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Drug Abuse



  • Registered Users Posts: 32,379 ✭✭✭✭rubadub

    Yaba is actually methamphetamine, it is also called "P" in New Zealand and is a huge problem there (and the US). usually a red pill in thailand due to the poor extraction while using red phosphorous in its production.
    Why do you think you will not be smoking cannabis when you turn 25? This interests me, a friend of mine said something similar that he would "be too old to smoke", he then said in his 30's or 40's, I thought it strange, I never hear of people saying they will not be drinking or smoking tobacco after 25/when they are "too old"

    as for the term "Pro drugs, legalise drugs people on this thread", I know of very few people who are anti-drug, most people have, or have friends/family that benefited from antibiotics, pain relief, cough medicine. Or is it just that drugs should strictly be for relieving pain or displeasure, rather than causing pleasure?
    drugs fix pain, good
    drugs cause pleasure, bad...

    Here is a link to an interesting sample from a book, especially the section
    "Why Can't We Cope with Ecstasy and Euphoria?"

  • Site Banned Posts: 152 ✭✭Resurrection

    rubadub wrote:
    Yaba is actually methamphetamine, it is also called "P" in New Zealand and is a huge problem there (and the US). usually a red pill in thailand due to the poor extraction while using red phosphorous in its production.
    Why do you think you will not be smoking cannabis when you turn 25? This interests me, a friend of mine said something similar that he would "be too old to smoke", he then said in his 30's or 40's, I thought it strange, I never hear of people saying they will not be drinking or smoking tobacco after 25/when they are "too old"

    as for the term "Pro drugs, legalise drugs people on this thread", I know of very few people who are anti-drug, most people have, or have friends/family that benefited from antibiotics, pain relief, cough medicine. Or is it just that drugs should strictly be for relieving pain or displeasure, rather than causing pleasure?
    drugs fix pain, good
    drugs cause pleasure, bad...

    Here is a link to an interesting sample from a book, especially the section
    "Why Can't We Cope with Ecstasy and Euphoria?"

    Yeah originally created by the Nazi's to keep soilders up for days. I just broke it down to the Thai version of crack because I smoked it off tinfoil rather than swollowing it. Its one drug that I hope doesn't work it's way into Ireland. It's rather sweet tasting when you smoke it and the high is quite nice but very morish. Yeah all the YABA i've had and seen in Thailand/Asia has been a redpill that comes in a vacum pack.
    I say I will be off drugs then because i'll have major responsibilities. Im just enjoying my youth and already have cut out alot of that stuff. I don't mind doin the pills at festivals or anything like that or on the special occasion. I won't be smoking hash/weed when im 25 because im not a stoner now, its a social thing. Pass joints around while having cans at the weekend. Im not a big smoker at all, especially with the crap resin we get over here and when good weed is available it is waaay over priced.

    I'm enjoying life.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,007 ✭✭✭pretty-in-pink

    At the risk of having the "pro-drug" army jump down my throat, I would like to point out a few things:

    1) Its not the amount you take of something that makes you addict, but the effect it has on you.

    2a) You are never alone with an addiction - the people in your life are affected by your behaviour- even if you're "not addicted" it's a problem for them. and it's selfish to continue doing something unnecessary that cause the people you claim to care about hurt becasue "you're young and you only live once". Guess what? A chemical fog is not reality- so you're not so much living as you are blindly stumbbling around going nowhere fast.

    2b) the whole "it's my body" argument is used by druggies, alchys and people seeking abortions. Are you trying to convince us or you?
    In any event it's generally* not an activity I'd support and so your arguments meerly serve to demean the whole my body-my life actuality. (i.e. how many people are affected by you getting a tattoo- as opposed to say getting off your head on pills/coke etc or drinking yourself into a stupor, or killing another living organism due to being to selfish to see that even if you don't want a kid there are plenty of people out there who do)

    3) Whatever it is you're trying to escape by abusing both illegal and legal intoxicating substances will still be an issue when you come down - so maybe instead of running from your problems you should deal with them?

    4) A question - what is this b.s about "stopping when im 25/30/35 etc?" Seriously, if you plan to stop, do it now. Why waste so much time and money on a habit you don't intend to keep.

    5) Like it or not it's called a "drugs problem" because thats exactly what it is. I've seen people on stuff, and the various effects of stuff. I know what 3 of them were- but no more. I don't like to see it, it makes me feel scared, angry, hurt and worried. I'm going to guess thats what anyone who is close to you would feel should they discover your little habbits. Get out now before you are left alone, unless you qualify the company of other druggies as worthy of having. If you can rehabilitate, then do- for your sake and for the sakes of those in your life.

    6) A second question - what on earth would possess you to put that stuff in your body - any of it, especially if you have friends, partner, family members etc you can talk to? We do love you- and will be there for you. Love will make you better- but intoxicating substances will make things worse- much worse. You might have an argument about being the "victim"- but what about those directly involved in your life? what about the people you're hurting through your selfish actions? Do any of ye ever take the time to consider just how much you are adding to the damage in your life- and the lives of those you come into contact with? The question is Why? Why would you do drugs when it hurts everyone involved- and it does, believe me.

    * there are some exceptions to the whole abortion argument that make it more acceptable. That said I don't think any of the more-deserving cases actually use the "my body my choice" argument - like say a pregnancy caused by forced incest.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,379 ✭✭✭✭rubadub

    4) A question - what is this b.s about "stopping when im 25/30/35 etc?" Seriously, if you plan to stop, do it now. Why waste so much time and money on a habit you don't intend to keep.
    Why waste money buying children toys? they wont play with them when they hit their teens.
    3) Whatever it is you're trying to escape by abusing both illegal and legal intoxicating substances will still be an issue when you come down - so maybe instead of running from your problems you should deal with them?

    what on earth would possess you to put that stuff in your body - any of it,[/I]
    Must be a great laugh down the boozer.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 145 ✭✭Chavster

    Where the hell did abortion come from? And how can you possibly link the two? Seriously though Naughty your whole post smacks of naivety.'ve *seen* people on 'stuff' and even knew what it was 3 times?
    You've made several assumptions that just don't apply to the vast majority of people. Firstly you're assuming that all drugs are addictive - wrong. Secondly you assume that all people take drugs to 'escape' from something - wrong. The 'it's my body' is wholly relevant and the abortion thing is completely unrelated. Lastly drugs seem to be a problem to you because they make you 'scared, angry, hurt and worried' - well woe is you is all i can say to that. I can go on but is there any need?

    For every lowlife robbing junkie smackhead (heroin addicts if that was a bit advanced for you) there is someone who indulges and manages to be a successful person and contribute to society in a meaningful way.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,007 ✭✭✭pretty-in-pink

    Kids playing with toys, most of which help with their cerebral development- and later stimulate their imagination and so forth. REcreational drugs do what exactly? They damage the body and brain with the exception of those that cure cancer etc- and even they have some nasty long term side-effects.

    Recreational drugs cannot be compared to toys. If you're going to quit drugs do it before you seriously damage your body.

    I mentioned abortion as it also has the my body,my choice argument. That is all.

    That argument in relation to drugs doesn't wash- you all must have people involved in your life, and like it or not your little habbit (or whatever you want to call it)affects them. If it's no big deal why not tell your siblings? your parents? any possible partner you might have? kids? work mates? bosses?

    Anything can become addictive- addiction is physical, physchcological and emotional, I might be naive about drugs- and I'm glad I don't have any direct dealings with that paticular aspect of humanity, but I do know about addiciton. I've grown up around it, I've had an ex or two who are addicts- so don't try and tell me what addicion is or isn't, or that there are non-addicitve substances.

    Not everyone becomes an addict, but the chemical changes in the brain due to excess nicotine/caffine/alcohol etc etc etc surely have permanent consequences for the brain, and can eventually turn people into addicts. Smoking a joint doesn't make you an addict, but scoring every weekend because you need the buzz to make the weekend brilliant? or taking something (coke speed etc) to keep awake?or maybe smoking to chill out? they are all bad signs.

    Like mr.garrisson says: drugs are bad mmkay?

    I don't think all people who do drugs are bad, some are quite nice- and if there are people who are quite successful while taking drugs I can only imagine how much more successful they would be if they were clean.

    Drugs do make you aggressive-maybe not all of them but some do. They make people do bad bad things. I really can't understand why someone would do something so stupid and destructive, so why not try and explain the positive reasons for taking drugs, and how on earth you discovered them in the first place?

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,379 ✭✭✭✭rubadub

    Kids playing with toys, most of which help with their cerebral development- and later stimulate their imagination and so forth. REcreational drugs do what exactly?
    ehhh, stimulate the imagination and so forth...
    My point was that kids grow out of something that they find fun at one stage. You asked why they would take them now if they will give up later, I have a friend who reckons he will "grow out" of smoking cannabis in his 40's, he will continue now knowing the risks. Don't underestimate the value of stress relief that many drugs (legal or not) can offer, stress is a major cause of illness these days.
    Most of the true psychedelics are extremely benign substances, processed easily by the body, you are at far more risk breathing in the air around you. Many compounds are very similar to those already in the body and easily metabolised. DMT is actually found in the brain already.

    Recreational drugs cannot be compared to toys.
    they are both used for enjoyment with learning and insight gained from both. Some toys and some drugs and some sports have inherent risks associated with them that the parent/drug user/sports person should inform themselves about before partaking in it, it is up to themselves if the enjoyment they think they will get is worth the risk.
    Like mr.garrisson says: drugs are bad mmkay?
    the south park writers are being sarcastic mocking the hypocrisy and black & white view of drug laws. You think those 2 crazy nutters came up with south park sitting around sipping tea?

    I don't think all people who do drugs are bad, some are quite nice- and if there are people who are quite successful while taking drugs I can only imagine how much more successful they would be if they were clean.
    Depends on peoples own idea of success. I suspect you are referring to material gain and wealth rather than happiness. Many people drop out of the materialistic rat race and are very happy with their stress free existence. Many people enjoy working menial stress free jobs.
    The discoverer of LSD and authority on many psychoactive substances, Dr. Albert Hofmann is due to turn 100 this janurary, stress free living, keep taking your supplements :D
    They say cannabis robs you of ambition, that "ambition" is usually to be wealthy, cannabis and psychedelics can change your outlook on life, most users would say for the better, but the economically driven "powers that be" want a population that makes them money.
    Let them live their life, people are "addicted" to many things but not in the medical sense of the word, the person who must do the crossword every day, or must have the 10am muffin. They could give it up, but why? if they enjoy it.

    I really can't understand why someone would do something so stupid and destructive, so why not try and explain the positive reasons for taking drugs, and how on earth you discovered them in the first place?
    The link in my post above may interest you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 145 ✭✭Chavster

    Drugs do make you aggressive-maybe not all of them but some do.

    Oh my god is that a breakthrough? :) This is the point i'm trying to get across, making sweeping generalisations like 'all people who take drugs are scum' are just completely untrue statements to make. Let me illustrate my point (*i don't subscribe to any of these views btw*)

    All druggies are scumbags
    All blacks are scumbags
    All travellers are scumbags
    All Irish are scumbags (don't have to go too far back in time for this one)
    All women are bad drivers ;)
    etc etc etc

    I would say that all of those statements apart from one have people recoiling in PC horror. They are plainly ignorant and stupid things to say about groups of people.

    By the same logic, a huge percentage of movie stars, rock stars are also bad people and scumbags. When a famous person admits to drug use it's no big deal but the average joe (or josephine! :) ) is automatically turned into a raving violent lunatic at the mere mention of it.
    They make people do bad bad things.

    And then the flipside... It is true that some people who take some substances do do stupid/bad/violent things. However I would say that it's the same percentage of people as in any other group of people (speculation, i have no figures to back that up!) Remember that there are plenty of people who do very bad things with no help from drugs at all.

    And to round it off... I'm not 'anti-drugs' or 'pro-drugs', it's a very complicated issue that can't be seperated into black & white like that. I believe that someone should be able to do what they want in life and until they hurt someone else or do something 'bad' then it shouldn't be a problem to anyone else.

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