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Run Forrest



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    Saturday 14th...fairly easy 5km on a seaside promenade...enjoyable run but a lot of people dodging...a dip in the sea after to cool off.

    Friday 20th...only two days before the race. Started easy and picked it up progressively for 5km.
    2 x 400m after in 1:21 I felt fine after and positive about Sunday.

    The race was 10:30 on Sunday. Flat and fairly fast so I was hoping to get into my stride and keep it there. Space opened up quickly from the start and I was 3:53 for km 1. Passing the 2km marker I was 8:01..lost time but I was reluctant to push harder. Km 3 was 12mins on the button. I had a lot of work to do if I was going to get a PB and I was still wary of blowing up.

    Km4 was just under 16mins so I had to give it everything for the last one. Upped the effort here and turning onto the finishing straight of about 300m I gave an audible ‘come on to myself’ and ran like the clappers. Chased the fella ahead down who I thought I knew but turns out I didn’t but got a few seconds out of him anyway and passed him 10 yards short of the line. Looking back at the race paces I was doing 3:15min/km for the last couple of hundred metres crossing the line in a chip time of 19:08. Something wrong there unless I ran a 3:10 last km.

    Checking the results later I saw that the 10 km was two slightly different laps the first the ‘5km’ was 4.850 explaining my Mo Farah like last km. I don’t know why in the name of fook they have it as 5km everywhere when officially it’s not the distance.
    Another sub 20 5km anyway that would have been 19:35/40.

    Back to easy running and that’s probably the last race and log. Not much point in posting about 7/ 8k out and backs in 40 something minutes. The original aim of a sub 20 which I thought i’d never do was achieved a year ago and then I wanted to repeat the feat which I have twice and I know I could go out in the morning and do it again. Harder training and running is only advancing inevitable surgery that is better off delayed as much as possible which is why it’s time to ease off.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,317 ✭✭✭HigginsJ

    Enjoy the easy running, love reading your log & you make sub 4 minute km's seem so easy. Hope the surgery can be avoided as well. Best of luck G.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    Thanks J for following and the support. It's much appreciated.
    I'll keep running just ease off the harder stuff and to be fair it's not like I tortured myself anyway. Surgery won't be avoided but it can be delayed and hammering down country tracks won't do that even though it's fine for now.
    The radiologist a few weeks ago was surprised I wasn't in agony so that gave me a bit of a wake up call as he said it wouldn't be long until I was which is always the kind of news to lift your spirits. Curiously the running has helped build and strengthen the muscle which supports the joint so it's both good and bad for me.

    I'll miss it though. Even yesterday I did an easy 5km and then 4x400m. It was a lovely crisp sunny morning and I had a need for speed! It seems a shame to have gotten myself to a state of relative fitness only to have it ebb away in a matter of weeks as I'm down to a couple of easy runs a week. I was at a point where i was running 22:xx for 5km thinking I wouldn't get within an asses roar of a sub 20 and now if I had time and a race to target I reckon I could go sub 19 in 4 or 5 weeks with a good tailwind.
