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Making Mitochondria



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Well done - you found the pace for the 400s soon enough. Yep, best to do SOS runs back to back. Can you not shift the gymnastics?

    Gymnastics is only on once a week unfortunately. I think I'll just go back to the original plan and have Wednesday as my day off. I'll just have to get used to an early start on sunday which won't do me any harm!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    chickey2 wrote: »
    The 5k pb gave me a real mojo boost so I've decided I'm going to go for the race series focusing on the half in September. I'm going to give the Hanson half plan a go. I've also signed up for the 10k and 10 mile which I'll try and slot on to the half plan.

    I've had the Hanson book for ages now but keep getting put off by the 6 days of running per week. I'm going to give it a good go for a few weeks and see how I get on. Already this week I had to move stuff around. I had altered the plan to do the long run on Mondays as I'm always off work but then realised I'd be doing speed sessions on Wednesdays which doesn't suit as I've gymnastics as well as a 12h work shift every second week. I ended up doing the speed session the day after the long run which isn't ideal. I'll figure it out.

    Week 1 starts midweek
    24/05: Plan 6.5k easy. Actual 6.5k@6:32 HR 161. Pace was in the easy range but HR was high and it felt tougher than it should be.

    25/05: Plan 5k easy. Actual no run. Drove to Clare and was staying with relatives so didn't get a chance. Bad weekend to start a new plan!

    26/05: Plan 6.5k easy. Actual 6.5k@6:25 HR 152. HR back to normal despite being faster run than Friday.

    27/05: Plan 9.5k "long" run. Actual 10k@6:11 HR 158. A few loops of Marley Park. It was so nice I forgot to stop at 9.5k! I've converted the distances from miles so they're not exact.

    Week 2
    28/05: plan 6.5k easy. Actual 12*400m speed. Swapped with the next day on the plan as I knew I'd not get it done tomorrow. I used the relatively flat path that runs along the luas track at Tallaght hospital. The first one was way too fast as I wasn't really sure how hard to run, just that I was aiming for 1:55 per lap. Eased off after that, got wrecked, increased the recovery slightly then gunned it on the last one. Not great but got them all done! 1:47/1:56/1:56/2:03/1:52/1:59/1:59/2:00/1:58/1:57/1:58/1:52
    Recoveries were 1:40-2:00.
    Total 12.5 km

    There's a five-day a week marathon plan; I'm wondering if it can be adapted to the HM distance. Just an idea if the 6 days will be a push.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭OOnegative

    Well done on the 5k PB, super racing and great to see.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,883 ✭✭✭Younganne

    Congrats on the PB C, great to see it and although you think you aren't improving, every run does stand to you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Week 2 HM contined
    29/05: I decided to keep the Wednesday as the day off running so I can continue with the gymnastics. Not ideal but I'll reassess in a few weeks. 90 mins gymnastics.

    30/05: Tempo Thursday. Plan 5km tempo/HM race pace (4:59min/km) plus WU/CD. Headed out to my 1 mile loop for this. It's easier to tell myself I need to do three laps rather than 5k (even though it's the same distance). I found this tough but managed to keep the pace. HR was high (in the 180s). I'm not sure if this is a realistic HM pace but I'm going to stick with it for now and see how it goes.
    Actual: 8.5km total including 5k@4:58.

    31/05: plan 6.5k easy. Actual: 6.5k@6:30 HR 147

    01/06: plan 6.5k easy. Actual: 6k@6:10 HR 150. Cut slightly short as I had to pop into the shop to get butter for my son who ran out while baking. I looked like a right eejit soaking wet and sweating and buying nothing but a lump of butter. I'm sure some keto fans probably feast on it after a work out!

    02/06: plan 9.5k long run. Actual 10k @6:03 HR 160. Loved this run. The long run pace guidelines are quite broad (5:30-6:26) so I just tried to keep my HR steady and ran as fast or slow as I felt. It was great not to keep checking the watch. Interestingly when I looked at the splits after my fastest km was 5:33 and the slowest 6:33 with an average of 6:03 so happy with that.

    Really happy with my first full week of the Hanson plan.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,199 ✭✭✭denis b

    Just catching up with Boards again C. Delighted for ya ....5 km pb. So you got on the Hanson HM Train!! are starting from a great position of strength C. It is a tough routine but always "doable".

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    denis b wrote: »
    Just catching up with Boards again C. Delighted for ya ....5 km pb. So you got on the Hanson HM Train!! are starting from a great position of strength C. It is a tough routine but always "doable".

    Thanks D. I'm blaming you, Murph_D and Huzzah for getting on the Hanson HM train! You all did so well with the plan it inspired me to give it a go.

    Hanson HM plan week 3

    03/06: plan 6.5k easy. Actual 6.6k@6:24 HR 150

    04/06: plan 8*600m (2:51) 50% recovery. It was pouring rain when I got home from work but I knew it wasn't going to let up so put my oldest runners on and headed out. It wasn't too bad once I knew I couldn't get any wetter! I used the garmin to measure the distance on my 1 mile loop and just concentrated on keeping a steady pace. Its slightly uphill on one side and the opposite on the other as reflected in the rep times. I was sure I was on my last rep but then the watch beeped and told me I'd one more to do! Managed to keep going though and it ended up being my fastest rep. Definitely a character building session.
    Reps were 2:53/2:49/2:53/2:50/2:53/2:50/2:52/2:48
    Total 10.4km

    05/06: No run. No gymnastics either as I was late home from work. No harm to have a proper rest day.

    06/06: Plan 5km tempo (4:59 min/k). I'd struggled with this last week but was better prepared mentally this week (and it was 10 degrees compared to last weeks 19). My average pace for the 5k was 4:57 with the last km at 4:49. Not sure if that's a good thing that I'm increasing the speed toward the end but it seems to happen naturally as I know I'm almost done. Total 8.7km

    Legs are definitely starting to feel the cumulative fatigue but I'm sleeping like a log so all good so far.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    07/06: plan 8 km easy. Actual zero. Had a confirmation today so between everything didn't get out.

    08/06: plan 8km easy. Actual 6km easy. Stupidly read the wrong week so did 6 instead of 8. 6km@6:18 HR 151

    09/06: plan 11km easy. Actual 11.2 km @6:12 HR 154.

    Week 4

    10/06: plan 6.5 easy. Actual 6.4@6:33 HR 140. This was at the lower end of my easy pace but heart rate was low (for me) so guess that's OK.

    11/06: plan 6*800m. Actual 9.8km including 6*800m. Had to drag myself out for this as I really didn't want to do it, but it was fine once I started. Goal was 3:50 per rep. Did 3:45/3:47/3:48/3:54/3:50/3:52.

    12/06: no run. 90 mins gymnastics. Lots of shoulder work!

    13/06: plan 5k tempo. Actual 8.6km including 5k @4:58. Did this straight after a long day at work as I knew if I sat down I wouldn't get up. Similar to previous weeks it was tough but manageable.

    14/06: plan 6.5k easy. Actual zero. Another long day at work and I couldn't resist sitting down when I got home this time. Lots of doms from gymnastics didn't help!

    15/06: plan 9.5km easy. Actual 9.5km@6:24 HR 156.

    16/06: plan 13km easy. Actual 13km@6:09 HR 160. Faster than the usual easy effort but that's the idea for these longer runs. Headed up to the waterworks and it was glorious.

    47.3km for the week which is a bit under but I'm happy as it was a tough week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    I really need to start updating this more regularly as I keep letting it build up and that puts me off!

    Week 5

    17/06: plan 6.5k easy. Actual 7.1 easy @6:19 HR 146. Took a different route as I'm getting bored of the same scenery. Was a bit longer than planned but felt easy. It's always good to see HR in the 140s when I'm running easy.

    18/06: plan 5x1km. Actual 5x1km (total 10.5km). The plan said aim for 4:42 per km. After a warm up I was still feeling rubbish and slow. I kept telling myself I could stop after the next one but I kept going. Times were 4:46/4:46/4:47/4:47/4:45 so none even hit the 4:42 goal but at least they were consistently slow! Not too bothered though as I was just glad I'd actually gone out and done them.

    19/06: plan rest. Actual 90 mins gymnastics.

    20/06: plan 6.5km tempo. Actual 6.5km tempo. (5:00/4:59/4:37/5:21/4:53/4:58/4:55) total 10.6km. Another sticky evening. Up til now I've not been taking any drinks with me while running as I'm so used to not having one I didn't think I needed to. I was reading "Roar" by Stacy Sims about female physiology and she recommends women make sure they're properly hydrated. I got some urine dip sticks which I've been using the last couple of weeks and was surprised to find I'm regularly dehydrated, especially after running. There's blood in my urine after every run too which is something I was aware of and have seen a doctor about. I'm seeing him again in August so can show him it's only after running I get it. I know he'll just tell me to stop! It doesn't seem to cause any other problems though. I'm hoping by increasing my hydration I might help.

    Anyway, a long way to explain I had a bottle with me on this run but hate holding it so left it on a wall on my loop. I had to stop to drink though which explains the long 4th km.

    21/06: plan 8km easy. 2 part run as I had to stop half way to cheer on my kids at sports day! I got a few jokes about how I was well prepared for the parents race! I made sure to run off before it started. By the time I did my second loop one of the parents had been taken off in an ambulance after slipping during the parents race!!
    4.4@6:18 HR 148
    4.1@6:10 HR 152

    22/06: plan 9.5 easy. Actual 9.5km@6:19 HR 154.

    23/06: plan 16km long run. Actual rest. Ended up going out with the kids and took longer than expected. Couldn't drag myself out in the rain once we got back.

    Week 6

    24/06: plan 8 km easy. Actual 16km long run @6:15 HR 151. I was supposed to do the previous day. I pushed everything forward a day so I didn't miss any sessions. Great run!

    25/06: plan 8 km easy. Actual 8km@6:20 HR 143.

    26/06: plan 4x1200m. Actual 4x1200m (5:36/5:37/5:33/5:32) total 10.5km. Goal was 5:42 but felt great so went with it. It was like the opposite of last week's speed session! I've made an effort to eat much better this week and hydrate properly so hopefully it's helping.

    Looking forward to rest day tomorrow!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Week 6 continued

    27/06: plan rest. Actual rest.

    28/06: plan 6.5km tempo. Actual 6.5km @4:57 (total 11.3km) . Had to do this after a long day at work. I was hoping it would have cooled down a bit but it was still hot and humid when I headed over to tymon at 7:15pm. Warm up was horrible. I was tired and hot and there were too many insects. I was very tempted to just do an easy run and head home but I decided I'd do at least 3k tempo and see how I felt. Once I got going I felt grand and was delighted when I did the 6.5k just under the planned pace of 4:59. Went home a hot sweaty mess though.

    29/06: plan 9.5km easy. Actual 9.8km@6:17 HR 145.

    30/06: plan 19km long. Actual 19km@6:02 HR 155. My longest run in ages. Previously I'd done all my long runs with no food and maybe a sports drink. After reading Roar I'm now trying to eat some real food while doing long runs. I took a jam sandwich cut in quarters which I put in my flip belt. It was a bit of a pain getting it out while running and in future I'll cut the crusts off but it did give me a bit of a boost. Not sure how it would work at HMP pace but I'll give it a go on a tempo run in a few weeks and see can I manage it. Felt great and finished on a last km in 5:45. Wasn't dehydrated after which means my hydration is working.

    75k for the week (although that includes two long runs as I did last week's on Monday) and 227km for June which is my highest ever. No niggles and feel great!

    The Hanson plan is tough but it really seems to be working for me. A lot of it is psychological I think. Every time I head out to do a session I think I won't be able for it, but I do it and then feel great. It's just tough enough to make improvements but not push you over the edge!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,338 ✭✭✭eyrie

    Serious mileage (kilometre-age?) last week! Great to hear you're feeling good with it!
    chickey2 wrote: »
    After reading Roar I'm now trying to eat some real food while doing long runs. I took a jam sandwich cut in quarters which I put in my flip belt. It was a bit of a pain getting it out while running and in future I'll cut the crusts off but it did give me a bit of a boost. Not sure how it would work at HMP pace but I'll give it a go on a tempo run in a few weeks and see can I manage it.
    I had a jam sandwich early in DCM last year, made a nice change from the gels! I didn't have any problems digesting it at marathon pace but I haven't tried it for anything quicker.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,199 ✭✭✭denis b

    chickey2 wrote: »
    The Hanson plan is tough but it really seems to be working for me. A lot of it is psychological I think. Every time I head out to do a session I think I won't be able for it, but I do it and then feel great. It's just tough enough to make improvements but not push you over the edge!

    That is it C. Could not put it any better. Those SOS sessions are going very well for you and so glad to see that you have "righted" hydration. It took me a few months training for DCM last time to realise that the headaches and extreme tiredness were hydration issues. Not nice but no problems since.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    denis b wrote: »
    That is it C. Could not put it any better. Those SOS sessions are going very well for you and so glad to see that you have "righted" hydration. It took me a few months training for DCM last time to realise that the headaches and extreme tiredness were hydration issues. Not nice but no problems since.

    Thanks Denis. I never would have thought I was dehydrated if it wasn't for the urine dipstick. I really feel the difference this past week now that I'm making an effort to drink more. Glad you got sorted too. Good luck with your new plan!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    Loving reading about your Hansoning and even more about how you're getting on with Dr Sims. I remember her mentioning salty jam sandwiches in one of her podcasts and I definitely thought gels are the lesser of two evils in that one!

    Might get the dehydration kit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,296 ✭✭✭ariana`

    Serious mileage there and those SOS sound very tough but you're handling them very well.
    One of my kids started gymnastics and having sat through a couple of his beginner classes all i can say is wow! It looks like a serious work out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Huzzah! wrote: »
    Loving reading about your Hansoning and even more about how you're getting on with Dr Sims. I remember her mentioning salty jam sandwiches in one of her podcasts and I definitely thought gels are the lesser of two evils in that one!

    Might get the dehydration kit.

    Haven't tried the salty jam sandwiches but it actually doesn't sound too bad to me! I've started making mashed carrot and parsnip with salt to eat straight after a session and I really like it.
    ariana` wrote: »
    Serious mileage there and those SOS sound very tough but you're handling them very well.
    One of my kids started gymnastics and having sat through a couple of his beginner classes all i can say is wow! It looks like a serious work out.

    Thanks, I keep looking ahead on the plan and thinking I'll never be able for that session but so far I've managed them all. The gymnastics is so hard but great fun!

    Week 7
    01/06: Plan 8km easy, actual 8km@6:19 HR didn’t record properly.
    Gymnastics has changed to a Monday over the holidays which suits me better. 90 mins gymnastics.

    02/06: plan 3*1600m. Actual 10.2 km including 3*1600 (7:36/7:36/7:37). The goal time was 7:40 per interval so came in just under. Felt good.

    03/06: plan rest. Actual rest.

    04/06: plan 6.5km tempo, actual 10.4km including 6.5km@4:56. My normal loop of Dodder valley park is having work done so part of the path is closed. Headed over to a loop in ballycullen which is about 1km and fairly flat. There's few more corners than I'd like but it's grand. Found this hard towards the end but delighted when I'd finished.

    05/06: plan 9.5km easy. Actual 10k@6:15 HR 144. I've noticed the HR is really coming down on the easy runs. It seems consistent so it's not just the monitor!

    06/06: plan 8km easy, actual 8km@6:09 HR 143.

    07/06: plan 16km easy, actual 16km@6:02 HR 155. Probably a bit fast but I felt great so went with it.

    Week 8
    08/06: plan 9.5km easy. Actual 6km@6:03 HR 143. Didn't have time to do the full run as kids are off school/camp but made up for it by heading up to three rock with them so hiked about another 4km.
    90 mins gymnastics.

    09/06: plan 5*1km. Actual 10.4km including 5*1km @4:37/4:42/4:42/4:41/4:38. Goal was 4:42 so happy with these. I delayed going out all day as I was dreading this for some reason. It was hot and sticky and there were loads of people walking in my way. I felt so strong last week but thus week I'm meh. I stupidly read ahead in the plan and am already dreading the strength workouts. I'll just have to trust the plan!

    I'm signed up for the 5k day of pb's on Sunday. It's not really a goal race but with all the training I've been doing I could go for a pb. I'm reluctant to change the plan this week though. The book suggests dropping tomorrow's tempo if you're racing at the weekend but I'd rather not. I'm not bothered if I don't pb on Sunday, I'm just going for the beers and ice cream! Think I'll keep the tempo tomorrow but take it easy on next Tuesdays speed session. Any suggestions are welcome.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,439 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Cool, see you in Leixlip! Re the rescheduling, this came up with someone else this morning, and the consensus was to do this week's tempo as normal, and swap the Sunday LR to Tues instead of the session (ie the race replaces the session). Not sure if that suits you or not. If I was very focused on the PB I'd avoid or reduce the Thurs tempo, but like you say, you're more interested in the tempo, keeping the main thing the main thing and all that.

    Going well so far, great to see.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    chickey2 wrote: »
    Haven't tried the salty jam sandwiches but it actually doesn't sound too bad to me! I've started making mashed carrot and parsnip with salt to eat straight after a session and I really like it.

    I'd rather a margarita ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Huzzah! wrote: »
    I'd rather a margarita ;)

    Oh yeah! Not so good while running at hmp lol guess! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Cool, see you in Leixlip! Re the rescheduling, this came up with someone else this morning, and the consensus was to do this week's tempo as normal, and swap the Sunday LR to Tues instead of the session (ie the race replaces the session). Not sure if that suits you or not. If I was very focused on the PB I'd avoid or reduce the Thurs tempo, but like you say, you're more interested in the tempo, keeping the main thing the main thing and all that.

    Going well so far, great to see.

    Thanks, that's a good idea and it means not missing the long run.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,208 ✭✭✭shotgunmcos

    Salty jam sandwiches on a long run?! Surely I've heard it all now! Planning to eat jam sandwiches during a HM? Or is this taking the p!ss?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Salty jam sandwiches on a long run?! Surely I've heard it all now! Planning to eat jam sandwiches during a HM? Or is this taking the p!ss?

    Lol, nah won't be eating a jam sandwich during the hm. Just trying some different fuelling during training according to a book I'm reading. Stacy Sims specialises in women and their different physiology. She's not a fan of gels and reckons it's better to keep hydration and fuelling separate so drink liquid and eat proper food rather than gels.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Week 8 continued

    10/07: plan rest, actual rest.

    11/07: plan 8km tempo, actual 13km including 8km@4:58. Did this as a runmute which I haven't done in ages as I've not been doing long enough runs on work days. I'd forgotten how much I love the runmute! Hardly any traffic or people around and it's mainly downhill so it's kind of cheating. It was lovely going through Tymon with no one but rabbits for company. It was my first 8km (5mile) tempo so I was delighted when I kept the pace without killing myself. It was my fastest ever runmute too!

    12/07: plan 9.5 easy, actual 9.3km@6:08 HR 148.

    13/07: plan 9.5 easy, actual 9.3km@6:11 HR 150

    14/07: plan 19km long run. Actual day of Pb's 5k@4:43 (23:33) HR 171.
    I'd debated about going for a pb at this and decided due to the weather (hot!) and the plan that I'd just swap it for a speed session and see how it went. I'd signed up for the 23/24 min race so stuck with the 24 min pacer. Last year I did the same and barely made the 24 minutes and it took me ages to recover. This time I felt so much stronger and I'd no problem keeping with the pacer. On the last lap he told me to go for it so I did! I was surprised to see 23:33 on the clock as that's only 7 seconds off my pb. Part of me thinks I should have just gone with the 23 min pacer but there's plenty of 5ks I can get a pb in after the half! It was a great day and the kids enjoyed it as well. Great to meet up with some boardsies too.

    Week 9 (of 18, halfway!)
    15/07: plan 8k easy. Actual 8km@6:04 HR 141. Had to drop the youngest at camp so took the opportunity to take a different route. Headed to Corcaigh Park but only did a small loop before heading back.
    90 mins gymnastics.

    16/07: plan 6*800m. Actual 19km@6:10 HR 147. Because of the 5k on Sunday I swapped this session with the long run. Headed up through Newlands Cross to the canal. In hindsight I should have recced the 10k route but I only thought of it when I saw the signs near the canal.

    17/07: plan rest, actual rest (unless you count walking around ikea which I reckon can be considered a session!)

    18/07: plan 8km tempo. Actual 12.6k@6:01 HR 147. I'm doing the South Dublin 10k on Sunday so decided to do that as the tempo so just did a slightly longer easy run today.

    19/07: plan 9.5k easy. Actual 9.7km@6:10 HR 142. Really didn't feel like doing this but forced myself and did grand in the end. I'm really feeling the cumulative fatigue this week. Hopefully I can shake some off by Sunday. I'm going to head out at hmp (4:58 per km) and if I can, I'll push on after 8km. Pb is 49:12 so I'll be close to it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Just lost a massive post which is probably just as well for you guys as it was mainly moaning. Serious loss of mojo here after a week off and I'm struggling to get out. Not enjoying myself at all when I do.
    I'm not injured, I've nothing in particular wrong with me, I'm just exhausted and unmotivated.
    Got a pb in the South Dublin 10k so it's not all doom and gloom but since then I've struggled. Hopefully it's just the heat/humidity and I'll snap out of it. Lack of routine due to kids off school is also a contribution.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,439 ✭✭✭✭Murph_D

    Hang in there C! Agree with the heat, makes it less attractive. Having a run mate or two can help with motivation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Murph_D wrote: »
    Hang in there C! Agree with the heat, makes it less attractive. Having a run mate or two can help with motivation.

    Thanks D. Went on an 8 k easy today with a friend and it was great. I rarely run with others but I should do it more as the time flew. Hope to get back on plan this week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,729 ✭✭✭Large bottle small glass

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Thanks for that! The whole maternal inheritance thing is really interesting. I'd love to look at some endurance athletes family trees!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,044 ✭✭✭chickey2

    Once again I've let my log lapse. I think I'll give it a break for a bit but thought I'd just post a quick update as I have been running.

    I got to half way in the Hanson's half plan then went on holidays and it went out the window. It's a great plan, and I got a 5 and 10 k pb in the first half but once you miss a few sessions like I did it's hard to come back. I'd give it another go but only if i know I'm not going away!

    Anyway, I did the Dublin half which had been the main goal but I knew going on to I wouldn't (and didn't deserve) a pb. Took it easy and enjoyed the beautiful day and managed to pick up a bit towards the end to come in in 1:54. Way off my 1:48 pb but I didn't care.

    I planned on taking a week off but then got sick so it turned into two weeks off. Did 5 k today and felt great so will try to get into some kind of routine to keep me ticking over the winter. Think I'll aim for jingle bells again as I love that run.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,831 ✭✭✭Annie get your Run

    chickey2 wrote: »
    Think I'll aim for jingle bells again as I love that run.

    See you there so :p I look forward to our usual annual tradition of you getting faster and me getting slower :D.
