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Train hard to get lean ""the sequel"



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    55mins circa
    120 sec of cardio
    Mobility work for 60secs

    mixed it up between the bike and the rower for the two mins. In around 34mins total of cardio, ave bpm 131.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Warm up
    Halo 16X3
    Band dislocates 10X3
    Goblet squats 16kgX3X10secs
    Three way squat 10X3
    Ankle rolls, 2 other exercises
    Hip stretch and thoracic mob
    Glute bridge 15X1

    5rds of
    Swings 32kgX10
    Landmine Squat 50kgX1
    Windmill 24kgX1/1
    Swings 32kgX15
    Landmine Squat 50kgX2
    Swings 24kgX25
    Landmine Squat 50kgX3
    Windmill 24kgX1/1
    Swings 24kgX50

    Ave bpm 134, max 161. 53mins total. 752 cals. Threw in the landmine squats to see how the knee would go. The are easy on the knees as the shin remains vertical during them. No issues, hopefully nothing tomorrow either. The windmill are good for the shoulders, but also work out the hips. Been working them out and knee with lots of distraction.

    Mobility work during between each set and for 10mins after.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    25mins circa 10 rds
    90 sec of cardio - bike
    glute bridge X8 off bench
    Face pulls X8 green band
    Russian twists 8kgX8

    25mins circa 10 rds
    90 sec of cardio rower
    hamstring walk 5 reps
    Deadbug 20 sec
    Handcuff rotations 8reps
    Heart rate was up to 145, ave 129bpm. No issue with the knee, back on program Tuesday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Warm up
    Halo 16X3
    Band dislocates 10X3
    Goblet squats 16kgX3X10secs
    Three way squat 10X3
    Ankle rolls, 2 other exercises
    Hip stretch and thoracic mob
    Glute bridge 15X1

    KB Swings 32kgX20X5
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5
    Arnold press, band pull aparts and glut stretches

    BB Split Squats 16kgX6/6X6
    Jump squats 6X6
    Towel Pull up 6X6 (feet on the ground)
    Ab Wheel 3X6

    Cardio 90secX6
    Dips 5X6
    Barbell chops 15kgX8/8X6

    No heart today, it was acting up or my max heart rate is 244.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    52mins circa
    90 sec of cardio mixed up between bike and rower
    Mobility work for 60secs

    In around 29mins total of cardio, ave bpm 130.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Got up in the morning at seven in the hope of trying to get two sessions today. Cue my three year old rambling after me, there went two hours watching fireman sam.

    25mins circa 10 rds
    90 sec of cardio - bike
    Three way glute 5resp
    Arnold raises 5reps
    lat raises with red band 5/5 reps
    Bicep curls 5 rep
    Hollow rock 20sec

    25mins circa 10 rds
    90 sec of cardio rower
    Calf raises 5/5 reps
    Face pulls green band 8 reps
    Deadbug 20 sec

    Heart rate was up to 145, ave 129bpm. Didn't get the second session in after all. Spent the day outside with the family. Nineteen session this month, on track. But really want the twenty

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Warm up
    Halo 16X3
    Band dislocates 10X3
    Goblet squats 16kgX3X10secs
    Three way squat 10X3
    Ankle rolls, 2 other exercises
    Hip stretch and thoracic mob
    Glute bridge 15X1

    KB Swings 32kgX20X5
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5
    inverted rows band pull aparts and glut stretches

    Step ups rack hold 16kgX6/6X6
    Jump squats 6X6
    One arm row 32kfgX8/8X6 (feet on the ground)
    Bird Dogs 5/5X6

    Bike 45secX6
    Reverse Mountain Climber 5/5X6
    Shoot through 5/5X6
    Plank 20sec
    Ave bpm 133, max 153. 52 mins in total.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    50mins circa
    90 sec of cardio
    Mobility work for 60secs

    mixed it up between the bike and the rower for the two mins. In around 29 mins cardio ave 125bpm max 145.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Warm up
    Halo 16X3
    Band dislocates 10X3
    Goblet squats 16kgX3X10secs
    Three way squat 10X3
    Ankle rolls, 2 other exercises
    Hip stretch and thoracic mob
    Glute bridge 15X1

    KB Swings 32kgX20X5
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5
    Arnold press, pull aparts and glute stretches

    Deficit deadlift 110kgX5X6
    Snatch 24kgX3/3X6
    One arm floor press 32kgX6/6X6
    Plank lateral raises 5/5X6

    Squat jumps 5X6
    L - Sits 10secX6
    Swings 32kgX5X6
    Push press 32kgX5X6

    Ave bpm 133, max 154. 51 mins of a punch the clock workout.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    90 sec of cardio - bike
    Single leg glute bridge X5
    IYT 5/5/5
    Lunge with Arm raise 5/5

    90 sec of cardio rower
    One arm row horizontal 5/5 ( blue band)
    Lateral Squats 4/4
    Pallof Press 5/5 blue band
    Heart rate was up to 141, ave 130bpm.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Warm up
    Halo 16X3
    Band dislocates 10X3
    Goblet squats 16kgX3X10secs
    Three way squat 10X3
    Ankle rolls, 2 other exercises
    Hip stretch and thoracic mob
    Glute bridge 15X1

    KB Swings 32kgX20X5
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5
    Arnold press, pull aparts and glute stretches

    Sandbag Rotational Lunges 25kgX6/6X6
    Fast Feet 10sec
    Chin up 6X6
    Hollow Rock 20sec

    Bike 45sec
    Handstand off a bench 20sec
    Skater hops 30sec
    seated leg lifts 8/8

    Ave bpm 127, max 154. 60 odd mins, as the two oldest joined me. Good to get back tonight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    90 sec of cardio - bike
    Long loop kickbacks 5 reps per side
    Diagonally Band pull apart 8 reps per side
    Bicep curls 8 rep
    Windmill 24kgX1/1

    25mins circa 10 rds
    60 sec of cardio rower
    Face pulls green band 8 reps
    Glute bridge off bench 8 reps
    Russian twists 8 reps
    Push up or sit up 8 reps

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Warm up
    Halo 16X3
    Band dislocates 10X3
    Goblet squats 16kgX3X10secs
    Three way squat 10X3
    Ankle rolls, 2 other exercises
    Hip stretch and thoracic mob
    Glute bridge 15X1

    KB Swings 32kgX20X5
    TGU 24kgX1/1X4
    TGU 32kgX1/1
    inverted Rows 8X5
    Pidgeon stretch 30ses

    Single leg Deadlift 32kgX6/6X3 - 40kgX6/6X3
    Squat Jumps 4X6
    Kneeling One Arm Press 16kgX8/8X3 -20kgX8/8X3
    Side Plank 20secX6
    Shoulder stretches between sets

    1 round then rest by doing a stretch for 30sec between each
    Clean and Press 32kgX8X6
    Box Jumps 20" 8X6
    Hallow Rock 20sec X6

    Ave bpm 127, max 155, 55mins. 10 mins for 30sec stretches for head to ankles and hit the form roller for 10mins as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Warm up
    Halo 16X3
    Band dislocates 10X3
    Goblet squats 16kgX3X10secs
    Three way squat 10X3
    Ankle rolls, 2 other exercises
    Hip stretch and thoracic mob
    Glute bridge 15X1

    KB Swings 32kgX20X5
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5
    Arnold Press 12kgX5X5
    Band Pull aparts 8X5
    Pidgeon stretch 30ses

    Landmine Squats 60kgX6X6
    Squat Jumps 2X6
    One Arm Row 32kgX8/8X6
    Hollow Rock 20secX6
    Shoulder stretches between sets

    1 round then rest by doing a stretch for 30sec between each
    Swings 40kgX5X6
    Sprawl 5X6
    Plank pull through 5kgX8X6
    Sumo High Pull 16kgX10X6

    Ave bpm 131, max 159, 55mins. 10 mins for 30sec stretches for head to ankles and hit the form roller for 10mins as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    52mins circa
    90 sec of cardio mixed up between bike and rower
    Mobility work for 60secs

    In around 29mins total of cardio, ave bpm 130.

    Rest day today, out playing basketball with the young lad for 45mins yesterday. Quads and knees like a ninety year old today

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Warm up
    Halo 16X3
    Band dislocates 10X3
    Goblet squats 16kgX3X10secs
    Three way squat 10X3
    Ankle rolls, 2 other exercises
    Hip stretch and thoracic mob
    Glute bridge 15X1

    KB Swings 32kgX10X5 -40kgX10X5
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5
    Arnold Press 12kgX5X5
    Band Pull aparts 8X5
    Pidgeon stretch 30ses

    Ergbike 45secX6
    Single leg glute rasies 6/6X6
    Rear elevated hip support 20secX6
    KB Swings 32kgX5X6
    Push up 8X6
    Shoulder stretches between sets

    BB Split Squat bwX5/5X6
    Skater jumps 8/8X6
    Press 24kgX8X6
    Bicep curls 8X6 purple band
    Sit up 8X6

    Ave bpm 130, max 155, 535mins. 10 mins for 30sec stretches for head to ankles and hit the form roller for 10mins as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    90sec on the bike
    Side plank 15sec
    weighted shoulder flex 5kgX5
    Hanging knee rasies hold 15sec
    Hollow rock 20sec

    90sec on the rower
    glute 3 way 8reps each side
    Straddle ups 5reps of a box
    IYT 5/5/5

    50mins, ave 131bpm max 148.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Warm up
    Halo 16X3
    Band dislocates 10X3
    Goblet squats 16kgX3X10secs
    Three way squat 10X3
    Ankle rolls, 2 other exercises
    Hip stretch and thoracic mob
    Glute bridge 15X1

    KB Swings 24kgX20X5
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5
    Shoulder Dislocates 8X5
    Face Pull 8X5

    Single Leg Deadlift 24kgX6/6X6
    Shuttle 20mx6
    One legged jumps 3/3X6
    Push up 8X6
    Palloff press blue band 5/5X6

    Clean and press 24kgX4/4X6
    One arm row 24kgX6/6X6
    High pulls 24kgX10X6

    No heart rate, because I forgot the chest strap. Damn I wont be able to count this when I count up how many sessions I did. Had to talk to myself to train as I was at work. Glad I didnt just bring the KB for a drive this time

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    52mins circa
    2mins of cardio mixed up between bike and rower
    Mobility work for 1min

    In around 33mins total of cardio, ave bpm 130

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Warm up
    Halo 16X3
    Band dislocates 10X3
    Goblet squats 16kgX3X10secs
    Three way squat 10X3
    Ankle rolls, 2 other exercises
    Hip stretch and thoracic mob
    Glute bridge 15X1

    KB Swings 32kgX20X5
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5
    Shoulder Dislocates 8X5
    inverted rows 8X5

    Farmer walks 40kgX40mX6
    Clean and squat 40kgX3X6
    Swings 24kgX10X6
    Z press 23kgX10X6

    Rotational lunges 25kgX12X6
    Squat jumps 3X6
    Chin up 5X6
    Ab Wheel 5X6
    Sprawl 5X6

    Hard session, blew up. Felt hungry and no puff at the end. 59mins max 155 and ave bpm 130. Total cals 726.

    I really need to start focusing on the eating side a bit more .Training wise I am very happy, but it not worth sh*t without it. I could do with losing 7 to 10lbs to be where I want to be

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Warm up
    Halo 16X3
    Band dislocates 10X3
    Goblet squats 16kgX3X10secs
    Three way squat 10X3
    Ankle rolls, 2 other exercises
    Hip stretch and thoracic mob
    Glute bridge 15X1

    KB Swings 32kgX20X5
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5
    Shoulder Dislocates 8X5
    Arnold Press 12kgX5X5

    Step up 20kgX6/6X6
    Lateral hops 6X6
    One arm row 32kgX6/6X6
    Pallof Press 5/5X6 blue band

    Bike 45sec X5
    Dead clean and press 24kgX4/4X5
    Ab crunch 12X5
    Plank pull through 11kgX5/5X5
    Ave bpm 132, max 155. 55mins.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    I have a quad strain, i find it hard walking down hill. I had am going keep off any quad exercises and do a bit more cardio for the next few days.

    10mins of 30/30
    Ave 130bpm and 150bpm. 666 cals burnt and 45mins total

    I felt the quad hitting the bag, which surprised me.

    Glad to do something after been stuck in the car for the day. Really felt the body was tight after the day. Spent 10mins stretching and hit the foam roller after. Working on the quad as much as I could

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Swings 250 swings ( 32kgX75) (24kgX175)
    Press one arm 32kgX3X3
    Band dislocates and pull apart

    I had to give up the swings as the top of the exercise you brace and the quad is activated. It was starting to niggle, switched to below

    bike 90sec
    Inverted rows 8X3
    Press up 8X3
    Sit up 8X3

    Bike 90 sec
    Bicep curls 10X3 purple band
    Glute bridges 10X3
    Pallof press 5/5X3 purple band

    Going to take a break today. Work on foam rolling, stretching and walking (I with a limp going down hill, like a gimp)

  • Registered Users Posts: 530 ✭✭✭new2tri19

    250 swings wow that's alot , do you break them up into sets ?
    What's the reasoning in so many can I ask ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    New2tri19, 250 is a lot and can be hard on the hands for sure. I was hoping to hit 500 to be honest, it part of a program called 10,000 swings. The reason cardio, strength, explosiveness and mobility all the jazz they say about KB. Most likely though I enjoy the KB like some people like bicep curls cause they are easy for them.


    Bike 90secX4
    Inverted row 10X4
    Press up 10X4
    Step up 10/10X4
    Pallof press 5/5X4

    Bike 90sec
    Dead hangs 30secX4
    Clean and press 24kgX5/5X4
    plank 30secX4

    Bike 60secX3
    wall sits 30secX3
    Bicep curls 10X3 purple band
    Lat raises 8/8X3 red band
    Sit ups 10X3

    I stretched between the sets above and after for 10 mins. Foam rolled, quad a bit better. Started doing a bit of rehab I read on line yesterday and felt a lot better doing the exercises today.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Bike 90sec
    One arm row 32kgX5/5X5
    Step Ups 10/10X5
    Dips 5X5
    Hollow rock 30secX5

    Bike 90sec
    Windmill 24kgX1X3
    Wall sits 30secX3
    TGU 24kgX1/1X3
    Side plank 30secX3

  • Registered Users Posts: 24,581 ✭✭✭✭Alf Veedersane

    How's the quad?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast

    Quad is good, no pain. It was only a minor strain, with a bit of rehab it worked it self out quickly. Will take it easy this week and go back on program next week. Thanks

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    Bike 90sec
    One arm row 32kgX5/5X5
    Step Ups 10/10X5
    Dips 5X5
    Plank 40secX5

    Bike 90sec X5
    Swings 32kgX10X5
    Wall sits 40secX5
    Face Pulls 10X5 green band
    Windmill 24kgX3/3X5

    I stretched between each round for 30secs and after again for 10mins. Hitting the lats, hip flexors, glutes, hips, pec and calf's in various positions. It takes a lot of questionable stretches to maintain the flexibility of a plank. 50mins, ave 132 bpm and max 152

    19 sessions in March on target for the year 228 sessions - or trained for 62% of the year

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,150 ✭✭✭holdfast


    KB Swing 32kgX20X5
    TGU 24kgX1/1X5
    band pull a parts

    Row 90sec X4
    Inverted rows 10X4
    Step ups 10/10X4
    Push up 12X4
    Single leg dead 24kgX10/10X4

    Wall sits 40sec X3
    Bicep curls 10X3 purple band
    Lat raises 8/8X3 red band
    Tri push down 8X3 green band
