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  • Registered Users Posts: 27,645 ✭✭✭✭nesf

    Firstly Sean, I'd have to say to you that depression is rarely caused by situational factors.

    Depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain and sometimes can even have the physical symtoms of a cold, running nose, etc.

    It's not that simple. Do some research on it before making statements like that. There are both physical and psycholigical factors in any depression. Just ask a psychiatrist.
    These days, GP's hand out SSRIs such as Seroxat like snuff at a wake.

    I couldn't agree more. :)
    You really need to spend more than a month or two for an SSRI to kick in. The going on and coming off effects are terrible (allegedly!).

    Depends on the drug. The drugs need between 3-6 weeks to have some effect generally.

    As for coming off them. The drug you are probably thinking of is venlafexine, marketed as Effexor. It's not an SSRI. And it's withdrawl effects are hyped out of all proportion.
    Seroxat is quite and old SSRI now, there have been argueably better drugs developed since.

    Lithium has been around for ages and it is still the first line mood stabiliser. SSRI's are still fairly new relative to MAOI's and tricyclics, and new drugs are not necessarily better. An older drug might do just fine.
    But I really would recommend getting a proper understanding of what's going wrong rather than jumping down the medication route.

    I appreciate what you are saying but this is why we have psychiatrists. It's not a topic that you can grasp quickly. It's very complex to put it mildly.
    Again, you'd need to do more than a couple of counselling sessions for that to be effective. You say that €40 is expensive, but it's a small price to pay when you consider the hell you say you are going through. If the roof blew off your house, you'd pay thousands to get it fixed, and your problem is more serious than a blown-off roof.

    I agree.

    To the OP:

    Plus expense like that can be claimed back against tax. Goto for details and look for personal tax credits for medical expenses. I think councilling is covered.

    Also 40 is cheap mate. And there is free therapists around as well. You'd just need to get through the public health system to get to them first.

    If you can afford it, go private. Trust me on this.

    To: Dublinwriter:

    The above isn't an attack mate, it's just that what you posted was not accurate. There's a good thread on this in the medical/biology forum atm. If you are interested :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 221 ✭✭MrBigglesworth

    sean69 wrote:
    My wife said to me to go find my smile again.

    Ya got yourself there a magnificent reason to go find yourself again. Choked me up that did :( ...................... but in the end :)
