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effin Flu - anyone else got it?



  • Registered Users Posts: 32,634 ✭✭✭✭Graces7

    If people got more fresh air instead of eating Easter eggs, spending hours watching soaps, online and riding 6-7 times a day you wouldn't be getting the flu at all.

    Hate to tell you but mixing with folk is what will give you flu. Safe at home! Agree re the fresh air but that is only one facet.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,840 ✭✭✭sporina

    Flu dreams are fucking unreal man. I've been practicing lucid dreaming for a few years and never had such crazy ass dreams than when I had a temperature.

    no the dreams/nightmare's are not funny - thought it would never end..

    I'm over the worst of it now.. can lie on the couch as oppose to bed.. not aching and temperature is under control but still effin sweating and head throbbing/sore eyes.. weak as water too..

    Its on the go for sure - summer flu the doc reckons..

    But as flu's go its not the worst - had one when i was a student - thought i'd die - my house mates were scared by my fever rants.. was in bed for a week.. lost about 1/2 stone

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,736 ✭✭✭✭kylith

    Had a touch of it last a weekend myself. I've been lucky to never get a proper dose but after spending from Friday shivering, aching, coughing, sweating, freezing, and the dreams, The fckin' dreams, I don't think I ever want a bad flu. Couldn't even take to my bed cos I had to look after the dog. Luckily I had someone from Sunday to soothe my brow and spoon soup into me.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,426 ✭✭✭Neon_Lights

    got it on wednesday, I blame the aircon in the office, its a pile of pony, and only just spreads germs. Coming to its tail end now.

    I find though drinking a bit of booze actually helps clear it, may not be any medical or scientific backing for this, but having a few belgian beers last night did me a world of good
