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Does your office have a resident jerk?



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,365 ✭✭✭corner of hells

    Yeah , a female version in her thirties, barely literate who spends a considerable amount of time putting up inane posts of Facebook about her gym , the ****e she eats and her relationship status.

    Part of our job description is writing up regular reports and letters that may be sent to outside services,one of her most recent reports had the word " dismorn" in it .

    Needless to say the letter came back from a solicitor wanting to know if we were ok with the word "dismorn " .

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,326 ✭✭✭jetsonx

    Part of our job description is writing up regular reports and letters that may be sent to outside services,one of her most recent reports had the word " dismorn" in it .

    When you do let them off their leash, sh!t like this happens all the time with them...

    "Jerk employee" + "third party communication" is a deadly combination...

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,157 ✭✭✭✭El_Duderino 09

    jetsonx wrote:
    Yip, typically "office jerk" has a very low level of self-awareness. He has convinced himself that his behaviour can be attributed to his curiosity, him being a maverick or his humour. But the reality is quite different.

    I'd say our guy we bullied remorselessly for being such a geek when he was younger. Now that being a geek is cool he thinks he's the bloody business and everyone wants to know how hy-larious he is. Everyone's​too polite to tell him that being a geek is cool but being a sack isn't.
