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Run Forrest

  • 01-07-2016 12:35pm
    Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭

    I’ve been running now and then for years and about 2 years ago started going more regularly trying to get/keep some level of fitness. The running didn’t consist of much more than a 5/6km run once or twice a week with no real headway being made with regards improvement other than getting quite comfortable at running 5km in about 25 minutes on a dirt track.

    A few months back I decided to set a few goals and add a little structure to my running and saw that there is a series of races on here in the summer of varying distances that I’ve decided to participate in for the fun
    of doing so and also to focus the mind a bit as to training. The races are held in villages around the province I live in, here in northern Spain.

    As a way to prepare, about two months ago I added intervals..either 1km 1 mile or 2.5km, the odd hill session and a few longer runs of 8km to 10km with the overall goal of getting the 5km time down towards 21 minutes.
    At 37, having been a light smoker for 25 years and with two dodgy hips I’m not sure how close I’ll get but I’ll try anyway.

    The first race in the series is July 10th 10km. I’ve only ever ran 10km once a few weeks ago and did it in 49:11 without it feeling overly difficult so I think I could knock a few minutes off that weather and hills or lack thereof

    Another distance in the series is the mile which I’m not familiar with other than doing some mile intervals which I did to get some practice once I saw they were on the list. 6:18 is the best I’ve done so anywhere near 6 I’d be happy.

    The 9 races are:

    10km x 2
    7.5km x 1
    4.8km x 1
    4km x 1
    mile x 4

    A lot of the participants are seasoned runners knocking out 15/16min and 30/32min times for 5 and 10km and the fields are relatively small so I know I’ll be amongst the last to finish but it’s a good a reason as any to train, see a few villages and run in new surroundings. Points are awarded depending on the finishing position and you need to participate in at least 6 events to be awarded prizes not that any of that concerns me.

    My intention is to do all of them and see if I progress at all over 3 months with the last race on the 9th of October.
    As of today my best times are:
    1 mile 6,18 3,55km 3,45km
    4/4,8/5 22,3 4,3km 4,15/km
    10 49,11 4,55km 4,40/km

    I think the mile and 10km aims are doable times but I think the 4/5km time will be beyond me.

    I’ve 1 week left. Last night I ran hill intervals 4*500metres and 2x200 metres flat out. Nothing today and I’ll do a 10km this weekend I think just to make sure the legs know what’s in store. Maybe some mile intervals on Monday or Tuesday and an easy 6/7km run on Thursday or Friday and then give the legs a rest then till Sunday.



  • Registered Users Posts: 7,317 ✭✭✭HigginsJ

    Best of luck with it, sounds like a fun series

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    @JHiggins...there's a bit of variety alright and looking forward to it. My motto for the series is that taking part is what counts.

    I went out his morning and planned on doing 10km at between a 5.15 - 5.30km pace. I felt comfortable throughout and
    managed 11 in the end at a 5.15avg pace so I'm happy enough that I can have a go at setting a respectable PB for 10km next week at somewhere around 47mins.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    I felt the km's I did Saturday today ever so slightly in my legs today so even though I hadn't intended doing anything I decided a few stretches and a couple of km's would help. I went off at an easy pace for about 3.5/4km and another few stretches after so hopefully will have helped and I can do a bit more demanding run tomorrow evening.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    I wasn't feeling overly energetic this evening but I had decided on 3 x 1mile repeats so I stuck to my plan.
    After a a km or so warm up I set off deciding I'd do a 7 minute followed by a 6:40 minute and then give it holly
    for the last mile.

    On the first mile the watch had a bit of a brainfart and when I got to wher I know the kilometre point is it was only saying .89km.
    Looking at the data now on the polorflow page my avg speed for the 1st km when I look at any point on the route
    was between 4:20 and 4:40 pace yet my avg pace for the first km was something clearly wrong there.
    The time given is 7.53 but it closer to 7 but no big deal anyway.

    The second heading back into a bit of a breeze was 6:49 and the last was 6:14, the fastest I've managed yet and looking
    at my pace over the course of the last mile I kept it under 4min/km the whole way so pleased about that.

    Having done the last mile heading away from the house I had a 2km easy jog back to cool down.

    To those who do short distances like 800metres and the mile you have my respect. It's painful after 800metres and
    I'd take a 5 or 10km over it any day.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    Either today or tomorrow was going to be the last run before Sunday's 10km and as it's looking like I'll be have a few scoops tomorrow
    I decided today would be the best day. The plan was 6km and to start at a steady pace of about 5:10/km and increasingly up it along the run which I more or less did and went from 5:10 - 4:50 - 4:58 - 4:43 - 4:44 - 4:28.
    That's a 4:55/km pace and to get down to my goal of 47:00 for 10km I'll need to be 4:42/km and not too convinced of my ability to maintain that over the course of 10km but I'll give it a shot.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,317 ✭✭✭HigginsJ

    gramar wrote: »
    Either today or tomorrow was going to be the last run before Sunday's 10km and as it's looking like I'll be have a few scoops tomorrow
    I decided today would be the best day. The plan was 6km and to start at a steady pace of about 5:10/km and increasingly up it along the run which I more or less did and went from 5:10 - 4:50 - 4:58 - 4:43 - 4:44 - 4:28.
    That's a 4:55/km pace and to get down to my goal of 47:00 for 10km I'll need to be 4:42/km and not too convinced of my ability to maintain that over the course of 10km but I'll give it a shot.

    Best of luck with the race Sunday (& don't over do the scoops today!!) :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    HigginsJ wrote: »
    Best of luck with the race Sunday (& don't over do the scoops today!!) :D

    I was looking at the forecast earlier. The race is due off at 11 when it will be about 28ºC. Jesus fcukin wept. Or sweated profusely.

    I'm not so enthusiastic now and I think I can forget about any sort of respectable time. Getting around the course will be a victory in itself.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,317 ✭✭✭HigginsJ

    gramar wrote: »
    I was looking at the forecast earlier. The race is due off at 11 when it will be about 28ºC. Jesus fcukin wept. Or sweated profusely.

    I'm not so enthusiastic now and I think I can forget about any sort of respectable time. Getting around the course will be a victory in itself.

    :cool: Yea.....28ºC ....... best of luck with that!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    Roasting out today and more of the same tomorrow. It's half past 12 and I just brought the thermometor outside....32ºC.
    Tomorrow will be cruel but looking on the bright side at least I won't have a hangover like today. I'll be trying to get around the
    10km in under an hour, way off what I had in mind.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,317 ✭✭✭HigginsJ

    gramar wrote: »
    Roasting out today and more of the same tomorrow. It's half past 12 and I just brought the thermometor outside....32ºC.
    Tomorrow will be cruel but looking on the bright side at least I won't have a hangover like today. I'll be trying to get around the
    10km in under an hour, way off what I had in mind.

    Yea in those conditions I'd not be too concerned about times, best of luck, can't wait to read the report.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    Belorado 10km 10/07/2016

    On Saturday evening I checked the race time just to make sure and to my dismay saw that 11.00 was the start time for the underage categories and 12.20 for my race. At 11.00 it would be 12.20...well that's just silly and after finishing today anyone I talked to concurred.
    In the middle of July in Spain chances are it's going to be hot at midday but I'm sure the organisers know what they're doing. My second problem was on waking up, the beginnings of a sore throat and a bit of a headache. Did I really want to do this to myself? Seeing as I don't think I can make next weeks installment I got ready and
    set off.

    I had about 40 minutes to spare before the off so took my time collecting the number and warming up and finding a discreet corner to take a leak. I had a cap and was going to bring it but left decided to leave it in the car. I felt good after the warm up and a few streches, limber even so thought I'd try to keep things between 4:45 and 5:00min/km and see how I went.

    At 12.25 about 70 started out with most blasting off at an alarming pace but I wasn't falling into that trap and found my pace quick enough as I watched all but 4 or 5 behind me race away. The first part was mostly in the shade followed by a very open middle section where the full heat of the sun could be felt with a few rises for good measure. The last 800 metres or so was more or less shaded with an uphill slope again to the finish. I got some good news at the end of the first circuit when I was told I had 3 laps left as opposed to four. I had thought it was 5x2km laps but it was 4x2.5 and 4 being less than 5 that could only be a good thing for morale.

    Along the second lap I reeled in one or two and and this time grabbed a glass of water from the station and poured it over my head and felt all the better for it. I had the car parked in a street close to where we passed by and with the key in my pocket I was tempted to take a detour and end the torment but I soldiered and got a dubious reward when I was lapped by the two front runners as I finished the second lap.

    On the third circuit I was feeling the effort a bit but had a pair ahead of me who'd I'd been reeling in slowly so kept up the pace until I passed them. There were a few who dropped out around then as well and I could hear the word 'asfixiado' being mentioned a dramatic way to say they couldn't breathe with the heat.

    I keep the pace steady for the last lap, passed another two and then upped it for the last km and felt reasonably strong running to the line where the clock said 47:30something. I stopped the watch at 47.32 and started a few yards back at the start so they would seem to coincide.

    Despite the heat, which out in the open was cruel, I was happy with the run and while it certainly wasn't easy I never felt I was really struggling at any point. That said I don't think I could have gone much faster and I think I paced it reasonably well.

    I won't post the split times as the watch is way off with the distance (9.54km). Looking at the route map in the polarflow website it's definitely taken a few shortcuts and there are times when I checked the pace going around and it had me going at walking pace.

    Next week is down as 4.8km and the distance I was most looking forward to but I don't think I'll make it so if not, next up is 4km at the end of the month.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    I was home late Monday and and the head cold had me feeling fairly miserable so any thoughts I had of a recovery run were just that: thoughts. Not feeling as bad today I went out for 6 easy kilometres at between 5:45 and 6km/min.

    As well as the easy pace I was stopping every kilometre as I had for the first time in a long time brought the older of the two dogs along who at 12 struggles to keep up with even the most pedestrian paces so I was letting her catch up and get her breath back before continuing.

    I felt a little soreness yesterday evening and today in my calves but other than the head cold no other ill effects to report from Sunday.

    I also saw the official times today. Overall I was 58th out of 67 who finished in 47:35. To get an idea of the level of those participating the first 30 all ran under 40 mins with the winner finishing in 31:41.

  • Registered Users Posts: 132 ✭✭lenny palmer

    Well done on the race and the time. I would not say it would be to much fun running in that heat. Even though it was a small field there was some serious talent running going by that winning time. I can't wait to see how you do in all these events you are hoping to do, just remember to listen to your body. Running in that type of heat can be hard on the body so make sure you take rest days and loads of water

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    Not sure what I could do this week as I'm away for a few days so I went last night for 1km intervals. Wasn't feeling overly energetic but felt alright and after warming up managed 4:06 for the first km. I pushed for the second and by christ it hurt but managed 3:38. Too fast as the next back into the wind, still feeling the previous effort and dealing with a stitch was tough and I was nearly a full minute slower.

    For the last again into the wind I was between giving it socks and trotting back and ended up doing neither and managed 4:20. A bit all over the place really.

    Might make the 4.8km on Sunday...12:30 and hotter than last week...just the incentive I needed.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    After a poor night's sleep and waking up with a bit of a temperature heading out for an early run didn't appeal much but neither did staying in bed listening to persistent snoring so I got dressed and went to a local park 5 minutes away in Aluche Madrid.
    First time there so I did a slow warm up lap to get my bearings. Around the perimeter was just under 1.5km...slight decline on one side and back up the other.

    A fastish tempo run was the plan and I set off at a quarter to 8 amid a few other joggers and dog walkers.

    Halfway through the first km I was running at 4:29 pace and decided to ignore the watch after that and keep the same effort up just listening for the km beeps so I'd know at least the distance.

    I managed 22:25 about as good as I've ever run a 5km but more pleasing were the splits which came down progressively although the last km was nearly uncompleted just 100 metres from the finish as a large black dog chased and barked at me as I slogged past and I thought for a second I was going to get mauled.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    As expected I couldn’t make the second race today but I decided I could do the next best thing and run the distance myself in the same park I’d been in on Friday the main difference being that I was going to start before 8am as opposed to midday. No harm as it was going to be into the low thirties by then. Even on the way to the park at 7.30am you could feel the heat still radiating off every surface from the day before but the conditions were as ideal as you could hope to find them.

    I stretched before half a lap and then did a few more halfway around. My intention was to run 4.8km the same distance as was scheduled for Castrojeriz and I was getting my head ready to set a good starting pace and give it everything. I checked the pace after 500 metres to see about 4:30 though to me I felt I the effort was 10/15 secs faster. I didn’t check much after that and like the previous day tried to feel the pace rather than depend on the watch to guide me.

    I was getting though the laps reasonably well until with about 1500m to go I felt the beginnings of a stich and thought my chances of improving on Friday’s run were gone. At best I thought I’d mange to maintain that pace so as not to aggravate the stitch and end up trotting to the finish but I’d told myself race effort beforehand and race effort it was going to be.

    Coming up to 4.800 I was struggling but thought I may as well run the 5km while I was at it and was rewarded my best time for the distance of 21:39.


    Not a kilometre in and I was running slower that the effort I was feeling while in the last mile or so I was actually running quite a bit faster than it felt, although there was no shortage of effort. It’s a funny old game.

    After a few months of more regular and slightly more systematic training I think the last couple of days showed a bit of a breakthrough which I’m pleased about.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    Very warm so it was 9.30pm before I went out for a run last night with the sun just dipping below the horizon. After mulling it over and having seen this type of session in a few training logs I thought starting off with two easy km’s then alternating easy/faster km’s from there was the way to go.

    The warm air was slightly mitigated by a light breeze blowing my face but that too had it’s downside as it was filling my lungs with warm dry air and within a few minutes my mouth and throat were dry and had that ‘cracked’ feeling. I made it to the turn where the dog hopped into the river and how I wished I could do the same. I thought though that any breeze would now be at my back but if anything it was worse as the still dry air made it feel like I was running in front of an oven. There’s a fountain not far from the end of the track beside the road and all I could think of was getting there and wetting my parched lips. After 6km I had about 500m left to the fountain and ran at full belt as far as there to finish up.

    It’s not comfortable in the heat but not as bad either as I might be making it sound as it wasn’t in the full glare of the sun and I felt it was a worthwhile run.

    3:46 500m

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    A not so long, slowish run. 8.5km…after 7km (which I thought was 6) of about a 5:25/km pace I upped it for the last 1.5km increasing the pace every 500m to 5:08, 4:34 and 4:12 as part of my make it up as I go along plan.
    Easy enough and comfortable throughout, no heat in it and into a strong enough breeze on the way back.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,317 ✭✭✭HigginsJ

    5.25km pace is not slow enough, you need to slow down on your longer stuff to help build up. Slow runs need to be just that, slow. I would look to add about 1 minute per km to that pace if I were you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    HigginsJ wrote: »
    5.25km pace is not slow enough, you need to slow down on your longer stuff to help build up. Slow runs need to be just that, slow. I would look to add about 1 minute per km to that pace if I were you.

    I know, looking at other logs it doesn't seem that slow but like a lot of people I find it difficult to go slower and 5:20/30 seems to be my default slow pace. I was actually quite pleased last night that I'd managed to keep it there for 7km! I can't imagine doing 6:30/km pace.

    I'll do some hill repeats or short speed intervals tomorrow and then Sunday a one hour LSR and try keep it at 6.00min/km.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,317 ✭✭✭HigginsJ

    gramar wrote: »
    I know, looking at other logs it doesn't seem that slow but like a lot of people I find it difficult to go slower and 5:20/30 seems to be my default slow pace. I was actually quite pleased last night that I'd managed to keep it there for 7km! I can't imagine doing 6:30/km pace.

    I'll do some hill repeats or short speed intervals tomorrow and then Sunday a one hour LSR and try keep it at 6.00min/km.

    100% agree, it's my exact same issue. I seem to always run in the 5:30 bracket, managed a few 6:20 runs and one 6:43. They are important so think its a matter of just taking it easy and persevere with that pace.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    Saturday was hill repeats. After about a 1km warm up mostly uphill I did 5x200 metres up a hill about as hard as I could go. The incline at it's worst is about 6/7% and then levels off to 2 or 3%. My legs felt like sandbags doing the last rep but as slow as it felt it was the fastest of the 5. About a 1.5km cool down.

    Sunday was a 10km slow run. I went out at 11, warm enough but a decent breeze and the temperature wasn't really an issue.
    The aim was to try and keep it as close to 6min/km as I could and averaged 5:47 so not too bad.
    Went well and felt comfortable all the way.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    Nice evening for a run, sun going down and about 25º with the seemingly ever present breeze.
    I had the car in for servicing in a village about 6km away most of which I can run on the track.
    The plan was 2 easy warm up km's at about 5:15 and then 4x500 intervals with the last 800m
    on the road to cool down hoping the garage wasn't closed and I wouldn't have to run back.

    I didn't quite make it to 2km as ahead on the track I had a partridge with her 7 chicks tottering along
    so I slowed but as I advanced so did they until the mother flew off over a bank and the chicks hopped
    into the grass beside the track. Tiny little things no bigger than the size of an egg.

    Anyway back to the running. The 500m intervals were tough going and any short distance like that is
    nothing other than pain and I gave myself about 3 minutes walking to recover before each. I didn't look
    at my pace, just set off at a decent clip for me and tried to hold it which was a struggle at times but I managed
    to keep it fairly steady.

    The splits:

    1:43 3:26/km
    1:41 3:22/km
    1:45 3:30/km
    1:44 3.28/km

    Happy enough with those but to get under a 6 min mile I need a 3:43/km pace and I'm a bit away from being able to hold
    that over a mile but I have a month to prepare.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    I wanted to get out Thursday as I had a 4km race in Saturday evening but too much on and couldn't find time. It was the same story Friday and after another very busy day Saturday I wasn't best prepared when I turned up Saturday evening. I did a warm up and stretches but wasn't feeling overly spritely.
    When called for the race it seemed to be a bit early and when we were in position I heard the announcer say 3.200 metres. Is it not 4km I asked the guy beside me? No, 3.200 he confirmed so off I went though not convinced. It was going around the first few corners and seeing others still warming up that I thought should have been in my race that I realised I'd gone in the wrong one. I was in the veterans race instead of the next one which was Senior. Not to worry, it made sweet fa of difference to slogger like me.

    As for the race itself it was four laps of 800 metres, about 500 of which was a concrete surface and the rest around a field. There were a few tight enough corners that didn't help but it was essentially flat and a fast enough run. I struggled to settle into what I thought was my right pace and I felt it was hard work from early enough in. I picked a few off as I went around and spent most of the last lap trying to catch 2 I had about 10 yards ahead but they were equal to me and maintained the distance.

    I missed the clock time finishing. The watch told me 13:08 for 2.93km or almost 4.29min/km. I was disappointed with that but if the watch measured it short and it was in fact 3200 metres then it was 4:06min/km which I'm only realising now and is a whole lot better and something I'm pleased enough with. I've yet to see the official time but I may not have one, seeing as I was in the wrong race!

    I was up early Sunday and decided to head out at 7:30. I was still a bit annoyed at what I thought was an "underperformance" the night before although feeling motivated to do better doing about 6.5km at a 4:45min/km pace.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    I wanted to get out Thursday as I had a 4km race in Saturday evening but too much on and couldn't find time. It was the same story Friday and after another very busy day Saturday I wasn't best prepared when I turned up Saturday evening. I did a warm up and stretches but wasn't feeling overly spritely.
    When called for the race it seemed to be a bit early and when we were in position I heard the announcer say 3.200 metres. Is it not 4km I asked the guy beside me? No, 3.200 he confirmed so off I went though not convinced. It was going around the first few corners and seeing others still warming up that I thought should have been in my race that I realised I'd gone in the wrong one. I was in the veterans race instead of the next one which was Senior. Not to worry, it made sweet fa of difference to slogger like me.

    As for the race itself it was four laps of 800 metres, about 500 of which was a concrete surface and the rest around a field. There were a few tight enough corners that didn't help but it was essentially flat and a fast enough run. I struggled to settle into what I thought was my right pace and I felt it was hard work from early enough in. I picked a few off as I went around and spent most of the last lap trying to catch 2 I had about 10 yards ahead but they were equal to me and maintained the distance.

    I missed the clock time finishing. The watch told me 13:08 for 2.93km or almost 4.29min/km. I was disappointed with that but if the watch measured it short and it was in fact 3200 metres then it was 4:06min/km which I'm only realising now and is a whole lot better and something I'm pleased enough with. I've yet to see the official time but I may not have one, seeing as I was in the wrong race!

    I was up early Sunday and decided to head out at 7:30. I was still a bit annoyed at what I thought was an "underperformance" the night before although feeling motivated to do better doing about 6.5km at a 4:45min/km pace.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,703 ✭✭✭PDCAT

    Fair play Gramar. You have my full respect running in those conditions. I'm not able for the heat, so hats off to you.

    Also as one of the earlier guys said about not being afraid to slow down your paces. A good mantra is ' run your easy runs easy and your hard run's hard'. Take it easy with running intervals,tempos etc on the week your running your race. More chance of picking up an injury if you run too many hard sessions in the same week.

    Also, sounds like their are some serious runners in those race's. Don't worry about how many people are in front of you or behind you. Improving your own times are what will give you most satisfaction in the end. Only one guy can win the race. Best of luck with the log and the training.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    Thanks PDCat, HigginsJ has told me the same and I'm doing my best to remember slow runs slow and hards runs hard. All too often I'm somewhere in the middle. I'm thinking of heading out later and it's sweltering today so it'll definitely be slow and it'll be 8:30pm before I do.

    The other evening it was an 8pm start so the conditions were really ideal but if it is hot I think I suffer as much as anyone in high temperatures and
    no amount of years living here will change that.

    No doubt about it, the level for this race series is very high. It's not a typical fun run or 'carrera popular' as they're known here where you could have from 300 to 3000 running. For the senior race I should have been in the other day there were about 25 of which about 20 were very good runners with a couple of others like me who would have been well back.

    For the most part I stick to my own pace based on how I feel and I've been fairly disciplined that way. I'm not bothered about position or 'beating' anyone as finishing 35th or 36th is really neither here nor there. Looking to keep pace with or catch runners ahead does help to keep up the effort though once you chose wisely who to chase.

    Here's me the other evening towards the end of the second lap with an embarrassingly lopsided number attempting a daring double undertaking manoeuvre.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    I went out at half past 8 yesterday evening, the real heat had gone out of it and a decent breeze was blowing so it felt comfortable enough.
    Going out I was heading left to run along the usual flat track but I turned around and went right which meant a hill and a generally more up and down run. I said I'd take it easy enough and planned to go for about 40/45 mins. The first km and a bit is all uphill and averages out at about 5%. After that there are small ups and downs on a fairly uneven track where a lot of the time you're looking where best to step.

    I kept it going back down to the house and did a lap around the village and back up to the house again. The total distance was 8.6km in 46:33 or about 5:25min/km. It was a good run at an easyish pace with a few hills thrown in for good measure.

    I've signed up for a 5km this Sunday at 11 in a small village about 20 miles away. It's run alongside a canal so I'm expecting it to be fairly flat and hopefully I'll manage a decent time. I think some 500 metres repeats maybe Thursday and a very easy run Friday and that'll be it before then.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    Out by 9.30 and did a 2km warm up at 5.30min/km. Just finishing that when I met the partridge family again who had made significantly more progress than me since last I saw them seeing as they had progressed to flight while I was doing anything but taking off.

    After that I did 500mx7 all coming in between 1:45 and 1:58. Ran with a very uncomfortable stitch for the third last one but dug in and still did it 1:53.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,045 ✭✭✭✭gramar

    Friday 6th August

    5.3km in 29:08. Straightforward run at an easy pace. A bit warm but wasn't too bad.
    To finish I recovered for 2/3 minutes and did one fast km in 3:59. Felt good at that pace albeit for 1 km.
    5km run tomorrow so hoping for around 22mins. The main problem is the bbq and music down the village later.
    I'll try to resist temptation as much as possible.
