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Weird Breakup



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    jamieh wrote:
    Hey all,

    I'm going through a really weird break up at the mo.

    On Tuesday nyt, my girlfriend and I were txting. She send me a dirty message so for the craic, I sent her one back. She fell asleep and never read it, the next morning her mum came into the room and saw she had an unread message on her phone, so she read it. The content wasn't that bad. Her mum freaked and made her breakup with me. I'm not at all a scumbag or anything, i'm a friendly caring guy. On monday my gf even told me "i feel like a princess the way you treat me"

    Her mum made her break up with me. Her mum also saw the message she sent me. We both really really want to be together. She's still ringing me nd txtin me and stuff but it's very much off. Her parents know me fairly well, we got on great and they always said to my gf that i'm such a nice guy.

    Any advice on what I can do?? I have to go through a break up even thought we never had any sort of fight, we got on like a house on fire, we both really want to be together but her parents think both of us are the scum of the earth.

    I'm 19 and she's 18, there's about 7 months between us.

    I dunno what to do, any advice would be greatly appreciated.

    hi. this may sound tough but if i were you id try get the mother back on side. maybe write a letter to her parents explaining the situation and that the text was a joke and merely a joke. Apologise for the nature of the text and for any offence you may have caused. look im most certainly not saying the mother is right. she seems like a stuck up cow. but if you are serious about this girl and id say you are, then i think you will have to swallow your pride and grovel like i said. anyway i hope things go well for you

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    It wouldn't be over if your girlfriend grew a backbone. She's an adult for crying out loud.

    I wouldn't advise you call her parents. Just sit back and wait for things to blow over and then make your move. The fact that she broke up with you because Mummy wanted her to is ridiculous though.

    easier said than done. some parents are extremely difficult at any age.

    She seems like a pauline fowler type. Uses emotional blackmail to get her way. i mean perhaps the girl is afraid if she puts a foot wrong shes out with her parents for good
