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When will voice impressionists be cancelled?



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,044 ✭✭✭TaurenDruid

    So we should only use people you approve of as examples of those speaking about cancel culture, and not a comedian who has apparently been cancelled, or two social commentators who use their national platform to talk about "cancel culture."

    Can you furnish us with the pre-approved list of "tonnes and tonnes of people with skin in the game who have spoken about this", so? 🤣

    Obviously, the others will be cancelled from this discussion...

    Ah, irony. A metal, like goldy and bronzey.

  • Registered Users Posts: 762 ✭✭✭starkid

    why should i? google is your friend. Seinfeld, Larry David, gervais, Fry, the list goes on.

    again talking about this aspect isn´t approval. ffs why can´t people get their head around that. christ

    and it goes to follow that obviously a comedian who works in this realm and shares this kind of worry has more knowledge on it then breda or brien or david quinn. ffs

    jim davidson is a nothing comedian. using him as an example to deflect the realities of what is happening is nonsense. ditto for those two hacks

    the context was people are being gaslit for suggesting its happening and being equated with those two writers and other hacks. its a criticism obviously and should be refuted. same with people who are suggesting that anybody who discusses this wants homphobic and racist content to be brought back. its derisory and bullshit

    a cultural shift is happening, not in real time, and some of it is welcome, some of it is not. some of it is a rewriting of history. some of it is just. some of it is absurd. like anything in life, we need to be balanced. and we need to be able to have discussion about it without being equated with right wing relgiously focused color writers. its not hard to understand my issue with that.

    nobody can prove if cancel culture is real. its a concept.

    Just as noboy can say for certain if the lack of impressionist tv shows on UK tv is anything other than it being a tired format.

    like i said in Ireland maybe its a great way of getting around libel issues, same in UK. the issue of free speech american style is fundamental to the issue, and of course a point of difference to any reasonable discussion or equation of the systems as American free speech is libel here.

    and again it then goes deeper again to issues around crime etc. see the example of case in papers today about uk. already named on reddit due to American laws etc. here its a breach of law. that all matters in this thing as well.

    we can be facetious about this all. ah yeah its only some bloody impressionists. and that doesn´t make it a **** slippery slope fallacy.

    anybody denying its happening, has their heads in the **** sand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,017 ✭✭✭Hangdogroad

    Davy Fitz is a thin skinned egotist. I'm not in the slightest bit surprised. As for the Healy-Raes they fully deserve any mockery they get.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,044 ✭✭✭TaurenDruid

    Wow. There's a lot to process there...

    like i said in Ireland maybe its a great way of getting around libel issues, same in UK. the issue of free speech american style is fundamental to the issue, and of course a point of difference to any reasonable discussion or equation of the systems as American free speech is libel here.

    Nah. If I do a stuttery Bertie Ahern impression and imply in the course of it that Ahern's hands were in the till, I can still be done for libel. Obviously. "I was doing an impression, your honour" is not a defence. The question is would Ahern be arsed suing.

    Just as noboy can say for certain if the lack of impressionist tv shows on UK tv is anything other than it being a tired format.

    "I have an idea for a new TV show."

    "Does it involve celebrities (fcvo "celebrity") dancing, baking, or otherwise competing with each other, with or without ice?"


    "Is it some form of semi-scripted reality TV, involving attractive people?"


    "Is it a talent competition?"


    "**** off, so."

    anybody denying its happening, has their heads in the **** sand.

    I refer you to my earlier post. Happening since 1880, at least, if not earlier, only its proper name is "boycott". Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

  • Registered Users Posts: 757 ✭✭✭generic_throwaway

    Just to pick up on one of your points here: " its observational and in essence allows those in power to be kept in check."

    Just to be clear, what part of not laughing at black people or people with disabilities or whatever helps us keep those in power 'in check'? Are those the powerful people in this scenario?

    I think you need to better understand there's a difference between 'punching up' (at those in power) versus 'punching down' (at marginalised people who do not have power).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 762 ✭✭✭starkid

    christ on a bike. did i not make that distinction absolutely clear.

    That aspect of this cultural change is WHOLLY welcome. where did i say laughing at people like that is acceptable? my point is some comedy. i didn´t think i needed to clarify that. comedy is observational and for the most part is a medium that can be used to reflect on our own culture. and thankfully some of it which was borderline racist and homphobic, and misogynistic is gone. look i say all this as somebody who wouldn´t be a massive comedy fan. some of it is overblown shite, and riseable.

    so seriously piss off with that lazy lazy commentary.

    but yeah anybody who thinks cancel culture is a thing or discusses it in this context is a racist. am i right? is that the jist of it?

    again in keeping with the impression theme i´ve made the point regarding how it might work in IReland. BErtie Ahern is mentioned.

    As somebody said he was know to play up to his bumbling dub persona etc. so it goes to follow that somebody could use that to criticise him through comedy in a way. you couldn´t write it cause you´d be sued. Haughey is a better example as scrap saturday didn´t ahve to delve deep to portray him as he really was. the voice and mannerisms alone. spitting image the same. if people can´t get how those keep power in check somewhat (differently than journalism) then i can´t help you comprehend.

    maybe read peoples posts before you go off on one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 757 ✭✭✭generic_throwaway

    To be honest, I don't watch enough films these days to cite any examples of what I think are good comedies made in the last couple of years. I'm quite certain that something that gets laughs from racist or sexist tropes would not be made in Hollywood, which I don't think is a bad thing. Films like The Hangover and Superbad, which are essentially situational - I can certainly see them being made if Hollywood thinks there is an audience there for them.

    I'm sure a man of literary taste such as yourself is aware of the very funny jokes in Patrick O'Brian's novels, which again rely on character and situation, rather than punching down on people.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,044 ✭✭✭TaurenDruid

    Or, maybe you need to calm down. It's not you against the world. In one sentence you're equating cancel culture to the death of free speech, in another you're saying "no, don't listen to those criticisms, listen to these ones from these other people", it's understandable if you're taken up wrong!

  • Registered Users Posts: 762 ✭✭✭starkid

    oh god

    i can´t

    again comprehension isn´t your strong point.

    people used breda o brien and david quin in the negative sense. as in if you talk or think about a percieved cancel culture you are basically a right wing iona institute fellow. do you follow?

    then another used jim davidson as an example as if he wasn´t a tired, outdated comedian but a touchstone of cutting edge current culture.

    i posted a mainstream, worldwide famous comedian talking about this very aspect.

    i´m not making it up. numerous comedians (again we are talking about comedy here) have discussed this aspect.

    and i alreay mentioned trice how we don´t have free speech in this country. its not the same concept when a seinfeld talks about it. so no, i´m not going on about free speech. i´m saying perhaps in ireland and the uk, impressionism comedy was a way of getting around libel and thats the point of it. some of it like bo selecta and others is rightly consigned to the culutral bin.

    again by discusing this, i´m not condoning or condeming. just mentioning it doesn´t mean i take a position one way or another.

    a discussion can be balanced and shock horror accept two different positions. unfortunately you seem closed minded and seem to think we need to choose sides, like many on here and in general discourse. the death of comedy, if it did happen would be a loss of culture. and you have to take the criticisms of what breda and quinn mean. i read the sunday times, i sometimes read their articles. so i get what you are saying here. but again its part of the whole issue here. people twisitng themselves up in knots.

  • Registered Users Posts: 757 ✭✭✭generic_throwaway

    Apologies, but it is very difficult to read and interpret your writing. Capitalisation, punctuation, paragraphs, linking sentences - these are basic things, but if you are trying to convey meaning or make an argument they are very helpful. When you find that lots of other people can't follow what you are trying to say, maybe you need to look a little closer to home for the source of the problem.

    'Piss off' etc. aren't very helpful either in making a persuasive argument. I think if you made more effort to communicate clearly, there would less risk of somebody quoting back exact sentences you have used that you think have the opposite meaning to what they actually say.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 762 ✭✭✭starkid

    i´m in work.iḿ doing lots of different things. my typing isn´t fast enough to go back and recaptilise. but seriously the balls on you to take that tone with such nonsense yourself.

    you have contributed nothing to this discussion.

    ¨lots of other people¨. you? and one other that i can see. the two people on here who have made no sense.

    the irony of you pointing out stuff. this is one of your gems: Just to pick up on one of your points here: " its observational and in essence allows those in power to be kept in check."

    Just to be clear, what part of not laughing at black people or people with disabilities or whatever helps us keep those in power 'in check'? Are those the powerful people in this scenario?

    I think you need to better understand there's a difference between 'punching up' (at those in power) versus 'punching down' (at marginalised people who do not have power). -

    NONE OF WHICH WAS SAID. so the absolute balls on you to try to pick apart my posts for comprehension and the rest.

    and then your bit about Ahern. you mustn´t listen to that skit much. yeah nobody said he does a till joke, its skirted around. if you can´t see the connection then i don´t know what to say. have a listen back to scrap saturday. comedy is a way of poking fun mainly at the powers that be. look up the history of the court jester etc. (although some of it is disputed) but its similar thinking. By portraying Bertie as a bumbling fool, its obvious what is going on. if you don´t see what is happening, its clearly gone over your head.

    yeah i saw your comparison to boycott. i also mentioned in my criticisms of people criticising people who mention cancel culture. cancel culture is social ostracisation. people can still buy jk rowling but she has socially been ostracised. she´s been sent to coventry. cancel culture is a concept that is many years old. BUT, and its a big but we are in an age of peak communication and global connectivity. the internet, hand in hand with smartphones and social media (is it a chicken or egg situation) has meant a seachange in how things are percieved, diseminated and filtered. if you think thats just the same as 1880, well then you are an idiot and a fool. i mean the fact you can´t see the Bertie Ahern/lampooning thing, or dismiss it is as nothing a giveaway sign.

    its hard to tell which side somebody like yourself falls on. my guess is one of those people who think its not really happening. the idea that you think its the equivalent to 1880 is telling. Either we are pearl clutching or you are a white knight who thinks anybody discussing it rather rationally is a racist or homophobe. Probably both i´d imagine.

    Again for the record, the cancelling of racist, sexist and homophobic material is welcome and a giant step forward in humanity. but like all things like this some relatively normal stuff can get swept away in any great purge. numerous people, including people of color, gay people, etc have discussed this issue. just cause you think it isn´t happening, doesn´t mean it isn´t. i have gay family members and mixed race children. so i take huge offence to people like yourself who label anything that is other as wrong opinion or racist.

    anyway i don´t think i´d be arsed with discussing with such a condscending poster .

    you´d swear you are a wordsmith. riseable stuff.

    Post edited by starkid on

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,017 ✭✭✭Hangdogroad

    People might bear in mind the alleged reason for the cancellation of Scrap Saturday in the 90s before they call for the mocking of politicians to be reigned in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 757 ✭✭✭generic_throwaway

    I think you've lost it at this point. You realise you are talking at a bunch of different people here, all of whom are struggling with your attempts to communicate?

  • Registered Users Posts: 762 ✭✭✭starkid

  • Registered Users Posts: 762 ✭✭✭starkid

    some say that isn´t true? although i´d bet it was clearly part of it.

    I mean yeah this is what i´m saying. lampooning and impressionism is very much what this is about . once its not offensive, maybe its important to us, particularly in countries where we can´t write freely about stuff.

    again scrap saturdays portrayal of charlie haughey is saying what everybody thought without saying it. if that becomes offensive we probably are a bit doomed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,812 ✭✭✭✭josip

  • Registered Users Posts: 762 ✭✭✭starkid

    clown. have you surveyed all the users have you?

    you´re the idiot equating people discussing it with racists etc. also when people discuss culture you immediately jumped to irish history. indicating that your imagination and intelligence is closed to a broader level.

    then you went to grammar as a last resort, despite your own posts being a piece of pish.

    look i get it you think its not a real thing. your use of twitterati is an indicator. its totally meaningless that the last 3 US presidents have used twitter. people like you can´t comprehend that from about the invention of radio to today we are probably in the same thread of communication. only in the last decade or so have we truly accelerated. and we probably haven´t had a true chance to make a critical analysis. ignoring or pretending its not an issue, isn´t an analysis.

    the dismissal of social media and the internet and its effects are truly ignorant.

    again you´ve skirted aroudn your points, so i don´t know really what you are saying. something along the lines of 2022 is the same as 1885, culturally and that its overblown to worry about this. and if it disappears so be it, because tv will just produce more reality content. oh and lampooing and roasting and libel has no connection whatsoever to any of this discussion.

  • Registered Users Posts: 757 ✭✭✭generic_throwaway

  • Registered Users Posts: 762 ✭✭✭starkid

    sorry yeah you are right.

    meant to say clowns like you.

    anyway like i said you haven´t really made a coherent point yourself. i have no idea where you stand on the issue apart from comparing it to 1880 and saying its people being held to account. a rather simplistic argument.

    and my anger towards you stems from the original disparging comment of ¨ it smacks of yeah eventually we will put the browns and the gays back in their place¨ as if people even discussing this equates to that. shameful bullshit

    moronic statement. read the ops bit, its not against the cancellation.

    as i said i have gay friends and family. mixed race children. so if you are calling me a racist or homophobe you better come right at me and say it.

    its ironic, the way people/clowns like you try to stifle discussion like this. you don´t even see that you are part of the problem and the very people Chapelle and Rock and Seinfeld, Gervais hate.

    anything that isn´t part of the right on chatter is wrong think and anybody daring to discuss it in any way is racist or homophobic.

    so yeah, one of those clowns.

  • Registered Users Posts: 757 ✭✭✭generic_throwaway

    I can see your reading ability is right up there with your writing!

    Don't take any of this too seriously. Enjoy your day.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 762 ✭✭✭starkid

    Good to see the 'cancellation' moral panic still being propagated by the usual reactionaries. Great use of the 'slippery slope' logical fallacy.

    Keep up the good work, folks! Soon we will have the gays and the brown people and the women back in their place.

    thats what you said. and yeah i get your context don´t worry. i know its not you saying it. you are equating people who dare discuss it with racists and homophoic misognists. very smart

    nah i will take it serious when people on boards talk such BS and then have the balls to call out others

    the irony on you lad. you can´t write for ****, and your comprehension is a sight to behold

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,044 ✭✭✭TaurenDruid

    Ok, lad, calm the **** down. How many people have you called names now? Grow up, you're not in the schoolyard now.
