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Incident on Luas-was driver right?



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,208 ✭✭✭bobbyss

    So. Nothing to say about people's rights and how they can be abused. Where do you stand regarding that?

    Just a remark about defecation.

    Surely you have more value than that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,740 ✭✭✭hynesie08

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,208 ✭✭✭bobbyss

    Female security guard stepped on board while Luas was stopped and said basically 'Come off'. The woman immediately left.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,740 ✭✭✭hynesie08

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,461 ✭✭✭...Ghost...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,208 ✭✭✭bobbyss

    Nobody put hands on her. The Luas Security person used her authority to tell her to 'get off' or words to that effect.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    To understand why we have a culture of avoidance and softly softly which encourages worse behaviour read the op.

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,499 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    Fingal County Council are certainly not competent to be making decisions about the most important piece of infrastructure on the island. They need to stick to badly designed cycle lanes and deciding on whether Mrs Murphy can have her kitchen extension.

  • Registered Users Posts: 414 ✭✭dorothylives

    I genuinely don't understand the OP's starting this thread. What exactly is the issue? Is it that a person did something stupid and actually got called out on it? Is it the fact that it was a woman being reprimanded by a man? I get the feeling it's the latter and that they wouldn't have cared if it was a guy who got called out for the same thing. Sounds like another patriarchy nonsense. The woman walked out in front of a tram and scared the bejaysus out of the driver. The OP's take from this is that the driver was in the wrong. Something seriously off there and still the OP can't or won't see what's right in front of them, a bit like the idiot who walked out in front of the tram.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,570 ✭✭✭jj880

    LUASing the will to live here!

    Give over bobbyss. Just coz you keep asking doesnt mean you'll eventually get the answer you want.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,208 ✭✭✭bobbyss

    You are making some fair points. Let me put this situation to you about what may have happened. I would welcome your thoughts.

    Let us suppose this woman was walking across the lines as the Luas was approaching. (Let us imagine this was you for a moment so the issue becomes more real).

    You are walking across the lines and you perhaps trip or stumble and maybe even fall. The driver sees this as he is slowing down at the stop and becomes irate. You then get up and make your way onto the Luas. As you do the driver exits his cabin and shouts and yells at you. All you say is 'why are you shouting at me and making a mockery of me in front of everybody'.

    (This is in effect what the woman said. She herself was not irate with the driver whatsoever. As this happens a Luas security person comes to the door and orders you to leave the Luas. And you comply. (I do not know if the security saw what happened. Security officer arrived to the door presumably because she heard the driver ranting at the passenger.)

    My question to you is this. If you were that person, (stumbling, maybe falling maybe even hurting yourself)

    would you think it is ok for a Luas officer to order you off the Luas?

    would you be upset with the driver for shouting at you in front of everybody on board.

    would you exit the Luas under the circumstances described above?

    The issue is about the right of Luas security to order you off a Luas under the above circumstances. Remember put yourself in the position of the passenger. What specifically did she do wrong that justified what security did?

  • Registered Users Posts: 31 RebeccaK21

    OP, why are you surmising that this is what happened? The bottom line is that you have no idea what happened because you didn't see. Luas security don't order people off the luas for no reason. If someone is going to be a danger to themselves or others on the luas then they should be ordered off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 414 ✭✭dorothylives

    None of that happened. A person who wasn't paying attention to where they were going could have gotten badly injured or killed and your take away from that is that the moron was a victim. What she did was seriously irresponsible and she has only herself to blame, you want to make this a patriarchy issue. She's not a victim. I've seen it several times when people wearing headphones and looking at their phones just randomly wander out in front of oncoming traffic and scare the life out of drivers. She deserved a bolloKing and she got one, hopefully she'll think in future, probably not. I honestly don't know why you keep going with this, you're in a hole, stop digging.

  • Registered Users Posts: 16,510 ✭✭✭✭Galwayguy35

    Yeah like the 2 idiots who walked across me when the lights were green for the traffic to go, 2 junkie dirtbags in this case who think everythig should stop up for them and I would have got the blame if i hit them.

    Sounds like this one was the same either drunk or high so I don't blame the driver one bit for tearing into her.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,208 ✭✭✭bobbyss

    Thank you for your reply.

    Remember the scenario outlined was that a woman tripped or stumbled (high heels maybe?) And for this you are suggesting she was 'seriously irresponsible'?

    But you have not addressed the questions outlined above.

  • Registered Users Posts: 555 ✭✭✭laoisgem

    OP unless you admit that you were that women then you don't know what happened so it's all hypothetical.

    I'm more interested in whether the guy in Donegal get's the ride off the neighbor 😋
