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Remember when...



  • Registered Users Posts: 13,483 ✭✭✭✭Deja Boo

    lol o1s1n, Grandeeod turned me on to predictive text only like 2 years ago when I was forced off my trusty flip phone (kicking and screaming) into the new tech era... "DB, look it tells you what to say, you don't have to try to type out every letter" (or even punch the same number 3 times to get to the right letter, like on my old trusted nokia)... I had no idea! Thank you @Grandeeod, you were very, very helpful!

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 12,116 Mod ✭✭✭✭iamstop

    Are Chipper vans still a thing? There used to be a Chinese Takeaway van that would park around the way from where I went to scouts. Used to get a 3 in one every few weeks.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,623 ✭✭✭John_Rambo


  • Registered Users Posts: 731 ✭✭✭French Toast

    When cereals had toys in them.

    When there was no on-demand streaming.

    When we didn't talk about global warming.

    When Facebook was the go-to social media.

  • Registered Users Posts: 592 ✭✭✭Deregos.

    I once remember recalling, looking back into the past and wistfully reminiscing about nostalgia.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,317 ✭✭✭gameoverdude

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,691 ✭✭✭hoodie6029

    25p bottles of red lemonade or undrinkable orange or cola. Penny sweet or 10 penny bags.

    When Chunky Choc was the king of ice-creams (before magnum or romantica came along)

    Getting a certain number on your Mr Freeze and running back in for a free one

    Play room in Superquinn. The fact there was a national supermarket chain called Crazy Prices.

    The absolute stink and smoke coming out of cars before catalytic converters or the NCT.

    Nothing open on a Sunday.

    The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭Potential-Monke

    Nothing open for a week over Christmas, leading to mass fuel purchasing the days before Xmas day!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,057 ✭✭✭Mister Vain

    When cereals had toys in them

    That takes me back. I used to love these.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,357 ✭✭✭✭NIMAN

    This thread will be stolen to provide 'content' for many TodayFM radio shows.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,691 ✭✭✭hoodie6029

    Remember when 90% of Gerry Ryan’s show was just the rehashing of articles from the Sunday papers?

    The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,922 ✭✭✭Andrea B.

    The social unrest when Tayto went from 2 1/2p to 3p.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 12,116 Mod ✭✭✭✭iamstop

    The song would start to slow down as your Walkman batteries were dying.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,452 ✭✭✭FGR

    Oh, honey, honey..

    You are my ....can.....dy g...........irl

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,634 ✭✭✭✭Graces7

    Remember when only one person in the road had a phone and you dared not ask them. And it was nearly half a mile to the nearest pnone box... which stank and was filthy and often out of orderr of order due to vandalism... ah THOSE were the days!

  • Registered Users Posts: 904 ✭✭✭Dramatik

    Renting a VHS player for the day on a family members birthday to watch a film

    TV didn't have a remote so you would have to click in a button on the front of the TV to select a channel.

    Watching something on sky sports in the tiny box view on the multi-channel, with the audio playing from a tv in a separate room on the scrambled channel because you didn't have sky sports.

    Cutting a rectangle out of a cereal box, folding it in half and attaching to one of the forks of your bike with a clothes peg to turn your peddle bike into a motorbike.

    Balding your bike tires from doing too many skids.

    Parents would have to leave all the doors on the car open on a hot summers day for at least 15 minutes before you went anywhere, in fear that you might get 3rd degree burns from the molten hot leather seats.

    Being consoled by your best friend after you fell playing army and snapped off either the barrel or stock of your favourite plastic gun.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 12,116 Mod ✭✭✭✭iamstop

  • Not sure if already said but can always remember it was completely forbidden to use the internet between peak times cos the price for dial up at that time was atrocious and even worse during peak time.

    Just mad to remember times (not even that long ago really) when you had to be seriously thoughtful about whether or not you dared to download something or make a phone call.

    Remembering then when “high speed” broadband and Data connections became more common you paid more a month to have a higher download. And if you had unlimited download well just look at you.

    Thats assuming you COULD get broadband since it took yonks for access to become semi common 😅

    The good old days where you had €5 a week max for phone credit and you’d have to decide what was more important— sending a few dozen texts to your mates before you had none left or ring someone and get mere minutes of social interaction that week.

    Being in a debt spiral when you’d use Vodafone’s IOU so you’re always owing €2 at the next top up but therefore always getting IOU’s. (As a teenager so I wasn’t loaded)

    Ah then the top up deals came along. You’d be raging if your mates weren’t on the same network as you, cos the deals got you free calls and texts 087 to 087 etc only haha.

    And going to the shop and asking for “€X 08X” cos your prefix was your network and you scarcely changed your network of course. #VodafoneForLyfe. 😂 or in my case being made stick with Vodafone cos me nanny would have to pay to ring me otherwise. 😂

    I’m not that old not that young so I was growing up throughout this crazy shift in technology— I personally don’t get nostalgic for old records and VHS but then I’ll always remember using them fondly. I guess I was in the time when shifting to the “newer” tech was accelerating but at the same time it was prohibitively expensive for those on lower incomes/middle incomes.

    I was about 8-9 before we ever got a DVD player. I remember a magazine came with like a scooby doo DVD or some shite with a single episode or whatever. Not sure the reasons why but irrelevant— anyway, we had no DVD player as I said. So I can remember trying to use the CD player, not exactly sure what I was expecting but anyway, of course it didn’t work.

    Fast forward to the DVD player arriving, I believe it was supposedly a gift for the mother for her bday, my guess the aul fella just wanted an excuse to buy a home cinema. 😂 But I realised that DVD’s are like CD’s but with video. It was amazing honestly. Right there and then I really think it’s where my love of technology was born.

    I used to take apart cameras and video players etc just to see what was inside and understand, to some degree I was a child, how things operate. How technology functions, I guess.

    Always would prefer to go to shops that had silly gimmicks in them like touch screen coffee machines and the likes, now they’re everywhere of course but I can remember when it was a fairly emerging technology— the screens used to be behind like a rubbery plastic sheet and it was almost like pressing a button in the screen. Hard to explain how it felt but they were so shite compared to your smartphone screen say.

    I do remember my first touchscreen phone as well. A white Samsung Tocco Lite. Mowed me uncles lawn for 6 months every week to make €120 for it. €5 a week every week for 6. Months. It was awful but I wanted that damn phone so bad. Worth every penny and every minute.

    Also got me €20 a month for credit so it was handy. Feel like it kept me level as well like regularly wee bit of work. I say lawns, but me uncles loaded so he had big fcuk off lawns. Acres worth so it was a few hours work like on a ride on mower. Thing is the fecking thing had a mulcher so it didn’t use grass box. But that meant the grass it spat back out would stick to the wheels, meaning when you drive it back up the driveway the grass stuck to the tarmac..

    So every evening I’d finish I had to sweep about a kilometre of grass. On two sides of course. And no I’m not joking it was that big of a driveway. Ludicrous, definitely didn’t get paid enough now that I think about it but anyway.

    So yeah I love tech. All of it but not really some of its pure shite. But it’s always been nice to think back and look at where we are now. Really it’s not even that technology is advancing insofar as “new tech” we’ve really just super refined the same technology we’ve had for yonks.

    Touch screens, computers, the internet, it’s all been around for decades, but we just made them so much better. Honestly I feel bad for people who can’t embrace this world. It has gone to make so many things so much better.

    Jesus that’s a lot of words

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 12,116 Mod ✭✭✭✭iamstop

    Phonebook came once a year.

    You had to flip through a book to find the number of someone you wanted to call. Most people kept lists of friends, family, the doctor and other commonly called numbers near the homes only phone that was usually in the hall or sitting room.

    I remember seeing the ridiculously long phone cord that Rosanne had on her show and thinking it was amazing! With it you could walk around and still be on the phone!

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,220 ✭✭✭sprucemoose

    small boys in the park, rush goalie, two at the back three in the middle four up front, one's gone home for his tea. Beans on toast? Possibly, don't quote me on that. Marvellous.

    the canadian equivalent of crazy prices (owned by the same family) is called No Frills, dunno which is worse

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,317 ✭✭✭gameoverdude

    It was. But fun. You made me feel old. Cheers.

    On the mobile one. Being embarrassed to be seen with one. My dad was a tech head so always got the "gimmicks'. I was notorious for not ringing home when I was out, so given this massive Nokia that was using a billion doube a batteries. I'd be less furtive selling drugs than using that yoke.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,546 ✭✭✭Hoboo

    ……women were women and men were men.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,691 ✭✭✭hoodie6029

    I was lucky to have a few foreign holidays before the Euro changeover. Last few days were the same, being told to watch your money, don’t be breaking notes, check if you can pay with the coins that you have first cos they won’t take coins in the bureau de change.

    The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 12,116 Mod ✭✭✭✭iamstop

    And cranky Hobos yelled at ducks in the pond because there was no platform for them and no one wanted to listen to them.

    Sigh. Those were the days indeed.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 12,116 Mod ✭✭✭✭iamstop

    Remember when headlights were for seeing the road 20 to 50 feet in front of your vehicle and to reflect light off road signs so you could read them? Now there seem to be for blinding on coming traffic and for blinding the drive in front of you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 592 ✭✭✭Deregos.

    Or to get the exact time back then and set your watch, you would ring 1191 to get the speaking clock.

    Post edited by Deregos. on

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,695 ✭✭✭✭o1s1n
    Master of the Universe

    That just reminded me of the following -

    Remember in 1991 when Homer ate a poisonous fugu in a sushi restaurant, was given 22 hours to live - said a touching goodbye to his family in the night and went downstairs to listen to the bible on tape in his last moments.

    Cut to a shot of the next morning, he's in the same chair listening and suddenly slumps down, the tape deck falls out of his hand. Cue image of the house from the outside, camera zooming out.

    Now we all know what happens next, but I have such a vivid memory of being 7, seeing that image and literally thinking Homer was dead.

    Means nothing to people now given how synonymous the Simpsons is these days with crap tv, but back then the show was such a big deal. Be interesting to see how adult animation would have played out over the proceeding decades if they'd ended the show there!

  • Ah the Simpson’s isn’t crap TV to be fair it’s just been going on so long it’s bored a lot of older people who remember it from back when.

    They certainly tried harder back then though. I’ve been rewatching for the 100th time on Disney+ and the first 10~ seasons were just iconic.

    Spit out my tea last night watching the sugar episode when homers trying to sell sugar to skinner.

    “I’m just talking to the sugar man, mother”

    ”one sec..”

    *closes door and comes back*

    “thanks a lot simpson.. now I’m grounded..!”


  • Registered Users Posts: 34,695 ✭✭✭✭o1s1n
    Master of the Universe

    Oh The Simpsons is a crap, unwatchable hot mess. Has been for decades.

    Should have ended after season 9. Was a perfect show up until that point.

    I am 100% biased as I grew up watching it every week from episode 1 but what they have done to it is absolutely unforgivable. Well from my point of view anyway as I loved the show so much.

    Imagine if, after The Sopranos reached it's peak at season 6, they continued it for another 28 seasons. By literally having guest starts appear randomly.

    Tony Soprano, fresh off a recent job is taking a stroll along the boardwalk. He hears a skateboard approaching.

    Tony Soprano: 'Hi Tony Hawk!'

    Tony Hawk: 'Hi Tony Soprano!'

    Tony Soprano: 'We have the same first name, LOL''

    Tony Hawk: 'I know, LOL'

    Absolutely outrageous, but that's been The Simpsons now for a very, very long time.

    Edit - I shall be watching The Sugar Thief this evening, what an episode!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 32,634 ✭✭✭✭Graces7

    lol.. and you used to have plug in points around the house! Actually that was how my first rental in Ireland was around 20 years ago ...
