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No explanation from a mod



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,740 ✭✭✭DeadHand

    It's interesting that in the same thread and related threads I have seen pro establishment posters refer to the "Far Right" as scum, as vermin and as rats several times without censure.

    Given that, according to certain, prevailing narratives, the "Far Right" encompasses many that oppose governmental practice and policy in these realms, that's quite a lot of "vermin".

    For me, it represents a more blatant dehumanisation than the blunt but accurate description of a group's living conditions.

    So, it seems the policy here is that all are human, but some are more human than others. Hence, the clear dehumisation of some groups is acceptable but the perceived dehumisation of others is punished.

    Morally shaky ground to stand on, to say the least.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,742 ✭✭✭Backstreet Moyes

    I would imagine a huge problem is actually keeping new members.

    Imagine being recommended here to discuss the biggest current affairs topic in the country.

    How many times have I seen someone been insulted being called a rereg, if they suspect that then they should report it but it seems that's grand to say.

    Then the nazi, racist, far right scum etc soon follows and who would blame someone to respond to that and get banned or else just leave the site.

    It would be just good to get clarity, for example I assume that I am allowed respond far left scumbag to anyone saying we can take more people.

    I assume as I don't like Leo that I can open a thread like Trump where we can abuse and insult him and its no issue.

    But I wouldn't do any of those things anyway.

    The charter probably needs to be updated because their seems no clarity on what is a bannable offence other than what humour a mod is in.

    Their are a handful of posters ruining multiple threads who are not held to the standards of others and its ridiculous.

    It is the last I will say on it, because I fear my posting will need to be careful going forward.

  • Registered Users Posts: 957 ✭✭✭Green Peter

    There dosent seem to be any attempt at moderation or governance of the Mods, once they are in place they seem to be left regardless of complaints and obvious issues and the solution is for other mods to circle the wagons in their defence. It will be what will end boards eventually. Power corrupts, whoever is at the helm on boards needs to start listening and act.

  • Definitely not true either. Mods have been demodded in the past.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,059 ✭✭✭tibruit

    There are two current threads on the Sophie Du Plantier murder and basically if you take the view that chief suspect is the killer you can eventually expect to be banned. All that`s left there now are a collection of people happily chatting about all sorts of scenarios that require there to have been a huge conspiracy of multiple gardaí and multiple witnesses to fit up Ian Bailey. It`s quite incredible. A conspiracy theorists heaven.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,646 ✭✭✭Shoog

    There is alot of right wing hurt going down here. Its a belief that people can say anything they like on these boards but if that were let happen you would end up with the **** show that is X.

    I have been warned a few times and pay no heed to it, man up and stop crying.

  • Employee Posts: 1,005 ✭✭✭✭✭ Mike

    Please follow the correct guidelines when posting a complaint. Why do all of these threads become a free for all for users to have a go at each other or site moderation.

    Complaints about a moderator action, ban or infraction - ALWAYS PM THE MODERATOR FIRST, to try resolve the situation amicably, like an adult. Feel free to read the full Dispute Resolution Procedure regarding this.

    • If you're unhappy with that outcome, then get in touch with that sections CMod.
    • If you are still unhappy, then start a thread here, and include as much relevant information as you can.

    OP, you have received a response from the moderator. I will close this thread now.

This discussion has been closed.