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Starting from scratch

  • 18-07-2017 11:33am
    Registered Users Posts: 3,276 ✭✭✭

    Hi all.

    So I'm on here because I'm feeling pretty unhealthy right now, I don't look unhealthy though, it's all internal. I want to change this but it's a bit scary starting, as I have no idea where to start and hoping some of you could give me some pointers or guides to start out with maybe?

    I'm 35, work in an office 9 to 6 get home about 7, get train in morning so leave home at 8am. I am a smoker, since 15, have tried to give up, sometimes I do great for 6 months but then crack, I'm not ready to give up again just yet, but I have cut down.

    My diet is horrendous lately, lots of take out during the week so I've built a little tummy over the past year. But I do like cooking at home, just can take some time during the week and lazy. I do drink on a Friday, maybe 5/6 pints, or white wine.

    I don't do any sports as never had interest in sports. But I did do that couch to 5k a few years back, so this might be somewhere good to start?

    I enjoy video games, retro and new, but this seems to take a break in the summer months, cause it's nice out, like today.

    I guess I just need some guidance in everything, food, and fitness. Can someone give a little advice or point me in the right direction? I know these things take effort and don't change over night so wanna do this right. Just get healthy, don't want to be built like a house or anything.

    Sorry for the long post/rant. Reads like a personal ad, ha.

    Thanks for taking the time to read :)


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,723 ✭✭✭MightyMandarin

    Your story reads like 90% of 'advice seeking' threads on here tbh.

    It's a cliche but everything really begins with the diet and effort will be needed on your part to improve it. Start by cooking food, not getting take aways, focusing on good sources of carbs (rice and spuds, not just bread and pasta) and more meat and vegetables. You don't have to go straight to pints of water on friday night but just drink 2 or 3 pints, instead of 5 or 6, and if it's too hard learn to drink slower.

    As for exercise, do whatever you want really. Running, cycling, swimming, lifting; anything at all, so long as you do it regularly (2-3x a week at least) and don't take the piss.

    As for the smokes... well, you know the story with that anyway so me telling you to stop is meaningless. Cutting down is a step in the right direction at least, but you know yourself that it's still not ideal.

    Any questions in particular just fire away, or better, read the countless other threads about diet and exercise here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,519 ✭✭✭GalwayGrrrrrl

    If you want to see where you can make changes to your diet get the my fitness pal calorie counter app. Log all your food and drink on it for a few days and you'll be able to pick out a few changes to reduce overall calories.

    If you don't want to give up smoking altogether at the moment, at least try cutting back gradually. Your body will thank you for it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,356 ✭✭✭AllForIt

    Just on the smoking - if you are the type of person like myself who is able to give them for long periods but go back on them for whatever reason in time then I would suggest taking up vaping. That's not to say you have to vape every day either. If you know your trigger points that cause you to go back on them like say if you were out for a drink then you could keep the vaping kit handy. That would stop you from going back to your habit of buying the 20 pack, the lighter etc. Even if you were to have the occasional proper cig on a night out having the vaping kit to use the following days would help you not to go back on them permanently.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1 JervisAndy

    I read Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking and I have to admit it's been the biggest help for me when it came to that struggle... I haven't stopped in it's entirety, but I'm down from ten smokes a day to maybe 1 depending on the situation. I'm pretty sure if I read it a second time round I'd be finished for good.

    Strangely enough my motivation to get fit came from the realization how unfit I'd become at 25 years of age from smoking.

    I use the fitbit app to log everything and find it works great for me... My fitbit blaze just arrived yeaterday, again the motivation now lives firmly on my wrist - maybe consider a tracker of some sort too?

    Hope it all works out pal!
