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Train hard to get lean ""the sequel"



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Swings 40kgX10X5
    Press one arm 32kgX5/5X5
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5
    Goblet Squats 32kgX5X5
    Chin ups 5X5

    Forgot the explosive exercise in the rds above. I did
    Cleans 32kgX5/5
    Wall sit 40secX5

    Trained for 52mins, ave bpm 132 and max 152bpm.

    A good week down 0.8kg, hit the gym 5days and walked most in around 10,000 steps even with a slight quad strain . Been listening to atomic habits to attack the two habits of I have eaten junk in the car and the evening. So I have been using a few tricks to get rid of these bad habits. One week down with this and back on program next week as the quad feels good. So looking forward to it .

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,578 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    holdfast wrote: »
    Been listening to atomic habits to attack the two habits of I have eaten junk in the car and the evening. So I have been using a few tricks to get rid of these bad habits.

    For a split second I thought it was going to say you'd been listening to Atomic Kitten during training.

    There's a good episode on Sigma Nutrition Radio from a few years back - with Brian Wansink - on engineering your environment to remove the bad habits

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    I must check sigma nutrition, but I found him to be a bit too high brow for me before. Nothing wrong with a bit of guilty pleasure listening to atomic kitten

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,578 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    holdfast wrote: »
    I must check sigma nutrition, but I found him to be a bit too high brow for me before. Nothing wrong with a bit of guilty pleasure listening to atomic

    I haven't listened in quite some time but I do remember there being some good 'hacks'/ways to just make bad choices that little bit more difficult to make mindlessly.

    There was one on buffets that I have always used since though it'll be a while before I'll need to navigate a buffet again

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    KB swings 32kgX20X5
    Push up 10X5
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5
    Shoulder rehab

    BB Split squats 5/5X6 - carefully done.
    Lateral hops 8X6 - very slow
    Chin up 5X6
    Swimmer plank 25secX6

    Handstand of the bench 25secX5 -not pretty
    KB deadlift 32kgX15X5
    Sit up 10X5
    Mtn climber 25secX5

    Easy session tonight, quad felt good. Time 55mins, ave bpm 127 and max 154. I am following a program online which changes each week - ran by a leading voice in PT here. So if the constant changes and exercises that require you to google them- sorry.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    90sec bike
    Banded Glute bridge 10
    Single leg downward dog 15sec
    Pike TRX 15sec

    90secs bike
    diagonal band pull aparts 8/8
    Bicep curls 10
    Triceps push downs 10
    Half moon yoga pose 15sec
    Saddle up 15sec

    I am glad I dont record some of these exercises.

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,578 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    Do you use something to balance with on the half moon one?

    Got a voucher for a few hot yoga class and I was the sweaty mess down the back constantly toppling over doing that :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Well I dont need hot yoga to be a sweat mess. I wouldn't dare go to hot yoga as I would be a puddle on the ground at the rate I sweat.

    I started of doing a single leg deadlift and eventually emerging into the half moon without falling over. Down know if that is right, but it is the only way I could do it. But if anyone else saw me they might think i was doing lotus position.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    KB swings 32kgX20X5
    TRX IYT 5/5/5X5
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5

    Paused Hex Deadlift 95kgX5X6
    KB swings 24kgX5X6
    Declined push up 8X6
    Banded Chops 8/8X6 purple band

    Metcon 2min on 1 min 5rds

    bike 45sec
    Swings 24kgX15
    Step up 8/8

    Ave heart rate 133bpm and max 159. 52 mins total work. Deadlift were ok and the quad stood up, no issues. Switched step up instead of lunges on the metcon to give the quad a break. There was to be burpees ias ex no 4, but I move to slow to hit any in the time limit. The heart rate was high enough, so I just kept it to the three exercises in the 2min

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    KB swings 32kgX20X5
    Push up 10X5
    Band pull aparts 8X5
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5

    Step up 24kgX8/8X6
    Squat jumps 4X6
    Z Press 16kgX8/8X6
    Side plank 15sec X6

    4rds = 40 sec on = 20sec off
    Plank pull through 8/8
    Inverted rows 16 ave
    Snatch 16kgX5/5 + 10 air squats

    Good workout. I am pushing the metcons harder now. I want improve my VO2 as i have a fitness test coming in a few weeks. The watch I have predicted my VO2 at 42, I have got it to 44/45 for test before and got a grade one. So I want to get there again. I have dropped to 43 last month, it not the program. But I think was taking the metcon too easy. I also need to increase the weight in the strength section too tbf.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    52mins circa
    90 sec of cardio mixed up between bike and rower
    Mobility work for 30 -60secs. First 25mins was 40sec, second 25 was 60secs.

    In around 33mins total of cardio, ave bpm 128, max 145.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    KB swings 32kgX20X5
    Arnold Press 11.5kgX5X5
    Band pull aparts 8X5
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5

    Reverse Lunges 24kgX6/6X6
    Squat Jumps 20kg X4X5
    TRX feet elevated 8X6
    Side bends 16kgX6/6X6

    12 Amrap
    Swings 32kgX10
    Deadlift 32kgX10
    Bike 30sec
    Hallow rock press 8kgX6/6

    Total rounds 8

    Max bpm 160, ave bpm 136. 48mins in total. I felt strong and fitter after two days of meh. VO on the watch, guessestimate moved back up to 43. On the right road, weight in now on Saturday will follow in the right direction

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Bike 90sec
    Side plank 15sec
    Shoulder hurdles 8 reps
    Shoot through toe taps 7resp per side
    Quad/Hamstring stretch

    Bike 90 sec
    Calf raises 16kgX7/7
    Jefferson curls 10sec
    Bicep curls 8 reps purple band
    Russian twists 6 reps per side

    Heart rate was high enough for this session. I did no warm down for the previous day and my glutes were on fire from the lunges. Roughly 25mins of bike work.


    10rds of 30sec on 30 sec off
    Bag work

    15misn on the bike steady state

    10 mins on the rower
    Stroke rate 22 per
    intensity split 2.00/500m

    Still sore after the lunges, damn you old body. For not recovering like you used too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Missed a few days as life got in the way and I wasn't feeling the love. Weight no change but looking better in a photo from a month a go. Measure myself and I was down 20mm total across the 7 locations I measured. But that is even harder to be sure.


    10 rds of 30 sec on 30 sec off
    boxing - punch bag

    10mins cycling

    10 rds of 30 sec on 30 sec off
    snatching 24kg

    6mins cycling

    40mins ave bpm 137 and max 157
    I nearly missed the session tonight, but I just got and did it. Did something where I did not have to think about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    KB swings 32kgX20X5
    Arnold Press 11.5kgX5X5
    Band pull a parts 8X5
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5

    TRX Leg Curls 8X6
    Squat Jumps 4X6
    One arm rows 32kgX6/6X6
    Hallow hold 20secX6

    Descending ladder 18,16, 14,,,,,4,2
    Swings 24kg

    45mins, ave bpm 135, max 160. 10 mins of stretching after as a cool down.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    KB swings 32kgX20X5
    inverted rows 8X5
    Band pull a parts 8X5
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5

    Paused Deadlift 105kgX6X6
    Swings 24kgX4X6
    Dips 5X6
    Plank 30secX6

    3rds of metcon
    snatch 16kgX8/8
    bike 40sec
    Push up of bars 8
    side plank 30sec

    I felt a twinge on the 2nd rd of the deadlift, talked myself out of it. As you do. I set up badly. Packed it in on the metcon as i felt in either in the back or my mind. We will see tomorrow how i feel in the morning

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    No issue with the back, I was raving.

    Bike 90sec
    Glute bridge off a bench 8 reps
    Face pulls 8 reps green band
    Banded chops 8reps each side black band

    rowing 90sec
    Saddle up 5 reps
    Lat raises 8 reps per side red band
    squat calf raises 10 reps

    54mins total session. Ave 127 and max 146 bpm. Brought the bike and rower out into the sun, lovely breeze as an added bonus.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    KB swings 32kgX20X5
    Arnold Press 12kgX5X5
    Band pull a parts 8X5
    TGU 24kgX1/1X5

    Z press 32kgX8X6
    Chin ups 6X6
    Landmine squats 60kgX8X6
    Squat jumps 5X6

    20mins of 40sec work, 20sec rest
    step up
    handstand off a bench 20sec bicep curls 20sec
    clean and press 32kg
    Renegade row 16kg

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Training at work today

    Swings 24kgX20X6
    Bulgarian SS 6/6X4 (added 24kgX6/6X2 for the last two rounds)
    Squat jumps 5X6
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X6
    Plank 30secX6

    5rds of
    Clean and press 16kgX8/8
    Mt climbers 20sec
    Banded chops 5/5 black band
    Push up 8 reps

    2 mins for farmer walks 40kg

    Ave bpm 133 max 157. Good to get a session in, especially when I could come up with a million excuses not too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    90 sec bike
    Glute bridge 8reps
    kettlebell pull over 10 reps
    Straddle lifts 12sec

    2mins bike
    glute bridge 30 sec
    banded lat pull down 10 reps green band
    sit up 8 reps

    Real meh session, but plugged away. Always hard to put an effort after working the night before. Any another one done. To rest tomorrow or get a a session before the gunners tomorrow night ?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 530 ✭✭✭new2tri19

    holdfast wrote: »
    To rest tomorrow or get a a session before the gunners tomorrow night ?

    Go for a session afterwards you'll probably be angry if your an Arsenal fan and want to take it out on some weights .

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    I might drop the weight on myself after the game !!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    KB swings 32kgX20X5
    Face Pulls 8X5 green band
    Band pull a parts 8X5
    TGU 24kgX1/1X5

    Trap deadlift 105kgX7X6
    Squat jump and board jump 2/2X6
    Push up off one kettlebell 8X6
    Plank 20secX6

    Kettlebell deadlift 32kgX8
    Kettlebell press 32kgX6
    Kettlebell swings 32kgX8
    Renegade row iso holds 8sec

    Max bpm 162, ave 143

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    bike 90sec
    lower body stretches 30sec

    Bag work 45sec on
    45sec off lower body stretches

    25mins of
    Row 90sec
    Upper body stretches

    5mins on the bike

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    KB swings 32kgX20X5
    Arnold press 11kgX5
    inverted row 8X5
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5

    Kneeling one arm press 20kgX8/8X6
    Paused goblet squat 32kgX6X6
    Chin up 5X6
    Hollow rock 20secX6

    10min ascending ladder add 2 each round
    2 jump squats
    45sec bike
    2 burpee

    Hard session in mind only. Ave bpm 128 and max 153. I could not get the heart rate up in the ladder. April tally 20 session down 2.2kg.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Swings 32kgX50

    Swings 24kgX20X6
    Skater hops 10 reps
    Lateral raises 8 reps each side
    TRX leg curl 8
    TGU + windmill 24kg 1 rep each side

    Odd min
    Even min
    deadlift 32kgX10
    Inverted rows 10
    press 32kg X5

    32kg= 16kg X2 KB

    Took two days off, double metcon week. Finding it hard to push beyond 160bpm. Good to get back int he saddle

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    25mins broken down like so
    90sec rower = total 15mins
    Lower body stretch 30sec 1

    Bike 90 sec= total 16.30 mins
    upper body stretch 30sec


    bike 90sec
    X band walks 5 reps es
    Swings 24kg X10
    Extended plank 20sec
    Banded Rows 8 reps e/s green band

    Bike 90sec
    Single leg deadlift to press 16kgX5/5
    Swings 24kgX10
    Bicep curls 8 reps purple band
    side plank 20sec

    Fell Friday playing basket ball with the young lad. Fell like a sack of spud. Both wrists are in rag order. Hoping to do a lower body session later today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Mon 10th May

    5.6km 28:35mins

    Ave bpm 145bpm and max 159bpm. Slow,

    Could not get the session Sunday night done. Hoping to do a light cardio and mobility work tonight. With the aim to do some strength work on Wed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Today 11th May

    90sec bike
    Glute raises banded or single leg glute raises 6-8reps
    Swings 24kgX10
    Banded shoulder roll 8 reps each side red band
    banded chops 8resp e/s red band

    90sec bike
    Plank press 4.5kg X5
    alternative prone raises 10 reps
    swings 24kgX10
    downward dog 5reps

    Ave bpm 129 max 141.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Today 12th May

    Swings 24kgX20X5
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5
    Face pulls 8X5 green band
    Band pull apart 8X5 red band

    Started with deadlifting, lateral hops and pressing. But I should have read the signals from the gods and taken it easy this week. I twinge my glute, doh man it sucks when you cant move with out gowning.

    Hit the bike and rower for 20mins. I should really have taken this week off, when I banged up my wrists.
