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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Monday 25th: nothing
    Still in Dublin and didn't get out in bed in time for lane swimming in Rathmines. Just as well because later that evening when travelling home the jolts of the bus were causing some little shin twinges .....

    Tuesday 26th: nothing
    This was being sensible. There was still some niggling from the shin and I decided to sacrifice a day rather than have the disc kick off again. Skipped the pool for the same reason.

    Wednesday 27th: 56mins easy (5miles @11:12 avg), pilates
    The leg was a good bit better today so went for a run. This was done from work in the evening on the meadows, mostly grass and (clay) trails. Nice and comfortable and no shin twinges during the run :). I could feel the right side of my back near L5/S1 a bit in the first 20mins or so, after that it was quiet.
    stretches: did some of the stretches after the run, but then had to walk to pilates (but the skipped stretches mostly got covered at the class). Did almost all of the pilates stuff (even rolldowns) without trouble. Shin and bum were pretty good on Thursday morning.

    Thursday 28th: physio appt, 1000m freestyle (7x50m, 5x100m, 1x150m)
    Had a physio appointment this evening and despite telling him about having to back off at the weekend, overall he was very happy with the progress and my reports of 70mins running. Got a bit of ultrasound on my back and also got a sequence of mobilisation and strengthening exercises to be done *every day*!!! (please no comments ....)
    There had been little bits of niggling through the morning, but everything had felt fine on the 2 mile walk to the physio appt, so I went to the swimming pool with the idea that of getting out again if there was any trouble. No need for that though :). Not up to doing drills at this stage and wasn't timing the reps but I was definitely taking less rest between sets compared to last week, and got the whole thing done in just over 30mins.

    Friday 29th: 62mins not-so-easy (5.32miles @11:39 avg pace)
    No mobility/strengthening this morning .... was destroyed after the swimming and slept in and had to run out the door to work.
    Late evening run mostly-on-grass in Holyrood Park. Made use of the grass and trails round the playing fields as usual, but also did a bit of exploring. Ososlo might be reading this thinking that I took up the challenge for running as slow as possible - not so, in fact bits of this run weren't all that easy. One of my discovered trails was a narrow little clay track about half a foot wide like the sheep use up in the mountains, but which is not really an ideal running track. And due to the good weather even the sections of the grass that get mowed regularly were a few inches high.
    The sun was beginning to drop in the last 10mins of the run and there was a lovely orange shine on Arthur's seat and the Radical Road. Was sorry I didn't have a camera with me.
    stretches: None this evening (bad hillsiderunner). Btw, this side of things has been pretty-good (if not perfect) this week and last week. It was *terrible* in the first fortnight of "return to run", but my achilles and hamstring started niggling and I couldn't ignore it any longer.

    Saturday 30th: 20miles cycle
    Easy cycle out along the coast for just under 10miles; then turning around and pushing into the wind for the way back home. Had planned this as a longer cycle but didn't have time and was probably better to test the disc with a shorter trip anyway. Had some slight twinges in the bum/back area around 6miles and they probably are related to the disc. A slight shinny feeling in the second half of cycle but it was gone again by Sunday morning.
    Destroyed again after this (20miles only!!) so did not do the mobility&strengthening. Had not done it in the morning as I'd been up late and still tired after the run the night before :confused:. Not sure what's going on.

    Ah yes, for Saturday's report there is one more thing, a weigh-in at Boots. I don't own a weighing scales and rely on occasional weigh-ins in other people's houses. Anyway from my Dublin visits I had noticed a bit of increase earlier this year and then a "jump" when I weighed myself last weekend. Was not sure this was genuine because I'd tried again the morning after the first weighing and it was a good bit less again (think this scales needs to be perfectly level to give the right answer). Anyway did a trip to Boots Saturday afternoon to check the definite answer and the higher-weight was correct ... and even allowing for 1-2 pound fluctuations I am 3/4 stone (5kilos) over my steady-running weight of recent years. Not bordering on the dangerous category and I'd love the extra pounds if I could chose where to arrange them - but unfortunately they have wrapped themselves around my middle so they'll have to go.
    If I can stay injury-free and get the running on an even keel probably that'll take care of most of it but for now I'm going to reduce the portion side a bit, and there will be a max of 1 tube of green pringles coming into my flat every week regardless of how good the special offers are. Have been a bit lazy this year and have been taking the bus to work a good bit (it is 1.3 miles to walk ...), will stop that too.

    Sunday 31st: 74mins easy (6.55miles @11:18 avg pace)
    Had the first go at the mobilisation&strengthening back exercises this afternoon and it was *fine*. Know a lot of these from pilates and only have to do 30secs of so of each item so it took less than 10mins and I'll have no trouble doing it every day. Even crossed my mind I may take it up to 1min for each :).
    Went out in the evening for a hillyish run in Holyrood Park and its surroundings, about 3miles of grass/trail (if clay paths of 1/2 foot wide count as trails), the rest on hard surfaces.
    stretches: All the stretches after!

    weekly total: 16.85miles (3 runs as 192mins), 1 swim (1000m), 1 short cycle (20miles), pilates

    The disc injury has been behaving pretty well ever since I went to the physio on Thursday. I am feeling positive and right now it looks like I'll be able to continue increasing the mileage gradually :).

    This is the first month in ages I've had proper miles to report, it's the maximum for 2016 .....

    monthly total: 75.8miles

    July|25|99 |79|75.8

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    The disc injury has been behaving pretty well ever since I went to the physio on Thursday. I am feeling positive and right now it looks like I'll be able to continue increasing the mileage gradually :).

    Great, delighted to read that :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Firedance wrote: »
    Great, delighted to read that :)

    +1 good to see you getting back into it

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    Super news, Hilly!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Firedance wrote: »
    Great, delighted to read that :)
    annapr wrote: »
    +1 good to see you getting back into it
    Bungy Girl wrote: »
    Super news, Hilly!

    Thanks guys, we have to whisper though, have to make sure we don't jinx it. Will be avoiding any messages of delight just in case ....

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Monday 1st: 45mins aquajogging
    Back exercises in the morning.
    Trying aquajogging again for the first time in months, maybe a low-impact way to get some speed in with all the easy miles. 7mins w/u, then an "effort pyramid" of 1min, 2min, 3min, 4min, 3min, 2min, 1min pushing-a-bit with 1min-recoveries in between, then 10x(30secs sprint, 30secs recovery) and 5mins c/d. Went ok and it felt good to be working hard but my bum was pinching a bit towards the end, especially in the sprints. Had not been sure it's a good thing for the disc from the re-injury two months back and this maybe confirms it, won't try again until the disc has settled for definite.

    Tuesday 2nd: 51mins easy (4.5miles @11:20 pace)
    Back exercises in the morning.
    Run done as laps of the meadows after work, nice and easy, mostly grass. Raining a bit. Stretches done after.

    Wednesday 3rd: 55mins easy (4.88miles @11:16 avg pace), pilates
    Plan was to swim this morning but I wasn't up in time for swimming (or back exercises), switched the plan to an evening run before pilates. Laps of the meadows like yesterday, just slightly longer. Today had nice dry weather turning to sunshine. Did half the stretches straight after the run and then went off to pilates and got most of the rest stretched there. As it happens we did nearly all of the back-exercises from my physio, and I did the others (plank sequence) by myself during one of the banned exercises. So ticked the box for Wednesday too.

    Thursday 4th: 1100m freestyle (6x50m, 6x100m, 1x200m)
    Yesterday's swim done after work, no timing but I was not lazing around. Stuck on an extra 100m at the end so I can start increasing the distance. This swimming is hard work, I felt good during it but was a bit tired when I got back home and was wrecked on Friday morning. Too lazy and tired to do the back exercises I'd skipped in the morning.

    Friday 5th: 50mins with 3 miles @tempo pace (4.81miles)
    Destroyed again after the swimming but fortunately I had a cleaner booked in to do the windows this morning so didn't have to get up too early. Was up and out and breakfast done when he arrived at 9:30 but was still yawning a bit. He wanted to know if I worked the night shift .....
    Run: plan was to do a little bit of a session this evening, 25mins of tempo or 30mins if I could manage it. It was drizzling when I left the flat and 7mins later it was torrential, so I stopped the watch and waited under a tree for five minutes. 10mins w/u at around 11:36 pace (.86miles), then 3 miles at tempo (?) 10:00, 9:49, 9:50, then for c/d 10mins or so at just over 11min pace. Had been thinking I'd aim for 9:30-9:45 tempo pace but was going to be flexible about this because I was doing the fast miles on grass, and as suspected the realistic pace was was closer to 10mins.
    Another pair of runners left on the mat outside the door to dry out.
    Stretches all done afterwards and still time to make a bit of pasta and eat it in front of the TV watching the Highlands animals. Had done the back exercises before I went out.

    There has been a good bit done already this week because I have festival visitors arriving tonight for 5days and we have a lot of stuff booked. Am hoping to get out for 75-80 mins on Sunday and do a shorter run from work on Tuesday; then Wednesday evening I'll pick things up again. The visitors had the sense to book a very late flight (also delayed now!) so won't arrive till midnight, leaving time for running, TV, log updates and most importantly last minute tidying and hoovering. Better get on with it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Saturday 6th, Sunday 7th: nothing
    Saturday was planned as a rest day, but I had my long run scheduled for Sunday as usual. Had been getting shin niggles from the disc on Saturday evening (lots of sitting at performances and restaurants) and when I woke up the next morning *still* was getting them turning in bed. *scowl*. A bit worrying because nearly always the niggles will clear overnight. Anyway slept in a bit (so sensible and wise I am) and decided I'd take another day off. Did the back mobilisation and strengthening when I got up and noticed some twinges doing the sideways mobilisation exercises.... *but* about 1/2 an hour later noticed that the shinny feeling was gone ... and it stayed away all day and evening. A couple of hours after the miraculous cure I was planning how I'd stick the run into the day after all. Had strong hopes that our 3 Islands Seabirds Safari would get cancelled due to high winds and that'd free up a few hours .... but there was no word in advance, so out to the coast on the train as planned ... and it was not quite dangerous enough to cancel so we had a wildlife lesson livened up with a rollercoaster ride. More events and socialising in the evening and no run.

    Monday 8th: 80mins LSR (7.13miles @11:13 avg pace)
    Slid out of work in the late afternoon for Sunday's run; hillyish route taking in one lap of Holyrood Park and also a nice flat lap of the meadows at the end. About 3miles of grass/trail and the rest hard surfaces. Nice sunny weather and the only annoyance was having to navigate the rush-hour traffic on the road sections. Paces varying a bit due to the hill factors but effort roughly consistent though the faster miles were at the end. Overall somewhere between steady and easy.
    stretch: just the calf-stretches, straight-leg and bent-leg. Couldn't do the others because I had to race to catch my visitors for a show. But did do the back exercises late last night - in the *dark*, after we'd had a power cut.

    weekly total: 230mins as 4 runs (21.3miles), 1 aquajogging (45mins), 1 swim(1100m), 1 pilates
    Bad old ways of sliding into the next week but having to be a bit flexible these weeks. Back exercises done every day except Thursday and Saturday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Tuesday 9th: easy 50mins w. 5x100m strides (4.75miles total)
    Mostly grass-and-trail lunchtime run on the meadows, starting in the rain. But it dried up nicely during the 50mins and the runners were only a bit damp when I was finished. Stopped the watch at 47mins to do the 5 strides on the tarmac but didn't bother timing or measuring distance. Then back to the office to finish the 50mins. Easy running was 4.55miles @10:59 pace, that slightly-faster-than-true-easy pace. Think I must have had .2miles for the strides so rounding the distance up. No note about stretches in my file but I think I did them.

    Wednesday 10th: 1000m freestyle, pilates
    Oh what fun it is to be a tourist in your own city! Brilliant five days checking out shows and food-options I never knew about (and discovering that off-licences can't serve after 10pm). But it was time to wave goodbye to the visitors this evening, so I was able to head to the pool. Did the freestyle as 8x50m, 100m, 50m, (4 or 5)x100m, 50m. Really wasn't feeling it and that's why there is a single 50m after I'd started the 100s, needed a rest. I was starting the next 100m after 750m and started wondering if I'd really done two 100s that finished that end of the pool :confused: ... and maybe I was only at 650m. Was going to leave it but the 1000m minimum is the only discipline in my current swimming so I stuck in an extra 100m to make sure. 90% it will have been 1100m I think. There was a bit of a crowd in the medium lane this evening and a couple of them doing slow things like chilled-out-breaststroke or backstroke. Had been stroking the legs of the swimmer ahead a few times during my session, and put in an aggressive burst on the final 50m to overtake the lazybones ahead (had been overtaken myself earlier in the swim I should mention).
    pilates: blurry intermediate pilates class because I'd forgotten to take my glasses to the swimming pool and I'd discarded the daily lenses before getting into the water. Did not have time to go home to get the specs so did this through a haze. Was very well behaved and didn't try anything that might upset the disc.

    Thursday 11th: 60mins hillyish (5.38miles @11:09 avg pace)
    Was flying to Dublin this evening, so got this in after work before heading to the airport. Mixture of grass/trail and hard surfaces in Holyrood Road and on the roads there and back. It was drizzling a bit but dried off later in the run and by surprise this was one of the nicest runs I've done in ages :). Nice and easy except for a couple of cement uphills. But also a lovely comfortable gently-uphill stretch on a narrow "sheep" clay trail. Really enjoyed this run and came back to the office with a light dusting of muck on the inside of my lower legs. It was pretty comfortable and I was a bit surprised that the pace was not slower than this when I checked.
    stretches: Discovered that I'd no towel in the office so no shower, and enough time to get all the stretches in. Threw on my clothes over the sweat and the dusting of muck to head to the airport.

    Friday 12th: 15mins w/u, 15mins of fartlek, 15mins c/d (4.45miles)
    Massive feed of sleep last night after a late arrival into Dublin (will not type the time I got out of bed). Had been watching Rio on the TV this afternoon and had done the back exercises in front of that. Anyway will be tied up on a special assignment tomorrow and Sunday so had to get this one in today. Done round HX/Kimmage/Terenure on hard surfaces. The plan was 50mins with 20mins fartlek, but I was playing it by ear. Had made an agreement with myself that I could leave it at 15mins if I wanted. Then when out I was doing the second half of the fartlek along by the Dodder and I was finding it tough as I came up around 13, 14mins. And coming up next was the uphill stretch to Terenure .. so I let myself off with the easy option and ran home at easy pace. Paces were about 11min miles on the w/u and c/d miles and 8:52, 8:35 for the 1.7miles or so of fartlek. Came back to the house and did all my stretches (polishes halo).

    A day and a half of babysitting coming up next, will do my LSR on Sunday evening if I'm not too wrecked!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Sunday 14th: 85mins LSR (7.75miles @10:58 avg pace)
    Comfortable run done this evening round Kimmage, Terenure, Churchtown, Milltown, Rathmines and HX. All hard surfaces. Going to have to confess that the right achilles is kicking off again. I've been feeling tightness in the first 1/2-1 mile of runs for a while now, but today there were also more twinges during the middle/later stages of the run. Have been stretching well after runs for the past few weeks, but apart from two attempts to do stair drops there's been no serious action taken. Am going to get stuck into the stair drops 3 times a week and will also ask my physio on Tuesday (I think I'm going to be signed off for the disc so will take the chance to run through everything else with him).

    weekly total: 240mins as 4runs (22.3miles), 1swim (1000m), 1pilates

    Back exercises done every day except Tuesday (visitors), Wednesday (tired after pool/pilates + visitor recuperation), Thursday (busy all day in work and never got a chance in the airport). Did do most of the mobilisations in the boarding queue and could feel the (slight) shin-twinge I'd been feeling just dissolve away. Next week will be better.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Monday, 15th: nothing
    Nothing as planned. Well there might have been a swim but still in Dublin and after the babysitting and evening LSR I was a bit too tired to get up at 7:30 for the lane swimming.

    Tuesday 16th: nothing
    Not planned, this was laziness. Hadn't slept too well the night before and had a heavy day of proofreading at work, and couldn't kick myself off the sofa in the evening. Had a physio visit about the disc, and mentioned the right achilles to him while I was there. He checked and it's not inflamed :), and gave both achilli (?) a bit of ultrasound and strapped them with kinesio tape. I can keep doing the stair drops, they "will not do any harm". Am quite skeptical about the tape but whether it's that or the ultrasound (or the two days off!), the achilles is feeling better these past couple of days. Still not signed-off from the physio, there will be another visit in a month's time.

    Wednesday 17th: 60mins with 30mins @tempo pace (5.9miles), pilates
    Another run on the meadows after work, mostly grass and trail, doing laps past the sunbathers, with bits of coughing when going past the barbeque spots. Gorgeous evening. 15min w/u just slightly under 11min pace, and then into the tempo. I had been thinking I'd aim for about 9:30pace (and secretly hoping it'd be 9:15), but I took over a mile to get there. There was a bit of huffing and puffing, and afterwards I was trying to hope I didn't pass too many people from work. Paces for the tempo were 9:48, 9:29, 9:27, and "the bit" just over 9min. 15mins c/d again just below 11min pace.
    Passed the electronic screen near the end of the cool-down and it was showing 20C at that stage (after 7pm). So this counts as warm-weather training.
    stretches: Did most of them, though had to stop a bit early to head to pilates class. Also forced myself to do the back exercises before going to bed.

    Thursday 18th: 60mins hilly (5.21miles @11:31 avg pace)
    Took an extended lunchbreak to do this on the same route as last Thursday, about half hard surfaces and half grass/trail. Maybe a bit too soon to do it after last night's tempo, but there is a BBQ this evening in the last bit of sunshine, and there's no chance I'd push myself out in the dark after a few hours of burgers and wine and lazing around. Especially since there is always plenty of wine at this house ....
    Another run in the sunshine, with a little bit of breeze on some stretches. First mile at just over 11min pace, hmmmm, not so easy in fact. The second mile had a cement uphill and that was tough, taking tiny little steps, so after that I took things down to proper-easy and stopped worrying about the pace. Shortened an out-and-back section a bit so I'd get back to the office within 60mins. The pace ended up at 11:31, good bit slower than last week's effort, but feeling harder. The last 5-6mins of this route are up a long cement uphill, and with the sun beating down I was dying coming up this - was very tempted to stop and walk at around 56mins but managed to keep going and run all the way to 60mins. Immediately stopped the watch after that and walked the 100m or so back to base. Was making sweat marks on the office door when doing the calf stretches.
    My worries about being spotted last night are gone, would be much more embarrassing to have been spotted struggling at a snail's pace on that last uphill ... not to mention the bit of loose pink kinesio tape flapping back and forth around my left ankle. Let's hope they were all festival tourists.
    stretches: all done.

    Have tomorrow off :), then back to the "miles in the legs" project at the weekend. Waiting to watch the hurdles now. Come on Thomas!!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Saturday 20th: 44mins easy, then 5x100m strides (4.4miles)
    On the tarmac near the flat in the evening. 4.1miles for the easy 44mins (10:44 avg pace). Stretches after.

    Sunday 21st: flashmob pilates class, 92mins hillyish LSR (7.75miles @11:52 avg pace)
    Was a bit late for pilates because I'd been watching the Rio marathon and couldn't drag myself away until I'd seen the leaders go through the tape. Had done all the back exercises in front of the TV. Anyway 45mins or so of pilates in the open air.
    run: Didn't want to go out and do this at all (Rio inspiration wasn't working any more) but forced myself out at around 6:30. This was *tough*. Was doing a typical route round Holyrood and surroundings, mostly hard surfaces with about 2.5miles of rough grass. 2nd mile had a good bit of uphill and I was feeling this very tough, tempted to just turn off the watch and walk home and let myself off the hook, sometimes it's better just to leave it .... Pace for this mile really slow. Finished the run somehow (it was actually planned as 92mins) but it was all fairly tough and shows in the pace - (exact!) same distance as last Sunday's Dublin run but took 7mins extra. Anyway "time on the feet". Second bad run this week but there has been a good bit of tossing and turning at night this week over "Life Decisions" and maybe the lost sleep is having an effect (normally I'm one of those sturdy beings who just get into bed and turn over ..). Had been reminded of BGs "crazy thoughts" from races earlier this week, with all the angst about "real life" this week. Only did the calf stretches after the race because ... well, I just couldn't.

    weekly total: 256mins as 4 runs (23.25miles), 2 pilates classes

    exercises: Only 3 days out of 7 for the back exercises. Have to improve this as I quite like them. 2 days of stair drops (about 2 sets of 10 each type (straight and bent), each side). Mostly did proper stretching after the runs.

    injuries and niggles: Disc was making the shin niggle a good bit Tuesday and Wednesday but I've definitely tracked down the trigger now, and it's not running - sitting at the desk at work is responsible, especially a long stretch poring over something. Achilles not terrible but not sorted either.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Monday 22nd: nothing

    Tuesday 23rd: nothing
    Today was planned to have 40mins with 20mins or so fartlek or so. Went out to some festival stuff in the evening, and still planned to do the run after I came home, but it was well after 10pm when I got back and I didn't have the inner strength. So one of the midweek days gone and the plan changed to consecutive 60mins runs for Wed and Thurs again this week.

    Wednesday 24th: 60mins with 9mins, 5mins fartlek (5.74miles), pilates
    Ok for sure this was not the plan - the aim was to do 20mins w/u, 20mins fartlek, and then 20mins c/d. Was trying to space out the Wed, Thurs runs better this week so was doing this from work at lunchtime in the meadows, mostly grass and trail. So headed out on the sunshine with a bit less than perfect commitment to the fartlek effort. Did the w/u fine and then got stuck into the fartlek, but was getting sick of it fairly early in, so when the watch beeped for a mile I took the pace down to easy again. Was going to leave it at that but after another slow mile I decided I'd try another mile of fartlek - got sick of it early though and left that section at 5mins. Main thing right now is building miles so I'm not going to worry about it. Paces were around 11min for the easy miles, and roughly 9min for the fartlek mile and half. Had been warm out there (ok ok, 20C but it's all relative) but I think the main issue was mental strength.

    Thursday 25th: 60mins steady (6.12 miles @9:48 avg pace)
    Not the usual Thursday route, as I ended up doing this in the dark and needed street lighting. Had been at a festival event this evening and spent a while chatting at the pub after, so it was after 9:30pm after I got home. *Again* ... except this time I was going to make sure I didn't shrink into my couch. Threw on my running gear, including *tights* (today it decided to be autumn) and kicked myself out before I could think about it. This was going to be laps of the neighborhood circuit which is mostly flat - so with no hill stimulus this week I decided I'd try a steady run. Was actually surprised to see it coming out as fast as it did, but I kept a very consistent pace, and although the last mile was a bit harder I think I could have done a couple more at that pace. Partly the hard surface will have helped too. Anyway was delighted to get it done at this pace :), slower than my easy pace a year back but it's progress now. Wasn't even tired the next day.

    Friday 26th: nothing
    Took my swimming gear to work and might have gone to the pool. But I didn't.

    Saturday 27th: 100mins LSR (8.8miles @11:22 avg pace)
    Ended up doing this a day early on a longer variant of last Sunday's route, mostly hard surfaces with about 3miles of grass and trail. Went much better this time with none of the torture of last week's run. Still slow on the uphills but not struggling to continue, effort very consistent even though hills affected actual pace.
    There is something is the air here, maybe some delayed Olympic fever or the sunshine has had an effect on people's brains. Was coming past a pub just after starting the run and a guy coming out lifted up his hand for a high-five. Very gentle high-five with no drama. Then a couple of minutes later I was turning a corner and a driver with the window down called out "Aaaawwwlll riiiight" as I went past. Then 8 miles later and coming to the end of the run - "that's it, hen, you're going well. You'll get there, wherever you're going." In fairness this old chap was right as I was only a couple of minutes from my flat. Don't know what's going on, it's weeks and probably months since I've had any comments during a run :confused:.

    Had been planning to cycle out to the coast today to do the LSR on a trail route I've had my eye on. A special treat and that's the reason I was doing the LSR on Saturday. But have been battling a ridiculous problem with the front tube/tyre of my bike for about a year now ... it's not punctured but won't pump up properly either, so I end up cycling on a splodgy front tyre. Have been to the bike shop a few times with it and they always swear it's not punctured and cast aspersions on my upper body strength, but did they did eventually agree to change the tube a few months back. After getting the bike back that time (with the pumping done by their big strong arms) it deflated a decent bit overnight, and taking it back (*again*) that time I guessed there must be something in the tyre. There was a bit of glass in there it turned out. I was vindicated I thought and it's been ok for a couple of months after that but the nonsense has started again, and battling with it this afternoon didn't help. So no trip to the sandy trails and I ended up on the usual turf. I'm going to have to get working with the forks and basin of water because I won't be happy till I get to the bottom of it. Probably a valve I guess but really could the bike shop not have worked that out....

    It's nice to have the LSR done a day early. Plan for tomorrow is 45mins with strides, and maybe a swim.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Sunday 28th: 1200m freestyle, 45mins easy with 5x100m strides (4.3miles)
    Ended up in a race to the pool to get the swim in before the pool shut at 1:30. It was after 1pm when I arrived poolside and I didn't expect to hit my usual minimum of 1000m. Less hanging around between lengths as I was trying to get as much in as possible. In the end we got about 10mins grace and I was on my way down the pool to hit 1200 when I saw the lanes being pulled up :). Was doing this in a 25m lane and I notice it's a lot easier to keep the continuous swim going when you're turning every 25m - the tiny bit of extra rest makes a difference. I had two sections of continuous 300ms today but didn't really need to stop between them to be honest. First swim in over 2 weeks, so good to get this done.
    Another latish run tonight for the 45mins with strides: 4miles in 45mins (11:15 pace), and then the strides will add .3mile. Kept the easy-mins easy except for the last few minutes when I realised that I'd have untidy minutes (over 45) or horrible just-below-4miles as things were going. So did my calculations like the nerd I am and brought the last miles in below 11mins and hit 4miles at 45:01 ;).

    weekly total: 265mins as 4 runs (25miles*), 1pilates, 1 swim (1200m)

    stretches: After each of the 4 runs (even Thursday's late night one)

    back exercises: 6 days out of 7, the mobilisation and strength was done every day except Monday :). Almost all of these were in the morning. The disc is behaving fairly well this week with occasional minor niggles into shin. I am making sure to stand for some of the working day and I'd say that's helping.

    niggle maintenance: Did the 2sets straight-leg, 2sets bent-leg (each side) of the stair drops 3 times this week. Right achilles seems better (am also being careful with shoes). Also have done the dynamic hamstring stretch 3times.

    I have a registration for a half-marathon in 16th October that I made a few months ago before I re-injured the disc. It's been at the back of my mind with the increases in the LSR and at this stage I think I'm going to pencil it in. After Thursday's run I'd have some hope of hitting 10min pace for it. Or maybe slightly quicker after the extra 7weeks of training. Would usually not bother doing it at this early stage but the run is along a Loch in a really beautiful area of Scotland, and there will be autumn leaves to look at. So it'll be a "destination" HM. I'll be quick to discard the plans if the disc gives any trouble on the way.

    Next week is going to be a mini-cutback, will keep the LSR below 80mins, and reduce the time of Tuesday/Thursday runs a little bit.

    (*) 24.96 to be exact

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Monday 25th: nothing (as planned)
    Was a bit whacked after the miles and metres over the weekend so needed the rest anyhow.

    Tuesday 26th: 1mile w/u, 30mins tempo, 1mile c/d (5.17miles)
    Done on the grass and trails near the office after the working day. Was not in the mood for this one and would not have got out again if I'd gone home. Of course after getting out it didn't take long before I was enjoying it. Tempo paces 9:42, 9:22, 9:21 and 9:07 for the .17. Was looking back at the tempo I did 2weeks ago and this one is slightly quicker but scarily similar in pattern with the slower first mile (each mile-pace 6-7secs lower). Warm-up mile was very slow at 11:47 and the c/d just below 11mins. Glad to have this done especially as I need it for my August table :).

    monthly total: 97miles

    July|25|99 |79|75.8

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Good to see you making some progress with the running and the swimming. Pity about the bike though. Amazing that the bike shop can't get it sorted!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Good to see you making some progress with the running and the swimming. Pity about the bike though. Amazing that the bike shop can't get it sorted!

    They did temporarily sort it, it was ok for a couple of months. Might be that my frantic efforts with the pump are the problem ... will try a very gentle effort next attempt. Have found some stuff online that might help me sort it.

    Congrats on your ITERA adventures, I read the first two installments and have the later stages on my to-do list. Hope you are having a good rest!

    Btw, there's no triathlon in my future, the bike is only an old hybrid ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Wednesday 31st: nothing
    Had felt fine after the tempo but ended up sleeping-in after more than 9hours of sleep. Took the swimming gear to work but was yawning most of the morning and early afternoon so decided not to go.

    Thursday 1st: 55mins easy (5.08miles @10:50 avg pace)
    Had been lovely weather most of the day and I'd been watching the forecast in work, but got a surprise to see the rain when I left the building. Walked home in the rain trying to decide what would be the easiest option. The rain was done by the time I got back home but didn't want to run my trainers through 2miles of wet grass on the usual Thursday route. So did this as laps of my neighbourhood circuit. Only easy this time because of the cutback week. Consistently paced with the first mile at 11:14 and the others all 10:43 or 10:44.

    Friday 2nd: nothing
    Not up early enough to swim before work. Took stuff to work again but got re-routed via the cinema rather than the pool.

    Saturday 3rd: 45mins easy and 5x100m strides (4.35miles)
    Prevaricated for ages on this so it was late evening when I headed out, and raining, so this was a few more laps of the neighbourhood loop. Easy minutes were 4.05miles @11:07 avg pace, strides will have made .3miles extra.

    Sunday 4th: 1000m freestyle, 80mins hilly LSR (6.9miles @11:36 avg pace)
    swim: Exact same story as last week, with the mad dash to get to the pool and do the swim done before the pool would shut to the commoners at 1:30. Again doing this in a 25m pool, so no problem doing 100m continuous with the help of the extra wall turns. Was trying to focus on technique, especially the kick, and that's harder, so took a rest after each 100m and did this as 10x100m.
    run: Evening run in Holyrood as usual, but after the tarmac runs of Thursday, Saturday I set this up to stay more on the grass than usual. Fair bit of uphills as usual and this was pretty tough. 4.5miles grass&trail and the rest hard surfaces.

    weekly total: 21.5miles (233mins as 4 runs), 1swim (1000m)

    exercises, niggles etc:
    Back exercises done 5 days out of 7, but all after 5pm, have to get into the habit of doing them earlier. Did the sets of stair drops only 2days, same for dynamic hamstring stretch. Noticed the very earliest twinge of the posterior tib. during Thursday's stair drops, so have been doing a little bit of foot rolling (*sigh*).

    Cutback week seemed to work ok, I was knackered on Wednesday after the tempo, but fine afterwards (well, until tonight, probably the swim and the LSR was a bit too much). Niggles permitting, plan for next week is 275mins and 105mins for the LSR. Have visitors arriving Tuesday-Saturday, so there might be a bit of shuffling round.

    So so slow still, even after the two months of building up. Never expected the reconditioning to take so long. Anyway will stick at it ....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    So so slow still, even after the two months of building up. Never expected the reconditioning to take so long. Anyway will stick at it ....

    Frustrating for you alright, but at least you can run now and you are making progress, even if it's not as quickly as you might like. But it is happening...
    Major kudos to you for your patience, it'll pay off eventually. Great to see the consistency, and all the other actives will contribute to the running fitness.
    Chin up HSR!!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    Ososlo wrote: »
    Frustrating for you alright, but at least you can run now and you are making progress, even if it's not as quickly as you might like. But it is happening...
    Major kudos to you for your patience, it'll pay off eventually. Great to see the consistency, and all the other actives will contribute to the running fitness.
    Chin up HSR!!!

    +1 to that M, it'll be well worth it in the end. Fair play for sticking with the swimming, I haven't made the pool in weeks!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Thanks both, chin is raised a bit I suppose ..... Am hoping that the miles will kick in at some point!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Trussed-up for an early night in bed with a box of tissues and lemsip, so might as well do the log.

    Monday 5th, Tuesday 6th, Wednesday 7th: nothing
    The rest day Monday was planned, but then I had the silly idea I'd get up early on Tuesday morning and do 60mins with fartlek before my Italian visitors arrived. Course the only thing being done Tuesday morning was frantic vacuuming and tidying. The disc/shin had been twinge-ing a bit that day anyway, so no harm. Same story again on Wednesday but it was mainly because of disc/shin twinges rather than constraints. If I could single out anything that kicked-off the disc it would be Sunday's swim. In the bad weeks the thing that used to aggravate the disc most was swimming and especially the kick drills. Had not been doing drills last weekend but had been trying to work on my kick.

    Thursday 8th: 15min easy, 10min fartlek, 10min easy, 10min fartlek, 15min easy (5.93miles total)
    The disc niggle was better on waking, and at work in the morning, so went ahead with this. The visitors still here so I had the gear in work and did the run from the office in the late afternoon. Mixed weather and mostly grass/trail. Have been struggling with the fartlek over recent weeks, so decided to break it up from the outset as two 10min sections. And finally I succeeded in completing it as planned!! Easy miles were just below 11min pace, fartlek sections all below 9min pace ... though this was borderline for the final 'bit' of the second fartlek, and I very nearly walked a couple of steps after I'd transitioned to the easy, but held it together.

    Friday 9th: nothing

    Saturday 10th: 45+ mins, then 5x100m strides (4.3miles total)
    Visitors left this morning so no excuse not to do this. A reluctant late evening run round the neighbourhood loop. 4miles @11:20 avg, then the strides. Posterior tibialis behaving fine (the light niggle I noticed last week).

    Sunday 11th: errrrr ... 0.58miles easy
    This was supposed to be a 105mins LSR. Had left it to late afternoon to head out and was not feeling it whatsoever. Also thought I could feel a bit of the posterior tib tightness .. and more to the point I was worrying about a bit of leftover work that needed to be done that evening, would I be too wrecked after LSR/stretches to do it (anyone feeling too sympathetic, note I spent 3hours in the morning watching Mo Farah and Vivian Cheruiyot and a load of people in costumes on the TV). Kicked myself out and trotted the tarmac paths towards the park, and was just into the park and going up a little climb when the motivation drained away. Stopped, decided to bail, and walked the little stretch back home. Could try the excuse of posterior tib worries but the main reasons were the thought-of-work-not-done, the hill, and the 12:xx on the watch. Was a lovely evening for a run too..... Was thinking I might get the run in Monday morning for a short while until I copped on to myself. Took the stuff to work to do the run during/after the working day, but it never happened. Also could feel the posterior tib a bit tight as the day continued, so in the end just decided to throw the week away and start the next week as planned on Tuesday.

    weekly total: 10.8 miles :(

    exercises, niggles etc: Did the back exercises 6days/7 despite the visitors, a good week. Pathetic performance on the stair drops and dynamic hamstring stretch, only once for each. Stretches after both runs.

    New week and the first time to break the midweek miles into 3days even though I've been planning it for about a month.

    Tuesday 13th: 40mins with 20@tempo pace (4miles)
    Round the neighbourhood loops in light drizzle in the evening. 10mins w/u just under 11:30, the 20mins tempo were 9:23, 9:09, and the "bit" 8:47, 10mins c/d just over 10:30. The achilles was giving a bit of trouble in the first 2/3 mile, quietened after that but was still "there". Similar experience last Thursday and could only assume it doesn't actually like the missed running.

    Wednesday 14th: physio visit, pilates, 30mins very easy (2.51miles)
    Talked about the disc, my achilles and the recent niggling of the posterior tib. In fact the posterior tib had gone a bit weird on my way to the appointment and when I demonstrated my running I wasn't able to put proper weight on it. Had literally only happened on the way to the appt. Right achilles mobilised and taped, and for the posterior tib the same suggestion of foot-rolling and stair drops. Stair drops twice a day! (*reels in horror*). Thought I would be finally finished with the visits to the physio but still ended up with an appointment for a month's time and am going to make sure I'm perfect for that one.
    The run was done after pilates in the dark at a very very easy pace, just below 12min avg.

    Thursday 15th: 55mins (4.75miles @11:35 avg pace), mostly grass and trail
    Not sure whether to go out and do this one or not. Had done a bit of foot-rolling at work, but no stair drops, and could feel a bit of a twinge midway down the inside of calf on the walk home. Left the house at around 7:30 and headed for the park, but the daylight was fading and I knew I wouldn't be able to run the loop (there's very little by way of street lighting inside the park). Ran through the playing fields and did an out-and-back on a trail for the first 30mins, with a couple of stumbles near the end as the daylight finished. Then turned round and back to the start with an extra loop thrown in to make up the time. It was tricky running on the grass in the darkness, think I'd need a headlamp to do this regularly. And discovered some dog dirt on one trainer when I got home. On the other hand there were quite a few runners and dog-walkers around even after the light went down, felt pretty safe. And the leg was fine.

    Friday 16th: nothing
    Rest day and travelling up to an outdoors centre beside Loch Tay.

    Saturday 17th: 1.5hours kayak, 2hours windsurfing, 48mins easy (estimate 4.17miles @11:30)
    Perfect watersports weather of 18-19C with hardly any wind. Lovely sunshiny Kayaking. Chose to learn windsurfing in the afternoon, and after a few tumbles into the Loch was glad to stay upright and drift way down the Lake to the other bank, but *way* beyond the target. Had started to work out how to steer the board near the end of this so after getting towed back up to our original spot, was able to use my new learning to make it across to the other side in a straight line and without falling off. Had the option to hang up my sail at this point but there was 30mins left and I didn't have the sense to quit while ahead ... unfortunately the wind had picked up from half-nothing to the lightest-breeze-ever, and every time I got a little bit of wind in the sails I came straight off again. After a while I just sat on my board in the sunshine and looked at the mountains around the lake, and after about 15-20mins I got towed again :rolleyes:. Spent a few hours walking around in blissful ignorance until my friend broke the news that I looked like a beetroot. Not a typical September day getting sunburnt in Scotland.
    run: Got ready to do the run and realised the Garmin was very low on charge, so went out with my nokia as my timer. 48mins easy as an out-and-back on the local road, little bit of hill. Saw a little red squirrel go flying across the road in front of a passing car, fortunately he made it across safe. I can probably assume 11:30 easy pace on recent progress, giving 4.17miles.

    Sunday 18th: 1.5 hours kayaking, 105mins "undulating" LSR (9.2miles @11:25 avg pace)
    Got a chance to do the run round the Loch in the afternoon and just as well as I would never have got to it after arriving back home at 7pm or so. Nokia again as my timer, and the plan was to turn around a bit after 50mins. Headed off on the lakeside road in the Eastern direction, the opposite direction to last night. We had been down this road for a walk on Friday night so I knew it was going to be a bit hilly, but all good practice. Was about a mile and a half into the run when I saw a sign for Ardeonaig hotel 3miles away so that was a target for turning round. Up and down, and round the bends I went. Many many sheep, about 15 cars, 2 motorcycles and one bike, but not one person on foot. Saw some "Red squirrels crossing" signs but none of the little beasties themselves this time. Nice views of the lake from time to time. There was a long downhill after about 45mins and I went down it dreading the return leg. Bit later and there was the Ardeonaig Hotel & Restaurant on my left, just after 50mins. So turned around and came back the way I'd come. I was expected to be slightly quicker on the return leg, but was exactly the same, back to base at 101mins. Added a short little out-and-back to make it up to 105mins.
    Gmap-pedometer gives 8.85 for the trip to the hotel and back, and then scaling by 105/101 I get 9.2miles at average pace 11:25.

    This was not an easy run, it was **tough** on the uphills and comfortable on the downs (and the bits of flat). Was knackered on Sunday night. Had been keen to do the LSR near Loch Tay because the terrain is similar to the HM I'm registered for in 4weeks time - on the road around a big Loch, and "undulating". But wasn't expecting it to be quite *that* undulating. Had to go and map-out the HM route to check whether it's the same level of undulating and it's not too different in fact :eek: ... there were two climbs of 35m on Sunday and the max-climb on the HM is just over 20m, but all the same the average climbing-per-mile looks pretty similar. The HM is advertised as "relatively flat" on their website :confused:. Still not 100% I'll do it, will depend on disc, posterior tib., achilles etc etc ... and possibly the weather. For sure it will be a slow one.

    weekly total: 24.6miles

    niggles and exercises:
    Back exercises 5days/7. Was not in the mood on Monday and could not escape to do them Saturday, there's a limit to how anti-social you can be. There have been about 4-5 stair-drop sessions but I'm way from the twice-a-day I was prescribed. Stretches done after every run except the very easy Wednesday one.

    Had been feeling a tickle at the back of my throat on Saturday, and had started sneezing in the car on the way back home yesterday (at least I got my LSR in before I realised). Spent all night and most of today working my way through piles of tissues and drinking endless cups of tea to wash the virus out. Not much improvement though, and suspect that there'll be no run tomorrow ... But sick or not I will have to htfu on the stair drops.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    Kayaking! and windsurfing :p love it. The long run sounds challenging but lovely too. Hope you're feeling better soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Firedance wrote: »
    Kayaking! and windsurfing :p love it. The long run sounds challenging but lovely too. Hope you're feeling better soon.

    Twas lovely but of course thinking about the wet hair and catching my death (and the window open in the bedroom) and all that nonsense. Don't believe in any of it except this time it lines up with the cold.

    The tea and lemsip is having an effect I think. Will have a proper early night tonight and read a book or something.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Monday 19th, Tuesday 20th, Wednesday 21st: nothing
    Was piling up the used tissues and working my way through a box of Barry's tea, but I probably could have managed a couple of short runs .... problem is that the disc was niggling into the shin. Not sure what caused it, in the past it's usually been non-running-activities seeming to trigger it, but if I'm being honest the first time I felt anything at the weekend was coming up to the top of one of those steep hills on Sundays LSR. True, there was lots of extra stuff being done last weekend but can't rule out the running as a cause. Skipped Pilates Wednesday as I didn't want to infect anyone.

    Thursday 22nd: 15min easy, 10min fartlek, 10min easy, 10min fartlek, 15min easy (5.91miles total)
    Nearly the same as a fortnight ago. The disc niggle was better today (though not perfect either), so I did my fartlek on the meadows before the sun went down. Mostly grass and trail. Managed to get it done with the fartlek sections each coming out as 9:02 for the first mile and below 8:50 for the "bit" ... 9min average pace overall for fartlek. Easy miles were around 10:45 for the first section, slowing to around 11:20 at the end. Almost exactly the same numbers as a fortnight back, just 0.02miles less overall ... and also I did end up walking 15steps after finishing the second fartlek this time :o. Disc/shin had niggled a few times during the run, but I didn't seem to have done any damage, and there was no niggling at all on the walk home :).

    Friday 23rd: nothing

    Saturday 24th: 50 mins, then 5x100m strides (4.92miles total)
    The minutes done mostly on grass and trail round the playing fields, little bits of hill but nothing major. Decided to push the effort a little bit so this is really closer to steady than easy even if I might rather pretend otherwise: 10:49 avg pace for 4.62miles. Then the strides, went fine, just noticed a tiny tightness in the right hip flexor on the last 100m. Did the stair drops straight after coming in and the other stretches/dynamic-hamstring in front of Strictly.

    Sunday 25th: 112mins (10.25miles @10:56 avg pace)
    This was in fact planned as 112 mins (halfway between 105 and 120). Was thinking I might increase the minutes on-the-fly as I wanted to get above 10miles (and even a little bit more to "tidy up" the Thurs+Sat mileage), in the end the extra mins weren't needed. Was also thinking I'd try to push a little bit again and not keep it super easy. Probably "steady" is the truth again here. On familiar turf, the route was to run into Holyrood Park, do one clockwise loop, then a 1mile of the playing fields which would bring me to around 5miles ... and then repeat the same thing. This was exactly what happened, except I ended up sticking in a little bit extra at the end to use up the minutes and get the mileage up. Very mixed sections on this run, tough long uphills in miles 2 and 6, some wind tunnel battles in miles 3, 7 once I was on the exposed section, and two lovely long grassy descents in miles 4 and 8 :). Slowest miles over 12min pace, fastest below 10min pace, and despite the erratic paces the effort was consistent I think. I was finding the last couple of miles harder but was able to bring these in around 10:40 (these had little ups and down but overall they had balanced hillyness). Was a lovely sunny day, and there were loads of people out, walkers getting in the way on my trails .... Stuck to grass and trail wherever I could and probably did 6.5miles or so of this on the soft surfaces.

    For once my cold did not progress to long-term racking coughs of a Dickens character. Think the litres of hot fluids may have made a difference. There has been a bit of discreet snorting into hedges on the runs, but the stuff being snorted wasn't too horrible. Less of this today too. Fingers crossed.

    Thinking back to the torment of my July/August Holyrood LSRs (not to mention the bailed run 2 weeks back) probably there's a teensy bit of progress at this stage. Also it's the first time in 15months I've done a run in double figures (though that was already true after the 8mile run I think). More of the same next week, I'll be hoping to hit 11miles as that's the final LSR before the half.

    weekly total: 21.1 miles

    exercises, niggles etc:
    Back exercises 6days/7, though one of those was at a ridiculous hour before bed just to get it done.
    No stair drops Monday, but at least once a day for all other 6 days (twice on Friday, and I'll do a second set today before bed). Posterior tib is behaving well.
    Stretches after all runs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Lovely little film :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Monday 26th: pilates

    Tuesday 27th: nothing
    Had to bail on my tempo run because work dragged on a bit and I was due at a friend's house for dinner.

    Wednesday 28th: 15mins w/u, 30mins tempo, 15mins c/d (6.02miles), pilates
    Yesterday's skipped tempo done on the grass and trails near the office after work. Blustery weather but it was lovely and mild and the electronic panel near the park was showing 20C. Tempo paces 9:41, 9:22, 9:09 and the "bit" 9:00. The second tempo mile was the hardest as a large fraction of it was into the wind ... as was the "bit". I copied this entry over from the tempo of a month ago and it's scary how the first two paces are virtually identical, talk about predictable :rolleyes:. Though final mile and bit are slightly quicker. Warm-up miles just under 11min pace, and cool-downs around 10:30 and genuinely feeling comfortable. No stretches after as I had to race to pilates (in shorts&T-shirt and my coat over the gear...).

    Thursday 29th: nothing
    Early flight to travel back to Dublin for 5-days break/remote-working. Was tired after the reduced sleep and made the mistake of taking an hour and a half to catch up in the afternoon. Didn't have the motivation to push myself out to run after that....

    Friday 30th: 65mins fairly-easy (6.07miles @10:43 avg)
    Yesterday's run done on the paths in the late morning from Harolds Cross through Kimmage, Terenure, Dodder, Orwell, Rathgar and back home.

    monthly total: 85miles

    July|25|99 |79|75.8

    40mins with strides tomorrow, and then 120mins LSR Sunday, if I have the time I may test out the Phoenix Park ...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Saturday, 2nd Oct: 40mins easy with 5x100m strides (4.3miles total)
    40mins easy round Kimmage and Terenure in the late afternoon, making 3.73miles @10:43 average. Then found myself a flat stretch near the house (hope none of my parents neighbours were watching) and did the strides, bit longer than usual so I'll round up to 4.3miles. Back to the house for the stretches and to see poor Mayo denied.

    Sunday, 3rd Oct: nothing
    Day ran away with itself with family-stuff (again) and in no time it was late afternoon. Had things that I needed to do for work so pushed the LSR out to Monday morning when I would have time. Little bits of posterior tib "awareness" so no harm to wait. Ended up working well past midnight, then I forced myself to do the back exercises and some stair drops. Had already missed 2 days of back exercises this week and couldn't bear to see it drop to 4days (though technically the last batch don't belong to this week) ... *weeeeell* past midnight before I went to sleep.

    Monday, 4th Oct: 120mins "Cinderella" LSR (11.09miles @10:49 avg)
    (of course) was late getting up, so didn't get the run in before my coffee date. Then after that I only had about 4 hours before I had to leave for the airport. Decided not to be such an obsessive running nerd and to hang out at the house like a normal person. Flight was due to land in Edinburgh around 8:40pm so there was still a hope of getting the run done. There had been bits of posterior tib. tightness today but I'd done a few foot rollings so wanted to give it a try. Got back to my flat a bit after 9:30pm and got dressed and headed out before I could change my mind. Did this round the Eastern suburbs and coast of the city and most of it was pretty deserted - a bit eerie at times but there was occasional traffic throughout so no danger of being abducted :rolleyes:. No sign of any niggles in the first hour, then for the second half the right leg felt slightly less stable with a hint of underlying ankle stiffness. Know from the past this is posterior tib. related, but it seemed ok to continue and I wanted this long run under my belt. Finished my 9mile loop and then threw in a couple of laps round the neighbourhood circuit to bring it up to 120mins. Was back inside my flat a few minutes before midnight (*punches air*). Did the stretches with stair drops, and the last few back exercises not done in Dublin airport :o (tiles too hard on my crooked spine to do the sit-ups).

    Was genuinely comfortable on this run. It was a less-hilly route than usual and on tarmac (like most of this week). Best of all was not even tired this morning (ok ok, was a 10am start at work. But no yawning and have been alert all day.)

    "weekly" total: 285 mins as 4 runs (27.3miles), 2 pilates

    niggles etc:
    Back exercises done 5day out of 7 (or 6 out of 8, whatever)
    Stair drops: none Monday, one batch most days, 2 batches Friday, Sunday, Monday.
    Stretches after all runs except Wednesday's.
    Most niggles behaving well though the posterior tib needs watching.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    One decent week done. So next to follow, a bad week.....

    Tuesday: nothing as planned

    Wednesday: pilates but no run :(
    Posterior tib was niggling, more than Tuesday. So skipped today's run on purpose.

    Thursday: nothing again :(
    Had taken my running gear to work and got dressed after work and went out. It was colder than earlier, and my legs were cold in my shorts. Was also having a bad day in work, not to mention losing the will to go on with the back exercises, the f***in stair drops, and oh god, I should be giving the left hamstring a bit of attention again. Decided it was too cold to run so I'd walk home and throw on my winter gear and do the run from the flat. Motivation was still low, so a detour via the supermarket and I'd cook dinner and do a late night run when I was in a better mood. But dinner, glass-of-wine, wine gums, and green pringles still weren't enough to raise my mood, still cross and annoyed at 10pm, the run was never done.

    Friday: 70mins relaxed (6.15miles @11:23 avg pace)
    Post-work run got done today. Posterior tib has been niggling through the week, but the walk home from work loosened it up . Was still getting twinges from the achilles even after walking home but I headed straight out before I could change my mind ... One lap round Holyrood, back out before it got too dark, and a bit of extra stuff to take it up to 70mins. Genuinely relaxed comfortable run in windless conditions and happy to have done it. Was a bit annoyed that the achilles was still twinge-ing during the run and even after. But by Saturday morning it had improved.

    Saturday: 23miles cycle
    Knew it wouldn't be sensible to run three days in a row, so a cycle out-and-back along the coast instead. Nearly always have wind on my face coming back into town but today the direction was reversed so had the easy leg for my return journey :).

    Sunday: 100mins hilly LSR (9.04miles @11:04 avg pace)
    Two laps of Holyrood Park, then back out just before it got too dark, and a neighbourhood loop to bring up the minutes. Posterior tib had been niggling in the morning but walking had loosened it up and it was pretty good on the run, little bit of tightness in the final miles. Beautiful sunset views on both descents of the Holyrood circuit :). Also overtook someone on the climb the first time round! And had to walk about 6steps the second time round ..... probably the effort today was closer to steady again. Not ideal but the miles done. Windless conditions *again*!

    weekly total: 15.2miles (shuffles, avoid eye contact)

    niggles, exercises etc:
    Posterior tib needing attention, but it's not got any worse. You wouldn't think it from all the moaning above but in fact I've done stair drops twice-a-day every day this week except Friday which was once (well, only once today also, but I'll do them again before bed).
    Back exercises 6days/6 so far, will also do them before bed to make it 7/7 for the first time ever.
    Stretches not done after Friday's run (just a few calf stretches), but done after today's.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    Your weekly mileage is double mine :eek: am jealous of your longer runs! Did you sign up for Run The Line in the end?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Firedance wrote: »
    Your weekly mileage is double mine :eek: am jealous of your longer runs! Did you sign up for Run The Line in the end?


    Skipped RtL in the end because I'm not sure of dates in Dublin, and it's often harder to get to the races than from here anyway, feel like a bit of a pain coming to visit and heading out on a Sunday morning for hours. And I won't be in any kind of racing shape for months yet.

    May well line up for a different hilly run in December......*sqwawk*
