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Fortune cards and my new expeience...

  • 08-07-2005 3:45pm
    Hosted Moderators Posts: 5,945 ✭✭✭

    wow, so I read cards.
    I have and read Tarot cards, medicine cards, angel cards, rune stones and now Fortune cards.
    I have been having the most success with the fortune cards, infact something new happened to me after a session of readings with them.
    First of all let me just say that friday night (when this other thing happened to me) I read my cousins cards and they said flat out, there is a marriage proposal coming.
    Last night her boyfriend proposed! that isnt all..every reading I have done with them has had those results!
    I was contacted by a spirit/ghost that night.
    I have tried talking about it but no one gets it or even believes it so I am frustrated because I need someone who understands to talk to.

    I did 5 card readings that night at my best friends house with the people in our coven and 2 others there. Later that night 1 of the others said she felt like someone was standing in the hallway behind us, my friend goes on to tell them of the spirits that live there inthe attic that her little girls used to talk to when they were younger.
    Just then I went into a kind of trance, in that I was glued to one spot and recieving an image and feelings. I saw the woman and described her...then I started crying, her feeling were comning through me.

    She is sad and waiting, she is there with one of her children but is waiting for something so she stands by watching and waiting. Her sadness was so strong that it came trhough me. I composed myself and couldnt I began to write then when I was done and when I tried to talk I cried again. I had to leave, it was too strong. She is a good spirit, protective and watching over her children. Her kids being there gives her hope I think, hope that the other child of hers will come home. I felt like she was waiting for her other child and maybe husband too , like they left one day and never made it back home/

    I told my friend to get a history done on the house but she prob wont and deosnt know how.

    has anyone else had this happen?

    My cousin thinks that because I was reading the cards that she may have felt she could commnicate through me? These cards readings are no game, its serious business and the readings are alway eerily so dead on , no generalities about it at all.

    whats your take on this?



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭amazingemmet

    What exactly are fortune cards? If they're what i think they are they could be acting as a beacon for otherworldly interaction. Like when i read tarot i look at the cards and remember the meaning of the cards then try let my mind go on automatic to get what they are saying.

    So if your going into a trance state while reading and these cards are acting like a beacon it would be easier to make contact with something from another plane

    edit: Are these the cards you speak of?

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 5,945 ✭✭✭BEAT

    yes they are those cards, mine are not as detailed in the pictures but they are the same cards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭amazingemmet

    Have you got the name of your deck, as i want to see that the pictures are like as that can be important

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 5,945 ✭✭✭BEAT

    Titanias fortune cards

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Titania Hardie

    <crosses her fingers, spits on the ground and refuses to say anymore>

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭amazingemmet

    Ok just done a bit of reading on them (i love the intereweb) and from what i see (your pics look like negative photos?) they're very basic symbol wise so i hink its left more to your skill as a reader to get the divination out of them, as oppose to say the rider waite tarot where you can get the meaning straight form the cards themselves.

    But when your divining in said manner you have to use a semi-trance state (this is going on my experience not sure if its the same for everyone) and if you were in a receptive state it would of been easy for the spirits to talk and affect you.

    What i said about the cards acting as a beacon for the spirits can be discounted for these cards i think as the pics have no real occult symbolism, just mentioned it as some decks, crowley for instance, have a lot of symbols built into them and people don't realise that when they use them they can attract other things

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 32 THE DUDE.......

    wot cards would you recommend for beginners??

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 5,945 ✭✭✭BEAT

    that is exactly how I would describe it, a semi trance state.

    I have been in that state before but a spirit didnt contact me, instead I was reading cards and felt like a message was coming to me about the person I was reading for (my roomate) and I told her a bit about her furture..her distant future and so far her life is heading in that direction.

    I was totally receptive and felt open/inviting inside, and the spirits feelings filled me.

    **thaed, please tell me cant just spit on the ground and leave!***

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 130 ✭✭phelo05

    i getmy tarot cards done regular and new job and uniform kept coming up just got the call wednesday for the army i start on the 21st of july in clonmel co.tipp. if any interested in getting there cards read i can recommend a woman in south tipperary just give me a pm for details.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,314 ✭✭✭Talliesin

    wot cards would you recommend for beginners??
    Rider-Waite Tarot. I know a lot of good readers, and while many of them hate the Rider-Waite most seem to agree that it's worth giving a shot if you're a beginner.

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  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 5,945 ✭✭✭BEAT

    Talliesin and Thaed, have you no words of wisdom for me?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭amazingemmet

    Being in that state means you'll be more open to those sort of things. You should try keeping slightly more aware to your surroundings while in that state takes a bit of practice but then you'll be able to see whats there, also some hematite(sp?) is handy as it records most things it sees and can be used as a sort of energy cctv.

    You've got me interested in those cards now, do you think you be able to do a reading for me, or would the distance effect it?

    ** Thead, i'm with LB here. but if it makes you uncomfortable don't

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,314 ✭✭✭Talliesin

    Thaed wrote:
    Titania Hardie

    <crosses her fingers, spits on the ground and refuses to say anymore>
    I wouldn't waste the saliva on that woman.

    I wish she'd think up something else to make coffee table books about. How about pictures of dolphins? That'd sell, and there'd be no need to drag the Craft into disrepute with her sub-Ravenwolf nonsense. Even Lewellyn have higher standards than that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭amazingemmet

    Oh she's one of those

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 5,945 ✭✭✭BEAT

    well being that I have never met you I dont know how hard it would be to channell your energy. I usually have the person shuffle the deck and pick thier cards after I have shuffled them.
    I have never done a phone reading before but if you want we can try,
    or you can wait until I am in town and I will give you a reading then.
    see my sig ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 83 ✭✭arrietty

    Talliesin wrote:
    Rider-Waite Tarot. I know a lot of good readers, and while many of them hate the Rider-Waite most seem to agree that it's worth giving a shot if you're a beginner.
    I have mixed feelings about the Rider-Waite. But I would agree that it's good as a beginner. If nothing else, the pictures are mostly damn ugly so you don't get transfixed by the prettiness, like you might with some other decks. I've been reading for less than a year (and I don't read a lot) and find it, yeah, worth giving a shot, although I think I would eventually like to find something else. Or stop using Tarot altogether. Cards have their place, but I don't think they should be relied on.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,314 ✭✭✭Talliesin

    LATIN BEAT wrote:
    has anyone else had this happen?
    Things along those lines, yes. Most of them relate to either people that were dear to me in life, or who were dear to those who are dear to me now, as such it's something I consider private and won't go into much here.

    I'd say it's not so much the cards as the attempt to read. Did you cast circle before you tried to read? (Or any other act that would have a protective aspect, but you mentioned being with coveners, so circling would be the most natural choice) Did you have a clear idea of what you were and were not allowing in the circle when you did so.

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 5,945 ✭✭✭BEAT

    Talliesin wrote:
    I wouldn't waste the saliva on that woman.

    I wish she'd think up something else to make coffee table books about. How about pictures of dolphins? That'd sell, and there'd be no need to drag the Craft into disrepute with her sub-Ravenwolf nonsense. Even Lewellyn have higher standards than that.

    really, I've never heard of her before.
    the cards work for me though...
    perhaps that deck of cards amazing posted in that link...they are more detailed cards. Can I buy a deck from that link?
    I will go see...since they are the same cards but a different maker they should still work I mean...I feel its more in me than in the cards anyway but I feel comfortable with this deck.

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 5,945 ✭✭✭BEAT

    Talliesin wrote:
    Things along those lines, yes. Most of them relate to either people that were dear to me in life, or who were dear to those who are dear to me now, as such it's something I consider private and won't go into much here.

    I'd say it's not so much the cards as the attempt to read. Did you cast circle before you tried to read? (Or any other act that would have a protective aspect, but you mentioned being with coveners, so circling would be the most natural choice) Did you have a clear idea of what you were and were not allowing in the circle when you did so.

    no we didnt cast a circle, it was just a night of the girls together and we were sitting around a table talking and eating when it happened.
    earlier that night we did light our summer candles when I was doing the readings...but that was hours before this. It was a relaxed setting and it wasnt something I expoected or even wanted to happen, especially while people were there watching. Though thier presence could have had something to do with it.
    I dont know, sigh.

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 5,945 ✭✭✭BEAT

    edit: Are these the cards you speak of?

    now that I look, these cards are quite different. The meanings and even a few different cards are there. I didnt look long enough before, just glanced. It looks like they have similar cards alright, but like the moon card there and mine have different meaning.
    I'd still like to get a deck though...

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,314 ✭✭✭Talliesin

    LATIN BEAT wrote:
    no we didnt cast a circle
    Good idea to do so IMO (or other techniques for those of other paths). As well as the protection offered, it helps focus energy of course, and after all once you're between two worlds your senses can pick up things better and you can get a clearer idea of what's going on when something happens.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭amazingemmet

    They're probably based on the same thing madame lenormand fortune cards same symbols etc. As for the reading i'm only interested to see what sort of info they give, so its up to you if you want to try online i don't mind (pm and i'll give you some tips for distance reading) if you don't i'll see you at the beers.

    As to the comments on the rider-waite they're all i use now i've tried a few other decks and find myself to keep getting drawn back to them, i find they are the best deck for dealing with mundane things

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 5,945 ✭✭✭BEAT

    I used the rider cards in the beginning but moved on to other cards after that, feel more comfortable with the other cards that found me ;)
    oh...gwan and pm me those tips, we may be able to try a phone reading and see how that works. ;)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    LATIN BEAT wrote:
    Talliesin and Thaed, have you no words of wisdom for me?

    Ok you asked.
    Latin beat wrote:
    I have tried talking about it but no one gets it or even believes it so I am frustrated because I need someone who understands to talk to.

    If you are in a 'coven' or a working group of some kinds surely you have a craft elder, high priest/priestess working with you or at least an experienced older person running or keeping any eye on the group ?
    They should be your first port of call. ESP considering there were other members of your 'coven' working group present at the time.
    LB wrote:
    I have and read Tarot cards, medicine cards, angel cards, rune stones and now Fortune cards.

    You do appear to have a gift for divination but you have to be very careful about how and to what this opens you up to. Yes all of these are tools but it sounds like you need to learn to focus on one, and using that alone under the right circumstances will limit your exposure to things that will try invade and drain your energy. Again something your craft elder will be able to help you with or there are classes in tarot and some good books out there.
    LB wrote:
    I did 5 card readings that night at my best friends house with the people in our coven and 2 others there.

    You always have to be careful when mixing those you do 'magical work' with and other people. 'When two or 3 are gathered in my name' can apply to more the Christians. Every group that works on even the most mundane projects develops a group mind and energy of its own. So when you get some of them together you have to be mindful of that and esp if they are a 'coven' or a magical working group and just being around these people can have an effect. IF you are not meet for those purposes you do need to be careful,
    esp if you will have 'outsiders' there who may not understand some of the things that may happen, or will distort or disrupt or just get really freaked out.
    LB wrote:
    I told my friend to get a history done on the house but she prob wont and doesn’t know how.

    It is really not recommended that you do divinatory work or meet with people from your 'coven'/working group in a place you don’t know the history or energies of that place yourself.
    LB wrote:
    My cousin thinks that because I was reading the cards that she may have felt she could communicate through me?

    You did open yourself up and you were in a non familiar place, did you ask your guides/gods/spirits of that place was it ok to do divinatory work there ?
    Did you think about what may happen, the energies or spirits you may raise/disturb ? Did they settle ?, are they still active ?
    are they disturbing the people that live there or those that were there on that night ?
    LB wrote:
    I had to leave, it was too strong.
    you poor dear all this could have been avoided, and you left with out making sure the place was at rest and that you didn’t bring any of those energies away with you
    LB wrote:
    These cards readings are no game, its serious business
    It is all serious business which it is wise never to meddle to begin with.
    'An it harm none, do what thou wilt' includes yourself, the place and spirits and all those present at the time.

    IF you don’t have a craft elder working with your, or how ever is running your magical group is not up to or available to deal with what has happened to you or to teach these simple basics I would suggest you find someone else that can and will. Try putting out some feelers in your local community or have a look for events for your area on witchvox.

    Now I am pretty sure that I don’t have to remind you of this Beat but there is not harm in adding it for others that may read this.
    Don’t Not Mix Your Spirits.
    Margaritas and magic do not mix.
    Yes it is nice to blow off steam with your ‘coven’ or working group but you still have to becarefull of those around you , even in someone home when there are non magical people there.
    Magical workings are never done while under the influence of drink,
    drugs ( natural or otherwise) and strong emotion.
    You never do divinatory work/readings/tarot ect while under the influence and you don’t do them for those that are. All divinatory work has an element of energy exchange and you have to be able to use your own energy and be aware enough to counter anything else that may come your way.

    After what has happened Beat I would be careful about doing reading until you have sorted out what happened that night and ensured you will be able/ready if something like that happens again.

    Mind yourself.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,314 ✭✭✭Talliesin

    Thaed wrote:
    Margaritas and magic do not mix.
    So obvious I didn't think of that. BEAT, Please tell me you didn't.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭amazingemmet

    Thaed, there is a lot of schools that do use drugs (natural) in their rites and in their magic. Especially south american and austrailan shamans, to them these plants are tools of their craft, but you are right "Margaritas and magic do not mix" just remember folks that alcohol is a poison and while its in your system you are sick, and when your sick your energy is not right and magical workings can have adverse effects on you.

    ps has anyone noticed how this thread has done a tour of boards?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Thaed, there is a lot of schools that do use drugs (natural) in their rites and in their magic. Especially south american and austrailan shamans, to them these plants are tools of their craft,

    Yes but it is part of thier religion and done under strict guidance of people who know what they are doing, the effect of such plants, the places they journey to and who and what they will encounter there.
    ps has anyone noticed how this thread has done a tour of boards?

    Sush. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,057 ✭✭✭amazingemmet

    Thaed wrote:
    Yes but it is part of thier religion and done under strict guidance of people who know what they are doing, the effect of such plants, the places they journey to and who and what they will encounter there.

    Sush. :)
    True alright i just said it cos you highlighted the never.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,314 ✭✭✭Talliesin

    there is a lot of schools that do use drugs (natural) in their rites and in their magic
    Yeah, but think of how interactions with spirits go in those rites.

    Right now I can think of only one way of dealing with spirits that involves getting drunk, and the Voodoun/Hoodoo/Candomblé techniques for being spirit-ridden or even Loa-ridden isn't something to do over a night's craic agus ol.

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  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 5,945 ✭✭✭BEAT

    You raised a lot of good points Thaed, thank you very much.

    When I left the house it was calm and my friend has not had any disturbances, it has been normal.

    I was not drunk and I dont use drugs so no worries there ;)

    I only use the fortune cards now, what I meant was as I bought each new tool I stopped using the one before it. I have them all but after I learned them and used them I was called to another. Before I started using these cards I was only using my Medicine cards which also have a strong conncetion with me.
    I may use those again after awhile, they were my favorite until I came across these.

    I have opened myself up to receive messsages now and I do have an elder than I can talk to , I just havnt had the time to go see her recently. I may stop by there today now that I think of it. ;) I am protected and I knw what it is I am inviting in and what I am not.

    I have always been able to sense spirits, ever since I was a little girl but they never had that kind of effect on me before which was why I was a little freaked. My cards told me the next day that I would be unlocking a hidden power that has always been there but that I am being watched over and protected.

    So much has been happening and I welcome it.
    My circle is new, I started the circle myself and I am teaching as the elder in my magical group but I have an outsider witch that I consult with who has more experience...whom I am going to see today when I am done here.

    I have to run but thanks for the info and advice, I appreciate it all ;)
