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What sort of diet do you have? Do you eat your veggies?



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,494 ✭✭✭JackieChang

    Stigura wrote: »
    Must admit; I'm f**king murder! I haven't eaten a scrap of green veg in about a twelve month now. Really should do, I s'pose. (Wonder if there'll be any sprouts left, next time I'm in the shop? Doubt it. I like sprouts.

    Tesco have frozen Brussels sprouts. €1 for a 1kg bag. Throw em in the microeave. They're delish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Tesco have frozen Brussels sprouts.

    Oh, man! I tried frozen sprouts ~ once! ~ they were f**king Rank!!! :eek:

    Dunno. I guess it's all down to what people want from their sprouts. Like, some people like them crunchy?! GTF! I like mine soft, and slathered in black pepper! God, yeah! :D

    But, frozen ones? Nah!

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,261 ✭✭✭✭endacl

    stimpson wrote: »
    There's nothing wrong with gluten if you're not a coeliac.

    But it's a fad! You can't argue with fads!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,261 ✭✭✭✭endacl

    I eat most meals at the alcohol rehabilitation centre where I volunteer. So my diet consists of porridge for breakfast, soup for lunch, meat-potato-veg for dinner. Very bland and boring, but I probably get most of the nutrients in. Don't really eat much outside of that. Everyone tells me I look amazing and have lost loooads of weight ... Rehab diet agrees with me evidently! :D

    You should try the auld heroin on top of that. The weight'll fall offa ya!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,817 ✭✭✭stimpson

    Stigura wrote: »
    Oh, man! I tried frozen sprouts ~ once! ~ they were f**king Rank!!! :eek:

    Just like fresh sprouts then?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,713 ✭✭✭Wanderer2010

    I eat a lot of raw nuts, like almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts etc, plus I have veg soup about 3 times a week, but I also eat a lot of rubbish as well. I try to eat a salad twice a week as well. The only way I eat veg is in soup form. There is a LOT of room for improvement!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,421 ✭✭✭ToddyDoody

    I've taken to roasting vegetables recently. So much better than the piss that is boiled veg.

    I'll generally get the pre-prepared bags of chopped carrots, cauliflower and brocolli, mixed with a bit of olive oil.

    Burritos are nice to make also; lettuce, sweetcorn, olives, onion, pepper.

    Curries can be good too, same veg as above minus the lettuce.

    Takeaways are rife at weekends and maybe once during the week; burritos, sushi, possibly a burger and chips after a night out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,615 ✭✭✭Mr.Plough

    Healthy Monday to Friday.

    Weekends I enjoy a bit more but nothing too unhealthy unless I'm hungover.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,723 ✭✭✭nice_guy80

    usually have one third of the plate as veg

    raw for salads
    steamed or roasted for dinners

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,819 ✭✭✭fussyonion

    Pretty good during the week but I eat what I fancy at the weekend.

    Porridge/boiled eggs and toast for brekky.

    Lunch: mixed salad or soup and sandwich.

    Dinner: Almost all made from scratch; bolognese, meatballs, Actifry chips, curries, stews etc.

    I snack on unsalted nuts, Greek yogurt and fruit and I drink around 3ltrs water a day.

    Come the weekend I have wine and crisps and I've lost over 6st so it works for me!

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  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,960 ✭✭✭Dr Crayfish

    Midweek it's yoghurt and banana for breakfast, salad for lunch, and a stir fry or some fish and greens and a few baby potatoes for dinner.
    At the weekend I allow myself to be a pig, within limits, or no limits if I'm hungover.
    These fad diets and clean eating things are just bullsh*t. Everything in moderation, and smaller portions. Simple as that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,397 ✭✭✭Sono

    Recently started eating salads for dinner about 3/4 times a week and no takeaways, also no alcohol in that time and I've lost a stone. Feel a lot better for eating healthy, before that I used to take something from the freezer and whack it into the oven, how I'm not huge I really don't know, glad I have changed diets now though.

    Still love a bag of crisps though, massive Achilles heal!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,294 ✭✭✭rainbowdrop

    Graces7 wrote: »
    That is a good simple strong diet; not bland and boring. I would enjoy most of it; simple food is grand.

    Interesting that that is for rehab too. Great!

    10months ago I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and pre-diabetes. I'm a 38yr old female, only 5ft 1in and weighed 13 stone. I had gained it over years of eating and drinking rubbish: takeaways and processed foods, going out every weekend drinking and sitting at home drinking bottles of Budweiser during the week.
    I work in an office and was always eating cake/taytos/chocolate at my desk

    The doctor warned me I needed to lose weight but I had no interest in fad dieting 'rabbit food' cos I knew I wouldn't stick at it, so I just decided to eat simply and go back to the kind of food I grew up with, 2 weetabix for breakfast, ham sandwich and soup for lunch, and baby potatoes meat and veg (small portions) for dinner.

    No takeaways, no processed food, hardly drink anymore and I walk for 30mins every evening. Just by eating simply and walking, my blood pressure and sugar levels have gone back to normal and I have lost nearly 3 stone.... Everyone tells me I look great, and I feel great as well, both mentally and physically. Never going back to eating rubbish again!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 147 ✭✭gnarbarian

    I've been eating nothing but broccoli and lettuce for the last few weeks... I decided to buy in bulk from every shop I could find....I just love the stuff!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,494 ✭✭✭JackieChang

    I eat a lot of raw nuts, like almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts etc, plus I have veg soup about 3 times a week, but I also eat a lot of rubbish as well. I try to eat a salad twice a week as well. The only way I eat veg is in soup form. There is a LOT of room for improvement!

    Those veggie soups can be pretty unhealthy. Full of corn starch to thicken it up and full of salt to add a bit of flavour to the starch. Unless you make your own that is.

    I used to eat a tonne of nuts too until I saw that there's like a 1,000 calories in a medium bag. Which I used to eat almost every day, chewing my way through a bag during work. I'd have a handful a day now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,910 ✭✭✭Gwynplaine

    Everything in moderation. I've eaten well all week.
    Porridge and granola most mornings, fruit.
    Brown bread with ham, or a salad and homemade soup,
    Roasted veg, spuds, meat and gravy. Slow cooker curry, air fryer chips.
    No fizzy drinks, no crisps. A bar of chocolate maybe twice a week. Have drank beer only twice this year.
    No eating after 8pm.
    Steady exercise program, walk 8 miles on a Saturday.
    Down 7lbs since Jan 1st.

    Today I've had....
    2 boiled eggs, 3 rashers, fried mushrooms, 2 slices of brown bread.
    apple, banana, 2 squeezed grapefruit.
    Waiting on the wife to come home with pizza and chips. (Treat for the week)

    Oh also, cut down the smokes to only 2 or 3 a week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,514 ✭✭✭bee06

    Left to my own devices my diet would be a disaster but my husband keeps me on the straight and narrow.

    Porridge with nuts, seeds and raisins for breakfast on weekdays and eggs, avocado and brown bread at weekends.

    Lunch depends on what's on the menu at work but we have excellent chefs so everything is freshly made with locally sourced ingredients.

    Dinner will have 2 to 3 portions of veg, either potatoes, brown rice or brown pasta and any sauces are home made.

    I gave up sugar about 9 months ago so no cakes, biscuits, sweets etc. I have 1 square of dark chocolate once a week.

    Takeaways would be a rare occurrence in my house as well. I'm naturally skinny so I'm lucky I don't have to watch portion size or calories.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,783 ✭✭✭Rezident

    stimpson wrote: »
    There's nothing wrong with gluten if you're not a coeliac.

    That's not entirely accurate - and it's dangerous that this misinformation is getting so many thanks. Do a bit of research on the genetic modification of what used to be wild wheat and the modern frankenstein high-production wheat that we have now instead.

    There are a load of wheat sensitivities among many people who are not coeliac. You might even have a mild one and not know about it as you build up a tolerance and might think some of the side-effects are pretty normal, if somewhat unpleasant to discuss.

    I didn't know until I went off wheat for a few weeks in support of my wife, then you go back on and, eh, it's not pretty, but you definitely flippin' notice it. And I only have a very mild sensitivity to it, my wife has a catastrophic one, and she is confirmed not coeliac. If you think this is not real, you have been fooled by someone, presumably the wheat industry, with fake news? Wheat obviously F**ks up some people who are not coeliac so why cover it up?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 40,061 ✭✭✭✭Harry Palmr

    Like the fillings of my sandwiches I'm a mixed bag when it comes to vegetables - I eat a decent amount of of lettuce, kale, mushrooms, but few enough roots and tubers as I prefer pasta for speedy cooking and hardly any cabbage mainly as much of it is likely to go to waste so flipping big are they, I do eat broccoli and sprouts in season. Overall diet is probably as health-friendly as it's ever been - though I do love chocolate so have to try to reign it in - that said I have a physical job so I can justify it, it'll be burnt off in no time! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,691 ✭✭✭Lia_lia

    I eat fairly healthy food most of the time. Mostly vegetarian, fish the odd time. Plenty of veg. Lots of eggs, rice, curries, soup... I tend to either cook my own food or get it food at work. We have a great canteen that is more like a restaurant. I go out for food with friends fairly frequently too.

    I have a serious sweet tooth though. Love cake, chocolate, biscuits...anything sweet! So hard to avoid it working in a big office where everyone has birthday cake, bring sweets back from holidays etc...

    Since I started working there about 4 years ago (and moving in with my OH) I've put on over 10kg...eek. I'm still a normal weight and healthy bmi. Was underweight before. But still wouldn't mind losing the belly. Fair play to anyone that sticks to diets/cuts out junk. It's so hard. I used to think I was "naturally thin" but in reality I just had a very small appetite. Not anymore.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,919 ✭✭✭✭Spanish Eyes

    I don't eat any sugary stuff, unless it's hidden in something. So it's porridge or weetabix no sugar, no sweets, cakes, biscuits, chocolate just don't like them much, but will take a biscuit to be polite in someone's house.

    Don't eat much meat, mostly fish. Never eat white carbs just wholemeal bread, rice and pasta. Drink milk full fat. And as for cheese..... well I pig out on that.

    Don't each much veg or fruit though, can't see the point, horrible stuff really, but nothing that a fizzy mulitivitamin tab won't solve either, even if most of it goes down the pan, shows I don't need it!

    Our forebears survived for ever on spuds and milk and nothing else.

    This five a day stuff is marketing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,881 ✭✭✭TimeToShine

    Those veggie soups can be pretty unhealthy. Full of corn starch to thicken it up and full of salt to add a bit of flavour to the starch. Unless you make your own that is.

    I used to eat a tonne of nuts too until I saw that there's like a 1,000 calories in a medium bag. Which I used to eat almost every day, chewing my way through a bag during work. I'd have a handful a day now.

    Nuts are very calorie dense but they're also extremely satiating and have a very high thermic effect i.e. it takes a lot of energy to digest them.

    If you're overweight its a good idea to cut down but otherwise fire away, try and opt for unsalted if you can.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,058 ✭✭✭whoopsadoodles

    Meals tomorrow will be eggs with spinach and mushrooms. Minestrone soup with a ton of veg and Thai red chicken curry, also with a ton of veg. Pineapple, grapes, and yogurt for snacks. NO CAKE. :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,919 ✭✭✭✭Spanish Eyes

    I'm sure everyone here except myself adores vegetables. Good for you. I hate them. Will tolerate them in a blended soup but otherwise no. Same for fruit apart from berries and Greek Yogurt.

    I've been like that all my life and am ok so far, touch wood. Older than most here too I reckon.

    At the risk of repeating myself, you can get roughage and vitamins from lots of things apart from fruit and veg. Spuds are wonderful things, we all love them, for example.

    I am sure someone will come along to say they eat ten a day. Good for you, it's an individual thing. I really think that if your general diet is ok you will survive without the fruit and veg police arresting you.

    When I was a kid I don't really remember much veg or fruit on the plate apart from peas and carrotts. Don't remember much fruit apart from an apple. But we were just an ordinary family.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,825 ✭✭✭LirW

    9 months pregnant, what is this healthy diet you're talking about?

    I'm living off Gaviscon and handful-portions of whatever comes in my way because I can't fit more into my morbidly squeezed stomach.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 26,658 ✭✭✭✭OldMrBrennan83

    This post has been deleted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,691 ✭✭✭Lia_lia

    Meals tomorrow will be eggs with spinach

    You found spinach :eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,058 ✭✭✭whoopsadoodles

    Lia_lia wrote: »
    You found spinach :eek:


    Has something happened to spinach? It has all but vanished. It's now mixed with baby otherleavesidontwant.

    But yes. Today I found it in dunnes. In a tub rather than a bag. And it was only a euro so it's not like there's a spinach shortage and they're selling it for a bajillion squids.

  • Registered Users Posts: 43,028 ✭✭✭✭SEPT 23 1989

    Meat or fish with potato every day

    Carrots or peas/beans

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,062 ✭✭✭✭Losty Dublin

    gnarbarian wrote: »
    I've been eating nothing but broccoli and lettuce for the last few weeks... I decided to buy in bulk from every shop I could find....I just love the stuff!

    You left a butterhead behind you in Superquinn today :pac:
