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The Road to Berlin: Maybe he'll learn this time.....



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    It's been a few days since I updated it.

    Last week:

    Tuesday: 5 miles @ 9:21
    Wed: Nothing, but walked about 20k!
    Thursday: 3 miles @ 10:10 (after two days of lots of walking!)
    Friday: 3.4 miles @ 9:54 - the run around a whole country! I did a loop around the whole of Vatican city. Nice to run around a country before breakfast!
    Saturday: Rest, as I was fairly tired after the week.
    Sunday: 9 miles @ 9:08

    This week:

    Tuesday: 5.1 miles @ 9:09
    Thursday: 4 miles @ 9:06

    Planning on 3 miles this evening, 10 tomorrow and 3/4 on Sunday.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    Fairly decent weekend.

    3 miles on Friday @ 9:04
    10 miles on Saturday @ 9:06 (first double digit run since DCM!)
    3 miles on Sunday @ 9:03 (absolutely horrible weather)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    I have a query that some people may or may not be able to help with in relation to cadence. One of the guys in work looked at my Garmin and thought my cadence was a bit slow.Now, this guy is a really fast sub 2:30 marathoner, so comparisons between us are stretched at best, and obviously, his expectations and mine would be worlds apart.

    For his last run, he had an average of 176 with a max of 188.

    My cadence for my last 5 runs is as follows (avg/max)

    166/171 (6 miles)
    165/171 (5 miles)
    167/173 (3 miles)
    166/175 (10 miles)
    166/171 (4 miles)

    I'm a fairly even runner in that most, if not all of my runs, are very even or descending (in that my first mile is my slowest, and last is normally the fastest) - recently most of my runs have been in the 9:00 to 9:20 mile speed, as I'm hoping for close to 1:50 in Limerick in April, and with one eye on training for Berlin, and hopefully a sub 4.

    Does this look okay, or would it be something I should improve? From a quick google, everyday runners seem to be about the 160 - 170, so I fall into this spectrum, but I have a few weeks before I have to start training for Berlin so if this is something I could work on to help me with Berlin (as a curiosity, my DCM run of 4:27 was 162/171) with average length of .98m)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    A fairly decent week this week, bar the missed run on Saturday.

    Tuesday: 5 miles @ 9:05
    Wednesday: 6.2 miles @ 9:25
    Friday: 3 miles @ 9:18
    Saturday: missed 3 mile run
    Sunday: 11 miles @ 9:28

    I also started Pilates once a week, as it's on in work! Nearly died the first week, but last weeks session had some good stretching, which I need to do more of!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    Consistent week again, with no missed runs, which was nice!

    Tuesday: 5 miles @ 9:16 avg
    Wednesday: 5 miles tempo @ 8:40 avg
    Friday: 3 miles @ 8:59 avg
    Saturday: 5 miles @ 9:20 avg
    Sunday: 12 miles @ 9:26 avg

    Total: 30 miles

    Felt fairly good after the 12 miles, though a bit stiff in the evening, as I'm trying to get my easy pace to 9:30 or so. I definitely could have kept going for another few miles though, which was reassuring.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    Tuesday: 5 miles @ 9:08 or so
    Wednesday: 5 miles @ 9:32

    My right hamstring is a bit sore today, but today is a rest day. I have pilates today so the stretching may help that. I've 3 miles scheduled for Friday and Saturday, and 13 (.1) on the Sunday, so I'll see how I feel on Friday evening and see if I have to revise that a bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    Due to the niggle, I took the 3 miles on Fri/Sat off, and cut down my Sunday run to 6 miles, just to feel things out.

    6 miles done @ 9:33 or so. Fairly handy but it was windy and tough going in parts, especially around miles 3 and 5.

    16 miles for the week, so an enforced rest week. Plan for next week is 5/5/4/3/13.1

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    Bah, terrible week really.

    Tuesday: 5 miles @ 9:22
    Wednesday: 5 miles @ 9:25
    Friday : missed 3 miler due to work
    Saturday: 4 miles @ 9:26
    Sunday: missed 13.1 miler due to everything!

    Same plan for next week - 5/5/4/3/13.1

    Thankfully, my only planned race is Limerick in a month, and I'm already well enough prepared for that. Just need to keep the engine ticking!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    Back on track this week!

    Tuesday: 5.1 miles @ 9:11
    Wednesday: 5.2 miles @ 9:27
    Friday: 4 miles @ 9:15
    Saturday: 3 miles @ 9:27
    Sunday: 13.1 miles @ 9:45

    That was the longest run I've had since DCM, and the last 3 miles felt quite tough, though I did manage to keep my pace very consistent. I think it was just a bit of tiredness, as I have spent all day Saturday, and most of Sunday morning doing power washing on my house, so I was stooping a bit, and I'm not as young as I used to be. It was warm enough, and I think I got a bit dehydrated, enough though I did have water with me, I had gone through most of it by mile 9. Glad to have it done with now. I'm feeling okay this morning, a bit tight but definitely would be able to go out for a run today. I won't though. :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    Forgot to update this last week so a double update this week.

    Last week, I decided to take as a rest week.

    5 miles @ 9:23
    5 miles @ 9:34
    8 miles @ 9:31
    4 miles @ 9:42 (felt really tired during this one)

    I missed my Tuesday run this week as I had no one to mind the child, so I replaced my 3 mile with a 5 mile

    Wed: 5 miles @ 9:38
    Thurs: 5.1 miles @ 9:26
    Sat: 4 miles @ 9:24
    Sun: 13.1 miles @ 9:42

    The 13 miles felt better than the last one, but was definitely suffering from a lack of food towards the end, as I was a tad light headed, as I only had a small bit to eat in the previous 15 hours. Overall, happy with the week. The plan to to do about the same mileage this week, with a 8 to 10 mile long run before the race at the end of April. I don't know if sub 1:50 is realistic, but I'll go for it anyway and see what happens!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    Tapering week before the Half this week. I'm just going to do 3/3/3 on Tues/Weds/Sat before the 13.1 on Sunday.

    Tues: 7 miles @ 9:28
    Wed: 4 miles @ 9:14
    Sati: 3 miles @ 9:27
    Sun: 5 miles @ 9:36

    I'm not sure what I'm going to do for Limerick. My PB is 1:56:57 so I want that beaten anyway.

    My initial goal was 1:49:xx, which is an 8:24 per mile pace. I can probably keep that up for 8 or 9 miles, but it really depends on the day. A nice wet day and I'll be laughing. If the day is too hot or warm, I may just pace myself for 8:47 and sub 1:55. Weather is looking good (in a good race way, in that it's wet!) for Sunday though

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    Race week, so two 3 mile runs on Tues/Wed at about 9:30 or so.

    Race Report for Great Limerick Run


    I was fairly optimistic about this race. I had done decent mileage compared to the last time I did the race, and I had done two marathons since, and run a sub 2 in Charleville. My A goal was 1:50, with 1:55 the B goal. C goal was sub 2 again, and the bottom goal was just to beat my time of 2:10 a couple of years previous. I did a small 1k warm up from my car to the start line and got ready.

    Mile 1: 8:16

    Started off well, though a few slower runners blocked the start. I felt fairly good, and had met up with a co-worker who was going for a similar time. This was a bit fast for the first mile, but not by much, so I pulled back slightly.

    Mile 2: 8:28

    Back on track. Nice steady mile, though I knew that horrible overpass was coming. The weather was steady. Not too warm, and none of the expected rain arrived. Wind was coming and going but definitely not as bad as yesterday. I do think they need to review this mile though. Massive congestion with the elite marathon runners coming back, and the 3:45s coming against them.

    Mile 3: 8:27

    Nice and steady. The hill was tough, but the new loop (which was introduced last year) is a little bit less hilly than the previous attempt, and it doesn't have that horrible run around the industrial estate (Come to Limerick! See our lovely industrial section!). Feeling a bit hot. Lot of water though to cool me down! Co-worker had pushed on a bit.

    Mile 4: 8:30

    Felt a small twinge in my thigh, but thought nothing of it. Fairly steady, but congestion at a turning point cost me a few seconds, though nothing I couldn't claw back. Fairly comfortable-ish, but if I'm being honest, I didn't think I could hold this for the full 13 at this stage.

    Mile 5: 8:32

    I passed a couple of marathoners I knew coming one way, including my brother in law. Delighted to see him doing so well, as he did very little training (He eventually finished in 4:38, a fantastic achievement). I felt okay, but again, this was back along the narrow road in mile 2 so lot a bit of time to congestion.

    Mile 6: 8:51

    It was just before Mile 6 that my thigh went stabby stabby. Really bad pain, that I struggled to keep going through. It wasn't happening. Really, really pissed off at this stage, as more than half the race was left to go. Tried to keep going to have to resort to stop/start.

    Mile 7: 10:16

    Basically back to marathon training pace. Just trying to get through and and not think that I still have 6 more miles to go. I was not enjoying this. Thigh was locking up, and I was practically hopping. Stopped to try to stretch it out a bit, but didn't seem to have much impact. Great crowd support which made me feel even worse. This was going to be a long hour.

    Mile 8: 10:01

    Picking up a bit. Tried to get back into it, but anything faster than this just hurt, so I was hopping along. I knew the North Circular was coming up (my most hated part of the course), so I knew I had that to look forward to.

    Mile 9: 10:46

    And the wheels are officially off the bus! Just holding on here. Stop/Start for a lot of this mile and the next one. Possibly the worst two miles I've done in as long as I can remember.

    Mile 10: 10:53

    I was actually starting to feel a bit better here, but at this point I knew I wasn't getting my target. I stopped to help a woman stretch out a cramped calf for about 2 mins between miles 9 and 10 and I stuck with her for the remainder. I had horrible cramps during DCM and one of the spectators had helped me, so karma! :)

    Mile 11, 12, 13 (.1) : 10:02, 10:09, 9:31

    I was just holding on here. My pace managed to pick up a bit, but I knew my thigh was going to be sore later. I find the Gaelic Grounds fairly okay, so that wasn't too bad and I knew it was all downhill from the top of that. I just focused on getting to the end. **** whoever decided to have four bloody arches along the way. We just kept telling each other "Fake Finish. Fake Finish!" - Finished just in time, as the hopping run had some strain put on my right calf which was close to cramping. Got over the line, in fairly good condition, which was disappointing. Grabbed my medal and threw it in my pocket. No interest in it. It's going into the drawer, never to be seen again.

    What did I learn?

    Firstly, I'm not quite at the 1:50 stage yet (though I do still think 1:55 is something I should be able to get) - I don't think I did anything wrong in training, but I do think I can improve my diet and maybe lose another 10 lbs or so, as I still have a small bit of weight up after the marathon training ended last year. I need to do proper strengthening exercises. They bore me to tears, but if I want to get sub 4 in Berlin, I need to start taking things a bit more seriously in that department.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,921 ✭✭✭Kennyg71

    Sounds like a tough day Chris, think strength excerise will pay dividend, and maybe bit more speed work into Berlin training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,839 ✭✭✭hot buttered scones

    Sounds like a bad day for you. It's a bummer when that happens, especially in a big goal race, but it does happen. You just have to learn what you can and focus on the next target There's a lot who'd have dropped out in similar circumstances. I'm a bit like yourself with the strength training - it's a chore and I don't do half enough of it. But when I did do it on a regular basis (got a deal with a personal trainer) it paid dividends. Best of luck with the Berlin training.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    Bummer Chris hope the injury is ok. Rest up and do your exercises hope you get back soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    First run back today. 5 miles @ 9:29

    It. Was. Really. Really. Hot.

    Not the most pleasant run, but managed to keep an even-ish pace, and more importantly, the thigh held up with no pains. Thankfully seems to have just been a muscle cramp, rather than a tear or other such damage.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    Did 5 miles on Thursday @ 9:29, and 4 miles on Saturday @ 9:21 or so.

    I decided to register for the Mungret 10k as well on Thursday. I had originally thought it was on Saturday and I had a communion but it turned out to be on the Sunday so I was happy out (though I would have preferred the Saturday weather)

    I had dreams in my head of sub 50 but really, I have done absolutely zero training for speed. Like, nada. No intervals, no fartlek, nothing. All my training has been between Marathon pace and Marathon training pace, as my main goal is Berlin so I've not really been focused on faster speeds. Truthfully, I prefer longer distances at slower speeds anyway!

    Anyway, the weather was shaping up to be wet, but it was a case of having 15 mins of rain and then sun, and repeat. I really do not deal with heat well. At all. I really must look into a hat or something. My hair isn't as thick as it used to be so I probably need some assistance in that regard :)

    I met up with a guy who I had run with a few times. He had done the Limerick Marathon a few weeks ago so wasn't sure what state he was in so he said he'd go for the sub 50 but may have to pull back (Spoiler: He finished in 49:30 or so)

    Mile 1: 7:40

    Legs felt fine after the injury in Limerick last month. A tad faster than I needed to go out but not by much. At this stage though, I knew I wouldn't be able to keep the pace. It was hot again, and I'm just not able. We came up towards Careys Furniture, and there was a bit of a climb, but I felt okay.

    Mile 2: 8:21

    I had decided that I wasn't going to be able to keep the pace, and rather than suffer for 3 miles and had an absolutely horrible day, I'd slow down to an 8:40 or so mile, which is still a minute faster than my normal training run. I felt fairly okay at this point, mainly as most of my water was going on me, not in me. I think the 50 pacers passed me at this stage, but I wasn't too worried as this wasn't really a target race, and actually, it was only my second ever 10k race, and the first one in close to 3 years, as I had mainly being doing half marathons and marathons in the intervening periods. All slow twitch fibers! :)

    Mile 3: 8:40

    Comfortable enough, but I was definitely pushing a bit, but within reason. I think this was coming down the GLR route, but the opposite way so it was downhill rather than uphill! I can't remember my bearings exactly as my watch is in miles and the markers were in kms (heathens!)

    Mile 4: 8:40

    Nice and steady. Coming up by the Crescent Shopping Centre, lots of cars beeping and shouting support which was nice. I was a bit hot here, but the water station had just appeared so all was good. I think I went through about a liter of water, which is a lot for me on a 10k. Normally on a training run, I'd only bring it if I was going over 10 miles.

    Mile 5: 9:02

    Tough section from the Crescent up past the hospital. The elevation is 45ft over about 3/4 of a mile and it's a drag. Every single person I looked at on Strava had their slowest mile here. Thankfully, there was a bit of a downhill after on....

    Mile 6: 8:31

    Got back a bit of the time here. A nice downhill coming back into Mungret, but followed by a decent enough hill just before the finish. I had enough left in the tank to keep the pace steady as I pushed up the hill.

    Mile .2: 7:51

    Up the hill and in for the sprint finish. I had my eye on my nemesis for the race, some woman. I overtook her just at the finish line with 52:30 my official chip time, though my Garmin was 52:26, I'm not going to split hairs :)

    Overall, it was a decent day out. It's a PB by over 5 mins on the last 10k. I think I'm at the point where I'm as good as I'm going to get at this distance, unless I change my training, and that's probably not going to happen for a year or so as I have Berlin in Sept, and probably going to do Limerick in May next year, so it will be all long distance until then.

    It was a very well organised race, with a medal and a really nice T-Shirt (they actually had a choice of colours, and short/long sleeves!!!)

    Well done St. Pauls. I'll be back next year. With probably much the same time :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    Quiet week as proper training is starting this week!! 18 weeks to go already!

    This week was a couple of steady 5 miles, nothing too strenous.

    Tues: 5 miles @ 9:42
    Wed: 5 miles @ 9:46
    Sun: 5 miles @ 9:28

    This week the plan is to do 5/6/5 with 5 at MP (still undecided if I'll go sub 4, I just don't know if I have it in me at the moment, after the disappointments the last month) and 10 on Sunday.

    I'm planning to do all my runs at about 9:45 with the PMP run at about 9:00 to 9:15 depending on how I feel.

    I've kept up decent fitness, in that I'm capable of doing 16 ish miles if I needed to, but truthfully, I'm feeling a bit rougher round the edges than I usually am at the start of a training plan. I'm using Mondays and Fridays as strength days, which is just following a couple of YouTube videos for exercises and some core work in the gym, as well as stretching. Hopefully, I'll stick to it this time!

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    Targets hit for the week! Now onto the weekend runs.

    5 miles @ 9:36 Tuesday, following by 6 on Wed @ 9:43 and another 5 on Thursday @ 9:43

    I've planned for 5 tomorrow, but I may end up doing it this evening as I have a wedding to go to tomorrow. Hopefully, won't be back too late on Sunday to get the 10 mile LSR done (I don't drink so I won't be worse for wear!)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    chrislad wrote: »
    Targets hit for the week! Now onto the weekend runs.

    5 miles @ 9:36 Tuesday, following by 6 on Wed @ 9:43 and another 5 on Thursday @ 9:43

    I've planned for 5 tomorrow, but I may end up doing it this evening as I have a wedding to go to tomorrow. Hopefully, won't be back too late on Sunday to get the 10 mile LSR done (I don't drink so I won't be worse for wear!)

    Coming together nicely Chris

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    Mrs Mc wrote: »
    Coming together nicely Chris

    Thanks Anne.

    I managed to get my runs done before the wedding. I was hunted out of my room at 6am the day of the wedding as there was hair being done for a horde of females, so I said I'd use the time to do the LSR, rather than doing it tonight.

    Friday: 5 miles @ 9:27 - Nice and wet, though a fairly big hill the first 2 miles. Good news was that it was an out and back so I got to come down it for the second half!

    Saturday: 10 miles @ 9:43 - Took my life into my hands with this one. Started in Spanish Point, out towards Miltown Malby, then turn around and head out towards Quilty, and then back into Spanish Point. The road was a lot narrower than I'm used to, so I probably annoyed more than a few motorists! I was wearing my really bright shorts and t-shirts, even though it was 9am, just to be safe. A hilly course, but I was taking it fairly handy so I didn't notice it too much. Again, the weather was nice and cool, with a bit of raid, enough to cause some damage to my left nipple in particular :) - Still, I'd take that any day over the humidity we've had the last week.

    Plan for next week is fairly similar but I had a great week of it, and today and tomorrow are rest days so a bit of stretching in the meantime.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,038 ✭✭✭Neady83

    That's a nice looking plan chrislad, I've no doubt that you'll d it justice. You're build up has been really consistent, I'm looking forward to following your marathon training :)

    Spanish Point is close to my neck of the woods, it's certainly lumpy around there. Did you happen to catch any of the celebrations in Miltown on Friday night? There was a welcome home for Johnny Burke, the first Clare man to summit Everest, and I heard the craic was ninety :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    Neady83 wrote: »
    That's a nice looking plan chrislad, I've no doubt that you'll d it justice. You're build up has been really consistent, I'm looking forward to following your marathon training :)

    Spanish Point is close to my neck of the woods, it's certainly lumpy around there. Did you happen to catch any of the celebrations in Miltown on Friday night? There was a welcome home for Johnny Burke, the first Clare man to summit Everest, and I heard the craic was ninety :)

    I did indeed. I was staying in the Armada that night, so I got to meet the man of the hour and his wife, who my son recognised from a panto we went to at Christmas. It was a fairly loud night. I was in bed for 10pm (due to the run, but mainly my son needed to go to bed), but the party was still going around 2:30am when my wife made it back! Absolutely lovely fellow, and a great turnout for him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    Week 2/18 down. Just about.

    I'm feeling quite stiff all week. I was getting some pain in my right hip, which is normally a sign my shoes are gone. Strava said I only had about 300 miles in them but I remembered, it logged for about a month without counting the miles so it was really close to 400. Ordered a new pair of shoes that helped with the hip pain, so that was good, but still felt a bit tight. Some time being dedicated to foam rolling and stretching this evening!

    Tues: 5 miles @ 9:56 - still a bit stiff after the weekend between the hilly runs and the wedding but overall, felt okay.

    Wed: 6 miles @ 9:43

    Fri: Skipped Thurs, as I was waiting on shoes to arrive - 5 miles @ 9:37

    Sat: 5 miles @ 9:47

    Sun: 13.1 miles @ 10:01

    The 13.1 miles was fine for the most part, but the last 2 miles were tough. I initially set out with a goal of 9:45 for my LSRs, which may be just too fast for me right now. I think the last few months of 9-9:30 training has tired me out a bit, where my muscles just feel straining, so I'm going to pull back my LSRs to 10:00 to 10:30 and the pace run will be 9:30 or so. I think I'll stick with 9:30 for my current PMP. I'll probably book a physio appointment for the end of the week, depending on how this week goes.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    What plan you following this time Chris ? Is there speed work included in it ?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    Mrs Mc wrote: »
    What plan you following this time Chris ? Is there speed work included in it ?

    It's a modified Hal Higdon intermediate plan. No speed work, just some pace runs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,119 ✭✭✭Mrs Mc

    chrislad wrote: »
    It's a modified Hal Higdon intermediate plan. No speed work, just some pace runs.

    trust in the plan as they say round these parts :) I'm no expert at all was just wondering why there was no intervals or stride work mid week. With two marathons under your belt and looking to go faster it might be something to consider ? But as I said I'm no expert.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    Mrs Mc wrote: »
    trust in the plan as they say round these parts :) I'm no expert at all was just wondering why there was no intervals or stride work mid week. With two marathons under your belt and looking to go faster it might be something to consider ? But as I said I'm no expert.

    To be honest, for marathons, I don't think I need speed work yet. I've done two, yes. The first one wasn't far off disastrous, and while I hit my target on the second one, I could have done better, so I'm more about endurance at the moment, and trying to actually keep the same pace for the full 26.2 and not have to drop after 20.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    Operation go slower got off to a good start!

    Tuesday: 5 miles @ 10:11

    Wednesday: 7 miles @ 10:17

    Thursday: 5 miles @ 10:12

    Not feeling anywhere near as tired as I was last week. Plan is for 5 miles @ 9:30 tomorrow and 10 miles at LSR pace on Sunday.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 8,324 ✭✭✭chrislad

    Forgot to update this last week!

    Saturday last week: 5 miles @ PMP/9:21 - went well, but it was pretty hot.

    Sunday last week: 10 miles @ 10:22

    Tuesday: 5 miles @ 10:11

    Wednesday: 7 miles @ 10:15

    I got convinced to do the Shannon Runway Run on Friday night, so I skipped the 5 slow miles on Thursday for 3 fast miles on Friday.

    I did 22:35 or so last year there, but the course was 200m short so I never counted it really. The course was different this year, in fact, it was a little long by my watch, and a few others.

    I was planning to go out with a friend who was aiming for sub 23, but after 400m, I knew I wasn't going to probably be able to keep that up, and I wanted to enjoy the run, so I went into what I felt was a fast comfortable pace. I wasn't pushing myself too much, but enough that I wouldn't want to be doing a 10 mile run.

    Mile 1: 8:03 - felt very comfortable. Due to the lateness, it was very cool, and there was a nice breeze.

    Mile 2: 8:05 - nice and steady, though I think they messed up the turning point. A friend went before the cone/barricade and ending up doing 5k exactly, I went after and ended up with 5.1 or so.

    Mile 3: 7:45 I wasn't too sure where the finish line was as it changed from last year so I wasn't sure when to kick it up a gear for the finish. I knew I was ahead of the two people who came out with me so holding a pace ahead of them was enough for me :D

    Last Stretch: 6:53 - Saw one of the guys trying to catch up, so I just noped out of that and pushed on a bit. Felt very good after. Not out of breath, and the gun time was 25:12 or so, but my 5k time on my Garmin was 24:32 so I'm going to take that as my time.

    A nice comfortable sub 25 PB

    Now onto the bad part. Got roasted yesterday down the beach so in no form for the 6/7 miles yesterday, and the outside of my right leg is a bit tender along with my hip, so I'm probably going to skip the long run today, and write this weekend off. Roll it tonight and take it easy tomorrow. I might do an investigatory 4 mile tomorrow to see how it feels.
