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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    11th-17th January: Had finished off the previous week with a feeling of a knot in the right calf. This is the calf where I'd been monitoring the the achilles, with bits of ankle stiffness too from time to time. Had done a bit of foam rolling on Sunday night but not enough to make a difference. But the internet is full of forum-posts and videos online about how runners can foam/knuckle out calf knots, and it seemed ridiculous to be looking for another sports massage 3-4days after the previous one (by now I'm more feeling annoyed that the massage therapist the previous week didn't spot the knots. Had not been a deep-tissue massage, but still) ... So anyway I came home after Pilates on Monday night with the aim of doing a proper session on the knot. And I did, foam roller first, then felt around for the tightest spots and used my thumbs. Couldn't find a definite spot, but gave it 20-30mins in the general area. Calf felt a bit more tender afterwards .....
    And more upset again the next day ... the tenderness had spread to a couple of other parts of the lower leg. *Horrified* at what I'd done :( ... could almost feel music like from one of those thriller movies in my ears. Still didn't book a massage as I knew I'd have to let the leg calm down. Of course no running through midweek, I was terrified. Busy/stressful week at work, so not much swimming either, just the swim class Thursday.
    The leg was better by the weekend so I went out for 45mins on Saturday and 57mins on Sunday. Two lovely freezing cold easy runs - Saturday's on the playing fields where the muck had frozen up, so only a couple of soggy patches, and a good few icy sections to dodge. Did stumble a bit on a patch of hard ice and unfortunately it was the bad leg, but didn't seem to have any negative effect. Bit of snow had fallen on Sunday, and headed off for my "long" run.... lovely chilly lap of Holyrood park with a little frosted hill to look at. The road was iced over on the upwards climb of the loop, but for once the grass verges were firm, with some patches of firm upslippy snow... then on the other side when the grass disappeared, the sun had defrosted the road so I could run on that :). Had been feeling a general stiffness in the calf, not localised this time, so cut short the planned 75mins and just ran home after the lap was done. Was a lovely run despite worrying a bit about the leg. Did both kinds of stair drops, and all the stretches after both these runs (though might have been better not to do that).
    From Sunday evening the calf was been stiff and a bit upset again, and could even feel a bit of tighness near the achilles. Did a thorough foam rolling session on the Sunday night, doing all parts of the back of my calf, and also the top and middle of the anterior tib. But was more careful with my thumbs than I'd been on Monday .....

    weekly total: 9.1miles, 1 pilates class, 1 swim class

    18th-24th January: Calf upset again in the early days of week, but tight rather than inflamed this time. Also seemed now to be a little bit of swelling on the outside shin to add to the troubles .... Cancelled Tuesday's run to become a swim instead. Had really been aiming to sort this issue out by myself for once, but by Wednesday morning I capitulated and made an appointment... at this stage I was thinking maybe I'd be better going for the physio, but they were booked out for the whole week, and very little masssage availability either. Best I could do was get a sports massage apppointment for Saturday at 9am.
    Leg was feeling better on Thursday so did a an easy 2 miles round the neighborhood without any trouble. Was a late night run, so skipped the stair drops and just did the calf/bent-calf/hamstring stretches. Friday, the plan was no running ... was too wrecked from work/Thursday's-swim to do anything anyway. Only other development was that I got a phone call in the evening to say my Saturday massage was cancelled :(. Saturday came and the leg felt ok so took my new trail runners out for their debut on Saturday - 46mins on the playing fields. Not icy any more, and plenty of muck to run through, so a good test for them. Could feel a bit of stiffness in the calf from 2 and a half miles in ... and a bit more of stiffness running the .5miles back home on the cement .... not serious, but a sign that the leg is not sorted yet. Did the stair drops and all the stretches after (though might have been better not ...). Also did a session on the foam roller and some (gentle) work with my thumbs.
    Sunday came and the battle was "to run or not to run" (yes, I *know* everyone knows the answer ...). The plan for the year had been to launch the "base-building" plan on 18th April, 10 weeks before 7hills. And I wanted to be up to 30miles/week before I started the building (ok, with the recent issues, at least up over 25miles) ..... And I'm to be a exhibit of sensibleness for 2016 and increasing at an average 5%/week ... so then if the mileage dips to 6miles this week, then that would mean I can only .... the closest analogy is that episode of Friends where Rachel starts considering that she wants to have kids before age whatever, and does the backwards calculations on married-years-before-kids, years-of-dating, finding-mr-right, and realises she has to call the temporary guy immediately and dump him so she can chase down Mr Right asap. No I did not do the Sunday run.... talked myself out of it by reasoning that I could do it in the evening instead, and HTFUed to do the laundry and housework instead. By evening I had recognised the errors of logic going on in my mind ... :rolleyes:.

    Was glad to have the swimming this week. It takes a bit of the pressure off (but only a bit!).

    weekly total: 6.15miles, 1 pilates class, 2 swims (3000m total)

    25th-31st January: No running in the early days, booked a deep-tissue massage appointment for Tuesday and waited to see what the professional verdict would be. Not the therapist I'd hoped to get (one of the others used to be a competitive runner), but this was who was free and she was excellent: tiny and light but her thumbs are strong. She confirmed I had one knot near the outside of the gastro/soleus junction (the first one to appear) and the new (even tighter) knot in the upper inside calf: both soleus. Very thorough deep tissue session on both legs. Told her all the history and she checked my ankle and she thought there was probably no need for the physio, but if the leg kicked-off in the days after the massage to put in a call immediately. Allowed to swim (they *always* say that ...). Not allowed to run till the weekend, light foam rollking and then 30mins. Then she said "Sunday" but I negotiated it down to Saturday. Then 3 short runs a week for the following fortnight, before I can increase up to 4 runs/week.
    The ankle stiffness/jamming was a good bit worse the day after the massage which confirms a link with the calf stuff I think, possibly a tendon upset. Calmed down after a day or two. Managed to get three swims in on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Feel I'm making a bit of progress with that now and "led out" the laps for most of Thursday's class without causing any bottlenecks among the group!
    When it came to Saturday I felt the leg wasn't as good as it should, so I skipped the run and did a few gentle thumb-sessions round the inside knot that day. Was out at the Mountain film festival that evening and folded my right leg up and spent about 10 mins at it. Felt ok on Sunday and did 32mins easy with just a little bit of calf stiffness. Still feeling wary of the inside knot and skipped the stair drops; and gentle with the calf stretches. Foam rolling and gentle-thumbs that evening.

    weekly total: 3.05miles, 1 pilates class, 3 swims (4200m)

    They played this video at the end of the Mountain Films ...

    monthly total: 49.7miles

    July|25|99 |79

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Trying to get back to short regular runs the past week, with foam rolling etc in the evenings to keep the twinges under control. Therapist had noticed that overall the left calf is tighter, and can feel the same on the foam rollings. Week went all right, but the right calf isn't perfect yet, so am off for a second massage this evening.

    Monday, 1st Feb: pilates

    Tuesday, 2nd Feb: 1200m swim, 36mins easy (3.23miles @11:08 average pace)
    A morning swim! Not early morning though, had to cut this one short to make it to my desk for 10am :o. Had decided this would be "stamina week" (the current week will be also), trying to focus on doing longer slower sections of freestyle, rather than doing everything as 50m+rest. Got a few 100ms of freestyle among the other stuff. Felt maybe that the leg was slightly tighter after the swim, hmmm, not sure.
    Went out to do my 35mins run late in the evening, so was stuck with the footpaths. But maybe just as well because at least that way I can feel if something is up with the calf (the twinges tend to go silent on the grass). Run went ok though I was feeling slightly sick, but no twinges from the calf.
    stair drops: Did 2 sets of straight-leg, 2 sets of soleus, each side. Well nearly - had to interrupt the last bent-leg set on the left leg to run into the flat to throw up. No stretches except some gentle soleus ones.

    Wednesday, 2nd Feb: strengthening session
    Had been thinking I'd get to the pool again but ran late at work and let myself off the hook. Had strengthening on the schedule also, and with the swim cancelled no excuse not to do it. 4 sets each side of 8reps for lunge-dips, for sideline squares, and bridge-leg-lowers. Also the hamstring strengthening from the therapist who didn't notice my knots .... Am pretty sure that the leg is not in shape for single-leg squats so didn't do those (was not even definite I should be doing lunge dips).

    Thursday, 3rd Feb: 1600m swim including swimming class
    3x50m done to warm up, mix of strokes. Then swim class with a couple of freestyle stamina sets, and drills for backstroke legs and arms. Bigger attendance of 7 this week and I was not at the front this week. Lots of collisions at either end of the pool too during the backstroke lengths. 550m to finish up includings few more 100m of freestyle towards the goal of improving stamina.
    Gluts and legs had been stiff this morning after the strengthening. Could feel the quads even stiffer walking home from the pool, and then on Friday *oh my god*. It was Sunday before it wore off. I guess that's the punishment for being erratic ...

    Friday, 4th Feb: 35mins easy (3.23miles @10:30 average pace)
    Another late-night few laps round the neighborhood on the hard surface, after foam rolling first. Run went fine, slight sensation of calf towards the end.
    stair drops: 2 sets straight-leg, 3 sets soleus, each side. Felt good doing the soleus sets, which confirmed it was the right thing to do (am always anxious about introducing strengthening on a tight muscle).
    all the stretches: Was thorough about the stretching including a new hip flexor stretch. Went ok but, hmmm.... could feel a slight tug (the tight/maybe-knot feeling) on the *straight*-leg calf stretch after the stair drops. To be honest I prefer that to the soleus being upset again, but really ... ffs.

    Saturday, 5th Feb: 20miles easy cycle

    Sunday, 6th Feb: 45mins easy run (3.83miles @11:45 pace)
    Bit of foam rolling, then into the trail runners for another spin to the playing fields to run on the grass. Very strong wind this afternoon so had a bit of wind tunnel practice as well as a push on the back from time to time. There are always dogs off the lead round here and I was chopping and changing my route to avoid a big strong bouncy German Shepherd ... then after coming round a bend after I thought I'd dodged him could hear big loud panting behind me and knew I was in for a bit of "fun" ... could not bear to look round to see what was coming, just kept running carefully and cautiously ... got a bit of a surprise to be passed by another female runner instead :rolleyes:.
    Stair drops:2 sets straight-leg, 3 sets soleus, each side. Slight bit of tightness at the start of the first straight leg set on the rhs. *Maybe* a slight bit of tightness at the start of the soleus set too, not sure, did them anyway.
    half the stretches: rushing to head out so couldn't do all, but made sure to get all the calf stretches done, and some extra. Was gentle with the straight-leg stretch and this felt better on the right leg than on Friday. Still not happy, another massage appointment on its way.

    weekly total: 10.3miles, 1 strengthening session, 2 swims (2800m)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Ok here we go again ...

    8th-14th February:Had another sports massage on the Monday of this week because I was still feeling the tight spot toward the upper inside of the right calf. Just did not feel it had been banished yet. There was something familiar about this spot, and same with a very slight 'activity' on the lower inside shin; so had been meaning to raise the issue of the tibialis posterior with her again, but forgot. Anyway I was up on her table and it was about 10mins into the session when she said "Maybe it's deeper ...", and yes the inside spot was the tibialis posterior from the autumn/Xmas of 2014. I guess at least I know how to handle this one :rolleyes:. She said yes to keeping up the stair drops (which I knew) but not to do them straight after a run, and not if they are raising any reaction from the calf. Went back to my notes from last year that evening and was surprised to see mention of the ankle stiffness from that time and even an occasional mention of shin-stuff, had forgotten that ...

    Monday, 8th Feb: Pilates
    Was allowed to go to Pilates after the massage. So I went ...

    Tuesday, 9th Feb: 1600m swim in the morning!
    Done in the morning before work. Walked out of the swim centre at 9am into the sunlight with a mile under my belt :). No yawning afterwards either which was great.
    Am working on freestyle stamina these days so was trying to get some 100m swims in without any resting. 8x50m freestyle to warm-up, then 400m incl 3x100m and 2x50m (headed out too fast a couple of times), then 600m breast without stopping, then 2x100m free to end. Stuck to 1:45 clock without trouble on nearly all 50m free, 3:15 or so for the 100m.

    Thursday, 11th Feb: 1600m including swim class, 34 1/2 mins run (3.15miles @10:57)
    swim: 400m w/u, swim class, 300m c/d. Included 4x100m free in w/u, c/d as well as the stamina sets with the class. Class was backstroke-focused as well as some the freestyle stamina. We used the fins a bit and I felt like I was in the Olympics :).
    run: Did the run later at 10:30pm round the neighbourhood. The calf was fine during run with the inside of leg feeling a bit "active" in last 5mins. No stair drops afterwards because of the tight feeling. It was late when I got back so just straight-leg and bent-leg stretches after.

    Saturday, 13th and Sunday, 14th: Winter hiking with the ice axe and crampons etc
    Up in the highlands getting some winter walking done and "learning" how to use the ice axe and the crampons. First time doing proper winter walking and whatever about the equipment, managed to get pretty pissed off just with the terrain - you could be walking along for 10mins on firm snow, then the next step would drop you into knee-deep into a drift of snow :mad:. Also difficult on the downhills with slippy bits to navigate. Anyway had realised by Sunday evening that probably the thing is to be more at one with the snow rather than fighting against it and getting aggravated... I'll give it another go. Had timed the trip perfectly, it was perfect winter conditions with lovely crisp dry snow, and there were throngs of people up there getting some skiing done.
    Kiss kiss kiss for the little red squirrels playing in the trees....

    weekly total: 3.15miles, 2 swims (3200m), 1 pilates

    15th-21st February: Had managed keep the calf quiet for most of the weekend trip (foot-rolling with the hockey ball, calf stretching, hamstring strengthening), but after the Sunday hiking it wasn't as good as it had been. Long trip back home that night so didn't get any stretching done either. On the Monday I could feel it was upset again, so waited it out. Also had "thrown my back out", no it's not TbLs log, I've had twinges in my back before many times but this time was on a different scale... Skipped pilates Monday.

    Tuesday, 16th Feb: 1200m swim
    Working on stamina again: 3x50m free w/u, then 100m, 50m, 100m, 50m, 2x100m free (800m), 400m breaststroke. Meant to do 4x100m free to finish but a bit of water went down the wrong way, was choking/trouble breathing and got out of pool to sort it out. Decided not to go back in because I was going to to be swimming the next day anyway .....

    Wednesday, 17th and Thursday, 18th: nothing
    My file says has late-night working but I can't remember any details, they've been wiped from memory. The back was ok by now, and I think the calf mostly better too but I was thinking no harm in giving it extra time. Probably was working though because no swimming either.

    Friday, 19th: 38mins run (3.67 @10:21 avg), 1100m swim
    In Dublin with the day off and time to exercise.
    swim: In Swan Leisure for 600m free (mix of 50m and 75m), 200m breast, 250m free incl one 100m, then (*scowl*) they started taking away the lanes, 7mins earlier than advertised. Again! So 1100m it was....
    run: Familiar loop from HX through Kimmage and Terenure.

    Saturday: bits of strengthening and stretching
    Also .. there is a new restaurant called "Craft" in Harolds Cross and it is incredible.

    Sunday, 21st Feb: 45mins run (4.38miles @10:16 avg pace)
    Another familiar loop through Kimmage and Terenure. Run went fine, except that the right leg was generally a bit stiffer in the last mile. But no tight spot. Calf stretches after, plus foot rolling on the hockey ball.

    weekly total: 8.05miles, 2 swims (2300m)

    22nd-28th February: Back to Edinburgh on the 6:30am on Monday morning, and was wrecked for the rest of the day. Know it's not rare for parents and commuters but it is just *wrong* to be getting up at 4am (and nearly 4 hours earlier than my normal wake time ..). Managed to haul myself off to Pilates on Monday night but was wrecked again on Tuesday and nothing got done.

    Monday, 22nd February: pilates

    Tuesday, 23rd February: -

    Wednesday, 24th February: -
    Had great plans and had my swimming gear packed, and plans to run after that and then I got stuck at work till *midnight*. Not work-work in this case, was moving to a different office on the same corridor and got buried in a de-cluttering mountain.

    Thursday, 25th February: -
    Another cinderella moment. This time it was work-work.

    Friday, 26th February:
    Raced out of the office at 4pm to make my hair appointment. Was going to run later that evening but had been feeling/imagining the tight-spot earlier in the day so wasn't sure I would do it. Back and forth in my head and I made myself put on my gear to head out. But still thought I could feel something and took my gear off again for a night on the sofa... rolled the right foot with the hockey ball before bed.

    Saturday, 27th February: 44mins easy on grass (4miles @11:02 avg pace)
    Was back-to-normal by afternoon, so took the trail runners for a spin on the playing fields. Not too mucky after the cold dry days during the week. No tight spot in the calf ... but the right leg felt like it was working harder overall. Got back home just in time to see Conor Murray put the try over the line. But unfortunately managed to see two other trys looking over my shoulder in the calf stretches.... More disappointment during the quad stretch seeing Henshaw grabbed by his legs ... and then in the adductor stretch saw the try that was denied. At this stage I turned onto my back for the piriformis & hamstring stretches and didn't worry I was missing anything.
    stretches: everything, 2holds, each side.

    Sunday, 28th February: 32miles cycle
    Couldn't let the sun go to waste, so out and back along the coast. Gorgeous sun and the sea a lovely ice-cold blue ... big fat woolly sheep further out but no lambs yet. Trees still bare but the snowdrops are here. The final 5 miles were *tough*, so that's the lost fitness. The sun was low in the sky at the end and had feet like blocks of ice.

    weekly total: 4miles, 1 pilates class, 1 cycle

    monthly total: 30miles :(
    (including 4.6miles from today)

    July|25|99 |79

    Am away having a second go at the winter hillwalking next weekend so the plan for this week is just 3 short runs (one already done today) - and swimming, and foot rolling, and strengthening. Plans for 2016 are getting a bit of revision, and I think 7hills might be out. It goes on sale tomorrow so I'll keep a eye on the registrations over the next couple of weeks, in case the leg&fitness decide to transform themselves in that time :rolleyes:.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Your swimming is really progressing. Well done. Very jealous of the winter hiking in the highlands! I did a camping trip in the highlands one summer and it was so much fun but I'm guessing you'd want to be well wrapped up at this time of year! Sorry about the seven hills. Could you not even manage to walk it or is that a stupid question :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Your swimming is really progressing. Well done. Very jealous of the winter hiking in the highlands! I did a camping trip in the highlands one summer and it was so much fun but I'm guessing you'd want to be well wrapped up at this time of year! Sorry about the seven hills. Could you not even manage to walk it or is that a stupid question :)

    Walk the seven hills!

    Well I guess I could walk it some weekend I've nothing on but would be ashamed to walk the race itself. The later clip-points would be taken down by the time I came through anyway.

    To be honest not even 100% sure I'd be happy with "getting round" running it. I wanted to do a decent job. Just took a look at the website for registration and there are only 252 places left of 660 (it opened *yesterday*) so if I wait much later it'll be out of my hands anyway... it costs hardly anything, I'm just sick of signing up for things and not running them. And not sure that training would be best for the leg (though the post.tib. rehabbed really well last time round it must be said).

    The highlands is lovely but tough. It was -5C with -15C windchill on the mountains the weekend I was there, and we had a white-out of falling snow for most of the Sunday. Even just for hiking you needed a lot of stuff on your back which is a small nuisance.... but rest assured I was not camping, that's for the south of France :).

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,386 ✭✭✭career move

    Sounds like your putting in some good training for adventure racing ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Sounds like your putting in some good training for adventure racing ;)

    May consider that in the future, who knows ... but first have the goal of running a sub-25min 5k again :rolleyes:.

    Leaving the office now. No swim but I'll do the strengthening...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Monday, 29th Feb: 50mins easy (4.6miles @10:52 avg), pilates class
    Did the run on the meadows at 5pm, before the light went away. Mostly done on grass. The leg had been slightly "active" during the day, but wanted to try the run and was better than on the Saturday.
    stretches: "all the stretches" afterwards, no foot rolling though.
    Had already done a calf&hamstring set of stretches at lunchtime (foot rolling, calf stretches, hamstring strength and stretch). Pilates in the evening.

    Tuesday, 1st March: nothing
    Planned a swim and strengthening but never got to it ...

    Wednesday, 2nd March: 50mins easy run (4.5miles @11:03 avg) , 1000m swim
    run: Did this on the playing fields before work, so mostly grass. Uneventful but noticed a slight tightness in the post.tib. spot after, also a slight "activity" at front of bottom shin. Hmmmm...
    stretching: In a rush because had to get to work, so 2holds-each side for the calf/bent-calf/quad/hamstring/adductor stretches, plus the hamstring strengthening exercise. Other stretches skipped.
    stair drops Done at 6:30pm: 2 sets straight, 3 sets bent, each side. Some calf stretching and a bit more foot rolling. The stair drops felt pretty good with only slight tension in the right calf during the stretches after.
    swim at 7:30pm: Could feel from the start it was not going to be a good one ... the 4x50m freestyle to warm-up was already difficult. I switched to breaststroke and let myself do 400m of that to make things easier and that helped even though my technique was off. Then back to freestyle for 100m, 50m (out too fast), 2x100m, 50m. Was going better at the end and could have done some extra 100ms but with strengthening on the plan, and another swim tomorrow, etc etc, I let myself off the hook. Didn't do the planned strengthening :(.

    Thursday, 3rd March: 1100m swim (200m w/u, then swim class)
    That was it. Had planned a run and strengthening for today, but skipped them both because of being wrecked and getting organised for the Cairngorms trip the next day. The plan to do a run today was to get it in early, so there would be > 24hours between the run and Saturday's hiking. Considered doing it on Friday morning but everything was too frantic and to be honest leaving it was probably the best thing for the leg anyway.

    Saturday, 5th and Sunday, 6th March: one big winter hike, easy forest walk, bits of foot rolling
    Highlands walking. Did an 11mile hike with 1munro on the Saturday, carrying the ice axe and crampons, but hardly using them. We took the steep ascent. Nice conditions and good views. Loads of snow but on the ground and not billowing against my face (except for about an hour of light snow while we were up high). Also less snow drifts to walk in than on my previous expedition :). A good experience. We stopped at an outdoors store on the way home on Sunday and I even checked out the prices for buying the winter boots.
    On the Saturday various people were going for an extra munro. Was very conflicted but after changing my mind a few times I fixed on being sensible and doing an easy forest walk instead. This was only about an hour, and we followed it up with brunch before driving south. Apart from the leg issue, it was a nice change to get home without feeling destroyed I have to say.
    Bits of calf stretching and foot rolling over the weekend (the hockey ball went missing but it was being kept "safe" in someone else's room so fortunately I got it back).

    weekly total: 9.1miles, 2 swims (2100m), 1 pilates

    Monday, 7th March: 47 1/2 mins easy run (4.2miles @11:18 avg pace), pilates class
    My reward for skipping the Sunday munro was feeling fine to do a run today. Did the run after work, mostly on grass. Had to race off to Pilates afterwards so the stretching was abandoned. I guess there were bits done during the class, but ...

    Tuesday, 8th March: nothing
    Tired and abandoned the plans to swim. And the plans for strengthening :o .... (there are similar comments about the strengthening for later days of the week, but I'm not going to type them)

    Wednesday, 9th March: 51mins easy (4.72miles @10:48 avg pace)
    Had been busy at work so no swimming, no stair drops, no foot rolling done today. Got home around 8:30 and managed to push myself out for my run at 10pm. Was surprised by myself, it was very touch and go and I expected I'd dodge it. Loops of the neighbourhood, so all hard surfaces, and the pace slightly faster. The leg was slightly stiff in the last couple of miles but no twinge.
    stretching: No way was I doing the lot at that time of night. Calf and hamstring stretching before bed.

    Thursday, 10th March: 1200m swim (200m w/u, then swim class)
    Warm-up was 4x50m freestyle, not feeling strong. Then swim class starting as usual with 200m w/u, then a horrible freestyle stamina pyramid: 200m, 20secs, 100m, 15secs, 50m, 10secs, 25m. Am not really ok with 200m freestyle and had to switch and do one breaststroke 25m for the 6th length of the 200m. Also took a good bit more than 20secs rest after that :o.
    For the rest of the class we did some sculling, then some work on breaststroke legs, and eventually overall breaststroke. Our nice teacher is getting moved to do swimfit at a different pool so we have someone new from next week. Swimfit is a level just a bit above us, with "interval-style" workouts. I'm not in shape for it yet, but when I've got a bit stronger I might drop in.
    There were flags up in the main pool hall, including an Irish one - international swim meet this weekend.

    Friday, 11th March: nothing
    There was a run, a swim, and strengthening on the plan for today. Swim was mainly there because of missing it earlier in the week. Had enough sense to know I'd never do all three, so left the swim gear at home. It was around 11am when I realised I couldn't have used the pool anyway because of the meet.
    Then I skipped the run and strengthening too. Was a bit tired but it was mostly just plain laziness ...

    Saturday, 12th March: 40mins rebel run (4.12 with middle two miles @9:26, 8:41 resp)
    Have been thinking recently that I'll keep the running easy and consolidate the mileage to around 20miles over the next few weeks, before doing any speed. "Don't injure" being the main goal and all that. Headed out for my easy 40 mins round the neighborhood and started thinking that I might try to go a little bit faster than current easy run pace, maybe nearly-steady. So started mile 2 with the plan of doing the two middle-miles under 10mins. Then as I went along and looked at the watch thought I'd go for sub 9:30... A slippery slope.... But was careful not to slide much below the 9:30 on mile 2, because I wanted to make sure I'd get the next mile at the same pace. Mile 3 started out on a slight downhill and I was amazed to see low 8:xx on the watch and by running not-too-comfortably-hard brought this one in at 8:41. Could have done half a mile more at the same pace probably, but not lots. Slowed down for the final mile and a bit though that was still a bit under 10mins with the legs warmed up ...
    A tempo? (probably a bit too fast). Progression I guess. But totally contradicting my plans, and I'll make sure not to do *any* speed for a couple of weeks (say weekend after next).
    stretching: 2-3holds each side for all the stretches, plus hamstring exercise.

    Sunday, 13th March: 55mins easy run (5miles @11:01 pace), strengthening
    After the terrible performance all week the idea was to force myself do the strengthening **before** the run. Nearly kept to that but I wanted a daylight run so ended up only doing the stair drops and the lunge dips and then getting ready to head out. Run was a full lap of Holyrood and a bit extra. The grass wasn't mucky so used the grass and verges whenever possible, overall was half grass, half hard-surfaces. Then successfully forced myself to finish the strengthening when I got in (sideline squares, hamstring stretch like the James Dunne one, bridge leg-lowers).
    stretching: Important stretches (both calf stretches, piriformis, static hamstring).

    weekly total: 18miles, 1 pilates class, 1 swim (1200), 1 strengthening session

    Btw, the jump from 9.1miles to 18 may seem a bit extreme given my plans to build slowly. But I think that an 11mile hike with 700m ascent and descent is definitely equivalent to a run, at least in terms of calf effort. So both weeks have been roughly "every second day" running with similar distances. Have just 10mins to add on for the week ahead. Also have a plan to make sure 2 strengthening sessions get done for definite, see next post.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Anyone who reads this log regularly has ever glanced at this log can't have failed to noticed huge angst and failure-to-deliver on strengthening. It's still not getting done and I think the only way to get myself to do it is to ban the running if I don't do the strengthening sessions (:rolleyes:).

    Here's the plan for next week:

    | am | pm | actual
    Mon | 1600m swim | pilates |
    Tue | 50mins easy | strengthening |
    Wed | 1600m swim | pilates |
    Thu | 50mins easy | |
    Fri | - | - |
    Sat | 40mins easy | strengthening |
    Sun | 60mins easy | |

    The new rule is that no run written in after a strengthening session can be done until the strengthening has been completed. I can slide a bit on when the strengthening gets done, but can't do the next run until it's finished. Can swim if I want. Let's see how that goes.

    If anyone is wondering, the two "strengthening" sessions in the table are the main sessions with gluts and leg work (and the calf raises are in with them now).

    exercise | sets (each side) | reps
    straight-leg stair drops | 2-3 | 10
    bent-leg stair-drops | 3 | 10
    lunge dips | 4 | 8
    sideline squares | 4 | 8
    hamstring stretch | 4 | 15
    bridge leg-lowers | 4 | 8
    single-leg squats | 4 | 8

    Even though the single-leg squats are there, they have not been done in a long long time. I won't force myself to start them now on such a poor base, so no penalty for skipping them, but will make sure to be doing a bit of balance stuff each day so I can add them soon. A superman exercise will be getting added in the weeks ahead...

    The stair-drops get done a couple of times extra during the week.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    So the two strengthening sessions did get done (maybe not exaaaactly when pencilled in, but eventually), but one run and one swim was skipped. This was a busy week with visitors from Dublin arriving on Thursday night, so loads of tidying and toddler-proofing to be done, and together with a tiny bit of twinge in the calf that meant Thursday's run got dropped.

    Monday: pilates
    Woke up on Monday morning feeling really tired (that's what 9miles over a weekend will do to you :rolleyes: ) and knew I'd be useless in the pool if I went, and even more useless in the office after. So took another hour and a half to sleep and then went straight to work. Pilates in the evening.

    Tuesday: 50mins run (about 4.45miles, about 11:14 avg)
    Had planned this as an early morning run, but stayed up late making a start of the flat-tidy. So didn't get out of bed until the window cleaner rang the bell at 8am. Instead did the run on the meadows in the afternoon. Had forgotten to take my Garmin, so no exact distance of pace, but rough estimate above. Nice and comfortable. There were loads of crocuses and I had to be careful with my feet from time to time so I would not crush them :).
    stretch:Only time for 2 holds each-side for both types calf stretches, before having to rush to a presentation. Left my running-gear on and did quads, side-hip stretch, adductor, 2 times each side while watching the talk. Was going to do the do gluts and hamstring stretches after my strengthening session that evening but there was a fire in my building just as I started the stair drops, and we were evacuated for hours the strengthening never got done....

    Wednesday: 1400m swim, pilates
    A good swim. Managed to get up early to head to the pool, amazing. 6x50m free to warm-up, 100m, 50m (out too fast), 50m (out too fast), 100m. Then took a break and did 400m breaststroke to take it easy, then afterwards managed to do 4x100m freestyle. Always seem to pace the freestyle better after a section of breaststroke, had headed out quite "fast" (70-75sec) even for the first couple of w/u 50s. Didn't finish all the planned 1600m because I had to get to work, but was a good amount all the same, and I could tell leaving the pool that I wasn't going to be tired through the day, which was great. Pilates in the evening. No strengthening, just lots and lots of cleaning and tidying...

    Thursday: half the strengthening exercises
    Well, less than half (pathetic I know) - lunge dips and sideline squares. And these were Tuesday's strengthening exercises. Done in the morning before rushing to work. Did feel good having some of it under my belt at last. No swim class because of the visitors. Had been feeling a bit of a twinge in the tight-spot of the calf so wasn't sure I'd do my run either .. and didn't ... so didn't have to use my ban. Left work early but the evening was full of cooking and organising and talking to the visitors.

    Friday: half the strengthening exercises
    The other half. Stair drops done in a quiet time during the morning with no one watching. Bridge leg lowers done in the evening when I was minding the kids, took advantage of a few quiet minutes. Had a bit of extra challenge for the last couple of sets when my little nephew decided he'd crawl over and back on my chest - the exercise was looking a bit too similar to the crawl-all-over-hillsiderunner game.

    Saturday: 40mins run (3.63miles @11:02)
    Visitors had moved on for another visit in the far north, so plenty of time for running today and Sunday. Did this one mostly on the grass of the playing fields. Came back in time for the second half of the rugby and did my stretches in front of the TV. Had strengthening pencilled in for today, but had already decided to do it tomorrow instead (not breaking rules because was written in for after today's run).
    stretches: 2+ holds each side for all the stretches.

    Sunday: strengthening, 60mins run (5.78miles @10:23 pace)
    All the strengthening done in dribs-and-drabs during the afternoon in between surfing the internet. Did the run in the evening on tarmac etc, so a bit faster than the cross-country runs. Fairly comfortable and I think roughly same effort throughout , with the pace for the second half a bit slower because of some uphills.
    stretches: 2+ holds each side for all the stretches.

    | am | pm | actual
    Mon | 1600m swim | pilates | pilates, no swim
    Tue | 50mins easy | strengthening | 50mins easy, no strength
    Wed | 1600m swim | pilates | 1400m swim, pilates
    Thu | 50mins easy | | 1/2 strengthening, no run
    Fri | - | - | 1/2 strengthening
    Sat | 40mins easy | strengthening | 40mins easy, no strength
    Sun | 60mins easy | | 60mins easy, strengthening

    weekly total: 13.85 miles (3 runs), 1400m swim, 2 pilates, 2 strength sessions

    It's a horrible thing to have to bully myself into strengthening by force, but I think this system is kind-of working, so I'm definitely going keep it up. Here is this week's plan, almost identical to last week... can't run until the strengthening has been done

    | am | pm | actual
    Mon | 1600m swim | |
    Tue | | 50mins easy, strengthening |
    Wed | 1600m swim | pilates |
    Thu | 50mins easy | swim class |
    Fri | - | - |
    Sat | 40mins easy | strengthening
    Sun | 60mins easy | |

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    So, what happens if you break the rules??? :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    annapr wrote: »
    So, what happens if you break the rules??? :)

    Well it's only A/R that know about it, so ....

    (if anyone is bewildered by the time of posting, it's because the small guests were back for another overnight stay)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Let's do an update .....

    Monday: nothing
    Woke up on Monday morning feeling tired and skipped the swim. *Again*. Maybe a lesson to be learned if this happens a couple more times ....

    Tuesday: 51mins easy (4.39miles @11:37 avg), no strengthening
    Run done mostly on grass after work. Did this round the playing fields and there's no street lighting around this area so had a couple of stumbles over tree roots on the final lap. No damage done but looking forward to next week when the extra daylight kicks in.
    stretch: 2 holds each side for all-the-stretches.
    Was feeling unmotivated and knew I had a day of grace so pushed the strengthening out to tomorrow (no surprise there ...).

    Wednesday: pilates, 1200m swim, most of the strengthening
    Swim pushed to the evening after Pilates. Little bit of a breakthrough this evening I think :).
    Did 6x50m free to warm-up on about a 1:45-2min clock, with the swims coming out around 75secs. Then 800m freestyle, mostly in 100m (one got interrupted as 50m because the swimmer ahead was going too slow and I had to interrupt to breaststroke and then stay at the wall till he was out of sight. One 150m to make up the numbers). There were a few messers in the medium lane tonight, one was churning up a tornado in the water but not moving too fast, another one looking strong but switching to sculling, backstroke etc from time-to-time. So both of them interrupting the pace when ahead. Near the end of my swim I stopped at the wall for my rest and the strong-looking one was there and thought I was waiting to let him pass ("no, go on, you won't be too slow" :rolleyes: ). These guys might have been a help in my pacing for the 100m though, so I won't complain. Stamina definitely better this evening. Did the 100ms quicker than usual, some around 2:30. Had the feeling that I'm not far off long stretches of freestyle soon :).
    Finished off the swim with two fast 50ms, and was expecting these to be pretty good, but each was 65-67secs. I haven't been timing myself recently but this isn't a huge improvement. But felt much stronger at the end of these lengths than usual, will give it another go soon and hope to go under the minute. If anyone is reading this and being impressed, don't, 1min for 50m free is not "fast" in any sense of the word except for faster-than-before.
    strength: Was not tired at all leaving the pool, so had no excuse not to do the strengthening. It was much later when I got down to doing it but knew I had to get through most of it because it'd be torture if I shifted it to Thursday with the swim and run there too. Did both kinds of stair drops, the lunge dips, and the sideline squares, and decided I could manage to do the bridge-leg-lowers and dynamic hamstring stretch tomorrow, it was *late*.

    Thursday: swim class (800m), rest of strengthening
    Loads of butterfly at swim class.... Overall less mileage than usual because I was too late to get in a warm-up and we spent time doing some diving at the end. I didn't bother staying after to add extra metres either.
    strength: Have had a bit of soreness to the outside of where my left hip/thigh join, noticed on my Tuesday run and at Pilates sometimes. It was sore in bridge when I was lowered the opposite leg, then I switched legs and it was even worse when doing the lowers on that side. So skipped the bridge leg lowers. Did the dynamic hamstring stretch.
    I pushed the run out till Friday. It was after 11:30pm at this point and was on the verge of crossing the line from being dedicated to being silly.

    Friday: 51mins easy (4.65miles @10:58 avg pace)
    A mostly-grass run on the meadows before it got too dark, felt quite easy. Calf a bit stiff in the last couple of miles, not the tibialis posterior, just generally. Was planning to skip the Saturday run entirely anyway, so it gets a day off.
    stretch: 2holds each side of the important stuff, dynamic hamstring stretch too. Could feel the left hip/thigh doing the 2nd quad-hold, so stopped. Don't think it's anything serious at all though.

    | am | pm | actual
    Mon | 1600m swim | | nothing
    Tue | | 50mins easy, strengthening | 51mins easy, no strength
    Wed | 1600m swim | pilates | pilates, 1200m swim, most strengthening
    Thu | 50mins easy | | swim class (800m), rest strengthening, no run
    Fri | - | - | 51mins easy
    Sat | 40mins easy | strengthening |
    Sun | 60mins easy | |

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Saturday: nothing
    Had planned already to drop the 40mins easy. And let's face it, we all knew already I decided I'd leave the strengthening to Sunday. Flew back to Dublin on the last flight out of Edinburgh (at 8:15 ... it's a small town).

    Sunday: no run, stair drops (but no other strengthening)
    Daytime taken up with family stuff and watching the ceremonies on the TV. Had been a heavy week. In the evening I tried to summon up the energy to get motivated. Wanted to do the 60mins but not allowed to until the strengthening was done as everyone knows. The angst, the torment. Eventually made a start on it around 10pm thinking there was still time to do the strengthening and head out after. But I was beginning to wonder if I needed my head examined. Decided to push it all to Monday after I'd had a decent feed of sleep. Did the stair drops so I'd have them out of the way.

    Monday: rest of the strengthening, 75mins easy (7.34miles @10:13 avg pace)
    Plenty of angst and torment but got the rest of the strengthening exercises done. Did the bridge leg lowers too (left bum a bit sore when being lowered, but no twinge with left as supporting leg). Then headed out in the afternoon to get the run done - up through Kimmage, Terenure, up the hill to Braemor Road and Churchtown, then turned off for the long stretch to Milltown, up the hill after the Dropping Well, and on to Upper Rathmines. Had realised a bit before the Dropping Well that the idea I'd make it back to the house in 60mins was way off ... it was going to be at least 7miles, my gut feeling of the distance was a massive underestimate. Had a sense of deja-vu at this stage and I've the feeling I've made the same mistake before. Decided to head down into Rathgar and back to Harolds Cross that way instead of continuing through Upper Rathmines. I thought I'd shorten the route that way, but walkjogrun says no, apparently I added a tiny bit onto the route doing that.
    Lovely sunny day with no wind and just 5mins of rain in there :). I was coming up to Terenure College RFC in the second mile, and there were teenagers putting up tents on the square across the road. It's summer! Run was pretty comfortable throughout, and the pace pretty consistent - first two miles were around 10:30, then the rest were mostly 10min or slightly below with a couple of 10:15s in there too.
    stretch: 2holds each side for most-of-the stretches.

    Am counting today as still being "last week" (back to my bad old ways again, but I won't be making a habit of it), so here is the week's table.

    | am | pm | actual
    Mon | 1600m swim | | nothing
    Tue | | 50mins easy, strengthening | 51mins easy, no strength
    Wed | 1600m swim | pilates | pilates, 1200m swim, most strengthening
    Thu | 50mins easy | | swim class (800m), rest strengthening, no run
    Fri | - | - | 51mins easy
    Sat | 40mins easy | strengthening | nothing
    Sun | 60mins easy | | stair drops
    Mon | | | rest of strengthening, 75mins easy

    weekly total: 16.38miles

    Plan for the week ahead:

    | am | pm | actual
    Tue | - | 40mins easy |
    Wed | 1000m+ swim, strengthening | - |
    Thu | 50mins w. 20min@tempo | - |
    Fri | 1600m swim | - |
    Sat | 40mins easy | strengthening |
    Sun | - | 65mins easy |

    Have not been doing the single-leg squats at all because of not being strong enough, but will add them in for Saturday's strength session - at least give them a try.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    Only one strengthing session next week...?

    How are all the niggles these days? All ok?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Firedance wrote: »
    Only one strengthing session next week...?

    What sharp eyes you have ;).
    There are two though, the Wednesday one is written in for the morning, I'll still be here in Dublin so off work (apart from the stuff I brought with me *scowl*).
    How are all the niggles these days? All ok?

    Just all right. The right calf is still not perfect, for example, during the last few miles of today's run I could feel it a bit, which happens sometimes. Not specifically the posterior tib today/recently, little bit of ankle and also the outer calf. It's not pain, to take a phrase from trainer ads, it's as though that calf is more "responsive" than the other one. Still have to keep an eye on it. I haven't been great with rolling-the-foot over the last couple of weeks, will do a bit more of that. That might make the main difference I think as the post.tib. did rehab really well in early 2015, so fingers crossed.

    Other niggles ... the hip/glute is not a long-term thing I'm pretty sure, I'm not worried. Left hamstring still a bit tight but I'm hoping the strengthening will sort that out over time if I continue the tough-love ...

    Hope you are having a great time eating easter eggs and drinking wine, and reading books and chilling out :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    Ops! Not that sharp it seems! Good. Sounds like they're not too bad then & something to be watched for a while more.

    No Easter eggs - no food at all really except toast...on the upside I'm lighter! After a weekend in bed I was hugely active today - yoga followed by a 2 mile walk with another broken runner :p thoroughly enjoyable :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Firedance wrote: »
    No Easter eggs - no food at all really except toast...on the upside I'm lighter!

    Ah now ... that's not bank holiday rations. Hope the meds will kick in soon so you can enjoy some of the downtime..
    After a weekend in bed I was hugely active today - yoga followed by a 2 mile walk with another broken runner :p thoroughly enjoyable :)

    exciting stuff ;). But a month of it will do no harm to the fitness.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Tuesday: 40mins easy (3.68miles @10:52 avg)
    Got round to doing a bit of socialising and was out for lunch with one friend, and dinner with another. *Still* stressed. Had been planning on doing the easy minutes after dinner and despite 2 Singha beers went out and did them at 11pm. Just a short loop round Kimmage, Terenure and HX. No mishaps ...
    stretch: 2 holds each side for all the stretches.

    Wednesday: no swim, strengthening
    Knew I wouldn't get up in time to catch the lane swimming at the pool, and I didn't. But did the strengthening on the day it was planned for and more to the point, without any angst. I guess I have been putting my angst in different directions.... Did most of the strengthening in the afternoon, but had to interrupt to head to the airport. Finished it off before bedtime with the bridge leg-lowers and the dynamic hamstring stretch. Only 3 sets of the bridge leg-lowers as the left glute was making itself felt.

    Thursday: 20mins w/u, 20mins @tempo pace (~ 9:30), 10mins c/d (5.05miles total)
    Done after work on the meadows, so mostly grass. Nice cool sunny evening. Had a big overestimate in distance during mile2 of the w/u 20mins but I know the route so was able to do some calcs and it was 1.93miles @10:22 avg pace after subtracting off. Then the tempo minutes started with a mile at 9:25, 2nd miles 9:36, and the little-scraping-of-mileage just below 9:30. The tempo was almost all on grass so that's partly the reason for slower pace. But would normally have a faster second half. Today I was pushing less for the second half because I noticed towards the end of the first tempo mile that the gait of my left foot was off .... I was landing with a kind of swivel on that side :confused:. Probably the glute to blame although it wasn't hurting during the run. I don't think I can have been doing this all my life and not noticing ... Final 10mins just below 10:00 pace back to base, and I tried to place my foot more sensibly. Will see if the foam roller helps.
    stretch: 2holds each side for most of the stretches. Left glute a bit sore when supporting the quad stretch for the other leg.

    | am | pm | actual
    Tue | - | 40mins easy | 40mins easy
    Wed | 1000m+ swim, strengthening | - | no swim, strengthening
    Thu | 50mins w. 20min@tempo | - | 50mins w. 20mins@tempo
    Fri | 1600m swim | - |
    Sat | 40mins easy | strengthening |
    Sun | - | 65mins easy |

    It is the end of the month so .....

    monthly total: 61.4miles

    July|25|99 |79

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Ok. Have cheated on the strengthening rules (only a little bit). Hoping annapr will not spot this ....

    Friday: no swim or anything else
    Still a bit destroyed so didn't even take the gear to work.

    Saturday: 40 1/2 mins easy (3.75miles @10:48 avg), no strengthening
    Did get out of bed till 11:45 :o. But think I cleared most of the missing sleep, so worth it. Decided immediately the strengthening could wait till tomorrow. Delayed on the run and eventually did it in the evening round the neighbourhood. Felt comfortable.
    no stretching Fell off the wagon (no rules for that though). Really could not be arsed. It had been a comfortable short run, so probably no harm done.

    Sunday: 65mins easy (6.11miles @10:38 avg), (most)strengthening
    Even skipping the strengthening yesterday was within the rules, just had to make sure to get it done before today's run and I would be in the clear. Hmmm.... day kind of ran away and didn't get started on it till after 5:30: both kinds of stair drops, lunge dips, sideline squares all done. In no time it was 6:30pm and I wanted to do the run in daylight (and get some dinner after) so I headed out without doing the other stuff :o.
    Ran on the pavements over a local loop that is quite undulating, on the other hand there was not a *puff* of wind. Even coming along the coast it was still. Pace was roughly consistent taking inclines into account, effort got a bit harder for the final miles. Slightly harder than easy overall. Hip/glute was fine during the run, and gait ok too.
    stretch: 2holds each-side for all-the-stretches (now have an extra one added-in for the hip). Had been meaning to go back to finish the strengthening later, but I was on my back doing the piriformis stretch and it occurred to me I could do most of the leftover stuff now. Tried the bridge leg-lowers, too sore lowering the left leg (so the glute thing is not gone away), so stopped after 1 set. Did do the dynamic hamstring stretch.
    strength: everything except the bridge leg-lowers .. and didn't have the mental strength to try the single-leg squats later.

    | am | pm | actual
    Tue | - | 40mins easy | 40mins easy
    Wed | 1000m+ swim, strengthening | - | no swim, strengthening
    Thu | 50mins w. 20min@tempo | - | 50mins w. 20mins@tempo
    Fri | 1600m swim | - | no swim
    Sat | 40mins easy | strengthening | 40 1/2 mins easy, no strength
    Sun | - | 65mins easy | 65mins easy, most strength

    weekly total: 18.6miles

    (now let's hope the bloomin' glute will stay quiet and let me consolidate)

    Going to plan for the next two weeks now, because I'm away for a 5-day weekend. Have the feeling that the Saturday and Sunday runs are precarious but I'll try to get them done. No penalty for skipping the Thursday strengthening, and it's not because I'm sliding off the wagon .. but I've a very early flight the next day and after that it's unlikely I can catch up until I get back home the next Wednesday.

    | am | pm | actual
    Mon 4th | - | 1600m swim |
    Tue 5th | 50mins easy | strengthening |
    Wed 6th | 1600m swim | - |
    Thu 7th | 50mins w. 20min fartlek | strengthening? |
    Fri 8th | - | - |
    Sat 9th | 40mins easy | - |
    Sun 10th | - | 70mins easy |
    Mon 11th | - | - |
    Tue 12th | 50mins easy | - |
    Wed 13th | - | strengthening |
    Thu 14th | 50mins w. 20min tempo | swim class |
    Fri 15th | - | 1600m swim? |
    Sat 16th | 45mins easy | strengthening |
    Sun 17th | 75mins easy | - |

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    Ok. Have cheated on the strengthening rules (only a little bit). Hoping annapr will not spot this ....

    Oooooh living dangerously I see... ! Enjoy your break at the weekend.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    annapr wrote: »
    Oooooh living dangerously I see... ! Enjoy your break at the weekend.


    Has done me little good it seems, I'm even wondering if the glute exercises could have triggered the sore glute :rolleyes: .... anyway some pasta&wine in Rome will do no harm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Proper cheating on the strengthening rules this time round. Though it turns out it will have been a good thing. Another injury, minor one this time, just looking at 9days off the streets all going well. Fair bit of laziness over the past 10days but I did get four runs in.

    Monday, 4th: nothing
    Not up early enough to swim before work (surprise surprise).
    Glute still giving trouble and after a week and half it is time to call the physio. Usual place (which has *six* physios employed) didn't have an appointment until the following week :(. Second time this year to get that answer and I'm wondering if there is an epidemic of sports injuries here. Called another physio I used some years ago and he didn't have a slot before my trip, but was a bit more accomodating so I booked him for the following Wednesday.

    Tuesday, 5th: 51mins easy mostly-grass (about 4.5miles @11:20 avg pace)
    Did this one in the evening sunshine on the grass wearing my sunglasses and with jacket, hat and gloves left behind in the office. Also left without the Garmin as I'd forgotten to pack it. All was perfect with the world and had lots of positive thoughts about digging out my shorts for a summer of running ahead.
    stretches: 2holds each side for most.
    Working late and skipped the strengthening, but no problem as I had a day of grace.

    Wednesday, 6th and Thursday, 7th: no swim, no catch-up strengthening
    Trying to finish off work in advance of Friday's flight. No strengthening either. Was mostly laziness but also hip and glute were sore.

    Friday, 8th: 54mins easy (5miles @10:48 average pace), mixture of road/trail
    Few hours sleep, early morning flight to Rome, and owwww, the glute was hurting a good bit when I got off the plane in the morning. By now the glute stuff had been joined with a bit of pins&needles in the outer shin. After a good bit of walking round the city I noticed the glute was easing off. I had taken the shorts and trainers etc along for the day so put my stuff on under my jeans in the toilets of the lunch restaurant. Then a bit later headed off to "Parco delle Valli" in the suburbs of North Rome. Had all my stuff in my drawstring bag and would have just hidden it behind a tree normally, but didn't know this place at all. Ran with it on my back for about 20mins, but too sore, so left it on a bench and did short out-and-backs nearby. Lots of other runners doing laps of the park. Had done a longer "out" or two near the end, and when I finished my minutes and came back to the bench there was an older woman standing there. Got a bit of a lecture when I made it clear it was my bag :o. Have very little Italian so didn't understand but hope it was general advice about safety rather than a warning than anyone had been at the bag....
    stretch: Walked to the metro to meet my lift and they were delayed ... so I got all the stretches done except hip flexor as there is no way to do that that's appropriate in public. I was getting a few strange looks as it was ...
    strengthening rules: This is the run that broke the strength rules. Had relaxed the rules to allow Thursday's session to be skipped .. but had never done the Tuesday session either.

    Saturday, 9th: -
    Woke up in the morning and turned over in bed and I knew something was different. Glute thing was 90% gone. Was beginning to think the pasta&wine might have been the miracle cure ... or could it have been skipping the strengthening

    Sunday, 10th: 66mins easy (6.15miles @10:44 avg pace) on tarmac/cobblestones
    Bit of marathon supporting in the morning as a friend from Edinburgh was during her first marathon in 10years. Hot day perfect for supporters but not ideal for the runners. We were supporting at the 29k stage with Scottish flags and got loads of attention from runners from anywhere and everywhere. Was not the best supported marathon from the public overall, seems it is not a big deal over there. It's a lovely route that goes past many of Rome's famous landmarks.
    Was inspired by the marathon to squeeze the Sunday run in and went out after 7:30pm to do about 50mins round the neighborhood. Set up a good route avoiding cobblestones and dodging tree-roots in the dusk (am glad it's not my regular running base) but made an error when trying to return from my out-and-back. Eventually found the local metro station so was confident that I'd get back to the flat, now just to find that uphill road with the green fields and tower blocks in the distance.... few trips up other uphill roads and a few more arrivals back to the metro. All the buildings looking the same .... To make things more difficult I'd gone out without a phone and without the address. Didn't even *know* the address (despite being my second visit to these friends) because they always pick-up and drop-off Italian style and I'm never to worry about details like addresses. Eventually gave in and asked a couple for help .... they had some English, and they had smartphones, and most important they were willing to help a random stranger who only knew that the destination was near the top of an uphill road with green fields etc etc. I was allowed to use their Google maps (satellite) to explore for the street I wanted. They insisted in driving me in their car even though I knew how to locate it myself ... "You can get lost again" the man had said ... very relieved about that as turned out that this area has more than one curved uphill street with grass and tower blocks in the distance, and we had not located the right one yet :o. Eventually the woman had to log out of her facebook and let me in to contact MP directly and get the address.
    Back to the flat to be greeted by Guilio at the building door, his Mum upstairs very upset and worried (was now 2hours after I'd left) and a few minutes later ... his Dad back from driving round the neighborhood to search :o. They were thinking of calling the police. No long-term damage to the friendship as I was invited to stay longer by little Flavio (had been meaning to switch on the Monday) and I stayed an extra night. But his parents did add a no-running constraint ;).
    stretch: obviously not!

    weekly total: 15.65miles, no swims, no strengthening

    Monday and Tuesday, the glute wasn't as perfect as it had been. But maybe no harm as I wanted to have something to show the physio on Wednesday.

    Tuesday, 12th: 50mins hilly run (4.25 @11:46 avg pace) road/trail/cobblestones)
    By now had moved to Trastevere for my final evening, new area to explore with a decent hill too (supposedly the "8th hill" of Rome that got left out of the count). For choosing a route it was either hills or dodging tourists along the river, so ... 0.7miles of a gradual uphill up Via Garibaldi until I spotted an entrance to the park ... there were two paths inside the gate, so took the gravel trail, climbed a narrow uphill through a load of those smelly high weeds with cream flowers, then turned round back to return on a wider trail/path for a loop of about .5miles. Eventually did 5 of these loops before turning down the hill to go home. Slow pace, but not easy, and a bit of coughing (caused by the tall smelly weeds I expect). There was a lovely monument near the entrance to this trail with a pool underneath it and water falling from three arches. Hadn't paid much attention to it on the way up, but was a bit more relaxed on the way down. Looking online now, it is Fontana dell'Acqua Paola, and was an inspiration for the Trevi fountain (Wikipedia also says five fountains so the other two I didn't notice must be smaller or something). It's lovely but Trevi is nicer.
    stretch: showered and went out for dinner without stretching. Not going to make a habit of it. Back to normal routines tomorrow.

    Wednesday, 14th:
    Back in Edinburgh and saw the physio. He thinks it's my sacroiliac joint, and that it needs to be loosened up. No running until I see him next which is Friday week (whew! glad I got in those runs in Rome now ..) , but I have free rein to do lots of pool running (hmmmmm ...). Some extra light exercises to mobilise the joint every day. Talked him through my strengthening exercises and am only to do the lunge-dips, stair drops and the dynamic hamstring stretch for now, the glute-intensive stuff is ruled out.

    Have changed the plan for the rest of the week.

    | am | pm | actual
    Mon 4th | - | 1600m swim | nothing
    Tue 5th | 50mins easy | strengthening | 52mins easy, no strength
    Wed 6th | 1600m swim | - | nothing
    Thu 7th | 50mins w. 20min fartlek | strengthening? | nothing
    Fri 8th | - | - | 54mins easy
    Sat 9th | 40mins easy | - | nothing
    Sun 10th | - | 70mins easy | 66mins easy
    Mon 11th | - | - | -
    Tue 12th | 50mins easy | - | 50mins
    Wed 13th | - | strengthening |
    Thu 14th | - | swim class and pool-running |
    Fri 15th | - | 1600m swim |
    Sat 16th | pool-running | strengthening |
    Sun 17th | - | - |

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,355 ✭✭✭Bungy Girl

    Such adventures! Sounds like a lovely break all the same. Rome is fab. I was only there once, briefly, for a wedding, but must go back. Hope you get the glute/SIJ sorted so you can continue the comeback.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Bungy Girl wrote: »
    Such adventures! Sounds like a lovely break all the same. Rome is fab. I was only there once, briefly, for a wedding, but must go back. Hope you get the glute/SIJ sorted so you can continue the comeback.

    Oh god, let's hope so, the referred-pain in the shin was even interfering with the swimming a bit last night. It's "only a week" he said (9 days I count), and "the weather is bad anyway", but on top of all the other interruptions .... :rolleyes:

    The mishaps in Rome were a bit embarrassing, but it was a good trip, and gorgeous weather and food.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,009 ✭✭✭Firedance

    Rome! Bellisimo!!Lo amo Roma or anywhere it Italy for that matter, a friend of mine did the marathon there on Sunday too, very hot by all accounts but a lovely run too. One for the list :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    What is it with you and hills? Had a good chuckle at your Rome adventures... Hope nothing serious on the injury front and you're back on the hills again soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    annapr wrote: »
    What is it with you and hills? Had a good chuckle at your Rome adventures... Hope nothing serious on the injury front and you're back on the hills again soon.

    I did notice some similarity to hills-recces last year with the getting lost ;), but it seemed inappropriate to make a joke given the upset it caused.

    Have been glancing at the Boston forecast & just took another look - *delighted* to see the drop in the temperature for tomorrow!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,936 ✭✭✭annapr

    I did notice some similarity to hills-recces last year with the getting lost ;), but it seemed inappropriate to make a joke given the upset it caused.

    Have been glancing at the Boston forecast & just took another look - *delighted* to see the drop in the temperature for tomorrow!

    Yes, they're happy about that here too. Forecast changes daily, but looks good for tomorrow and not too windy either.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,671 ✭✭✭hillsiderunner

    Thursday, 14th: 400m warm-up and swim class (750m total), 35mins aquajogging
    First day of the new term at swimming class, and we have a new instructor: "My job is to get you faster and stronger". A bit of the army lieutenant thing going on, we got told one swim per week is not enough to improve (ok, I knew that), two is fairly good, three is *good*. As you imagine I love this suffer-to-do-better vibe. Only did about 350m during class itself because of lots of explanations and corrections. Mostly leg kicking and arm drills for freestyle. In my case the issue is strength/speed rather than the body position. The left shin was making it hard for me to kick properly with that foot, so I might be better next week I hope. At the end of the class he called us over to give us "homework"; what was it? A few stretches and exercises :rolleyes:.
    Had taken the aquajogging belt along so after the class, I got into the big pool and did 8mins w/u, 10x(1min-effort, 1-min easy), 7 mins c/d. First time in ages doing this and I didn't really feel I got the effort going until the last rep or two. Noticed after a while there were other people in the deep pool doing aquajogging also, getting a bit of support from the lifeguard.

    Friday, 15th: 1000m freestyle (2x50m, 8x100m, 2x50m), 45mins aquajogging
    Had planned 1600m swimming but looked at the pool timetable for the weekend and didn't see any open-water for 2m deep on Saturday, only lanes. So changed the plan to include the aquajogging this evening. Swimming first, and freestyle-only just in case the breaststroke legs might aggravate the SIJ. That went fine and I'm definitely getting better from the stamina point of view, and not having to wait too long between the 100ms. Tried a couple of fast 50ms at the end and the second one was close to 60sec, but not quite under.
    Aquajogging: 10mins w/u, 10x(1min effort, 1min easy), 10x(30secs sprint, 30secs easy), 5mins c/d. Only felt any real effort on the "sprinting" bit. But I think I have got the hang of the legs now.

    Saturday, 16th: 1000m freestyle (8x50m, 6x100m)
    Just a matter of getting-it-done today, had been a bit tired and didn't want to do it at all. Forced myself out of the house and was glad when I got there, but didn't find it as easy as yesterday and had to do extra 50ms to warm up. First-world-problem of only 25m length for the weekends which is why I usually never swim on the weekends, but it's about time I got over that I think. When I was putting in my contact lenses after the swim, I heard two other people talking about being injured and having to do aquajogging, and after a chat I discovered they were the other aquajoggers from Thursday. They were from the same club with different injuries ... bit more chatting to discover we were all due back to the physio on Friday (yes, of *course*, to the same one ...).

    Decided to plan for the weeks ahead on Saturday and went through the grads thread to bookmark the various weekly schedules. Have been planning on that for ages but *finally*, all going well I will start that in a few week's time. Plan will be 4 runs/week, 2 swims/week, 2 strengthenings/week.... and whenever I can fit in an extra run or an extra swim in I will add it.

    Sunday, 17th: -
    Nothing as planned.

    Dropped off the strengthening again, and didn't do any. It was not a lot I'd have been doing, but still not good. That's it now, I am back to it and will put three in this week. The Glute/SIJ has been responding well to the simple exercises (variants on child's pose and hip-roll) and in particular the pain in the shin is nearly gone :). Just a bit of light tension down the outer thigh and a feeling that the lower back is not 100% yet.

    | am | pm | actual
    Mon 4th | - | 1600m swim | nothing
    Tue 5th | 50mins easy | strengthening | 52mins easy, no strength
    Wed 6th | 1600m swim | - | nothing
    Thu 7th | 50mins w. 20min fartlek | strengthening? | nothing
    Fri 8th | - | - | 54mins easy
    Sat 9th | 40mins easy | - | nothing
    Sun 10th | - | 70mins easy | 66mins easy
    Mon 11th | - | - | -
    Tue 12th | 50mins easy | - | 50mins
    Wed 13th | - | strengthening | nothing
    Thu 14th | - | swim class and pool-running | 750m free, 35mins aquajog
    Fri 15th | - | 1600m swim | 1000m free, 45mins aquajog
    Sat 16th | pool-running | strengthening | 1000m free
    Sun 17th | - | - |

    weekly total: 4.25miles :rolleyes:, 3 swims (2750m), 2 aquajog sessions

    Plan for the coming week below. Meant to swim and aquajog this morning but didn't make it to the pool on time, and came to work with togs but without the belt, so am just going to leave it for today.

    | am | pm | actual
    Mon 11th | - | scaled-down strengthening |
    Tue 12th | 1000m swim, 60mins aquajog | pilates|
    Wed 13th | 1000m swim | scaled-down strengthening |
    Thu 14th | - | swim class and 60mins aquajog |
    Fri 15th | 60mins aquajog | 40mins run? |
    Sat 16th | - | strengthening |
    Sun 17th | 65mins run? | - |
