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Something you wished you had known or done earlier in life?



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,780 ✭✭✭NewbridgeIR

    Learned to drive earlier. Should have taken lessons at 17 and got it over and done with. Being friendly with uptight neckbeardy non-drivers is something I regret.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,322 ✭✭✭BrianD3

    I wish I had known how clueless, unreliable and selfish many people are.

    I'd tell my younger self, "it's not you, it's THEM". And the older you get, the more bad experiences you'll accumulate. Even now as I approach age 50, I still get taken by surprise at how rotten people can be.

    Trust you instincts - but what about situations where you are unsure on what to do. Anytime I was unsure and sought advice from others on anything, especially careers, it turned out to be bad advice. This was pre internet - things are obviously very different now if one can filter out the nonsense and bullsh1t.

    I would have taken up martial arts and started lifting weights at a much younger age. Started at age 25, not too bad, but if the internet hadn't happened to encourage me, I probably wouldn't have.

    There are a good number of things i did and decisions I made that I would encourage my younger self to keep going with even if I was wavering. Save money, don't drink, pass your driving test at age 17 - all done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 748 ✭✭✭dontmindme

    Wished I'd told my 20 year-old self.

    Don't be afraid to get to know and love yourself, you're actually OK.
