidence because there are forces at work who can do just about anything they want and dont answer to anyone.

    When the Queen of England says that there forces working without any form of control whatsoever then maybe we should listen. I think she was talking about "god's banker" Roberto Calvi who was found hanging from a bridge in London in 1982.

    So even the Queen does not know who holds the real power because world power has a structure like corporate workplaces where everything is done on a need to know basis and run by gangsters in suits.

    I enjoyed reading all the other posts but I think these days people are too scared to say what they really think.

    Who knows? maybe they have been bombarding us for years with low frequency electro-magnetic waves and turning us into remote controlled zombies :-) and what passes for television 'news' and 'culture' is clogging up people brain cells.

    Y'awl have a super nice day now.:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 197 ✭✭pauldiv

    About 20 years ago there was a documentary on one of the UK channels that gave a lot of attention to the evidence in the JFK assasination.
    Some interesting points they made -

    The car slowed down and stopped after the shot(s) rang out.
    Every chaffeur in the world who is driving important people around is trained to speed off and prevent any more damage to the passengers.

    The president's brain was removed from his corpse and has never been found.
    The said brain would have given the forensics team a clue as to the direction from which the fatal shot was fired.

    An the amateur movie that was shot - pardon the pun - from the side of the passing car shows the presidents head goes back on impact. This means the shot was fired from somewhere in front of the car and not from the back, namely the direction of the book depository.

    The rifle was a WW2 vintage Italian army carbine which is known to be cheap and inaccurate.

    The presidents coffin was disposed of. Instead of being buried it was dumped into the ocean from a US military plane.

    We will never know the truth because the Kennedy assasination was a coup that was carried out by some of the most cunning s.o.b's on the planet.
    Some say it was Mossad, CIA and Myer Lansky.

    JFK and Bobby were no angels. They were different though and they had plans that the bankers did not like one little bit, such as, printing low interest greenbacks. Lincoln wanted to do the same and release the US from their debt prison and he was eliminated also.

    The guys we are talking about here are thought to be part of a small clique of families that have been assasinating people for years. There is no evidence because there are forces at work who can do just about anything they want and dont answer to anyone.

    When the Queen of England says that there forces working without any form of control whatsoever then maybe we should listen. I think she was talking about "god's banker" Roberto Calvi who was found hanging from a bridge in London in 1982.

    So even the Queen does not know who holds the real power because world power has a structure like corporate workplaces where everything is done on a need to know basis and run by gangsters in suits.

    I enjoyed reading all the other posts but I think these days people are too scared to say what they really think.

    Who knows? maybe they have been bombarding us for years with low frequency electro-magnetic waves and turning us into remote controlled zombies :-) and what passes for television 'news' and 'culture' is clogging up people brain cells.

    Y'awl have a super nice day now.:D

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,981 ✭✭✭✭Wishbone Ash

    Kernel wrote: »
    That's because, as he himself said, he was a patsy
    One has to be innocent to be a 'patsy'. Are you seriously suggesting that LHO didn't shoot the president?
    Kernel wrote:
    A screw-up. Who was promptly shot dead by a mobster.
    Oswald was a nobody who wanted to be a somebody. Two days later, he was killed by another nobody who wanted to be a somebody.
    Kernel wrote:
    Don't you find that a little... convenient?
    The safety of Oswald was of huge concern to the Dallas Police and had originally organised a CIT van to transfer him to the County jail. If Ruby hadn't shot him, thete was a good chance that others would have done so.

    (When he was arrested outside the Texas theatre, over 200 people had gathered outside, some of whom pleaded with the police to release him so that they could kill him).
    Kernel wrote:
    Have you got a link to that information?
    Among others, it was presented by the 'prosecution' in the large budget 1986 21 hour mock trial using real witnesses from the Kennedy assination.
    Kernal wrote:
    The part where they claim LHO was acting alone and killed JFK! :)
    Do you seriously think that the 7 Commissioners, all distinguished gentlemen, many at the peak of their careers, as well as the 14 Assistant Counsels, and all the staff members of the Commission were 'in' on this supposed conspiracy. Even if one member believed it, do you think he convinced all the others to share his view and how would he know that they would go along with it. And do you not think it strange that noone would have shouted 'stop' and made their excuses. It's impossible to keep a secret between 3 people never mind hundreds (and that's only within the Warren Commission). The idea that the Warren Commission was part of the supposed 'conspiracy' is just preposterous.
    Kernal wrote:
    There has been plenty of evidence. You chose to disregard it obviously
    What evidence? All the credible evidence points to LHO and that he acted alone. It is the conspiracy people who choose to disregard all the solid evidence and believe the myths peddled by Groden, Lane et al.
    Kernal wrote:
    Have you read Jim Marrs' book on the assasination?
    Presumably you are referring to 'Crossfire'?

    You'll be telling us next that you believe the deaf chap (Hoffman?).
    Kernal wrote:
    It would take me more time than I have to go through the JFK assassination at the moment.
    I totally agree! :)
    Kernal wrote:
    I wouldn't believe a word of it. Sensationalism sells. People like to make money from their supposed family connections to the assassination.

    I prefer to concentrate of the contemporaneous evidence/testimonies.
    pauldiv wrote: »
    About 20 years ago there was a documentary on one of the UK channels that gave a lot of attention to the evidence in the JFK assasination
    Presumably you are referring to "The men who killed Kennedy" brought out for the 25th anniversary. Another tissue of lies and half truths aimed at causing sensation and high ratings which wheeled out a few odd balls and, like all the others, ignored the actual evidence.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 857 ✭✭✭Sofa_King Good

    Trev M wrote: »
    I pop in here every now and then to read what "all the nutters in internet land" are saying and what all the "ignorant blind fools cant see is really going on".

    Personally Id love to buy into some of them for no other reason than it would make the world a more interesting place:D but generally Im skeptictical

    Anyway I was wondering what the greatest all time proven conspiracies are...
    I guess Watergate is up there? (maybe that doesnt count as a conspiracy)

    Ive no interest in flaming anyone an all that crap my question is genuine...proven conspiracies...hit me.:)

    It was on the website this morning (strangely it is down now and not available anywhere else I can find), that in 1956 with Egypt having just Nationalised the Suez Canal, Israel, France, and Great Britain conspired together...What came about was Israel attacking Egypt, with GB and the French stepping in to "preserve peace" and control the area, a plan which ultimately was succesful and refuted in the house of commons at the time. Was in the previously unreleased diary of a some secretary in the British parliament at the time,

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,925 ✭✭✭aidan24326

    Diogenes wrote:
    The "confession" Of E. Howard Hunt, comes from his estranged coke addled son. We have only his son's word as to his fathers dying confession.

    Yeah I wasn't saying I believed it, just thought it was interesting, as it was the first time I'd come across even an alleged confession.

    One has to be innocent to be a 'patsy'. Are you seriously suggesting that LHO didn't shoot the president?

    And are you seriously suggesting you can prove that he did? Now I'm not saying I buy into the conspiracy theories, but by professing to know for certain that LHO shot Kennedy and acted entirely alone you are nearly as bad as the conspiracy theorists, because there's no way you can know that for certain. The only man who could have answered that question was murdered, rather conveniently, very soon after his alleged crime.

    I think the problem nowadays is that everything is seen as a bloody conspiracy, and all it does is muddy the waters.

    The likes of wishbone ash and diogenes here take the opposite extreme though, and seem to think that governments and powerful organisations are all entirely honest and don't do anything wrong.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 153 ✭✭Smudgeyboy

    I cant believe a JFK debate still goes on this long after the CIA assasinated him

  • Registered Users Posts: 287 ✭✭d0gb0y

    Gulf of Tonkin, which i'm sure in its day was a conspiracy theory. This event led to the US stepping up its operations in South Vietnam. Of course this event probably would not have been allowed had JFK not been assassinated.

    Pearl Harbour, Well the US knew it was coming and actually encouraged it to happen. The dutch had cracked the IJN code and a dutch sub tracked the taskforce. The Russians through their top spy in Japan warned the US of impending Japanese attacks, this allowed the Russians to pull their Siberian divisions to the area around Moscow. Australia & the UK had cracked the IJN code & warned their non combatant(USN was actually engaging with the boats in the Atlantic) ally about it. The americans had cracked the japanese diplomatic codes prior to PH & then almost straight after the attack on PH they cracked the IJN code & where able to launch the doolittle raid & pull off midway.

    Lusitania, it sank while carrying munitions making it a valid target for the Germans. There where hundreds of warning to the american public about travelling at this time & travelling on a ship that was known to have carried munitions before. The captain went of course & was warned about u boat activity in the area(other ships recently attacked). He also failed to follow procedure when there was uboat activity...he did not adopt a zigzag pattern. In the end it was a propaganda ploy by the US & the entente to sway american public opinion to enter the war. Even though Woodrow Wilson in his 1916 campaign, his slogan was "He kept us out of the war"

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  • Registered Users Posts: 24,981 ✭✭✭✭Wishbone Ash

    aidan24326 wrote: »
    And are you seriously suggesting you can prove that he did?.......... professing to know for certain that LHO shot Kennedy and acted entirely alone you are nearly as bad as the conspiracy theorists,
    All the evidence points to the fact that he did it.

    What evidence shows that he didn't?
    aidan24326 wrote:
    The only man who could have answered that question was murdered
    I'm glad you agree that he acted alone and therefore was not part of a conspiracy.

    aidan24326 wrote:
    I think the problem nowadays is that everything is seen as a bloody conspiracy, and all it does is muddy the waters.
    100% agree.
    aidan24236 wrote:
    The likes of wishbone ash and diogenes here take the opposite extreme though, and seem to think that governments and powerful organisations are all entirely honest and don't do anything wrong.
    I don't understand your logic. Because I believe he acted alone, based on the overwhelming evidence against him, you deem my view to be 'extreme'? :confused:

    Just because I believe that LHO acted alone, you assume that I believe that the entire US government is honest. :confused:

    This subject is very difficult to debate as it's so large. If anyone is interested I think it would be better to break it down into small sections.

    Suppose , for example, we take Oswald's employment at the Texas School Book Depository.

    On Oct 4th 1963 Oswald applied for a job as a typesetter at the Padgett Printing company. He was unsuccessful as his previous employer, Robert Stovall, wouldn't give him a reference. This company was not located near the motorcade route!

    On Oct 8th he applied for a position at the Solid State Electronics Company. He was unsuccessful due to lack of experience. This company was not located near the motorcade route!

    On Oct 9th he applied for a job at the Burton Dixie Corporation but was unsuccessful. The reason is unclear. This company was not located near the motorcade route!

    On Oct 14th he applied for a position at the Weiner Lumber Company. Although the owner was impressed with him, he didn't employ Oswald as he wouldn't provide his honourable discharge card from the Marines despite claiming that he had been honourably discharged. This company was not located near the motorcade route!

    On Oct 15th two friends of Oswald's, Ruth Paine and Linnie May Randle, arranged a job interview for him at the Texas School Book Depository Company.

    Roy Truly, the manager hired Oswald and another man that day. The TSBD Co had two buildings - one the famous one and another four blocks north on Houston Street. Truly had to send one to the warehouse on Houston Street and the other to Elm Street. He chose to place Oswald at Elm Street.

    The warehouse on Houston Street was four block north of the motorcade route.

    On November 9th, 13 days prior to the assination, Oswald told Marina that he was unhappy at the TSBD and applied for a position at a photographic company in which he was unsuccessful.

    The venue for the president's lunch was narrowed to 3 venues and on Nov 15th the Trade Mart was chosen. The motorcade route was not arranged until Nov 18th and not officially announced until Nov 19th.

    Most of Oswald job applications were arranged by the Texas Employment Commission. If one were to believe in a conspiracy, one would have to assume that this organisation and all of Oswalds prospective employers were 'in' on the conspiracy. Otherwise, one of them may have employed him and therefore, he wouldn't have been near the motorcade route.

    Why would any organisation of conspirators choose a location for the assassination that depended entire on an arbitary decision by Roy Truly, the TSBD manager unless, of course, one assumes that Roy Truly was also part of it?

    And why would the choose a location where the view was obscurred by an oak tree when the motorcade had driven down Main Street which is lined on each side with tall buildings with unobscurred views?

    And that's not even getting into Oswald's activities around and within the TSBD building that morning.

  • Moderators, Computer Games Moderators Posts: 7,941 Mod ✭✭✭✭Yakult

    Kernel wrote: »
    JFK one may never be exposed, but I put it in there since those involved or with knowledge would be getting on a bit at this stage, and deathbed revelations may surface.

    Possibly my most favourite one of all time. It would be so amazing to actually find out the truth because theirs so many theorys about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,388 ✭✭✭Kernel

    R_H_C_P wrote: »
    Possibly my most favourite one of all time. It would be so amazing to actually find out the truth because theirs so many theorys about it.

    After UFO/Roswell coverup this would also be my favourite. Both hugely significant if a conspiracy was involved (which after research I believe). Of course 9/11 would also be a big one.

    I mentioned the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand by the Black Hand in another thread. That was a proven conspiracy which led to WW1, which in turn probably led to WW2, so it could be said that that conspiracy had the hugest implications in history.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,306 ✭✭✭✭Drumpot

    Conspiracys serve a purpose twofold.

    Depending on your position they serve to shroud the truth, either way those that know the truth always remain in power irrespective of whether or not they devised the problem.

    Was JFK assasinated, was 9.11 government initiated , have there been real UFO sightings?

    Were I trying to cover up something, its better to have people speculating as to what is true, then to have one simple explanation to certain events.

    Take the 9.11 events. It appears that it was a simple case of incompetency on the governments part. Is it that hard for some to believe that the U.S. under George W. Bush Jr could be so unprepared for such a tragic event (how did they handle New Orleans devastation!).

    People still apply credit to the idea that it was all the brainchild of a coordinated number of events designed to give the U.S. the excuse to get some oil in the middle East. I watched all the conspiracy videos and theorys and many of them were really convincing and threw up many unanswered questions. I personally think it was just a very opportunistic move by the U.S. government to use such a tragic event to invade the Middle East.

    Whats easier to accept in the current economic climate?

    - That the banks are the problems for all our troubles and are the ones who are at fault for all our current economic crisis


    - That they were only able to do what our government let them do? That we have all turned a blind eye to their obvious unhealthy importance to world economies, in the hope that we would just be able to getby ourselves?

    It was mentioned here that not having answers to questions doesnt constitute a theory being proven and this is true.

    I believe the U.S. Government has been most successful in scaring the living hell out of its people which is were their power has been attained, that I think is something that few would argue with. Given this in mind, would it make sense for them to answer every question on 9.11 and alleviate any fears the average Joe Public has on the topic? Having millions of conspiracys (including the government involvement) only serves to make it easier to scare them into submission whatever way you want.

    Bush has used the modern media akin to dictators that we read about in history books, yet it might be the next generation before his crimes and ignorance is properly judged.

    Conspiracys keep those in the know in power. Not knowing leaves the rest of us never knowing for sure what is the truth. Knowledge is ultimately power.

    Could go on but need to draw breath . . . . .

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,981 ✭✭✭✭Wishbone Ash

    Drumpot wrote: »
    Was JFK assasinated
    Surely you don't think he died of natural causes? :eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 105 ✭✭rexusdiablos

    How about the Federal Reserve and the legislative legitimacy pertaining to income tax (i.e. there is none) or the fact that United States monetary system is solely intent on the perpetuation of debt through illicit inflation.

    Each emerged as a conspiracy theory and have since been validated. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,306 ✭✭✭✭Drumpot

    Surely you don't think he died of natural causes? :eek:

    I wasnt really disputing that, I was just saying conspiracys serve a purpose one way or the other, depending on your position when the conspiracy comes out.

  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 91,078 Mod ✭✭✭✭Capt'n Midnight

    Sqaull2 wrote:
    The Vietnam war was started over an attack on a US ship that never took place.
    it took place , that ship was sent into harms way. The US was already heavily involved by them. And no US sailors were killed.

    Compare this to the US doing nothing over attacks on it's ships by Israel (USS liberty 34 killed ) and Iraq (USS Stark 37 killed) so killing US sailors is not something the US regards as a just cause for war.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

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  • Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 91,078 Mod ✭✭✭✭Capt'n Midnight

    pauldiv wrote:
    When the Queen of England says that there forces working without any form of control whatsoever then maybe we should listen
    you are asking us to listen to a lizardperson
    oh noes , they got you too :eek:
