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Gary Lineker and the man who had his willy chopped off



  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Spurs played my local team way back in the 90s at one of those charity things and it was such a big deal as you can imagine.
    My friend was in the Order of Malta and she was outside the dressing rooms after half-time (Linekar only played the first half).. She had to talk to Linekar for one reason or another and he came out of the dressing room completely naked and chatted away to her! She was only about 16 at the time.

    After the match we waited around to see the players leaving and some young fella was getting autographs from the players - most obliged. When Linekar came out he looked like he was going to sign but then waved away the boy. I remember thinking 'what a knob', he could have made that young fellas day. It wasn't like he was hounded by autograph hunters or anything.

    That behaviour tallies with what I was told about him, particularly the women thing. The guy I know knew him when he was at Spurs when he had a wife and young children.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 232 ✭✭Benjamin Buttons

    That behaviour tallies with what I was told about him, particularly the women thing. The guy I know knew him when he was at Spurs when he had a wife and young children.

    Hearsay and tittle-tattle...

    I prefer The Irish Times version of our Gary:

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,003 ✭✭✭Hammer89

    I have nothing against him as a bloke. I actually get the impression he's a nice chap, and the fact he seems to have stayed close to his ex-wife only about a year after divorcing I think speaks volumes for him. I just didn't like the joke.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Hearsay and tittle-tattle...

    I prefer The Irish Times version of our Gary:

    True, but it's not a Court so hearsay is pretty legit. If any good friend said "I know X, he's a notorious womaniser and a deeply unpleasant person" you are entitled to take it on merit. It's their perception, it's far more reliable and first hand than perception based on media image. Course, if I met Linekar, I might say he was a nice guy...but even at that my take in one meeting could be skewed, this person met him frequently as he worked with Spurs at the time.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 232 ✭✭Benjamin Buttons

    True, but it's not a Court so hearsay is pretty legit. If any good friend said "I know X, he's a notorious womaniser and a deeply unpleasant person" you are entitled to take it on merit. It's their perception, it's far more reliable and first hand than perception based on media image. Course, if I met Linekar, I might say he was a nice guy...but even at that my take in one meeting could be skewed, this person met him frequently as he worked with Spurs at the time.

    Fair enough Conor, up to a point.

    I'll take the paper of record (no laughing there at the back) over 'I know a bloke who knows a bloke', any day...well, most days (particularly when it suits my purposes to so do!).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,655 ✭✭✭Royal Legend

    Hammer89 wrote: »
    So, a wife in South Korea has chopped off her husband's penis and flushed it down the toilet because he was spending so much time on the golf course. Gary Lineker saw the funny side, Tweeting: " gone" and a lot of his followers also got in on the act. His followers responded with a plethora of golf-related puns - including some women - and you could be forgiven for thinking that it's not such a horrific story.

    Except for the fact it is a horrific story and can you imagine the outrage if a man mutilated his wife's genitals? Can you imagine Lineker making puns about the clitoris in that scenario? No, because he'd be strung up by his ears and rightly so, but it's okay if a man's genitals are destroyed by a woman with a kitchen knife, isn't it?

    Not only is it okay, but it's a source of humour and I'm sickened by the whole thing. I honestly am. Perhaps I'm wrong to be annoyed because this is simply the world we live in and there are great examples of hypocrisy out there, but that doesn't mean the lesser examples should be ignored.

    Thats a bit unfair to pick on the mans big ears :eek:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,847 ✭✭✭764dak

    Samaris wrote: »
    Robsweezie wrote: »
    when a woman is in a physical altercation especially a rape or assault,it may appear as more of a shock. i often hear it being said that its worse to see women fighting each other on the street than men.

    Side-note on that - boys are expected to "rough-house" as children, get into fights, be able to protect themselves and have a certain limit on how much damage they deal out. Obviously a bit sweeping, but I'd say most parents even now would still be less surprised if their son came home with a bloody nose than their daughter.

    Girls in general aren't. If they're taught to fight at all, it's no-holds-barred, bite, kick, punch, hair-pulling, knee to groin - because the expectation is that if they have to use it, winning is getting away or rendering the other person unable to hurt them, losing is probably death or rape. So two girls going at each other is -vicious-.

    I've heard people say "men fight for show; women fight to win."

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,987 ✭✭✭conorhal

    Candie wrote: »
    I don't know why people find multilation funny - particularly gential mutilation like this case. :(

    There was a thread a few years ago about a woman who's partner had used superglue on her genitals and the 'jokes' were stomach turning and not all from expected sources either. Sharon Osbornes take on a similar case to the OP, broadcast on tv, where she thought it was funny when it was a man, but 'different' when it was a woman was similarly stomach turning. :(

    “Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.” -Mel Brooks

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,247 ✭✭✭milli milli

    Hearsay and tittle-tattle...

    Hardly - I saw his treatment of the autograph-seeking child with my own two eyes. Not the actions of a 'nice man'

    In all fairness he might have changed, and I hope he has. I don't go around thinking Gary Linekar is horrible. I don't hold anything against him.
    It was just unpleasant behaviour to witness back then from someone a lot of children (and grown men) look up to.
