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Harvey Weinstein scandal (Mod warning in op.)



  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    yes big time, this is what's totally missing in all of this, a lack of self assertiveness, common sense and respect! the whole Louie CK thing anyway.

    it beggers belief, though it asks the question, what would make somone think, A: it's ok and B: they wont be found out??

    Is it akin to , ah I only took a few quid, others are taking millions??? thus being commonly accepted within the industry, hey you wanna work here?? that's a cross you have to bear every now and again, not just kissing but sucking the odd frog!!!! only to find out multiple therapy sessions, an NDA and addiction later, it was all a sham!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,676 ✭✭✭strandroad

    CK exposed himself to women on sets (i.e. his workplace) or in the comedy circles. Therefore the consequences are professional.
    Aziz had a date.

  • Registered Users Posts: 14,714 ✭✭✭✭Earthhorse

    Or she lied.

    The article was compiled by her and the editor of the magazine. No official investigation or verification of her accusations.

    I genuinely find it amazing the way everyone is blindly accepting this account as being completely accurate. What do they say about the best lies?

    Let's think about this for a second. Aziz was in his 30s and had previous relationships, including a two-year relationship with another celeb. He's a comedian working in the entertainment industry, where apparently women throw themselves at him for any number of reasons. So how could he really be so inept in either the seduction or the arrangement of the sex itself? He sounds like a 15-year-old boy in the article. There are so many logical gaps in her story... and yet, so few people are questioning its accuracy.

    It's not about accepting her account as true but rather about discussing the implications of her account if it is true.

    As for your last paragraph; if women are throwing themselves at him for any number of reasons he doesn't have to be adept at seduction. There is nothing illogical about that, though it's important to note too that human beings are not logical.
    Neyite wrote: »
    She accuses him of sexual assault in the article - or rather, states that at some point after the encounter, she realised it was sexual assault.

    Fair enough; she say she processed it as a sexual assault a long time after the fact. She's entitled to do so.
    I'm not saying that men can't read non-verbal cues. They can and do all the time.

    Well sorry but your original post was unclear in that case.
    I'm saying that we can't entheustically participate and expect ALL men to ALWAYS read non-verbal cues and if they miss one they are by default a rapist.

    But who is saying this? The non verbal cues he missed were her getting up and moving away from him 30 times and pushing her hand away from his penis 5 or 6 times.

    Do you think he should have been able to read those non verbal cues?
    He did plenty wrong- it sounds like an awful date, and his sexual moves sound cringy and right off a bad porno. I don't think many on this thread are disagreeing there. But it wasn't criminal. It was simply that her non-verbal cues were too subtle for a self-centred man to notice, especially during mutual foreplay which would indicate enthusiastic consent.

    I don't know that I would call their foreplay mutual. Some of it was but some of it wasn't. She was clearly a lot less enthusiastic than he was and I don't think she was all that subtle about it either.
    The instant she gave him clear indication that she was not into it, he stopped immediately, suggested they get dressed and watch tv. Rapists don't do that.

    To me someone moving away or pushing their hand away is a clear indication too. Don't know how it could be seen otherwise. And no one is calling him a rapist as far as I can see.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,294 ✭✭✭RabbleRouser2k

    He said that he was surprised at her response when he received the message and apologized for her feeling that way.

    And let's be honest. If he was to release any detailed information about the night that contradicted her "article", his name would be pulled through the mud even more.

    I think it's because he goes against the villainous 'norm' of feminists-ie 'aggressive,white,male and MRA' who abuses their 'privilege'. Aziz has promoted himself as a feminist, is generally seen as a funny guy. Down to earth etc. He's brown skinned, and ethnically Muslim(He's atheist or agnostic).

    That brings up some rather difficult questions for feminists to answer or deal with. One could argue, based on how Muslim men treat women that this is negative learned behaviour within his culture. If it is, that raises more ugly negative questions-the likes of which feminists don't like to deal with.
    Again, this isn't about race, it's about culture.

    So when Aziz was so against the feminist norm, there were more defenders. If it had been anyone else, there would be less people defending him. I even heard someone say 'oh come on, this was just bad sex, not rape'...and I'm conflicted on that. Bad sex would imply she was up for it, and was left disappointed. This doesn't sound anything like that.
    So the question is, will the fall out from the Aziz story (which seems to be support for Aziz) make people reconsider some of the others, like Louis CK for example? In CK's case he didn't force himself upon the two women, he just started jerking off on front of them and they laughed at him while he did it. I know there were other similar cases and Aziz's seems to be just one, but is there enough there to make people go "hold up, this isn't the same thing as a sexual predator / rapist / aggressor"?

    What got me was the knee-jerk reaction with the cancellation of shows / removal from cast of movies / etc. This doesn't look like it's gonna happen to Aziz, so should it have happened to Louis?

    With CK, there was a serious case of two personas. Louis paraded himself as a feminist. He often wrote material on how 'awful' us men are. But he didn't own up to the many, many allegations against him.
    As a comedian, he could pull the 'mind if I whip out my penis?' question, and ladies thought he was joking. He wasn't, hence their surprise.
    The laughing was nervous laughing, not 'oh, you so cray Louie'. It was like his dementia was known.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I think it's because he goes against the villainous 'norm' of feminists-ie 'aggressive,white,male and MRA' who abuses their 'privilege'. Aziz has promoted himself as a feminist, is generally seen as a funny guy. Down to earth etc. He's brown skinned, and ethnically Muslim(He's atheist or agnostic).

    Feminists love labels, generalisations, and such... when applied to men. They will label Aziz the same as other men as a sign of their nonracism. To show that sexism rises above issues like race and religion. :rolleyes:
    So when Aziz was so against the feminist norm, there were more defenders. If it had been anyone else, there would be less people defending him. I even heard someone say 'oh come on, this was just bad sex, not rape'...and I'm conflicted on that. Bad sex would imply she was up for it, and was left disappointed. This doesn't sound anything like that.

    No, this sounds like inept sex. The kind of sex you have when you're 15-20 years old, and you're on your first to third sexual opportunity. The clinginess in the room, the obliviousness of body language, the cringe-worthy suggesting of sexual positions. She descibes an inexperienced teenager. I can still remember (with embarrassment) some of the idiotic things I did on ONS when I was still very inexperienced. [I suspect most people learn about sex in relationships and can skip these kinds of awkward experiences]

    Which is one of the main reasons why I'm so suspicious of her account and wonder if this is simply a twisted story to destroy his reputation.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,375 ✭✭✭✭kunst nugget

    I even heard someone say 'oh come on, this was just bad sex, not rape'...and I'm conflicted on that. Bad sex would imply she was up for it, and was left disappointed. This doesn't sound anything like that.

    I really don't understand how anyone could read that account and call that rape.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,402 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    Neyite wrote: »
    She accuses him of sexual assault in the article - or rather, states that at some point after the encounter, she realised it was sexual assault.

    I'm not saying that men can't read non-verbal cues. They can and do all the time. Men who see a woman who is too drunk to consent and get her friend to take her home or tuck her up in bed are taking a non-verbal cue. I'm saying that we can't entheustically participate and expect ALL men to ALWAYS read non-verbal cues and if they miss one they are by default a rapist.

    He did plenty wrong- it sounds like an awful date, and his sexual moves sound cringy and right off a bad porno. I don't think many on this thread are disagreeing there. But it wasn't criminal. It was simply that her non-verbal cues were too subtle for a self-centred man to notice, especially during mutual foreplay which would indicate enthusiastic consent.

    The instant she gave him clear indication that she was not into it, he stopped immediately, suggested they get dressed and watch tv. Rapists don't do that.

    Agreed. It seems like his only crime was being a bit too overly-enthusiastic and pushy, and in doing so missing non-verbal cues or maybe dismissing minor ones until he did get a firm "No". It really doesn't seem like there was any attempt to force, coerce or harass the woman into doing anything she didn't want to (from his perspective).

    I think it does raise questions about how to read non-verbal cues better and how certain actions can imply consent when not spoken, but I think Aziz played it absolutely right in his apology and it should be treated as such. She had a bad experience at the end of their date and there was an unfortunate misunderstanding between them based on both of their actions, but it doesn't seem like there was any assault or attempt to otherwise harm by Aziz and it shouldn't be conflated with most of the other #metoo etc stories.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Penn wrote: »
    I think it does raise questions about how to read non-verbal cues better and how certain actions can imply consent when not spoken,


    The thing about body language is that it seems perfectly obvious in our own heads. We do something consciously, or subconsciously, and we just expect other people to firstly see it, and secondly to understand it the same way as we do. We apply cold logical thinking (after the fact) to believe that everyone would be able to understand the signals the way they were intended.

    I worked as a credit controller (Debt collection), and did negotiations as part of that work. I've gone on dozens of course regarding the "subtle" messages that our bodies present when we're excited, bring dishonest, etc. The people who provide these courses present it as a science, just like Psychology enthusiasts skip over the iffy nature of its research.

    The truth of the matter though is that body language is only effective in a sterile envrionment absent strong emotions (in both parties), and where the gestures are extremely obvious (to catch the persons attention and hold that attention long enough for the gesture to be completed). You watch programs like "lie to me" and they present the belief that everything is measurable, but a lot of the interpretation comes from instinct married with training... which most people are lacking. there's also a very strong element of needing time to grow familiar with a persons individual body language, since we all learn different methods of expressing ourselves non-verbally from parents, cultural backgrounds, tv, etc.

    Now, in this example, we have two naked people who have performed oral sex on each other. Even before the oral sex, there's nudity, kissing, touching, flirting, playful behavior, etc. Plenty of distractions there to prevent seeing all the body language being expressed... and even if you were to be on the lookout for body language, which gestures would be as a result of pleasure and which would just be flopping about.

    I'm not excusing Aziz for missing out on the most obvious of gestures... The traditionally understood gestures that people use regularly to show interest, concern, unhappiness etc. However...

    I do get a bit annoyed by this expectation that men should be able to read all the messages that women are supposedly putting about. I've had body language training classes, and I'll still miss quite a bit of it. So, how are guys who have never received any training to do any better? Sure.. some people are naturally more empathetic about these things... But it's instinctual rather than conscious.

    The truth is that Body language is notoriously unreliable a medium for communication. It's far too easy to misread due to your present emotional state, physical limitations (eyesight), cultural differences etc etc.

    TBH, I do think it's just another way for women to find excuses for their mistakes. The woman in the article could have, at any time, verbally expressed her wishes. She didn't. And so, it falls to the inability of Aziz to read her body language.

    There are plenty examples of obvious body language... but don't forget the environmental circumstances of where the encounter is happening. A guy who's just had a blowjob isn't going to be too aware of what's happening around him... Just as a person who's had five pints of beer won't be too clued into his/her surroundings either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,294 ✭✭✭RabbleRouser2k

    No, this sounds like inept sex. The kind of sex you have when you're 15-20 years old, and you're on your first to third sexual opportunity. The clinginess in the room, the obliviousness of body language, the cringe-worthy suggesting of sexual positions. She descibes an inexperienced teenager. I can still remember (with embarrassment) some of the idiotic things I did on ONS when I was still very inexperienced. [I suspect most people learn about sex in relationships and can skip these kinds of awkward experiences]

    Which is one of the main reasons why I'm so suspicious of her account and wonder if this is simply a twisted story to destroy his reputation.

    He may very well be inept. :confused:

    Like, he's a star now, in comedy and film. So he may very well have been used to lady's being star struck around him, and just putting out.

    I honestly must have better reading skills, when it comes to cues I mean. I'm amazed, tbh, as I often am a terrible conversation person. Guess I'm more of a 'body language' reader.

    More Golden Globes humour.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,226 ✭✭✭Silentcorner

    He may very well be inept. :confused:

    Like, he's a star now, in comedy and film. So he may very well have been used to lady's being star struck around him, and just putting out.

    I honestly must have better reading skills, when it comes to cues I mean. I'm amazed, tbh, as I often am a terrible conversation person. Guess I'm more of a 'body language' reader.

    I have to agree with you...this wasn't bad sex or inept sex whatever that there was no sex, despite the very swift undressing and oral sex....despite him asking her on multiple occasions "where would you like me to f~~k you?"

    I simply cannot relate, in any way shape or form, with Ansaris behaviour...I have tried all week to challenge my opinion on this particular case...I have read it and reread it, along with a lot of other articles arguing both sides...

    He chased her around his apartment for the bones of an hour....(he is not challenging any part of her account, nor is he suing the publisher as far as I know...despite being accused of a crime on a website...)

    Sticking his two fingers in her mouth several times and unsuccessfully trying to finger her vagina...
    Grabbing her hand and forcing it on his cock on between 5-7 times...

    This must be par for the course these days....maybe she was playing hard to get ...I just don't know...

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  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    This must be par for the course these days....maybe she was playing hard to get ...I just don't know...
    I honestly must have better reading skills, when it comes to cues I mean. I'm amazed, tbh, as I often am a terrible conversation person. Guess I'm more of a 'body language' reader.

    Folks, the difference being that I don't believe the article to be an accurate account of what happened. I think it's been edited and formatted to make him sounds as scummy as possible, probably with major exaggerations of his actions, if not outright lies.

    I've gone through the article on multiple reads and it doesn't make sense. Aziz is not a fifteen-year-old boy or a 30-year-old man with little to no experience with women, and few opporunties to be with them. He's a successful comedian and actor with past relationships, and likely quite a few ons. The portrayal of his behavior just seems so out of place.

    I could also go through the piece line by line and pick out dozens of behaviors to damn him... but... Nah. It doesn't match with the lifestyle that he has available to him.

    She accuses him of being the same as so many other men she's met. That suggests a severe bias and considering the method of releasing her "statement", and his surprise when he received her text message the next day, it makes it obvious that this was an intentional attack on him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,226 ✭✭✭Silentcorner

    Folks, the difference being that I don't believe the article to be an accurate account of what happened. I think it's been edited and formatted to make him sounds as scummy as possible, probably with major exaggerations of his actions, if not outright lies.

    I've gone through the article on multiple reads and it doesn't make sense. Aziz is not a fifteen-year-old boy or a 30-year-old man with little to no experience with women, and few opporunties to be with them. He's a successful comedian and actor with past relationships, and likely quite a few ons. The portrayal of his behavior just seems so out of place.

    I could also go through the piece line by line and pick out dozens of behaviors to damn him... but... Nah. It doesn't match with the lifestyle that he has available to him.

    She accuses him of being the same as so many other men she's met. That suggests a severe bias and considering the method of releasing her "statement", and his surprise when he received her text message the next day, it makes it obvious that this was an intentional attack on him.

    Well, he has not challenged anything in her account, despite the pretty explicit nature of the events described....he has every right to, nothing stopping him suing the publishing company...he issued a very short statement...he could have described the events as he saw it...

    I agree with you about the style of the piece, there are a few holes in it that I can see, but nothing that vindicates any opinion I might add...

    I believe she was not the one to approach, they heard about the incident throw a network of people, they approached her and convinced her to give her the story, she did so on the basis of anonymity...

    I can relate to her behaviour, she was clearly in a bit of shock (hence splashing water all over herself in the bathroom) and did not react quick enough...

    She accuses him of being the same as other men, in the heat of the moment, when she finally had enough...I don't think you can blame her for that, she may just have said "Men are bastards" in that moment and you really couldn't blame her...

    I think you are just struggling to believe that a 34 year old celebrity be that awkward/pushy/horny....I'll bet she could hardly believe it either...she was expecting the Pro Feminist/Nice guy man he portrays himself to be...

    Trust me, as a fan of Louis CK I had trouble accepting what that guy was up to...

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Well, he has not challenged anything in her account, despite the pretty explicit nature of the events described....he has every right to, nothing stopping him suing the publishing company...he issued a very short statement...he could have described the events as he saw it...

    Considering the nature of Internet media, and the people interested in these kinds of topics, nothing he says will change their minds.

    Nobody saw what happened, there is no evidence, and when it comes down to differences in opinion, her account will come up on top. Why? Because victims traditionally have been ignored, muted, or targeted. You just have to look at the #metoo campaign contributions and the reactions to see what I mean.

    The social climate is to believe a female and not believe the male. So anything he says (more than his original statement) will just make things worse.
    I believe she was not the one to approach, they heard about the incident throw a network of people, they approached her and convinced her to give her the story, she did so on the basis of anonymity...

    Really, I've read a variety of articles and nobody mentioned that. Any links?
    I can relate to her behaviour, she was clearly in a bit of shock (hence splashing water all over herself in the bathroom) and did not react quick enough...

    Shock from what? That he stopped trying to have sex when she asked him to stop? Or that he suggested they have a chat with their clothes on? She didn't feel any shock before then? Holes upon holes in that story.
    She accuses him of being the same as other men, in the heat of the moment, when she finally had enough...I don't think you can blame her for that, she may just have said "Men are bastards" in that moment and you really couldn't blame her...

    In the heat of the moment? Strange how that's in the heat of the moment but the rest of the article is fine to accept. And lets be clear here. The article doesn't have her storming out of his place after having enough. She storms out of the place when he makes it clear that wasn't looking for a romantic relationship.

    And I don't blame her for that. I do think that a week of texting and a dinner date should have prepared the groundwork for knowing what was going to happen though. I've been on hundreds of dates and I usually know what the direction is after the first one, and my date will too.

    But come on. Their first date starts and ends in his home. Who does that without knowing that sex is part of it? She's not a blushing virgin with no experience of men considering her past experiences weren't much better than Aziz... And few women are going to start a relationship with sex.. It's usually the case with a woman wanting a relationship, will expect a few dates first to establish a connection before sex becoming available (rather than coming across as being easy)
    I think you are just struggling to believe that a 34 year old celebrity be that awkward/pushy/horny....I'll bet she could hardly believe it either...she was expecting the Pro Feminist/Nice guy man he portrays himself to be...

    Nope. Not struggling at all. I don't believe it. Could he have made some mistakes? Sure. But that many? And to be that clumsy in suggestion and execution? No way.

    The Pro Feminist/Nice guy thingy doesn't stop him from being male and being interested in having sex without entering a relationship.
    Trust me, as a fan of Louis CK I had trouble accepting what that guy was up to...

    CK was always off the wall wacky though. It's hardly a shock that he's done some dodgy things in the past.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,226 ✭✭✭Silentcorner

    Considering the nature of Internet media, and the people interested in these kinds of topics, nothing he says will change their minds.

    Nobody saw what happened, there is no evidence, and when it comes down to differences in opinion, her account will come up on top. Why? Because victims traditionally have been ignored, muted, or targeted. You just have to look at the #metoo campaign contributions and the reactions to see what I mean.

    The social climate is to believe a female and not believe the male. So anything he says (more than his original statement) will just make things worse.

    Really, I've read a variety of articles and nobody mentioned that. Any links?

    Shock from what? That he stopped trying to have sex when she asked him to stop? Or that he suggested they have a chat with their clothes on? She didn't feel any shock before then? Holes upon holes in that story.

    In the heat of the moment? Strange how that's in the heat of the moment but the rest of the article is fine to accept. And lets be clear here. The article doesn't have her storming out of his place after having enough. She storms out of the place when he makes it clear that wasn't looking for a romantic relationship.

    And I don't blame her for that. I do think that a week of texting and a dinner date should have prepared the groundwork for knowing what was going to happen though. I've been on hundreds of dates and I usually know what the direction is after the first one, and my date will too.

    But come on. Their first date starts and ends in his home. Who does that without knowing that sex is part of it? She's not a blushing virgin with no experience of men considering her past experiences weren't much better than Aziz... And few women are going to start a relationship with sex.. It's usually the case with a woman wanting a relationship, will expect a few dates first to establish a connection before sex becoming available (rather than coming across as being easy)

    Nope. Not struggling at all. I don't believe it. Could he have made some mistakes? Sure. But that many? And to be that clumsy in suggestion and execution? No way.

    The Pro Feminist/Nice guy thingy doesn't stop him from being male and being interested in having sex without entering a relationship.

    CK was always off the wall wacky though. It's hardly a shock that he's done some dodgy things in the past.

    I'm sorry now, but if you are a high profile individual, and somebody makes up a tissue of lies, or exaggerates a serious incident like a sexual assault defend yourself, he would have had offers to go on network television to defend himself...he has chosen silence apart from a very small statement...

    Your dead right, there were no witnesses, that is the problem with sexual assaults of this nature (I know no one believes that this was a sexual assault but she did, and I do)...they are impossible prove...either way...

    I'm not sure if this is the website I saw it on (I genuinely must have read 20 related articles about this one) but it does corroborate what I read...

    It is a good read in any case...

    You are not believing her account, there is nothing I can do about that...anything I say will just wind you up, I do believe her account (he hasn't denied it)...that is why i think she probably went into a state of shock and wasn't thinking straight, which does happen to people when they find themselves in very uncomfortable surroundings...

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    I'm sorry now, but if you are a high profile individual, and somebody makes up a tissue of lies, or exaggerates a serious incident like a sexual assault defend yourself, he would have had offers to go on network television to defend himself...he has chosen silence apart from a very small statement...

    Personally, I believe any attempt to clear the issue further would backfire badly.
    Your dead right, there were no witnesses, that is the problem with sexual assaults of this nature (I know no one believes that this was a sexual assault but she did, and I do)...they are impossible prove...either way...

    Still haven't seen enough justification for this to be a sexual assault since she didn't ask him to stop until the act of sex, and he did stop then.
    I'm not sure if this is the website I saw it on (I genuinely must have read 20 related articles about this one) but it does corroborate what I read...

    It is a good read in any case...

    Yup. I'd seen it before. And this caught my attention the first time:

    "When I spoke to Way on the phone on Monday, she told me Babe has been “soliciting” stories about sexual misconduct for months, and cites a campaign that asked readers to submit information about their “personal Harvey Weinsteins.”


    "“[We] wrote it in the style [our audience] expects from us: pretty direct, uncensored, no words taken out for the sake of good taste.”"

    It was designed to outrage. For an audience, that was looking to be angered at sexual harassment. [Have you ever spent any time reading through the extremist feminist blogs? There's a similar theme with the article in the triggering of emotions]
    You are not believing her account, there is nothing I can do about that...anything I say will just wind you up, I do believe her account (he hasn't denied it)...that is why i think she probably went into a state of shock and wasn't thinking straight, which does happen to people when they find themselves in very uncomfortable surroundings...

    Even based on her account, there is no reason to see her going into a state of shock since all the really negative things happened before the questions about penetrative sex.

    But, yes. we're at opposite angles here. I don't believe her account is accurate, and there are too many logical holes in the overall situation. I'm also not terribly impressed that she would go to a gossip magazine that was soliciting for these kinds of pieces. Smacks too much of a set up to harness the anger that Harvey Weinstein has generated.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,294 ✭✭✭RabbleRouser2k

    I'm sorry now, but if you are a high profile individual, and somebody makes up a tissue of lies, or exaggerates a serious incident like a sexual assault defend yourself, he would have had offers to go on network television to defend himself...he has chosen silence apart from a very small statement...

    Your dead right, there were no witnesses, that is the problem with sexual assaults of this nature (I know no one believes that this was a sexual assault but she did, and I do)...they are impossible prove...either way...

    I'm not sure if this is the website I saw it on (I genuinely must have read 20 related articles about this one) but it does corroborate what I read...

    It is a good read in any case...

    You are not believing her account, there is nothing I can do about that...anything I say will just wind you up, I do believe her account (he hasn't denied it)...that is why i think she probably went into a state of shock and wasn't thinking straight, which does happen to people when they find themselves in very uncomfortable surroundings...

    Won't matter much, but I believe her account too. Yes, there is some 'exaggerations', it mean the choice of wine is neither here nor there, but she includes that detail.

    But the's bizarre and overly aggressive. Disturbingly so. Yet now certain feminists are decrying her account of the 'encounter' with Aziz, and the website, saying its harming the #metoo movement, aka a really fragile ideology that's crumbling from within. I find that reprehensible.
    She clearly felt this was beyond the norm. And from reading, it was. Now even Samantha Bee is turning on Aziz.

    There's an interesting relationship between Louis Ck scandal and Aziz. Anzari used to refuse to comment on it, trying to change the subject. He had something in his own closet.
    He didn't 'stop' when she said no, instead he demanded oral sex. All of this while claiming to be a feminist, claiming not to be one of the 'creepy guys'. He even wrote books about it.

    Whatever happens from here on out will be interesting, regarding Aziz career. It's the first, major, fracture to occur within the 'metoo' movement, and that's barely a few weeks old. And it didn't take long for cracks to form. But what is also of note is how those defending him are making it about his skin colour. Not his actions, not about his creepiness.
    Some of those who were shunned, such as Jeremy Piven, did less than Aziz-yet received far less defense.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,226 ✭✭✭Silentcorner

    Personally, I believe any attempt to clear the issue further would backfire badly.

    Still haven't seen enough justification for this to be a sexual assault since she didn't ask him to stop until the act of sex, and he did stop then.

    Yup. I'd seen it before. And this caught my attention the first time:

    "When I spoke to Way on the phone on Monday, she told me Babe has been “soliciting” stories about sexual misconduct for months, and cites a campaign that asked readers to submit information about their “personal Harvey Weinsteins.”


    "“[We] wrote it in the style [our audience] expects from us: pretty direct, uncensored, no words taken out for the sake of good taste.”"

    It was designed to outrage. For an audience, that was looking to be angered at sexual harassment. [Have you ever spent any time reading through the extremist feminist blogs? There's a similar theme with the article in the triggering of emotions]

    Even based on her account, there is no reason to see her going into a state of shock since all the really negative things happened before the questions about penetrative sex.

    But, yes. we're at opposite angles here. I don't believe her account is accurate, and there are too many logical holes in the overall situation. I'm also not terribly impressed that she would go to a gossip magazine that was soliciting for these kinds of pieces. Smacks too much of a set up to harness the anger that Harvey Weinstein has generated.

    Look, I don't mean this in a snotty way but we should just agree to disagree at this stage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,226 ✭✭✭Silentcorner

    Won't matter much, but I believe her account too. Yes, there is some 'exaggerations', it mean the choice of wine is neither here nor there, but she includes that detail.

    But the's bizarre and overly aggressive. Disturbingly so. Yet now certain feminists are decrying her account of the 'encounter' with Aziz, and the website, saying its harming the #metoo movement, aka a really fragile ideology that's crumbling from within. I find that reprehensible.
    She clearly felt this was beyond the norm. And from reading, it was. Now even Samantha Bee is turning on Aziz.

    There's an interesting relationship between Louis Ck scandal and Aziz. Anzari used to refuse to comment on it, trying to change the subject. He had something in his own closet.
    He didn't 'stop' when she said no, instead he demanded oral sex. All of this while claiming to be a feminist, claiming not to be one of the 'creepy guys'. He even wrote books about it.

    Whatever happens from here on out will be interesting, regarding Aziz career. It's the first, major, fracture to occur within the 'metoo' movement, and that's barely a few weeks old. And it didn't take long for cracks to form. But what is also of note is how those defending him are making it about his skin colour. Not his actions, not about his creepiness.
    Some of those who were shunned, such as Jeremy Piven, did less than Aziz-yet received far less defense.

    The whole reaction to this one really confused me I have to say.

    When I first opened the link to the origional story, I kinda expected to be a bit dismissal of it...

    But as I read on I quickly changed my mind....

    I have mentioned the parts that I feel are the more serious parts....the parts that in my view, are a sexual assault.

    What really got to me in the end was when she left the apartment she broke down, in the corridor and all the way home in the back of a taxi...she was in bits!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,294 ✭✭✭RabbleRouser2k

    The whole reaction to this one really confused me I have to say.

    When I first opened the link to the origional story, I kinda expected to be a bit dismissal of it...

    But as I read on I quickly changed my mind....

    I have mentioned the parts that I feel are the more serious parts....the parts that in my view, are a sexual assault.

    What really got to me in the end was when she left the apartment she broke down, in the corridor and all the way home in the back of a taxi...she was in bits!

    Yeah, that stood out to me too. I've female friends who came back from a bad date taking the pee out of it a day after. It wasn't like 3 months later they were still traumatized. It wasn't 'bad sex'-it was a violation.
    That's what struck me.

    Also, his concern seemed more in line with protecting his image, not any concern for her. There was nothing like 'please let me make it up to you' etc. Something to show any kind of concern. But nope.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,423 ✭✭✭✭Outlaw Pete

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,709 ✭✭✭cloudatlas

    Yeah, that stood out to me too. I've female friends who came back from a bad date taking the pee out of it a day after. It wasn't like 3 months later they were still traumatized. It wasn't 'bad sex'-it was a violation.
    That's what struck me.

    Also, his concern seemed more in line with protecting his image, not any concern for her. There was nothing like 'please let me make it up to you' etc. Something to show any kind of concern. But nope.

    These were the troubling parts (also the ramming of the fingers in the mouth) :

    "He probably moved my hand to his dick five to seven times,” she said. “He really kept doing it after I moved it away.”

    “I wasn’t really even thinking of that, I didn’t want to be engaged in that with him. But he kept asking, so I said, ‘Next time.’ And he goes, ‘Oh, you mean second date?’ and I go, ‘Oh, yeah, sure,’ and he goes, ‘Well, if I poured you another glass of wine now, would it count as our second date?’”

    “I said I don’t want to feel forced because then I’ll hate you, and I’d rather not hate you,” she said.

    After he bent me over is when I stood up and said no, I don’t think I’m ready to do this, I really don’t think I’m going to do this. And he said, ‘How about we just chill, but this time with our clothes on?’”

    He finally complied when she was clear with him it still doesn't seem like sexual assault to me but very cringeworthy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,226 ✭✭✭Silentcorner

    I think the two following and different pieces are both very difficult to argue with...

    Despite two very different slants....

    This case really got to me I have to say...

    I recognise that in instances such as this "sexual assault" is such a vague crime and one that is virtually impossible to convict in a courtroom, as there are no witness and no physical evidence...means its use is pointless...

    It doesn't seem right that victims of sexual assaults (in this instance) have no recourse open to them...

    In summary, I haven't got a clue what to suggest...other than ask myself what the f##k am I doing arguing with people on the internet!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,246 ✭✭✭✭Dyr

    I think the two following and different pieces are both very difficult to argue with...

    Despite two very different slants....

    This case really got to me I have to say...

    I recognise that in instances such as this "sexual assault" is such a vague crime and one that is virtually impossible to convict in a courtroom, as there are no witness and no physical evidence...means its use is pointless...

    It doesn't seem right that victims of sexual assaults (in this instance) have no recourse open to them...

    In summary, I haven't got a clue what to suggest...other than ask myself what the f##k am I doing arguing with people on the internet!!!

    Both those links made me want to bleach my eyes, jesus wept

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,294 ✭✭✭RabbleRouser2k

    Not an argument for or against, more a discussion of why certain behaviours that are criticised will never change-it's down to nature. Not groping, btw, more 'how you doin'?'

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,294 ✭✭✭RabbleRouser2k

    Pretty callous for Scarjo to denounce James franco in a public forum. This is the woman who's made 3 films with Woody Allen. (Yeah, I know that's me being a hypocrite).

  • Registered Users Posts: 85,737 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Pretty callous for Scarjo to denounce James franco in a public forum. This is the woman who's made 3 films with Woody Allen. (Yeah, I know that's me being a hypocrite).

    Any comment from Mila Kunis?

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 3,628 ✭✭✭darkdubh

    I think the two following and different pieces are both very difficult to argue with...

    Despite two very different slants....

    This case really got to me I have to say...

    I recognise that in instances such as this "sexual assault" is such a vague crime and one that is virtually impossible to convict in a courtroom, as there are no witness and no physical evidence...means its use is pointless...

    It doesn't seem right that victims of sexual assaults (in this instance) have no recourse open to them...

    In summary, I haven't got a clue what to suggest...other than ask myself what the f##k am I doing arguing with people on the internet!!!

    What the hell is a desi feminist? I''m still trying to get used to woke.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,676 ✭✭✭strandroad

    darkdubh wrote: »
    What the hell is a desi feminist? I''m still trying to get used to woke.

    Desi means "of Indian or Pakistani origin". Just a shorthand term. My friend would say for example "my mother is such a Desi mum" when she means a particular kind of nagging or caring.

  • Registered Users Posts: 85,737 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    Pretty callous for Scarjo to denounce James franco in a public forum. This is the woman who's made 3 films with Woody Allen. (Yeah, I know that's me being a hypocrite).

    James Franco's sister in law Alison Brie got asked on SAG red carpet, she replied, "I think that above all what we've always said is that it remains vital that anyone who feels victimized should and does have the right to speak out and come forward. I obviously support my family and not everything that's been reported is fully accurate, so I think we're waiting to get all of the information. But of course I think now is a time for listening and that's what we're all trying to do."

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 14,311 ✭✭✭✭weldoninhio

    Pretty callous for Scarjo to denounce James franco in a public forum. This is the woman who's made 3 films with Woody Allen. (Yeah, I know that's me being a hypocrite).

    A month after Allen's estranged daughter Dylan Farrow penned an open letter accusing him of sexual abuse in 2014, Johansson told the Guardian: 'It's not like this is somebody that's been prosecuted and found guilty of something, and you can then go, "I don't support this lifestyle or whatever." I mean, it's all guesswork.'
