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Teen Mum Sisters Get £30k



  • Registered Users Posts: 27,645 ✭✭✭✭nesf

    who the **** drinks at 9???

    Hi, meet reality. Reality the Detective. I see that you two haven't met.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,846 ✭✭✭✭eth0_

    Why on EARTH has that 38 year old man not been charged with rape? The girl was 12 when she gave birth, and was possible 11 years old when he had sex with her!

    As for the mother of the three girls...what a total and utter scumbag. She's such a bad mother than her teenage daughter has had an abortion and two miscarriages, and it never crossed her mind to speak to her other kids about it?

    One of the three girls said she's left school with no qualifications but 'It doesn't matter anyway, i'm not bothered with school, I just want to have kids. I'm on the waiting list for a council flat, I can't wait!'.

    It needs to be beaten into these types of people that you can't live like this! Getting knocked up by different men isn't a role in life! Being a single (and underage) mother should not entitle you to a free flat and free money. The social welfare system in the UK practically encourages young girls to get knocked up at an early age.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 665 ✭✭✭8bi1ctzegfouva

    um maybe its just me, but none of my mates were drinking at 9.
    At age 9, we were playing with action man and being kids.

    maybe in deprived areas kids aged 9 are drinking, but it is by no means the norm, and if you think it is, then you have a warped sense of reality.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,217 ✭✭✭FX Meister

    Whata bunch of scroungey knackers. One of them had 2 miscarriages and an abortion before she then had a child, how can you blame that on the school? Surely the mother could have sat the other two down when the first one got up the duffer. And the 16 year old, her kids father is 38, dirty trollop. And as for naming you kid T Jay, she should be put in prison for that one. I'm sure they are in the burberry clothes already and are sporting piercings as many knacker babies do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,317 ✭✭✭✭seamus

    eth0_ wrote:
    Why on EARTH has that 38 year old man not been charged with rape? The girl was 12 when she gave birth, and was possible 11 years old when he had sex with her!

    As for the mother of the three girls...what a total and utter scumbag. She's such a bad mother than her teenage daughter has had an abortion and two miscarriages, and it never crossed her mind to speak to her other kids about it?

    One of the three girls said she's left school with no qualifications but 'It doesn't matter anyway, i'm not bothered with school, I just want to have kids. I'm on the waiting list for a council flat, I can't wait!'.

    It needs to be beaten into these types of people that you can't live like this! Getting knocked up by different men isn't a role in life! Being a single (and underage) mother should not entitle you to a free flat and free money. The social welfare system in the UK practically encourages young girls to get knocked up at an early age.
    This is the whole reason that no matter how upper-class an area, eventually it will fill with scum and turn into a ****hole. Scumbags procreate faster. Start taxing children, then we'll see how far they get.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 27,645 ✭✭✭✭nesf

    maybe in deprived areas kids aged 9 are drinking,

    Eh. I've seen it happen in many types of areas, some quite nice actually. I know that I "sneaked" a few drinks when I was that age. Nothing too big, but was curious and all that. It's not a big jump from that to a kid getting their hands on a few can's and going somewhere with a few friends to try it out.

    And when I came home smelling of drink my dad "straightened" me on the matter and I didn't feel inclined to do it again until I was much older.

    And my background could not be considered deprived or dissadvantaged by any stretch of the imagination. I grew up in a normal middle class family etc.
    but it is by no means the norm, and if you think it is, then you have a warped sense of reality.

    No one said it was the norm, but it does happen. Kids are rebellious and curious by nature. They will, if not watched, do some incredibly stupid things. I know I did when I was young.

    It's just that some people have this whole "shock" at the kids involved ages. I got a "talk" when I was 10, and another at 12 etc. Mostly just about pregnancy and how easy it was to get a girl pregnant. Then again, sex under the age of 16 wasn't exactly de rigure where I came from. A girl in my class did get pregnant at 13 though, so I had few illusions growing up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,846 ✭✭✭✭eth0_

    When I snuck a drink at 9 years old it was probably from my parents' drinks cabinet...I wasn't knacker drinking down the park and smoking hash like kids are these days.

    I'm only 24 and I often look at kids today and wonder WTF has gone wrong in the space of 10 years.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,958 ✭✭✭✭RuggieBear

    i didn't have my first drink till i was 16 years old. It's absolutely crazy that kids are drinking so early these days....

    as for having sex at 12....christ....i still thought i'd catch girlie disease if i even talked to a girl, when i was 12 :o

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 240 ✭✭Quantum

    um maybe its just me, but none of my mates were drinking at 9.
    At age 9, we were playing with action man and being kids.
    I agree, and that's what the vast majority of kids of nine are doing.
    maybe in deprived areas kids aged 9 are drinking, but it is by no means the norm, and if you think it is, then you have a warped sense of reality.
    I really don't see this. I see no correlation between deprivation and young drinking.

    I do see a correlation between incompetent, indifferent, lazy, self indulgent parents and underage abuse of alcohol.

    My Story above was in Kilbogget park in Cabineteely where is no deprivation whatsoever. It's nothing to do with 'society', it has to do with parents who need to be held responsible for their actions and for facilitating what essentially is child abuse.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 240 ✭✭Quantum

    RuggieBear wrote:
    i didn't have my first drink till i was 16 years old. It's absolutely crazy that kids are drinking so early these days....
    I think we should distinguish between abuse of alcohol and simply having a drink at some stage. My son has had a drink of wine or even a few slugs of beer from time to time since he was 7 or 8 and this is something we have always done in my family going back decades. It does away with the mystique and creates a healthy attitude and a respect toward alcohol.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 17,958 ✭✭✭✭RuggieBear

    Quantum wrote:
    I think we should distinguish between abuse of alcohol and simply having a drink at some stage. My son has had a drink of wine or even a few slugs of beer from time to time since he was 7 or 8 and this is something we have always done in my family going back decades. It does away with the mystique and creates a healthy attitude and a respect toward alcohol. parents always allowed me to have a sip or two of wine or beer but i meant actually drink a whole pint or enough to get intoxicated

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,423 ✭✭✭tinkerbell

    Ultimately, it's the parents responsibility what their children get up to.

    If a child as young as say nine goes off knacker drinking, then surely there is something wrong with the parenting to let their kid get into the situation where he has gone off with his mates unsupervised at nine years of age.

    As for those three sisters on that Sky News article, my god - they are some slappers. Where did it say that one of 'em had two miscarriages, coz I didn't see that on the article I linked to? Unless I have gone blind? :confused: I mean in all fairness, what the hell was the mother thinking? She just let her 12 year old / whoever off to shag the town!

    It's obvious that she should have had a talk with her girls when the first one got up the duff. But no! She waits til all three have a kid of their own, and so they can leech off the government. As someone said here - the government is giving incentives for teenage girls having babies by letting them draw off taxpayers money.

    I ain't working yet, but I will be in the next few months - nearly finished uni now. I have slaved through uni, and to think that the money I pay on tax will be going to the likes of those stupid idiotic girls is just maddening! The likes of us work hard to earn a living whereas the likes of them - ah sure we'll just drop out of school, spread the aul legs, have fifty babies by the time we're 18, and we'll get loads of free stuff from tax payer's money - that is the attitude that those three and their mother have given off.

    And that "mystery" 38 year old man - that's feckin sick tbh, he's a down and out pedo, it's disgusting, no wonder he's remained a mystery - sure if he wasn't, he'd be up in court for child abuse.

    Just re-read the article and couldn't believe this:

    "I blame the schools - sex education for young girls should be better. They have all ruined their lives because they are far too young to have children."

    Ha! Well maybe you should have been a responsible parent and accepted your duties as a parent, and they wouldn't have gotten pregnant in the first place! No **** that they are far too young to have children - tiz mostly the mother's fault! What kind of an idiot is she?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Well it would cost a lot less to make all contraception free and all contraception related doctors visits free.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,730 ✭✭✭✭simu

    They should give those babies up for adoption too otherwise it won't be long until there's a 4th generation!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 240 ✭✭Quantum

    all three are slappers, the mother is a leech.

    I have no sympathy for them.
    I have to jump in here . . We have to think what it is we are saying.... I think we would be very very wrong to call a 12 year old and a 14 year old slappers... they are barely children, and can hardly be labelled or blamed when they grow up with such a dysfunctional and corrupt mother.

    If we are angry - and we are (rightly)- we have to look at who is to blame. The blame lies 100% on the mother. A 12 year old girl is a victim, yes a REAL victim, as is the 14 year old and we should focus on that and prosecute the mother for facilitating rape and abuse.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 665 ✭✭✭8bi1ctzegfouva

    you cannot blame the mother solely.
    sure she probably screwed her kids up by the way she raised them. but she did not force her 3 daughters to have sex.

    the daughters did it of their own free will(well hopefully so). even if you were brought up by the most ****ed up parents ever, you would know that having sex at such a young age, with much older men is a bad idea.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,846 ✭✭✭✭eth0_

    Thaed wrote:
    Well it would cost a lot less to make all contraception free and all contraception related doctors visits free.

    That's a silly suggestion. Contraception and doctors visits are free in the UK and they have one of the highest rates of teen pregnancy in the WORLD!

    The fact is kids under 16 shouldn't be having sex. Not only is it against the law but you're probably not clued up or emotionally ready for it. A *lot* of teenagers don't use condoms because they have a 'it won't happen to me' attitude when it comes to pregnany or STD's, not because they can't afford a pack of condoms!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,730 ✭✭✭✭simu

    the daughters did it of their own free will(well hopefully so). even if you were brought up by the most ****ed up parents ever, you would know that having sex at such a young age, with much older men is a bad idea.

    Free will doesn't matter - if you are under the age of consent, you are considered to be too young to be able to decide whether to have sex or not. In other societies, it might be normal for people to get married in their early teens but in the UK, having sex with an underager is rape, no matter how willing the underager appears to be.

    I disagree with calling these girls slappers - no one should ever be called a slapper because people's sex lives are their own business and in this case, such name-calling is even more unfair because whether they realise it or not, these girls have been abused.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,645 ✭✭✭✭nesf

    simu wrote:
    Free will doesn't matter - if you are under the age of consent, you are considered to be too young to be able to decide whether to have sex or not. In other societies, it might be normal for people to get married in their early teens but in the UK, having sex with an underager is rape, no matter how willing the underager appears to be.

    Yeah, people seem to get statutory rape and "regular" rape confused.

    In statutory rape both parties can be more than willing, it doesn't matter. It's an age thing. They should really call it a different name so that people don't get so confused on the issue. People can be sued for statutory rape against the will of the person who was "raped" (in theory anyways).

    Whether or not the state has a right to decide what age is legal is debatable. But it varies hugely from country to country.

    Ages I've heard (not 100% sure about this, will look it up later) vary from 12 to 21.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,645 ✭✭✭✭nesf

    eth0_ wrote:
    The fact is kids under 16 shouldn't be having sex. Not only is it against the law but you're probably not clued up or emotionally ready for it. A *lot* of teenagers don't use condoms because they have a 'it won't happen to me' attitude when it comes to pregnany or STD's, not because they can't afford a pack of condoms!

    Well, everyone knows it's impossible to get pregnant on your first time.

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  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 11,362 ✭✭✭✭Scarinae

    I think the idea of a 12 year old having sex is disgusting... How can this have been so publicised without the guys who got them pregnant being prosecuted?

  • Registered Users Posts: 37,297 ✭✭✭✭the_syco

    Fishie wrote:
    I think the idea of a 12 year old having sex is disgusting... How can this have been so publicised without the guys who got them pregnant being prosecuted?
    [sarc]Sure, it doesn't matter if the boys are just as immature, and that both parties wanted to do it, its definatly the boys fault [/sarc]

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 11,362 ✭✭✭✭Scarinae

    the_syco wrote:
    [sarc]Sure, it doesn't matter if the boys are just as immature, and that both parties wanted to do it, its definatly the boys fault [/sarc]
    One of the fathers is a 38-year-old married man actually

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,078 ✭✭✭tabatha

    i think we need to look at the bigger picture of why girls are getting pregnant in the first place. there are many reasons. i think a big reason is the love one. a lot of these girls come from homes where they dont know what love is. they think that by having a baby they we "experience" love. they will have someone to love and who loves them back in the baby. and sometimes the father! anyway, another reason is the want of there own place. if they get pregnant they know there is a good chance that they will get a house. maybe there own homelife is hard and they see that as there only escape. the money is also a factor. it might not seem much to the average person but if you are use to having nothing 150 euro a week or whatever it is can be a lot of money. these "kids" having babies think they are "dolls" to dress up and show off. ever notice how when they are cute little babies the are always lovely come back in 10 years time and see if the parent or parents are still "dressing them up". by that stage they are usually in half worn tracksuits with trainers falling off there feet. take the money away and the houses and u will find a lot less teenage pregnancys.

    i should also add that this is not always the case, there are execptions.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,304 ✭✭✭✭koneko

    the_syco wrote:
    [sarc]Sure, it doesn't matter if the boys are just as immature, and that both parties wanted to do it, its definatly the boys fault [/sarc]

    Normally I'd agree, but we're talking about a 12-year-old girl, and a 38-year-old MAN. Completely different ballpark. He should have known better, a lot better (and that's bordering on paedophilia).

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,440 ✭✭✭✭Piste

    Wasnt it the 16 year old with the 38 year old man?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,274 ✭✭✭de5p0i1er

    tinkerbell wrote:
    Yup, the mother is just passing off the blame. It's the usual attitude of some parents - "my little darling", who blame everything on the school, when usually it is actually the parents that are to blame.
    I'm with you there, I for one am sick of these assholes passing the blame onto someone else.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,555 ✭✭✭DublinWriter

    de5p0i1er wrote:
    I'm with you there, I for one am sick of these assholes passing the blame onto someone else.
    Someone here started a thread yesterday, saying that they were disciplined at work because they turned in late and hungover.

    They wanted to know could they sue, or have a case against, their company as it was a company function the poster attended the night before and the company supplied the booze.

    I sh*t you not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 27,645 ✭✭✭✭nesf

    Someone here started a thread yesterday, saying that they were disciplined at work because they turned in late and hungover.

    They wanted to know could they sue, or have a case against, their company as it was a company function the poster attended the night before and the company supplied the booze.

    I sh*t you not.

    If you are referring to this thread then you are twisting it slightly.

    Still amusing though.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,295 ✭✭✭ionapaul

    IMHO opinion cases like this show the direct consequences of the breakdown of 'traditional society' and the rise of 'me-me-me', 'because I'm worth it' and 'no-one can tell me or my child what to do', lack of personal responsibility and the popular rejection of absolute morality in favour of relative morality. I think the pendulum has swung too far from the stiff morality and 'illiberal' traits of times gone by. We need to find a happy medium where people can again be criticised for their actions, where people (and in this country politicians) will actually feel shame for doing something wrong. I'll stop now as I feel a mega-rant coming on :)

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