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Whats next

  • 22-05-2020 7:13pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,850 ✭✭✭

    Having purchased a de Longi bean to cup last Sept - the ESAM 4200.S, Silver
    I've realised i don't drink milky coffees anymore, this is one of the reasons i bought this bad boy, but its just a simple shot or 2 of espresso into a nice cup and add some boiling water that's working for me currently -

    I know this is the entry level but I want to go to the next sage on a budget.

    Ill prob sell the deLongi here or on adverts and then what should i be looking for.

    Will i need to go grinder and a separate unit for coffee extraction or is there something anyone here would recommend that does just this.

    I understand the key here is prob a decent grinder - should this be the priority?
    Or is there a unit that offer grinding and extraction alone.
    No need for a milk frother.

    Which direction would be best? Anyone help?


    Whats my budget, i dont know whats my b2c worth - maybe 150-180 ?
    & 100
    gives me a budget of 250 - 300 roughly

