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Sub 50 minute 10 km here we go.....



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 282 ✭✭S.L.F.

    Trying to remember what I did again this week.

    Mon: 4 x 2 cycle commute

    Tues: 4 x 2 cycle commute
    Actually had a bit of pain in both upper shins like shin splints but I was waking up with the ache in the right leg so decided to rest.

    Wed: 4 x 2 run commute

    Thurs: 4 x 2 cycle commute
    Went to Phoenix park after work and jogged a mile warm up
    Then followed the graduate session badly. I was using my phone and my splits were too fast for the half marathon pace: 10 mins @ 8.57, 7 mins @ 8.15 and then 3 mins @ 9.18 for the c.v pace.
    In fairness the wind was crazy for the last part. I walked the recoveries.
    Then 1 mile cool down for a total of 5 miles

    Fri: 4 x 2 mile cycle commute

    Sat: Irish Runner 5 mile race:

    I woke up and was still tired from the week and didn't want to do it but made myself get up.
    I knew in my head it wasn't going to go well but tried to think of it as a session.
    Had a couple of cups of water and some tea with a scone. I wanted to eat Porridge but wasn't in the humour for it.
    The weather was fab walking along the North road as I made my way up to the race.
    There was a good delay at the start and I was yawning my head off.
    Anyway we got going and after a mile I thought I took off too fast for my level of fitness. After the second mile I was already breathing very heavily.
    Mile 3 was okay but I think I started slowing down here. I remember at one stage going over an event that happened in work in my head and then telling myself to concentrate.
    Mile four was tough enough climbing out of the Glen and on mile 5 I actually walked even though I could see the gantry in the distance.
    My time was 46 mins, probably my worst time ever since I started.
    I can't think why I'm going backwards like this since I'm doing more mileage.
    Anyway I don't want to turn this log into a moany hole.

    On the positive note when we finished I was surprised to see we got a goodie bag with some nice stuff in it. Some Vitamins and protein bars etc.
    Then as I was walking back to my car and some guy on a bike came over to me and asked me on a date :pac:
    I had to repeat what I was saying to him since my tongue was sticking to the roof of my mouth from the thirst :o

    Anyway got to my car and drove to the gym.
    An hour of free weights and machine weights.
    I didn't want to miss the weights since I'm only doing them once a week and it just makes next week more difficult when I miss a Saturday.

    So my summary is that I'll have to either join a club or give up joining races and just enjoy a few jog commutes etc for the fitness.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,673 ✭✭✭juke

    Well, I hope you join a gym. getting sub 50 is your goal, don't let it go.

    It was hot Saturday - so you have to take that into account.
    Did you do too much the previous Thursday?
    S.L.F. wrote: »
    Then as I was walking back to my car and some guy on a bike came over to me and asked me on a date :pac:

    :pac: I was going to say 'how random' and then thought - maybe not for S.L.F.

    When's the date?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 282 ✭✭S.L.F.

    juke wrote: »
    Well, I hope you join a gym. getting sub 50 is your goal, don't let it go.

    It was hot Saturday - so you have to take that into account.
    Did you do too much the previous Thursday?

    :pac: I was going to say 'how random' and then thought - maybe not for S.L.F.

    When's the date?

    Thanks Juke!
    I don't know what happened to be honest but I definitely had a bad day. I think although it would've been still disappointing that I should've got about 44 mins judging by Women's mini marathon time.

    I definitely wasn't tired since I went and did an hour of weights straight after the race in the gym.

    Anyway next race is Fingal 10km although I may only do it as a session since I've started Marathon training this week.

    As for that guy, no the date never happened and yes it was random :D.
    I actually did tell him I'd go on a date but that's because I felt bad and was put on the spot.

    I don't think men ask women out along the road unless they're on their way home from a club or the women are offering a service but that's not a date is it :confused:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 282 ✭✭S.L.F.

    Training so far this week - DCM Training has begun and may it go well for me please.
    Sunday: I gave myself a break and just walked 5 km around Malahide park in the beautiful sunshine nursing my burnt arms and shoulders from the Irish Runner race. I got a slagging that I got more colour from an hour in the Irish sun than my week on holidays.

    Mon: 2 x 4 miles run commute.

    Tues: 4 miles. Started off with a sore heel for the first mile and so that was a slow one but went fine after that. Avg pace 10.07

    Wed: 5 miles - This went okay but got caught in a shower and it was breezy enough too. From extreme to another. Avg pace 9.47

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 282 ✭✭S.L.F.

    32 miles cycle commute for the week

    Thurs rest

    Fri 4 mile tempo @ 8:38 pace - on treadmill - had to stop at 4 km to stretch leg but got the paces right according to building up to it from 10.8 first mile then 11.9, 11, 11.1 to 11.2 for last mile just about. It was tough.

    Sat Upper body weights for an hour - machines and free weights

    Sun 6 mile tempo @ 8:45 pace - disaster - decided to run tempo outside - pace was totally off and i was tired - only nearly got the pace on one mile - was stopping and starting and chose a poor route with hills.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 282 ✭✭S.L.F.

    Mon 8 mile easy - 2 x 4 run commute

    Tues 16 x 30 sec hill reps with jog back recovery + 3 miles warm up and cool down. Enjoyed this and managed the 10 km effort easy enough.

    Wed Rest

    Thurs 6 mile tempo @ 8:46 pace - didn't work out well. was not in humour from start and woke up prematurely from nap. Did 2.5 km in gym on pace and felt tired so went down to mothers. Had a cup of tea and went out on the road. Didn't manage to hold the pace but also chose a stupid course and ran half of it uphill. 6 miles completed.

    Fri Free

    Sat 5 miles tempo @ 8:42 pace - Again finding it difficult to hold pace. Ran 5 km on treadmill on pace. Went off and did about 50 mins free weights and machines for upper body. Then went back to treadmill and finished the other 3 km on pace.

    Sun 10 mile @ 9:30 pace - First 5.66 miles were on pace then went to pause my app but pressed finish by accident. Kept losing my connection so don't know what pace I ran after that but completed the 10 miles. I didn't do the other miles on pace though since I ran uphill for the last two miles and stopped to drink some water a few times. I was tired doing this I have to say but got it done.


    32 mile cycle commute
    50 mins free weights plus machine weights for upper body
    33/34 miles running/jogging

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 282 ✭✭S.L.F.

    Mon 1 km warm up then 20 x 30 sec hill on medium gradient @ 10km effort with jog back recovery, 1 km cool down.

    Tues Free

    Wed Met up with an old friend after work for dinner. Found out I have a chance to go to Tibet and China for a few weeks mid October so may be postponing the marathon as trip ends on the day of the marathon so would not make it back on time. Once in a Lifetime kind of thing.

    Thurs: 2 x 4 mile jog commute
    A few people are leaving the team so had to go for dinner after work. Had also booked a massage for 8.30 so needed to get from southside to home and then down for massage. Couldnt believe I jogged literally 5 minutes after eating a starter and then lamb chops and Potatoes and swigging a cocktail and I didnt even belch once jogging back haha.
    I just about had enough time for a quick wash and laced it down to massage in car. Mother of God.

    Fri Had work to get done on my car after work so needed to sort that out.

    Sat Not feeling the love. I normally get up like clockwork and do the weights but woke up and felt like I hadnt been to bed long so went back asleep and had a 12 hour sleep. Went off for the day with my mother so never got in form to go out.

    Sun An hour of free and machine weights followed by 1 km warm up then 4 x 800m @ 12

    5 x 400m @ 12, 12.5, 13, 13.5, 14

    So I missed a few training runs this week.
    I might have to rearrange my schedule and gear it back towards a 10km training plan now. I'll know this week.
    Was a heavy week anyway so needed to free time up.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,317 ✭✭✭HigginsJ

    I wouldn't worry too much about this week, training looks to have been going really well of late. Sounds like an amazing trip, will be plenty of marathons next year.

    When is the next 10k race? How you feeling about sub 50?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 282 ✭✭S.L.F.

    HigginsJ wrote: »
    I wouldn't worry too much about this week, training looks to have been going really well of late. Sounds like an amazing trip, will be plenty of marathons next year.

    When is the next 10k race? How you feeling about sub 50?

    Hi Higgins, thanks :)

    I have the Fingal 10km on 23rd of this month.
    So hoping for a slight improvement.

    I still think the sub 50 is a while away but I have got stronger the past few weeks.
    I just need to keep up the momentum and keep the goal in sight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,673 ✭✭✭juke

    Trip sounds amazing. There's plenty different marathons!

    Keep at it, you are putting in decent work. Use the fingal 10k as a teaser to see how you doing.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 282 ✭✭S.L.F.

    juke wrote: »
    Trip sounds amazing. There's plenty different marathons!

    Keep at it, you are putting in decent work. Use the fingal 10k as a teaser to see how you doing.

    Thanks Juke, Sound advice...I really need to knuckle down and keep working at it.

    I must pop over to your log and have a read.:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,317 ✭✭✭HigginsJ

    S.L.F. wrote: »
    Hi Higgins, thanks :)

    I have the Fingal 10km on 23rd of this month.
    So hoping for a slight improvement.

    I still think the sub 50 is a while away but I have got stronger the past few weeks.
    I just need to keep up the momentum and keep the goal in sight.

    Ok great, cant wait to see how you get on, hopefully you get the rewards your training deserves.

    Just a quick question on the weight training, what sort of machine/free weights do you work on?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 282 ✭✭S.L.F.

    HigginsJ wrote: »
    Ok great, cant wait to see how you get on, hopefully you get the rewards your training deserves.

    Just a quick question on the weight training, what sort of machine/free weights do you work on?

    Hi Higgins, thanks again...well you've probably guessed I'm female.
    I'm around 134 lbs and 5'7 so I'm not that strong.
    I only weight train once a week but have been doing it for about 3 years now and intend on keeping it up. It would be ideal and easier to do it twice a week but I have enough going on.

    How about you, do you weight train?

    I usually do machine weights:
    3 x 10 25 kilo = seated shoulder press
    3 x 10 10 kilo - seated Chest press
    3 x 10 15 kilo each arm cable crossover
    3 x 10 25 kilo = Lateral Pull down
    3 x 10 20 kilo = Rower pullup
    3 x 10 15 kilo Peck Deck
    3 x 10 20 kilos seated pullin
    4 x 25 35 kilos abdomen crunch

    Free weights:
    3 x 5 kilos each arm Dumbbell front raises with lateral circles x 10 both arms same time
    3 x 6 kilos Dumbbell rows x 10 each arm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,317 ✭✭✭HigginsJ

    I have started to try to incorporate some strength work after a session maybe once a week, typically things like box jumps, thrusters, push ups etc.

    I then try to spent maybe 10-15 minutes 2 or 3 evenings a week when everyone is gone to bed doing things like push ups, dips, superman, spiderman and a bit of kettlebell work.

    I find push ups great, I downloaded an app that is meant to train you to be able to complete 100 push ups in a row, have got to about 70 at once and would then give it a rest for a month and start back again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 282 ✭✭S.L.F.

    HigginsJ wrote: »
    I have started to try to incorporate some strength work after a session maybe once a week, typically things like box jumps, thrusters, push ups etc.

    I then try to spent maybe 10-15 minutes 2 or 3 evenings a week when everyone is gone to bed doing things like push ups, dips, superman, spiderman and a bit of kettlebell work.

    I find push ups great, I downloaded an app that is meant to train you to be able to complete 100 push ups in a row, have got to about 70 at once and would then give it a rest for a month and start back again.

    70 push ups is some going, I wouldnt be able to do even one properly.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 282 ✭✭S.L.F.

    July 10th

    Mon 6.5 mile easy commute to work and 2.5 miles into town after work to meet someone. Then bus home. 9 miles. This was supposed to be 6 miles easy.

    Tues This was supposed to be 4 x 2 miles @ 8.40 with 5 mins recovery at 10 min pace.
    Did the first 3.5 miles on the treadmill with about 3 @ 8.40 pace. Got tired and hot so drove down to my mothers house and parked and then ran the next 4.5 miles. I was trying to keep up the effort but I was too tired so ended speeding up for a the first two miles then walking between efforts and then speed was slowing and the effort was getting harder. It felt like a crappy run but after a tough day in work it seemed like a good effort plus I just don't feel fit enough for this session to be honest.

    Wed Free

    Thurs 2 x 4 miles run commute. This was supposed to be 7 mile easy.

    Fri Feeling quite tired and legs were sore so decided to rest. This was supposed to be 8 mile tempo. Good luck to that.

    Sat Weights - the usual upper body machine and free weights for a little over an hour.

    Sun 12 mile easy @ around 10 minute miles some around 9.20 or 9.30 and then some hilly ones up over 10 min pace. It seems like I always choose hilly courses. I felt like I was climbing for most of the run.
    I enjoyed it though down around Clontarf seafront and up through the suburbs and then up Collins Avenue.

    So I ran 37 miles.
    An hour of weights
    24 miles cycle commute

    I'm about 5 miles down on what I was supposed to do and way slower than the prescribed paces but I'm doing what I can without making myself run down.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 282 ✭✭S.L.F.

    July 17th
    Mon 5 mile easy

    Tues Free

    Wed 1km warm up then 800m @ 12 and then 400 x 8 @ between 12 and 13.5 kmh and

    Thurs nothing, feeling very tired

    Friday 1km warm up 2 x 1 mile at 8.45 then .5 cooldown.

    Saturday just over an hour of weights

    Got a call about a ticket for U2 on Saturday afternoon so picked it up.
    I had taken it relatively easy this week in prep for Fingal 10k.
    Walked a couple of mile to the gig with beer in hand and was on my feet for two hours solid dancing - does that count for exercise :o:D

    Sunday . Woke up with alarm and well we know where this is going...went back to sleep till 12.30 and got up eventually at 2ish.

    Went down to Malahide in the afternoon and brought my mam for lunch. She had her hip done recently and is having some pretty bad pain with it. Ageing is not for the faint hearted, very depressing at times.

    I did get out this evening for a 10.62 km run. The first four miles were productive enough but then I slowed completely and was feeling quite lethargic and a bit sick. Id nearly call it a 4 mile run really.

    Got the usual cycling in so 40 miles weekly commute there.

    So need to knuckle down this coming week.
    I dont think I have a long run on but have a few 6 milers.
    Im not sure what way my training is going really, it seems like Im lacking focus and motivation.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 282 ✭✭S.L.F.

    Mon 2 x 4 miles - this was supposed to be 30 mins v easy but seems as I didnt do the Fingal 10 km I jogged the commute to work.

    Tues 6 mile easy

    Wed Free

    Thurs 5 mile easy

    Fri 2.5 miles tempo @ 9.02 pace. This was supposed to be 7.5 mile tempo but I was banjoed after work on Friday so went to bed. When I woke up it was 8.50 so I got changed and ran over to the club before it shut and got in 25 mins on the treadmill.

    Sat An hour and a half of upper body weights and stretching especially my heel with heel lifts on a stepper.

    Sun 11 mile The first 5 miles of this were grand and then I felt really fatigued. Had a drink of water after 6 miles but the last 2 miles were torture plus I got drowned in the rain. Not sure if this was my diet or what but I ran the same distance two weeks ago and felt like I could keep going for another few.

    32 mile cycle commute

    On a side note I've been worried about my heel. I noticed during the U2 concert that it was quite sore and it has been too sore to put full weight on it in the morning the weeks before last week. Its fine during the run and after I get up but it was sore yesterday as well when I was doing shopping so I'll have to watch it for Plantar Fasciitis.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Hope to heel is ok - try to get to physio and rest up for a bit !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 282 ✭✭S.L.F.

    Mon 6 x 1 mile in 8:45pace with 3 min rec walk - ran this on treadmill, foot was fine on treadmill but sore in morning on getting out of bed.

    Tues 6 mile easy - trying to do the easy stuff outdoors. Was tired after this considering its just 6 easy.

    Wed mile pace changes 7 miles - this didn't really happen, tried to change paces but not gaining much speed really

    Thurs Free

    Fri I didn't feel great Thursday evening, had to bomb it on the bike after work to get to my car to travel to Swords for a strict timing hairdressing experience. I actually felt like my stomach was a bit upset and generally feeling crap. The work Im doing at the moment is quite intense with a person who hates their job supervising very closely as well. The only good thing is I don't have to work this closely with them once I get this piece of work out of the way.:)

    Sat Decided to do 5km on the treadmill, again my stomach hasn't been feeling great and mojo is down. Got it done and did the weights for an hour and a half.
    Had the company of my dad for the weights, he introduced me to them in the first place. He was a decent runner in his time, sub 3 hours at aged 41.
    He also played football for Shells, Beaus and Drogheda UTD.
    Hes in his mid 70s now and can lift heavier than a lot of the youngsters in their 20s.

    Sun Nothing, decided to rest during the day then went out Sunday evening but didnt finish my food.

    Mon This was supposed to be Sundays 12.5 mile run. I was very foolish on this run, didn't feel great on the first mile, jogging unusually slowly but still decided to keep going. I ended up jogging to Malahide and thought I was going to vomit so got a taxi home. 7 slow stupid miles.

    Summary- I don't know if I have a bug or am just a bit lethargic at the moment. Im not enjoying my food but Im eating smaller portions than usual the past few days. I'll see how the rest of the week goes.
    My heel was okay after the runs but the discomfort is still there just not debilitating.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,673 ✭✭✭juke

    7 slow miles is better than none. But maybe you need to take a day or 2 rest - listen to your body and all that.

    And your heel: Physio, before the pain gets worse?

    Edit: Your dad sounds like he's tons of stories to tell!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 282 ✭✭S.L.F.

    juke wrote: »
    7 slow miles is better than none. But maybe you need to take a day or 2 rest - listen to your body and all that.

    And your heel: Physio, before the pain gets worse?

    Edit: Your dad sounds like he's tons of stories to tell!

    Hi Juke, thanks for that, I just booked a massage for tomorrow evening.

    You're right, i need to look on the bright side of the run.

    As for my dad he would love to tell you tons of stories...he absolutely loves talking especially about Sport :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    Just posted a reply to your post on my log but thought I'd post here as well .

    Would you consider joining a club ? Might be the motivation you need ?

    I also run with some guys at work from time to time - we keep each other honest!! :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 282 ✭✭S.L.F.

    Bluesquare wrote: »
    Just posted a reply to your post on my log but thought I'd post here as well .

    Would you consider joining a club ? Might be the motivation you need ?

    I also run with some guys at work from time to time - we keep each other honest!! :)

    Just posted a reply on your thread :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,314 ✭✭✭Bluesquare

    S.L.F. wrote: »
    Just posted a reply on your thread :D

    You should go get your bloods done especially iron levels . You would be surprised how low iron makes you feel. You feel like your pushing hard running wise yet the pace dies not equal the effort !

    I'm sure you get get good club recommendations on the boards in your area that might suit what you want to achieve . Part the motivation for me is the social aspect !

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 282 ✭✭S.L.F.

    Bluesquare wrote: »
    You should go get your bloods done especially iron levels . You would be surprised how low iron makes you feel. You feel like your pushing hard running wise yet the pace dies not equal the effort !

    I'm sure you get get good club recommendations on the boards in your area that might suit what you want to achieve . Part the motivation for me is the social aspect !

    I did buy Iron but the supplement tasted ****e so its still sitting there.
    I must get the one with the orange juice in it, that one was ok.

    Yeah I have a few clubs around me here to choose from, just a matter of me getting off my ass.

    Thanks Bluesquare

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 282 ✭✭S.L.F.

    Tues: 1 km warm up and then 6 x 400m @ 13, 7.25 mins per mile.
    Did this on the treadmill, still wasnt feeling right so cut it from 14 reps to 6 and home to rest up.
    Wed: 2 x 4 miles jog commute.
    Thurs: 20 x 40 secs hill repeats @ 1mile race pace with 2 mins recovery

    Went to bed for an hour after work and then got up and drove to my mothers to park the car and jogged down to the Mobhi road which is about 1.1 miles jog.
    Did 10 hill repeats here, not sure what my 1 race pace is so just ran as fast as I could on a hill for 40 secs and walked back down as recovery.
    Jogged from Mobhi road up to Swords road opposite the Regency Hotel and did the other 10 reps here and then jogged back to my mothers to pick up the car for about 11 km altogether.
    Couldn't believe how good I felt mentally, if I could only bottle the feeling.
    For some reason I seem to perform the best at hill repeats and I could've done another 20. Maybe too much recovery?

    Taking a break to rest the heel now maybe till Sunday I'll see but I'll have my cycle to work and the weights anyway.
    I'm hoping to feel good and try and get a long run in this weekend fingers crossed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,799 ✭✭✭Huzzah!

    S.L.F. wrote: »

    Couldn't believe how good I felt mentally, if I could only bottle the feeling.
    For some reason I seem to perform the best at hill repeats and I could've done another 20. Maybe too much recovery?

    Taking a break to rest the heel now maybe till Sunday I'll see but I'll have my cycle to work and the weights anyway.
    I'm hoping to feel good and try and get a long run in this weekend fingers crossed.

    And hill repeats are my least favourite! Hope the heel heals (:P) quickly.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 282 ✭✭S.L.F.

    Huzzah! wrote: »
    And hill repeats are my least favourite! Hope the heel heals (:P) quickly.

    Thanks Huzzah...its about the only thing I seem to be any use at with running :D

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,673 ✭✭✭juke

    S.L.F. wrote: »
    Couldn't believe how good I felt mentally, if I could only bottle the feeling.

    When you have that sussed, let me know :D
