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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny



  • Registered Users Posts: 19,113 ✭✭✭✭Tony EH

    Jesus, is that thing 15 years old now.

    Fkn 'ell. 😪

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,331 ✭✭✭✭bucketybuck

    He predicts every Disney film will be a flop! His entire schtick is fake outrage about Disney and Marvel being too woke and too female orientated. Literally every video or live stream he does devolves into the same thing, "Hollywood is ruined because of the woke".

    Its how he makes his money and clearly he is leaning into it intentionally, but the lad couldn't give you directions to the shops without blaming something on "the message".

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,394 ✭✭✭✭Arghus

    When I first came across him on youtube a few years ago I thought he was decent enough. Okay, I disagreed with some of what he had to say about films, but that's okay: hearing views you disagree with articulated coherently and knowledgably is a good thing. I knew he was a bit pre-occupied with seeing things from a culture wars perspective, but I thought, on balance, he was still a perceptive enough presence.

    But, he's really become a parody of himself since then. Everything is utterly caked in this culture wars anti-woke shiite. It's pure pandering nonsense. He was spamming youtube for weeks there with click bait about how much of failure the new Indiana Jones movie was. A film that hadn't yet been released and that he hadn't seen. The new Indiana Jones was okay, that's it, it's not terrible: the world continues to spin on its axis. He's a joke basically, but there's plenty out there that'll eat his schtick up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,113 ✭✭✭✭Tony EH

    He's a miserable Scotch bollocks, but that's his schtick. He makes money pandering to a certain audience who are only interested in hearing their own preconceived opinions "validated" for them. That's what they tune in and pay him for. He's a guy with an act, not a serious critical voice on movies.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,991 ✭✭✭conorhal

    Even I have to admit that 'humour' really is Spielberg's Achilles heel.

    People often forget that his first legitimate bomb was '1941' (1979) which nobody really talks about these days, and you can see why.

    Clearly, like Sam Raimi, Spielberg has a love of the screwball and slapstick comedies of the 30's and '1941' is full of that kind of juvenile, absurd and often over the top visual humour, and Spielberg is just not good at it. The problem is that kind of humour doesn't belong in an Indiana Jones film. While those movies have fantastical elements, those elements work because they are anchored by grounded, realistic characters that react to the fantastical the same way the audience does.

    So, when Marion uses a boa constrictor as a rope to pull Indy out of quicksand, it comes across as utterly stupid. Same when Willie Scott mistakes a boa constrictor (again!) for a bothersome elephant's trunk and throws it at Indy. The one time in that sequence that Willie Scott should have been legitimately delivering ear piercing shrieks, is when she realises that she has grabbed a snake instead of a trunk. Instead, you get an eye rolling line for a comedic effect in a scene that belongs in loony tunes cartoon. The one thing Spielberg can’t seem to resist is the impulse to shoe-horn in a gag he thinks ‘is just hi-larious!’, but is in fact just tonally jarring, juvenile and immersion breaking and when he does it the audiences suspension of disbelief gets nuked harder than a fridge.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,218 ✭✭✭Spon Farmer

    That is the one. Thank you. :)

    I had Googled for it including the name of the director and the song used in it but the more recent making of kept coming up.

    Didn't think to actually search YouTube :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,873 ✭✭✭✭silverharp

    you have to admit there is a certain frame to Disney movies lately , what alternate frame do you put on it that get you to the same place?

    A belief in gender identity involves a level of faith as there is nothing tangible to prove its existence which, as something divorced from the physical body, is similar to the idea of a soul. - Colette Colfer

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,816 ✭✭✭✭AMKC

    At last. I went to see this today with the Dad. We both enjoyed it. It flew by. Was a bit predictable maybe but there were some great action scenes and some good laughs in it too.

    I loved the Tuc Tuc chase scene.

    I would watch it a second time. There were some scenes in it I thought that led into others badly like the end of the train scene. Would have been nice to see the train crash but I guess they thought that's been done we will just show them there in the River instead and there was other scenes as well could have jelled together better.

    Live long and Prosper

    Peace and long life.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,231 ✭✭✭Silentcorner

    But isn't that exactly what is're getting angry at a youtuber for correctly articulating exactly what is happening. Both Disney and Hollywood are struggling to produce hits. Isn't that also what Todd Philips said years ago, that you can't make a decent comedy anymore because of woke idiots....and we haven't seen a funny movie in a decade. Should we get angry at Todd Philips?

    We are on a thread about an Indiana Jones movie that has flopped!

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,873 ✭✭✭✭silverharp

    A belief in gender identity involves a level of faith as there is nothing tangible to prove its existence which, as something divorced from the physical body, is similar to the idea of a soul. - Colette Colfer

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  • Registered Users Posts: 19,113 ✭✭✭✭Tony EH


    Even I have to admit that 'humour' really is Spielberg's Achilles heel.

    Both Spielberg AND Lucas.

    Two people who I have great respect for, because they are responsible for some of the greatest times at a cinema that I've had during my childhood. But, yes, they are just not funny people to put it simply.

    Of course, humour is HIGHLY subjective and just like horror it can be the hardest thing to achieve in a film, AFAIC. Everyone's opinion of what is funny and horrific is an absolute minefield. But, again AFAIC, neither film maker has the chops to make a truly funny scene, especially one that's required to go beyond a momentary gag.

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,113 ✭✭✭✭Tony EH


    At last. I went to see this today with the Dad. We both enjoyed it.

    In the end, isn't that all that really matters?

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,331 ✭✭✭✭bucketybuck

    I don't know what you mean by frames and I'm not trying to get to any place, but regardless, you may have missed my original point.

    You are giving praise and credit to the Drinker for predicting this would be a flop, and saying he knows better than Disney because of it.

    But the real truth is that he always says they are going to flop. And its always because of the evil women.

    There is a reason he calls it the worst film in history while everybody else just thinks its is middle of the road mediocre. There is a reason he says it has failed because of PWB and that she ruined Indiana Jones, when everybody else just thinks it was a shoddy plot and overlong action scenes. What do you think those reasons are?

    By the way, realising that the Critical Drinker is playing to an audience does not mean I have an allegiance to Disney, or whatever the hell that was supposed to mean.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,331 ✭✭✭✭bucketybuck

    I am more angry at your lazy characterisation than I am about any Youtuber, just what did I post that suggested I was peeved, never mind angry?

    I am not angry at the man, I watched a few of his videos years ago and thought they were well done and presented. But it is a simple fact that he is no longer objective, he learned that fighting against "the message" made him more money and now every, single, little, thing that he does is all about fighting that good fight. Like I said, at this point if he made a video about going to the toilet it would turn out to be some woke womans fault that there was no toilet paper.

    Is Disney woke? Is Marvel phase 5 the M-She-U? Sure it is. But that doesn't mean that the Drinker hasn't also drank far too much of his own kool-aid.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,873 ✭✭✭✭silverharp

    Im not saying he has special powers of prediction, it looked like a car crash from a long way off. The question for Disney and others is their project selection, there are good examples of female led movies that were popular and wouldnt generate ire , Kill Bill , the Hunger Games etc. and I think Tom Cruise has shown that you can take an 80's movie and generate hype because of the sheer effort and love he put in. Its really on these companies why they dont think women can lead new movies but instead use the crutch of inserting them into old properties that tend to have to disrespect the old characters.

    Post edited by silverharp on

    A belief in gender identity involves a level of faith as there is nothing tangible to prove its existence which, as something divorced from the physical body, is similar to the idea of a soul. - Colette Colfer

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,231 ✭✭✭Silentcorner

    You are coming across as being quiet a youtuber who is blaming the collapse of Disney and Hollywood on a particular narrative that has been shoe horned into a lot of movies...when any idiot can see what movies are successful nowadays and what ones aren't...if anything, you gotta commend the lad for making money stating the bleeding obvious.

    This indiana Jones has doesn't take a genius to see why!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,396 ✭✭✭Aisling(",)

    I enjoyed it. Indy was a reluctant hero this time and I think it worked well him coming from a place of being fed up and bitter. Indy has never been slick and he wasn't assigned the doddery old man role in this!I thought the de-aging was the best I've seen but it's not perfect.

    I've seen people giving out about the magic element but sure in raiders the ark is opened and spirits kill the nazis, in last crusade there's a thousand year old man and a chap who turns to dust in minutes and in temple of doom there's magic potions.

    It has been pointed out to me that much like with raiders would the situation have been the same had indy not been involved at all?

    I'll watch it again when it makes it to the tv and I thought it was a fun few hours overall.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,873 ✭✭✭✭silverharp

    the supernatural was one of the strong points of the first movies, the Ark in the crate in Raiders burning the nazi symbol for example, that created tension and the fact that Indie had the position that he was just looking for artifacts not that they might have had special powers. Aliens and time travel just meant the films lost a bit of its UPS.

    Post edited by silverharp on

    A belief in gender identity involves a level of faith as there is nothing tangible to prove its existence which, as something divorced from the physical body, is similar to the idea of a soul. - Colette Colfer

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 36,137 CMod ✭✭✭✭pixelburp

    This indiana Jones has doesn't take a genius to see why!!

    Perhaps because nobody under the age of 40 want to see a new indy movie? Even the blatant knock offs don't exactly make bank. For 2 recent examples: Jungle Cruise slumped to 220 million, despite starring The Rock (admittedly during CoVid uncertainty); Uncharted made 400 million, which was grand I suppose, with big draw Tom Holland possibly doing some leg work. Clearly the genre doesn't entice anymore. Something like the Jumanji reboot kinda exists as an outlier but that's more for its low budget vs. relatively big box-office. But by and large "Indiana Jones" esque films aren't a guaranteed success.

    Or even more broadly: legacy Sequels just aren't a sure thing and having flooded the market, Disney are probably learning this the hard way (see Disney+ and the same problem; there are dozens of these kind of productions). Not every story, or every fanbase of every story, wants to see their heroes lollop around as old men and women, doing the same schtick for nostalgia's sake. I think that fad is on the wane. Nostalgia isn't what it used to be.

    Point being: there are a few viable reasons IMO Indy 5 was always gonna struggle to do well - before you get to any issues of politics or agendas; it's too easy to get sucked into the echo chamber of these YouTube mouthpieces, who'll have you convinced there's some nefarious purpose behind every movie - when there's no real indication that global audiences, en masse, are moved by agendas or narratives imagined or otherwise.

    If there is a trend, it's that despite Tom Cruise's best efforts cinema attendance is dropping - except when it isn't. And the "isn't" bit is entirely up for debate. But it is unlikely to be some cultural No Thank You the likes of Critical Drinker would have you believe.

    Post edited by pixelburp on

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,331 ✭✭✭✭bucketybuck

    Perhaps you meant to respond to somebody else, it doesn't seem you have actually read my posts.

    Or perhaps you are just angry that somebody dared to criticise a youtuber that says the things that you want to hear.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,231 ✭✭✭Silentcorner

    Ha ha come on now.... do you think I waste time listening to a guy state the obvious over and over, the dogs on the street know why Disney and Hollywood are in decline, don't get yourself into knots just because a youtuber says something you don't like. Life is too short!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,231 ✭✭✭Silentcorner

    Why is it so hard for people to admit...movies are gone to the dogs in recent times. The Critical Drinker, or any of the other myriad of similar types in the internet are just making cash off the persistent failure of hollywood movies, they are not the one's causing that failure so I don't see why anyone is getting all fussy over them. They are youtubers ffs.

    The cost of this movie was ridiculous to start with, given how the audiences have received the movie, you'd have to wonder how long this can be sustained. They used to have a list of leading actors and actresses that could carry a movie, they don't even have those anymore. They've taken a wrong turn somewhere and I'd imagine it was a long time ago when all they could produce were reboots and superhero movies, that the public were always going to get bored of, where to next they must be asking!

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,394 ✭✭✭✭Arghus

    Good post.

    It's hard to know what the future is for cinema at the moment. It's pretty clear that the one-two punch of Covid and the ubiquity of streaming services have done serious damage to box-office returns. I know there's exceptions - Top Gun - but even looking casually at box office numbers it appears that films just make less and that the theatrical window isn't anywhere as important as it used to be, not just for tent-pole blockbusters, even the Oscar nominees received a fairly paltry bump this year.

    I think it's a bit of a depressing vista at the moment. I can't remember the last time I was at screening of anything that was more than half full and a great majority of the time it's been far less than that. Watching a film in a packed out auditorium feels like something from another age. And anecdotally I know friends of mine who are serious movie buffs, who'd have previously gone constantly to the cinema, who now barely go at all, preferring instead to watch things at home. I'm a bit of an outlier among the people that I know in that I always try to catch a film in the cinema if I can. I still think there's no substitute if you want to really experience a film and it's practically rejuvenating in that you can take your head out of your phone for a couple of hours and sit in the dark and let something wash over you.

    I know cinema as an art-form isn't dead, that there's still loads of good films being made, but I feel like the audience for these films is becoming more specialised and niche - and is that just the way it's going: smaller indie films or huge, largely dumb, blockbusters. I do wonder what the overall picture will look like in five or ten years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 280 ✭✭Arthur Pants

    Saw this today and enjoyed it overall, probably aided by Indiana Jones being my favorite film / TV character plus nostalgia for the original trilogy which I always re-watch over Christmas break.

    They just barely got away with the de aged scenes (but not quite) because it was night time and dark for most of the time.

    I was on the fence about going to see the film after reviewer comments like this (from the BBC review after the Cannes premiere):

    "I'm not sure how many fans want to see Indiana Jones as a broken, helpless old man who cowers in the corner while his patronising goddaughter takes the lead, but that's what we're given, and it's as bleak as it sounds."

    But I didn't get that impression from watching it at all. He wasn't 'helpless' when he was driving the Tuk Tuk, the horse chase etc.

    Having said that, the god daughter character was a bit of a pain. I don't mind Waller Bridge but she seems to play the same character in many of her roles (Crashing, Geebag etc) and that character is very unlikable.

    I'll buy the Blu Ray and re-watch again in future.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,735 ✭✭✭SuperBowserWorld

    A film would have to be exceptional for people to swap the comfort of watching it cheaply or free at home to go to the cinema.

    Last couple of times I've been to the cinema it's been constant noise and phones and even people threatening to start fights. Honestly, just a **** show. Not sure if that's post Covid hangups and/or tiktok culture.

  • Registered Users Posts: 43,028 ✭✭✭✭SEPT 23 1989

    Went to see it with my son it was a proper old school action adventure film as I remember it when I was his age

    But it was too long in the middle and too short in the end

    and his side kick was very very annoying


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,218 ✭✭✭Spon Farmer

    You criticise Disney as being “creatively bankrupt” and not making new stuff and yet your idea for an Indiana Jones movie is bring back previous characters, cast Chris Pratt in another big budget movie franchise and have the object of the adventure as Atlantis rather than something original?

    people in glass houses shouldn’t throw hard stuff

  • Registered Users Posts: 280 ✭✭Arthur Pants

    They should have make a film out of the Amiga Classic 'Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis' decades ago.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,218 ✭✭✭Spon Farmer

    Saw the movie today and absolutely loved it.

    a very worthy entry in the series and a very nice way to end Indy’s story.

    Phoebe Waller-Bridge did a great job and there none of that “strong woman/girl power” crap.

    i saw on Google that this is being called a box office flop but as far as I can tell all the websites claiming this are not mentioning the international box office.

    Is $150 million really a “flop” or is it just a slow start?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,218 ✭✭✭Spon Farmer

    Why is that?

    I would have thought Indiana Jones would do very well. Maybe not hit that billion dollar mark as it isn’t a franchise that is in the spotlight but certainly not bomb or have an uphill battle
