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Time To Hurt Again

  • 12-09-2019 11:19am
    Registered Users Posts: 42

    I suppose I'll have a crack at this training log lark. I have about 15 years of training diaries on paper.
    I usually just keep track with what i do on Strava and a PDF I've made since 2017 for my marathon build up.

    Anyway, Im just back from a really bad achilles injury. (Dont run a marathon with an achilles injury!!!).

    I haven't wanted to hurt in training for years. To improve, you need to hurt. Obviously not all the time, but sessions are supposed to hurt.
    Its been about 8 years since I stopped training to race competitively. I just didnt want to do it anymore. I still trained but just couldnt be arsed to want to feel pain!
    Since my European Record for the marathon as fastest person with Cystic Fibrosis was broken during the summer, it annoyed me. It made me want to train hard again. I've only ran 2 marathons and neither of them have gone right. First marathon I ran out of salt (CF problem) and second one I went into it with an achilles injury (and dosed up on Difene).

    So with my injuries behind me, i can now think about training properly again. I did my first track session and XC session in years. I even put a pair of spikes on!
    The session was all on grass and on hills.

    2 mile warm up.
    1 mile (5.27)
    5min jog rest
    5x400 (all under 80s uphill) with 75s rest
    5x200 (avg 37) with jog back down the hill recovery.
    1 mile warm down.

    I surprised myself with the times as 2 weeks ago I tried the same session on a track and ran similar times and got sick twice after it. hahaha.

    So this week, I will be hitting 40 miles with 3 decent efforts.
    Monday - S&C
    Tuesday - The session i posted above
    Wed - Easy 7.5 mile run (60mins)
    Thurs - 8 mile progression
    Fri - 4 mile
    Sat - I will be pacing a few people I coach in the Ratoath Half Marathon for around 92/93mins. The aim is to run 7:00 all the way. So this will be counted as a decent effort.

    I ran 35 miles last week. 40 this week. Maybe 45 next week depending on how I feel. I always say "let the schedule follow you not you follow the schedule.".

    I'm not sure how these logs work. Daily updates a few times a week, or weekly updates???? I suppose i will do it as much as I can.

    Hope everyones training is going well for whatever the goal is!




  • Registered Users Posts: 5,236 ✭✭✭AuldManKing

    Great to see a person of your caliber starting a log here.
    Hopefully see you contribute to other aspects as well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    Great to see a person of your caliber starting a log here.
    Hopefully see you contribute to other aspects as well.

    +1 to this. There are loads of threads and training logs here which would welcome your input. I hope you can get something from it too. Best of luck in reclaiming your record!

  • Registered Users Posts: 42 Evan Scully

    Thanks for the positive response! Wasn't expecting any response! haha!

    Todays progression run was better then expected. I wasnt sure how hard to go today with the pacing on Saturday but a club mate said he would drop to 6.30s a mile. We ran the last 4 miles were under 7min pace.
    Mile 1 - 8.26,
    Mile 2 - 7.52
    Mile 3 - 7.44
    mile 4 - 7.36
    mil3 5 -6.59
    Mile 6 - 6.51,
    Mile 7 - 6.33
    Mile 8 - 6.29
    (400m jog at 8.28 as a very short warm down)

    It was actually more comfortable running the faster pace stuff which is a good sign. I felt good throughout the whole run. The huge moon, great sunset and great company helped.

    Tomorrow is an easy 4. My easy runs are very easy. Like closer to 9min pace. I found that Europeans dont run easy enough on their easy days in comparison to the Africans. It wasnt unfamiliar to see Kipchoge run at 9-10 min miles. But then watch him go fast and its sickeningly fast. Easy is easy. Hard is hard!

    Anyway, I will update after the Ratoath Half and let you know if my lads and lassies have ran PBs or not!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Welcome -looking forward to following your journey . Enjoy Ratoath

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,021 ✭✭✭Kellygirl

    Ditto. Looking forward to following you. Welcome to Boards.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,507 ✭✭✭Damo 2k9

    Definitely one to follow, looking forward to it.

    I'll start with the questions so!
    Did you stop 'wanting to hurt' because you had done it for so long, and as a result the enjoyment stopped? Or was it because it was a more of a thing you had to do, instead of a thing you wanted to do? Again, and as a result the enjoyment was taken out of it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 42 Evan Scully

    A bit of both. I was running competitively for around 15 years at that stage. When I was racing, my mind wasnt on the race. It was anywhere else but. Mainly at home drinking tea! Even if I ran a fast time or won a race I still wasnt happy with it because I was too hard on myself.
    Around the same time, i had a few seizures while out on a run (The day after winning the Movember 10k and then again on Christmas day). So I just didnt see the point in the slog day in day out.
    After returning back to running everyday in 2017, I had different views. It was more about doing it for myself rather then thinking I had to do it for anyone else. I took it race by race and just tried to beat the time from my last race. The competitive nature never leaves!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,582 ✭✭✭Swashbuckler

    Welcome aboard Evan. Cue an influx of Strava requests in your notifications (myself included) .

  • Registered Users Posts: 42 Evan Scully

    Done! The week capped off with 40 miles this week with 3 decent efforts. Its not about how many miles you run, but the quality of those miles.

    Today was the Ratoath 1/2 Marathon. I was pacing a few people I coach. They all PB'd and one ran a 10min PB. From 1.39 to 1.29! Savage running.
    I was pacing to run 7min mile average and if you felt good at half way then kick on.
    I ran exactly 7.00 for 13.1 miles. I realised im a metronome!!!

    The course is good. Apart from around mile 6-9. The straight road just keeps going and going. I didnt mind running a lap of the Fairyhouse Racecourse at the end, but then again its different when you are pacing to racing. I can see why you'd get put off psychologically.

    The only negative thing I'd say about the race and any other race is paper cups. I actually rang a girl when we got to mile 5 and said could she meet me with a water bottle. You're nearly drowning when you drink from the paper cups.

    This is the longest and fastest I have ran since April for the Milan Marathon. It felt comfortable. I was stressing for the last few weeks thinking could I maintain 7min mile for 13.1 miles. I obviously didnt tell that to the people who I was pacing! hahaha.
    Im thinking I might run a XC race next weekend at Star Of The Sea. I haven't fully decided yet. We will see closer to the time.

    Anyways, a week of logging! Thanks for all the support and hopefully you get something from it.


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Well done on your pacing job ! It was nice out there today ! I didn’t mind mike 6-9 was it an incline . I disliked the racecourse bit as found the wind tricky .

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  • Registered Users Posts: 42 Evan Scully

    After last week, I’m in between two mindsets. Do a cross country race or do a session. My mind is saying do a long session but my heart is saying race. I think the reason to not do the race is because it’s going to hurt.
    Basically I’m overthinking it. So with that, I’m not going to ease down too much for it. I’ve another cross country race early next month which is a bigger aim.

    Here’s a rough plan for this week.

    MON - 8 mile session (I’ve already done this. See below for full breakdown)
    TUE - 5 mile easy

    WED - rest (I’ve a load of wedding stuff to get done!)

    THURS - 8 mile steady

    FRI - 6 mile easy

    SAT - 2 mile and strides

    SUN - race
    TOTAL - somewhere around 35-40miles.

    Today’s 8 mile.
    2 mile warm up. Around 8 min pace.
    2 miles @ 6.10 pace
    1 mile float recovery @ 7.30
    2mile @ 5.50 pace
    1 mile warm down. Just under 8min pace.

    I’m surprised about the second 2 mile. My first 4 miles was uphill. The second 2 mile was lumpy. Up and down. So I’m surprised I was able to hit these times, especially after Saturdays pacing job! My legs are a bit tight. My groin feels weird which I never ever had a problem with.

    I’m also concentrating on eating more. I dropped down to 56kg and I’m not sure how. I’m usually 55/56 on the start line of a marathon. With me not having done a marathon training block, I’m not exactly sure how it happened!! Im currently eating my second dinner of the day!

    Im looking forward to this week for a some reason. The following week i will try up it but im also going on my stag so not sure mileage wise, but whatever I do do, ill make sure its of quality work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    That’s a nice session, great to see an athlete of your ilk logging here. Regarding the weight, how tall are you?

  • Registered Users Posts: 42 Evan Scully

    Id say im about 5.5ish!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Id say im about 5.5ish!

    Ah makes sense so weight wise, always has you pegged as taller from photos.

    Have you a target marathon in mind in an attempt to reclaim your record?

  • Registered Users Posts: 42 Evan Scully

    OOnegative wrote: »
    Ah makes sense so weight wise, always has you pegged as taller from photos.

    Have you a target marathon in mind in an attempt to reclaim your record?

    Yea a few people have said that to me. Doesnt the camera add 10 pounds or something like that!! haha. Must had 10cm in height as well!

    I haven't a target marathon yet but it'll be in 2020. The rest of this year will be about getting my 5k and 10k times down then go into marathon mode. Im half thinking of doing it in training just to get it back and then do it in a race as well.
    I was offered London but i cant do it because im going on my honeymoon in April. Poor planning! haha.

  • Registered Users Posts: 42 Evan Scully


    I didnt get out yesterday. I'm getting married today 5 weeks so I had to do some wedding stuff in town. Got back fairly late so I decided to take it as a rest day.

    Todays run was supposed to be 8 miles. Not at a fast pace. Just get it done and go by feel. So i was thinking around 7.30ish per mile.
    The run went as follows.

    Mile 1 - 7.35
    Mile 2 - 7.04 (Trail surface)
    Mile 3 - 6.41 (Trail surface)
    Mile 4 - 6.33(Trail surface)
    Mile 5 - 6.21 (Trail surface)
    Mile 6 - 7.05 (savage uphill)
    Mile 7 - 6.38 (still uphill)
    Mile 8 - 6.14 (Mostly Downhill)
    Mile 9 - 6.28 (mostly uphill)
    Mile 10 - 6.12

    I was pleasantly surprised by it. Last time i did this loop was september 2018, I had to stop after mile 6 and walk home. That was the day I pulled the plug on DCM '18. So a bit of redemption was had today! I even got my Strava record back for the trail part.

    This run wasnt supposed to be as fast because I'm doing a cross country race on Sunday. It's not a main aim so I cant really ease down that much, but I didnt even attempt to ease down with this run!

    Overall, i'm delighted with today. I felt relatively good considering the pace.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Did you do Star of the Sea cross country?

  • Registered Users Posts: 42 Evan Scully

    Exactly wrote: »
    Did you do Star of the Sea cross country?

    I did.
    I was pleasantly surprised with it. I came 11th overall and 7th Senior. (4 juniors were ahead).
    I went out conservatively and didnt go out like a lunatic. Think its the first time i didnt go fast at the start at get slower as i kept going ( like everyone in races).

    1st Mile - 5.53
    2nd Mile - 5.49
    3rd Mile - 5.57
    0.85mile - 5.34 pace
    TOTAL - 22.40

    The lap was 1500m with 2 big hills on it per lap. The last hill hurt but other then that I concentrated on form and breathing instead of trying to work them. I used the downhills to open up instead of trying to recover from the uphill.

    I forgot I did a 10 miler in 66 a few days before it.
    The day before I ran 5 mile total. 2 mile warm up. 4x400m on grass averaging about 77 and had a 400m rest between. 1 mile warm down. Just to get the legs feeling a bit sharp!

    This week will be looking something like this. I'll mean a bit of craming as i have my stags friday and saturday night.

    Mon - 4 miles (done already)
    Tue - 8 miles (easy enough)
    Wed - Fartlek session (on the Hill of Tara)
    Thurs - either 15 miles or 8 miles
    Fri - depending on what i did yesterday then one of the other. Head to stags
    Sat - Stags
    Sun - rest!!!!!!

    My next race will be around the 6th of Oct. Meath Novice XC. I might do 15 miles the day before to help out a girl im coaching. Its her last long run before Dublin (she's doing a bit longer then 15). So i dont know how the race will go the next day!! I know its stupid but id rather help her out then race. Lets see how this goes!

  • Registered Users Posts: 42 Evan Scully

    Todays session was less horrible then what I had in my head.
    Its the first time I ran a session with someone in about 4 years. I usually always run by myself let alone do a session with anyone else.
    If anyone knows the Hill of Tara then you'll know how hilly it is. If not, then look at my strava and check out those inclines. If you dont have strava then its a 2.1 mile grass loop with about 5 big big hills per lap. Big enough for you to think you should walk up them.
    The layout of the session was a Fartlek in no particular order. We decided when to stop and how much recovery to take. So it makes it a very honest session. It ended up being roughly 3 mins on and 80-90s rest. We covered the first 2.1 mile in 12.40. I was totally shocked by this as the Strava record is 12.31 (which is owned by the fella i was running with who is one of the best u18 runners in Ireland).
    We averaged 6.14 per mile for 4.2 miles and that includes recoveries. Sean finished 20s ahead of me after the 4.2 miles.

    To be honest, I thought I had organised my own funeral by agreeing to do a session with him, but I survived and ran a great session.
    Because I have my stag on friday and saturday, I am going to do my long run tomorrow. Not sure how long yet tho. Probably 12-15 miles depending. Im not sure what its depending on!!

    I am actually looking forward to the following weekends race which is the Meath Novice XC (i think 6k). I havent been excited about a race in a long time so it feels a bit weird!

    I'll let you know how the long run and easy run on friday before the mayhem at the stag. #PrayForMe

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,807 ✭✭✭skyblue46

    I love the 2 day stag! Are you heading anywhere exotic?

    Those hills in Tara are savage alright. Didn't they play a huge part in training for Sean Boylans Meath teams in the 80's and 90's....made proper fit men out of them. :mad:

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  • Registered Users Posts: 42 Evan Scully

    skyblue46 wrote: »
    I love the 2 day stag! Are you heading anywhere exotic?

    Those hills in Tara are savage alright. Didn't they play a huge part in training for Sean Boylans Meath teams in the 80's and 90's....made proper fit men out of them. :mad:

    Thats the place. They ruined it with their studs!haha
    A few of them used to run with us in the club, mainly the Dunshaughlin GAA team.

  • Registered Users Posts: 42 Evan Scully

    So i survived my stags...just about!

    Usually looking at the Worlds gets me a bit more motivated but it nearly makes me want to change sport!! Not quite but the state of the stadium and its clear the IAAF/Wada still haven't bothered their arse to clean up the sport. This is for another topic.

    This week will be an easy week because of the Meath Novice XC on Sunday. I will do a mini session tomorrow or wednesday. I have to get a DEXA scan on Wednesday, meetings and work so I'm not sure when I'll get to do it but it'll have to be done!
    This is hw it'll look.

    Mon - 6 miles
    Tue - Session or 6
    Wed - Session or 6
    Thurs - 5
    fri - rest
    Sat - 2 miles, 4x400m at around 6k race pace. It wont really take much out of me. Well I hope not! Its more just about getting a bit of pep in my step then trying to improve my fitness.

  • Registered Users Posts: 42 Evan Scully

    You'd swear im doing Dublin with a 12 mile mid week run!
    So monday was a 5 mile easy. Yesterday was 12 mile pacing a session for one of the girls i coach. It went like this.

    She did 2 mile warm up. I did about 100m!!!!
    4 mile (marathon pace - so around 7.25ish)
    4min rest
    3 mile (slightly faster then marathon pace - around 7.10-7.15)
    3min rest
    2 mile (faster then 10 mile pace - 6.50 and 6.48)
    1.4 mile warm down.

    First of all, she's flying.
    Secondly, I swear to god I was wrecked after it! haha. Not sure why but it took it out of me. Probably sweated out the stag party at the weekend.
    I woke up today with a bit of a scratchy throat. My Fiancee has a sore throat and feeling run down. So im playing it safe and taking a rest day today. I'll be running for the rest of the week and a race on sunday so i suppose its ok to take a day off!!!!!

    I have a dexa scan today and I have a few meeting to go to so if i did run it'll have to be squashed in. Its not like i need an excuse to take a rest day either but as I keep writing it feels like i do!! haha.

  • Registered Users Posts: 42 Evan Scully

    This week was fairly crap.
    I hadnt trained since Tuesday. I was dying (not being dramatic at all). I tried a run yesterday and did 8 miles with the two girls. They did 24 and 17.

    Today was the Meath Novice 6k. First of all I was late to the start and only had 1.5 mile to warm up. It was 40mins early then originally planned. I didnt do any drills or strides. Took me a while to get going in the race.
    I think I was about 6/7th overall. Dunshaughlin won the mens team which was the main aim for today! I averaged 5.54 for 3.9 miles. Tough course but there was some decent running on it as well. My chest was ok after it.
    I also took something I got from a client called Caffeine Bullet. It was 100mg of caffeine in it. So more then an espresso. When it kicked in it really did kick in. Sadly i didnt time it correctly and it kicked in after the race!!! hahaha. I felt unreal on the warm down! Always finish on a high.

    So for next week, I'm not sure what'll happen. I have a rough idea but I kinda want to race a 5k to see how close I am to breaking the 17 marker! Navan Park Run is the closest to me but its not exactly an easy course. 3 and a bit laps with a big hill on each lap. I'll see if next weekend whether to do a race or leave it until the following weekend. I think it'll be better to race the following weekend and train properly this week. The weekend after that I'll be prepping for my wedding so doubt ill be doing much!

    Anyway, im happy with how todays race went. Looking forward to the next race!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 42 Evan Scully

    Monday - 60min cycle
    Tuesday - 10min warm up. 20x 1min on/off. 10min warm down
    This session was more mentally hard then physically hard. I covered around 300m. It was lashing and i did it on road so it was kinda undulating. Road was slippery as well. I felt ok doing it. Nothing special TBH.

    Wednesday - 6 miles. I actually felt terrible today. It was running around 9.30 per mile. Last mile I wanted over so just ran 8:00min. I didnt look at my watch after the first mile because I knew i would have been thinking "i need to go faster". My body was telling me to run easy so I did. It doesnt take discipline to run hard but It takes discipline to run easy.

    Thursday - I actually felt drained. Not sure why but I knew I needed a day off. I usually stick to the plan but its important to let the plan follow you and not you follow the plan all the time.

    Friday - Felt terrible again. I had 9 hours sleep and it felt like I needed another 9.

    Saturday - I think everyone ran a little faster or longer today after Eliuds sub 2 hour. I ended up running 15 miles with 2 of the girls I coach. They are doing Dublin so its their last med-long run. I felt good on the run. We averaged 7.48. The idea was to run 3 miles at 7.30 (marathon pace) after 10 miles and then go back to the previous pace. When I finished and went home I actually felt so tired. I suppose thats understandable and expected after 15 miles!

    Sunday - rest

    I think and hope that next week will be a better week then last week. I dont think i respected the energy level of the XC race and maybe the session on tuesday was a little to soon after the race.
    I was training specifically for something in Nov (not running related) but its not happening now. I will expand more on this when I can. I just cant yet!!!! So now that its not happening, I can get stuck into proper running sessions now!
    Hope everyones weeks training was good, and you're not freaking out too much for DCM or NYC.

  • Registered Users Posts: 42 Evan Scully

    BAD NEWS!!!

    Monday - 5 miles - I didnt feel too bad. Maybe a bit flat but that happens on easy runs.

    So whats the bad news? I started on an antibiotic. Ive had this dry cough since just after the Dunshaughlin 10k. I got a sore throat the day after the race and went to Morocco. That went into my chest and ive been on an inhaler since. Two of them actually.
    I know that I should be on a lot more medication given my CF, but all i actually take is digestive enzymes. I never take an inhaler or anything else that I should be on. So having to go on an antibiotic really bothers me. I havent been on one since Sept 2014. I always feel like ive failed once I go on one. Not sure what im failing at TBH!!!!
    But i've been stubborn since July. I think if i felt sick i wouldnt mind going on them but i only have this dry cough that effects me in the morning, the night and when the temperature changes. Doesnt effect me when I run???
    Given I dont get an anti flu, i think i should nip this in the bud seen as two inhalers aren't working. Plus im getting married next week so i'm trying to be sensible!

    If the antibiotic didnt make me feel ****ty then i'd go out on a run but these are kinda strong and wipe me out. Me trying to be sensible again!
    My aim for 16min 5k at Jingle Bells is still on. Ill take this week really easy and only run if I feel good to. So that will leave me with 4-5 weeks of really good training before Jingle Bells!

  • Registered Users Posts: 42 Evan Scully

    I haven't posted here because, well, I haven't really trained in October. The antibiotics really knocked me for six. Once they finished I just ran 4-5 miles. Then the wedding happened. I did run on the wedding day. A perfect day. Run, got married, had a party!
    We went away for a few days and we both felt we needed a bit of a break.

    So feeling totally unfit and a total lack of motivation because i'm unfit. I threw myself into the deep end. Went out for an easy 6 and ended up running the last 2 miles at 6.50 pace. Later that day I found it hard to walk down the stairs! Then i had a wedding to go to that day! (NOT MINE).
    The next day, I cycled 15 miles to pick up the car. Felt fairly fresh.

    Sunday, I went out to do 4 miles. I was listening to music and Eminim "8 Mile" came on just as I was to turn for the 4 mile block. I took this song as a sign to do 8 miles. Makes no sense at all, but i ended up doing 8 miles.

    Monday - 4 miles easy. I felt a bit tired but otherwise good.

    Tuesday - I got a HRM because wrist HR is totally inaccurate. I wanted to test it out so this is what I ended up doing.
    2 mile warm up. 3 mile tempo (6.18 avg). HR was kept under 170. It felt good. Surprised myself with doing that pace. 1 mile warm down.

    Wednesday - 5 mile easy. I went running in a forest so the pace/splits were all over the place. I run in the forest because it forces me to go easy. You cant really run fast in it and I know the GPS isn't accurate so I dont get hung up on pace. I just enjoy the run.

    Thursday - 5 mile easy.

    Ive decided to throw myself further into the deep end. I entered a race on Saturday. There was a 10k option but I felt i needed to train for shorter distances. So ive three 5ks booked between now and the end of the year. This race, Jingle Bells and Navan 5k on the 27th of Dec. Then I will start a new block of marathon training!

    Ive a hospital appointment next wednesday. Standard stuff. Lung function, talk to physios, talk to nurses, dieticians, and the main reason is to get a prescription.
    I also still have this cough. It has improved but it hasn't gone away. So i want to see exactly what is going on. I'll drop in a sputum (that means coughing some phlegm into a cup and they analyse it for anything that could be brewing in my lungs).

    Thats all my news anyway. I hope everyone has recovered from DCM. Looked like a perfect day for fast running.

  • Registered Users Posts: 42 Evan Scully

    sorry Boards, it has been weeks since my last confession!

    Ill start with the race. It was 5.2km over a lot of hills. Out and back. By the time we turned back there was a stiff wind. Because it was an out and back, we had to run into the oncoming people who were trying to get to the turnaround spot. The road was about 5meters wide! Not ideal.
    I finished 2nd. The person who won usually runs a 5k around 17.30 and I wasnt too far behind so thats a good sign for me!

    Since then I have had a few weeks of solid training. The sessions have been as follows.

    4x600/400/200 (at 5k pace) 75s between the 600 and 400. 60s between the 400 and 200. Then 3 minutes between sets. It felt good and I was nearly tempted to do a 5th set.

    The next session was fun. I didnt know when it was going to end and you'll see why in a minute. Between every effort I had a 200 jog.
    So you start at 200 and the next effort is 200m longer. So it went like this.
    200m (5k pace)
    200 jog
    400 (5k pace)
    200 jog
    600 (5k pace)
    200 jog
    800 (5k pace)
    200 jog
    1000m (5k pace)

    You need to see that going until you cant hit 5k pace anymore. I got the 1k. I felt I could have pushed out another 400 and 200 (which i did).
    Ive never done a session like this before so it was fun to get something like this done.

    My next and last session before Jingle Bells was like this.
    2x1k (3.23 and 3.20) with 200m jog rest
    8x200m (37/38s) with 45s rest.

    Between my sessions I have done easy runs and tempo paced stuff. My longest run was 12 miles but it was a session.
    5 miles just under 7min pace
    5 miles avg 6.12
    2 mile warm down

    So for Jingle Bells, I have done 3 sessions at 17min pace. I have to be honest with myself, I dont think ive done enough to break 17 this weekend but that doesn't mean I wont try. Ill give it a lash and if I do it then great, if i dont then i have another 5k on the 27 of Dec in Navan. Ill have a few more sessions done before then.

    I'm also going to Kenya for the month of Jan. Not to train (but i will be training). its for work. So I'll be working with just 1 athletes but I am able to work with others while im there.

    I am going to do a few podcasts. So lined up is:
    Jake and Zane Roberston (they moved from New Zealand to Kenya without their parents at the age of 17 and haven't left!! The both of them run 59min for half marathon and a 2.08 for a full).

    Julien Wanders - European and former world record holder in 5k and half marathon. He has ran 59.13 for a half marathon. he left Switzerland when he was 19 and is now 23.

    I will also have a lot of workout videos with lots of Kenyans!
    Im looking forward to going back to Kenya this time. The last time (2016) I wasnt really pushed but went because i was asked to work with athletes so decided I needed some sun!!!!

    Anyway, hope everyone is recovered from DCM and about to get into a spring marathon training (i presume).

  • Registered Users Posts: 42 Evan Scully

    I was so close!!
    17.08 at the Jingle Bells 5k.
    My splits were as follows:

    Mile 1 - 5.33
    Mile 2 - 5.34
    Mile 3 - 5.28

    I went off with Alan King and Kate O Neill. Kate pulled away just after the 2nd KM i think. Alan started to pull away as well. I felt like I was nearly maxing out. It was either going to be a slippery slope to the finish or else it'll click and ill suddenly feel good.
    I kept saying "im going to blow up. This wont be good". I turned my mind off but I remembered going into the Fury Glen at 3km and i caught the pack that was just ahead (with Kate in it). I worked going down the hill into the Glen and focused on form going up the hill. I didnt want to look at my watch going up the hill because I'd be thinking to myself "ah sh*t, im dying". So I stayed controlled and like i said focused on form. Once i knew it was 1k to go I just said I need to start kicking for home. Hence the 5.28 last mile.
    Going into the race i thought id realistically run 17.20-17.30 but closer to the 17.30.
    4 weeks ago I ran a 5k in 18.56 and it felt so much harder then today. Im delighted with my 17.08. All I need to do now is run less then 2s a KM faster to break 17. Ive 3 weeks now until my next 5k so I really want to get that sub 17 before the end of the year.

    I hope everyone had a good run and got what they wanted. Did anyone else find the ground slippy or oily?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,070 ✭✭✭Baby75

    I was so close!!
    17.08 at the Jingle Bells 5k.
    My splits were as follows:

    Mile 1 - 5.33
    Mile 2 - 5.34
    Mile 3 - 5.28

    I went off with Alan King and Kate O Neill. Kate pulled away just after the 2nd KM i think. Alan started to pull away as well. I felt like I was nearly maxing out. It was either going to be a slippery slope to the finish or else it'll click and ill suddenly feel good.
    I kept saying "im going to blow up. This wont be good". I turned my mind off but I remembered going into the Fury Glen at 3km and i caught the pack that was just ahead (with Kate in it). I worked going down the hill into the Glen and focused on form going up the hill. I didnt want to look at my watch going up the hill because I'd be thinking to myself "ah sh*t, im dying". So I stayed controlled and like i said focused on form. Once i knew it was 1k to go I just said I need to start kicking for home. Hence the 5.28 last mile.
    Going into the race i thought id realistically run 17.20-17.30 but closer to the 17.30.
    4 weeks ago I ran a 5k in 18.56 and it felt so much harder then today. Im delighted with my 17.08. All I need to do now is run less then 2s a KM faster to break 17. Ive 3 weeks now until my next 5k so I really want to get that sub 17 before the end of the year.

    I hope everyone had a good run and got what they wanted. Did anyone else find the ground slippy or oily?

    Well done Evan no better man to get that sub 17 min are you aiming for the Clonliffe I hear it is a good one

    Yes I did , I remember at around 3k we were heding down hill and it was very slippy underfoot
