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Psycho texting ex



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 539 ✭✭✭DawnMc

    Thanks, I will indeed keep u all updated. I'm actually really fearful of what the letter will say for some reason. I don't know why

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,109 ✭✭✭sutty

    Hold on, need to clear something up about this whole thing.

    First off, You broke up with him, yes?
    Seocnd, you where texting him for closure?
    Third, your wondering why he wants space?


    give the lad a brake and get on with your life and let him get on with his.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,341 ✭✭✭✭Chucky the tree

    girl sends 5 msgs in a row

    THen wonders why he needs sapce? hahahaha brilliant.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 489 ✭✭derek27

    a girl i was with was the same as that when i finished with her. demanding anwsers and demanding to see me. she even called around my house one night about 8pm and text me to tell me she was gonna sit outside my house in her car and wait till i came home, which she did (i was on the way home at about 12:390am and she was sitting there in her car). she didn't see me, so i turned around and went back to a friends house and left her sitting there. if she behaved in a more mature, less freaky manner, she would have gotten the answers she wanted from me. but i refused to answer phone to her, reply to her 70 or 80 texts over the folloing few days, or to meet her. what i needed was for her to leave me alone. when she finally did, i was prepared to give her answers, so i sent her a long email and told her everyhting she needed to know in as polite a manner as could be. she replied and said that that as all she wanted in the fisrst place was some answers and that she was satisfied after reading the email, but couldn't understand why i just wouldn't meet her to tell her the same thing when we broke up. my reply to her was "I NEEDED SPACE" i think if you reduce the heat on your quest for answers you will be more likely to get them. and i'm pretty sure you have your head wrecked with all your questions rattling around in your head at the moment too. forget about it for now. get ready, go out with your friends and have a really good friday night for yourself. the answers will come. you cant force them out of him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 936 ✭✭✭marshmallow

    cuckoo wrote:
    Write him long, long letters asking every question you want answers to, then rip them up. Don't send them to him. Every time you feel like you want to text him, write another letter. It's especially cathartic i find to burn these types of letters, watching them go up in smoke is strangely releasing.

    Repeat the above as necessary - until he's ready to talk.

    That's exactly what I do except one time I sent it to him :o

    The most recent break up I've wanted to talk to him loads but he wont reply to texts or emails so I've taken the hint to piss off. I write letters and rip them up, it helps. A lot.

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