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April 2020 Babies club



  • Registered Users Posts: 336 ✭✭Pocos

    We do approx 7.30pm to 7am with minimum 3 night feeds in between. And he has taken to solids great so I don't know what i can do to fill him up during the day. I am exhausted and facing a return to work in early December![/quote]

    Oh sprites sounds tough. You might laugh at this but could you be feeding too much? Like he’s only snacking and never hungry hungry! So he eats every 2-3 hours so he continues that at night???
    Just a suggestion but I could be wrong!!! Like 5 bottles and 3 meals you must be feeding all day! That’s tiring enough

  • Registered Users Posts: 236 ✭✭Sprites

    Pocos wrote: »
    We do approx 7.30pm to 7am with minimum 3 night feeds in between. And he has taken to solids great so I don't know what i can do to fill him up during the day. I am exhausted and facing a return to work in early December!

    Oh sprites sounds tough. You might laugh at this but could you be feeding too much? Like he’s only snacking and never hungry hungry! So he eats every 2-3 hours so he continues that at night???
    Just a suggestion but I could be wrong!!! Like 5 bottles and 3 meals you must be feeding all day! That’s tiring enough[/quote]

    I think you are right Pocos. We are breastfeeding so I'm not sure how much he has at a feed but its prob not enough to keep him going through the night!

    I'm going to start doing some bottlefed as need to have him happily taking a bottle for the childminder come December.

    I really hope he takes to it and if sleep improves as a result it's a win win!!

    Anyone decided on what their babies are getting for their first Christmas? Would love to hear to get some tips and ideas!

    I'm a bit bummed that there will be no visit to Santa and accompanying photo for them, they will just have to wait until next year I suppose..

  • Registered Users Posts: 676 ✭✭✭Nickibaby*

    Yes Sprites baby probably likes the comfort of it. I stopped breastfeeding when I started solids and the wakings stopped he was more stirring though looking for the comfort I think. Not encouraging you to stop breastfeeding I know it's great for them but maybe even pump for night time and let dad do a feed to give you a break as it's very tiring not getting solid sleep.

    I've pushed out our little man's feed to 6am the past few nights so think it was more habit so getting 11 hours straight at the moment!

  • Registered Users Posts: 676 ✭✭✭Nickibaby*

    For Christmas I got the peek a boo elephant, a ball that moves around the floor & lights up, bricks and a car. Probably won't get him much else I'm sure he'll be more interested in the boxes and there are plenty of years to come which I'm sure will cost us a fortune so keeping it pretty small this year

  • Registered Users Posts: 676 ✭✭✭Nickibaby*

    Pocos wrote: »

    She’s been a bit funny at night sometimes waking after an hour and just needs a cuddle and settles back at about 9pm?! Anyone know why that might be??

    I think it's when they move into the next sleep cycle, our little guy used to do that too but seems to have stopped it lately

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  • Registered Users Posts: 336 ✭✭Pocos

    Nickibaby* wrote: »
    I think it's when they move into the next sleep cycle, our little guy used to do that too but seems to have stopped it lately

    Yes she’s stopped that here too thank god!!

    Regarding Christmas presents very little here being bought too! Plenty of years for lots in the future

  • Registered Users Posts: 676 ✭✭✭Nickibaby*

    Has anybody else started childcare or returned to work?

    We started our guy and he loves it thankfully

  • Registered Users Posts: 676 ✭✭✭Nickibaby*

    Hey has anyone moved the babies to their own rooms?

  • Registered Users Posts: 236 ✭✭Sprites

    Nickibaby* wrote: »
    Hey has anyone moved the babies to their own rooms?

    Nickibaby, back to work here tomorrow and we moved our guy into his own room about a month ago.

    Baby is going to the same childminder as his older brother and seems to be settling in well, although he is teething quite badly at the moment so he was a bit upset there today.

    He isn't sleeping any worse in his own room, still up for feeds at least 3 times a night!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,514 ✭✭✭bee06

    Nickibaby* wrote: »
    Hey has anyone moved the babies to their own rooms?

    Nope, I like my cosy bed too much!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 676 ✭✭✭Nickibaby*

    I went back to work 3 weeks ago and little guy is flying it at the creche thankfully.

    I haven't moved him to his own room yet, we are thinking of doing it in the next week. He really has picked up speed crawling and started this week trying to come into the bed. Even though he hasn't been let into the bed in months. We have him in the next to me at night time but he naps in his own room in the cot during the day. Fingers crossed it goes ok I'm dreading it

  • Registered Users Posts: 676 ✭✭✭Nickibaby*

    Best of luck going back to work sprites!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,038 ✭✭✭chases0102

    Hi all,

    Any advice on childminding? My wife is going back to work at end of January, (on unpaid leave at the moment, a very frugal Christmas compared to others, ha!) and we are struggling with childminding.

    our 3 y/o will have ECCE, but he will need it too along with the baby.

    I think Covid has made this even harder.

    A few, frankly unpromising, leads (no experience, not registered, no references, wanting to "try it out and see how it goes") that is making me feel uneasy - however it is all we have at the moment.

    Anyone else experiencing something similar?

  • Registered Users Posts: 676 ✭✭✭Nickibaby*

    Where are you based chases?

    We had the babies name down for creche as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I really prefer the creche than childminding option personally, we get about 20 updates per day via an app what he's eaten, sleep, toilet updates, bottle updates and photographs

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,038 ✭✭✭chases0102

    Nickibaby* wrote: »
    Where are you based chases?

    We had the babies name down for creche as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I really prefer the creche than childminding option personally, we get about 20 updates per day via an app what he's eaten, sleep, toilet updates, bottle updates and photographs

    Thanks for the reply, we are based in East Meath/North County Dublin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 676 ✭✭✭Nickibaby*

    I'm not familiar with creches or childcare in that area myself but I know friends in similar location said creches wouldn't accept babies until they were at least a year! Which isn't helpful when mom's have to return to work a lot earlier

  • Registered Users Posts: 676 ✭✭✭Nickibaby*

    Has anyone else had a check up with PHN on developmental progress?

  • Registered Users Posts: 236 ✭✭Sprites

    No check here since the home visits in the week after his birth.

    Had a check for my 4 year old last Friday but none for my 8 month old since he was born. Madness!

    I did hear its dependent on your region as to whether the checks are being carried out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,514 ✭✭✭bee06

    My baby has had the 3 month one and the 7-9 month one (which has now changed to 9-11 months).

    Sprites did you ask the PHN about your baby’s check ups?

  • Registered Users Posts: 676 ✭✭✭Nickibaby*

    I had one when he came home then another at 3 months but haven't heard anything yet about the 7-9 month check. He is still only 8 months though so I know there is time I just didn't know with the previous lockdown and cases rising if they were still being carried out. Good to know bee that you have had yours, would you mind me asking what region you're in?

    Edited I see the check isn't actually due until 9-11 months now so plenty of time for the check to be carried out and wouldn't actually be due for us yet!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 236 ✭✭Sprites

    Yes, i asked a few months ago and again at my older sons appointment.

    Got quite a rude reply both times that they were under huge pressure with Covid, did I not understand that??!! And if I had concerns I could ring them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,514 ✭✭✭bee06

    Nickibaby* wrote: »
    Good to know bee that you have had yours, would you mind me asking what region you're in?

    Edited I see the check isn't actually due until 9-11 months now so plenty of time for the check to be carried out and wouldn't actually be due for us yet!

    I’m in Cork. My PHN told me they pushed it to 9-11 months and that kicked in on the 1st Dec. They generally try to leave it to closer to the higher age range as well because most of the developmental checkpoints will have been met then. My little girl wasn’t meeting all of them at her appointment but she’s started doing a few of them since.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,514 ✭✭✭bee06

    Sprites wrote: »
    Yes, i asked a few months ago and again at my older sons appointment.

    Got quite a rude reply both times that they were under huge pressure with Covid, did I not understand that??!! And if I had concerns I could ring them.

    God, since they were doing the old ages it was a perfectly valid question. It really annoys me that there are such differences between regions as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 236 ✭✭Sprites

    I'm hoping to hear in January.

    Thank god I'm not a first time mam, I would be wanting more reassurance than I do this time round.

    And I'm lucky that this guy is a good eater and seems to be hitting milestones so not too concerned.

    Hope everyone is looking forward to their babies' first Christmas, however different it may be this year

  • Registered Users Posts: 676 ✭✭✭Nickibaby*

    Hey how's everyone getting on? My guy has started standing and walking around furniture. I was delighted with his progress but he has now taken to standing up in this cot. His sleep has gone bad again thinking it could be the 8th month regression we have moved him into his own room and he has 4 teeth nearly cut through so could be that too! Hope it ends soon feeling a bit deflated since he was doing so well!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,326 ✭✭✭Blingy

    Nickibaby* wrote: »
    Hey how's everyone getting on? My guy has started standing and walking around furniture. I was delighted with his progress but he has now taken to standing up in this cot. His sleep has gone bad again thinking it could be the 8th month regression we have moved him into his own room and he has 4 teeth nearly cut through so could be that too! Hope it ends soon feeling a bit deflated since he was doing so well!

    I actually didn’t realise there is an 8 month sleep regression!! That must be what’s going on here. Two nights where she went to sleep easily and woke 20 mins later and was awake until 10pm. And she was just wide awake with no interest in sleeping. There is a big leap around now too. No walking or standing here yet but I wouldn’t expect it yet either. Tooth number 8 has just popped up too. Dealing with ongoing constipation though. Nothing seems to be working. Have tried veg, fruit, sugar water, and she goes but it’s super hard and looks difficult.

  • Registered Users Posts: 676 ✭✭✭Nickibaby*

    Wow 8 teeth I'm jealous only have 2 cut through at the moment since October. Another 4 should be through very soon fingers crossed, they really are all different and do things at their own pace just cant believe this walking around the furniture already I wasn't prepared need to baby proof the house more.

    We had issues with the constipation before but lots of water seems to have done the trick luckily enough, maybe a change of formula if your little one is on formula

  • Registered Users Posts: 954 ✭✭✭Skybirdjb

    Blingy wrote: »
    I actually didn’t realise there is an 8 month sleep regression!! That must be what’s going on here. Two nights where she went to sleep easily and woke 20 mins later and was awake until 10pm. And she was just wide awake with no interest in sleeping. There is a big leap around now too. No walking or standing here yet but I wouldn’t expect it yet either. Tooth number 8 has just popped up too. Dealing with ongoing constipation though. Nothing seems to be working. Have tried veg, fruit, sugar water, and she goes but it’s super hard and looks difficult.

    Hiya just wanted to say that my fella had the exact same issues with constipation hard pellets of poo and nothing worked he was so uncomfortable with it.
    Took him to docs and he’s been on movicol sachets since he was 10 months old and he’s 2.5 now just one sachet a day and everything has been fine since . Just another idea for you :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 236 ✭✭Sprites

    We are 9 months on the 12th and have 2 teeth on the bottom which cut through in November and another few on the way.

    He is pulling himself up to stand on everything and walking while holding onto things, which inevitably ends in him falling down and sometimes having a little whinge!

    We are dealing with constipation too since he got established on solids, I offer him water in a sippy which ends up everywhere so I don't know how much he is actually taking. Trying all the "P" fruits to get things moving too, pears, prunes and peaches. He seems to be quite sensitive to his diet, he gets very gassy in the evenings.

    Sleep has always been awful here so while we are definitely in the middle of 8 month sleep regression and separation anxiety you can't regress too much from our starting point!!

    Just got a letter from our PHN to say all child developmental checks have been suspended again so my little boy still hasn't been seen by the nurse since he was around 2 weeks old, seen by the GP at 8 weeks old and that's it. Thank god I've no specific concerns, you would think they could at least do a phonecall with us to run through a few points and let us know what developmental markers we should be looking for

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  • Registered Users Posts: 95 ✭✭Uptheduff

    Mine is 9 months now. 6 teeth, the first came up at 4 months old but no crawling yet. She can pull herself onto her knees in the cot though and can put weight on her feet if she's held. No word from the PHN yet.
