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Left handed people



  • Registered Users Posts: 23,317 ✭✭✭✭mickdw

    I’m left handed and use my left for most things.

    Except the computer, I use the mouse with my right hand, I am able to write and scroll/click on the PC at the same time, it freaks people out. It’s like a weird computer ambidextrous thing and is very handy!

    I also turn ring binders around, so the ring part is to my right. So whenever anyone looks in any of my notes, it’s all written upside down :D

    Im left handed and do the righted computer mouse also. That for me is a learned thing though because back in college in the days of wired mouse, it was always setup right handed and never long enough to reach the left hand position without alot of shuffling.
    It has worked out very good as for drawing on autocad, its alot of mouse use together with keyboard commands so the left hand is best for the keyboard.

  • Registered Users Posts: 747 ✭✭✭OscarMIlde

    Am I the only leftie who doesn't write hooked or smudges their page ? I hold the page sightly to the side but can never understand the hooked or upside down writing I see loads of lefties doing. Pet hates are scissors and knives. I use computer mouse with right hand as I can then write with left hand at same time when need to.

    I remember reading that the hooked handwriting thing is genetically linked (often co-inherited) with left handedness but is not caused by left handedness itself. Not all lefties write like that and 5% of righties do it. I'm one of those righties, constantly smudged hands when in school, and I had no good excuse for it!

  • Registered Users Posts: 44 santry

    My dad was left handed and it was beaten out of him at an early age. My brother, in his 40's is left handed but does a lot of stuff with his right.

    My son is right handed but left footed, and can't kick with his right foot. Second son kicks with both feet but would probably favour right.

    Daughter is left handed and left footed, as we say there is no right in her at all. Her handwriting is the best in the house, absolutely lovely. I still say the best thing that happened to her when she started school was that her teacher was left handed, there were 4 lefties in the class and she seated them all in the right seat so they didn't have a problem learning their letters. She is also the most tempermental one in the house !!

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    It was always kinda fun in work to see someone sit at my desk and I'd ask them to drive the mouse - situated to the left of the keyboard - and watch them try to figure out how to make it move using their left hand.
