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Fortune cards and my new expeience...



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭amazingemmet

    Talliesin wrote:
    Yeah, but think of how interactions with spirits go in those rites.

    A lot of the interactions go quite favorably in the south-american religions, then again on the other hand with the Bwiti of zaire(and surrounding area) their medicine has been describe as "favourite but violent medicine". so it does vary from one extreme to the other.
    Talliesin wrote:
    Right now I can think of only one way of dealing with spirits that involves getting drunk, and the Voodoun/Hoodoo/Candomblé techniques for being spirit-ridden or even Loa-ridden isn't something to do over a night's craic agus ol.

    Don't really know anything about them if you know of any info i'd be quite interested

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,314 ✭✭✭Talliesin

    A lot of the interactions go quite favorably in the south-american religions, then again on the other hand with the Bwiti of zaire(and surrounding area) their medicine has been describe as "favourite but violent medicine". so it does vary from one extreme to the other.
    The initial encounters tend to be less than pleasant. To be trials really, where they make you work to show that you can deal with heavy stuff before they'll go easy on you from time to time.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    There is even with this a initation or introduction ceremony,
    You dont just get hammered and name names and offer an invation to play.
    Same way you dont just knock on someones door and go visitng a complete stranger and you have to know a lot about who and what you are dealing with.

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 5,945 ✭✭✭BEAT

    Sorry I never got back to anyone, but since I last posted I did go and talk to my now elder, she has invited me into her coven and I am very excited.
    She owns a local metaphysical shop and has workshops there...the day I went in to talk about the spirit contact there was a spiritualist/herbalist there whom she told the situation. He came over and grabbed my hands and closed his eyes searching my chakras.
    He told me I was very open and very receptive to the spirit and that I should look inti Mediumship! I told him it isnt something I have ever wanted to do or learn..he said perhaps I should look into it.

    Since then a lot of things have been happening in other areas, I saw my first Aura's and had a ChociQua master balance and bless me and he too saw that I have a great ability to help and heal people. He siad that I am a Shaman and my spirit guide is a great and powerful Shawman. He also told me other things about my life that were as if he had a looking glass...exact things noone could have know. It was very uplifting,
    I have so very much good energy the whole group felt it and everytime someone touched me they had to comment on it, and how good it felt to touch me.

    These past few weeks have really been amazing, I have been learning so much about myself and my place in society

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,885 ✭✭✭Stabshauptmann

    That sounds great - go you. You have a real talent.
    Did you get any history on the house yet?

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  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 5,945 ✭✭✭BEAT

    well she wont do it and I dont know how to go about doing it so that looks like it wont happen unfortunatly

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭In_the_sea

    Fascinating subject I have to admit. I Was givin a gift of a pack of tarot cards two or three years ago. The other day I just picked up a random card, it was the wheel of fortune, now im not sure but I think it might have been reversed. As far as ive read that is bad luck coming unexpectedly, but that day and the day after I had a lot of bad luck! 2 really bad things happened, minor u cud say but significant enuf to me to be bad! It is a subject that I would like to think there is a lot to it! Ive ordered another pack of tarot cards with a booklet inside it. Im the type of person who would call all this sort of thing sh*te but Im interested in using the cards because they have worked for me wierdly enough. I have got a psychic reading before which was quiet good and a friend said that it was spot on for her. I have often felt like there was someone communicating to me. Once when I was falling asleep I got this sudden sensation there was someone in the room. I was in a state where I was between unconscious and conscious. I said to myself "are you a good ghost or bad?" then i got a feeling they were a good one and I got this really warm relaxed feeling through my body. Then I said to it, "i have to go to sleep now" and the feeling went away.
    You might think im crazy, or I was semi dreaming but that did hapen to me and it didnt feel like a dream to me!! I am a believer in spirits good and bad and I would not mess with them. Respect things beyound our understanding..Has anyone had any similar experienced with the cards or what I had when falling asleep?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    I have had simluar things happen a card that seems to jump out of the deck.
    First really memorible time was 3 days in a row and the same card the
    Found out a few days later I was pregnant . :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭In_the_sea

    Yes i can relate to getting the same card over again. Last night I was using the deck, I shuffeled well and I got the star reversed three times in a row! What does that mean?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭amazingemmet

    The star reversed means you are not in touch with the source of your unconcious energy. When you gat a reversed card it means you need to return to the previous card to master the lesson in it. In this case its the tower

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 124 ✭✭In_the_sea

    How do you get in touch then? is there a certain technique?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭amazingemmet

    There's no one way. Mediation on your purpose is helpful

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4 dryroasted

    I am a naturally gifted reader and healer and have been reading a long long time. In my opinion Titiania's Fortune Cards are excellent....even if they are a modern take on the old original deck.

    Rider Waite is a fabulous deck and is excellent for professional reading not just for beginers. If you are naturally drawn to Tarot, the deck really doesnt make a difference. Mt fave deck is Toth which is linked with Kabbalah and the Tree of Life so very in depth and has a multitude of meanings and is linked also with numerology (which I normally use with Rider Waite anyway).

    A deck doesnt invite entities...its your own natural gift but please ensure that you ground and protect. You are the beacon.... not the cards, your crown shakra is probably wide open and needs closing.

    If you feel tired, emotional, insecure for no reason, and feel you want to grab the nearest person and tell them something then your natural psychic gift is coming through and you have opened up. Sometimes people who are unaware of their gitt open up during times of trauma, stress, a situation or person can also do this. I would recommed you read on psychic protection, get yourself along to a circle to learn to develop your mediumistic ability and also to meditate. This will be a life long journey, a journey that will take you on many roads for knowledge.

    I hope this helps
