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Firefly / Serenity ? the Big Movie who watched it ?



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,109 ✭✭✭sutty

    Yep, very easy. Any DVD store should have it in stock now that the movie is out. Other than that. Play or amazon always have it in stock

  • Moderators Posts: 3,815 ✭✭✭LFCFan

    ok, went to see this last night and for the most part it was enjoyable but what in the name of all things sane is the story with people laughing uncontrollably at some wise cracks. Ok, I know Firefly has a big following and there is probably a lot of people going who will 'get' the wisecracks more than others but there were people last night nearly in tears from some very average dialog. e.g.
    When Mal says to River that she might as well shoot him and then she cocks the hammer on the gun and then he says that maybe they should talk first.
    It was a bit funny alright and I smiled at it but these 3 lads in front of us nearly had seizures from laughing so much. It got REALLY fcuking annoying after the 10th time they did it. Were they just a bunch of idiots trying to portray to everyone else in the cinema that they 'got' the movie more than everyone else? Anyway, I'd give it 7 out of 10. Watchable, funny in bits (although ruined by the laughing freaks), some good characters and a decent storyline, but in now way is this film amazing or out of this world or excellent or even the best film of the year. Only my opinion of course and I'm sure fans of the series would love it even more as they would know the characters better.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 432 ✭✭Daelus

    LFCFan wrote:
    It was a bit funny alright and I smiled at it but these 3 lads in front of us nearly had seizures from laughing so much. It got REALLY fcuking annoying after the 10th time they did it. Were they just a bunch of idiots trying to portray to everyone else in the cinema that they 'got' the movie more than everyone else?

    Maybe they just thought it was funny? :rolleyes:

  • Moderators Posts: 3,815 ✭✭✭LFCFan

    Daelus wrote:
    Maybe they just thought it was funny? :rolleyes:
    finding something funny and going way over the top with your laughter are 2 completely different things. We weren't the only ones pissed off with them. They were also talking the whole time, commenting on bits of the movie etc and then going into fits of laughter again over something not very funny. They were either retarded or just trying their best to be annoying!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 432 ✭✭Daelus

    LFCFan wrote:
    finding something funny and going way over the top with your laughter are 2 completely different things. We weren't the only ones pissed off with them. They were also talking the whole time, commenting on bits of the movie etc and then going into fits of laughter again over something not very funny. They were either retarded or just trying their best to be annoying!

    Ah right, well that's very inconsiderate of them. You do get people like that sometimes. When I went to see it, there were a few kids sitting beside us who wouldn't stop talking. Why they were in a 15s film is beyond me.. :(

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,921 ✭✭✭✭Pigman II

    Have to say I didn't really enjoy this film as much as the TV show. It was badly written from start to end and felt more like a seasons-worth of episode ideas compressed down into 2hours rather than one coherent film.

    The acting was worse than usual and only Chiwetel Ejiofor came out of it with any credit. From an acting pov it seemed to be typical StarTrek movie system with the Firefly ensemble cast just going thru the motions and the guest Ejiofor being the only thing to hold it all together.

    The CGI was crap too. I have to laugh at people here praising Whedon for bringing this film in at $40m and slating GL for spending hundreds of millions on the SW prequels. Well if Serenity did even did cost $40m then it certainly looked it considering the stuff in this film was of a quality that was probably cutting edge around 1998. Seriously there was CGI in here that wouldn't have passed inspection for ThePhantomMenace 6 1/2 years ago.

    Still all that said Serenity is undeniably a fun action movie and on the plus side it did have an enjoyable sense of humour from start to finish which had me chuckling throughout. However I doubt I'd be bothered watching it again tho. Imho about three-quarters of the FF eps are better than this film and all I can leave you with is if this film is your introduction to the FF universe and like me you weren't that impressed then you should still give the TV show a chance irregardless.

    6.5 / 10
