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Food that could taste nice but you won’t try

  • 31-01-2023 3:01pm
    Registered Users Posts: 2,109 ✭✭✭StrawbsM

    There’s a few everyday food items that I have never tasted before and I just can’t make myself try them. They could be really tasty for all I know but in my head, they’re gonna make me vomit if I put them anywhere near my mouth.

    Bourbon biscuits - Don’t ask me why as I don’t know why. I love chocolate but I look at a bourbon and it doesn’t give me those “ooooh choccy” feelings.

    Pot Noodles - If I’m at the kettle making a cuppa and you put a pot noodle on the counter and ask me to fill it with water, I’d flat out refuse. I ain’t going near one of those things. Mad thing is I will order noodles for my Chinese takeaway.

    McDonalds hamburgers - I swear I have a genuine phobia of these. I’ll eat a McChicken sandwich and I’ll eat a hamburger from other places but if a McDonalds one was put up to my face, I’d faint. Totally irrational I know but this feeling is out of my control.

    Am I a lonesome weirdo or does anyone else dislike a food item that they’ve not even tried before?


