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Trying to Conceive 2016 onwards Chat Thread



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 260 ✭✭Scousemouse83

    Bit of advice. What dpo am I? I had a week of flashing smiley faces sat to say, then solid face Sunday. Although I had ovulation pains the sat of the flashing smileys till the Sunday. Then the solid smiley the week after. When is the dpo the day after the solid smiley or when the pains were??

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 927 ✭✭✭greenttc

    Bit of advice. What dpo am I? I had a week of flashing smiley faces sat to say, then solid face Sunday. Although I had ovulation pains the sat of the flashing smileys till the Sunday. Then the solid smiley the week after. When is the dpo the day after the solid smiley or when the pains were??

    I think they say when you get a solid smiley you are going to ovulate in the next 48 hours. This is my problem with ovulation sticks and one of the reasons i started temping. Ovulation sticks tell you that you are about to ovulate they dont confirm that you actually did where as temping confirms that you have ovulated but doesnt tell you in advance. I think temping works if you are quite regualr but ovulation sticks could be thrown into the mix if you are not as regular. It might be a,good idea for you to combine both if you are getting on well with the sticks, gives y some confidence in what they are telling you.

    Anyway, that is far too long of an answer for your question, sorry!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 927 ✭✭✭greenttc

    How is everyone getting on anyway? I check this thread frequently to see if there are any updates and am always happy when there is something to read, its just so interesting when you are on the same journey as everyone else.

    I am in the tww right now, af is due next week although i am not optimistic with mr greens wonky sperm. He is going for another test soon so that will be the decider to see whether we keep trying like we are or if we go meet a specialist.

    One thing that is giving me a tiny smidgen of hope is that we used preseed this time so will be amazing if it works. It,is only a smidgen of hope though!

    Anyone else try it yet? How did you find it, and did it work for anyone in our little group? Fingers crossed!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 229 ✭✭geez

    We used preseed this month too I found it great was very happy with it! Af due today no sign of it yet. Can't really text again after a bfn on Wed. I am having some cramping but tmi alert I also have some cm. Is that usual before af?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 927 ✭✭✭greenttc

    geez wrote: »
    We used preseed this month too I found it great was very happy with it! Af due today no sign of it yet. Can't really text again after a bfn on Wed. I am having some cramping but tmi alert I also have some cm. Is that usual before af?

    I think we are beyond tmi here! I asked accupuncturist about EWCM that I usually get with AF and she said that it can be normal and that because the cervix opens for AF that any EWCM that got trapped in there may come out then.... Sounds a bit mad (and i am a little dubious) but that is the explanation she gave!

    Anyway, hopefully you are our first preseed success story!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 260 ✭✭Scousemouse83

    greenttc wrote: »
    I think they say when you get a solid smiley you are going to ovulate in the next 48 hours. This is my problem with ovulation sticks and one of the reasons i started temping. Ovulation sticks tell you that you are about to ovulate they dont confirm that you actually did where as temping confirms that you have ovulated but doesnt tell you in advance. I think temping works if you are quite regualr but ovulation sticks could be thrown into the mix if you are not as regular. It might be a,good idea for you to combine both if you are getting on well with the sticks, gives y some confidence in what they are telling you.

    Anyway, that is far too long of an answer for your question, sorry!

    Thanks for that! Looks like I'm just going to have to wait for Af and then try temping next time! Haven't a clue what's going on!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 430 ✭✭Hopeful2016

    greenttc wrote: »
    How is everyone getting on anyway? I check this thread frequently to see if there are any updates and am always happy when there is something to read, its just so interesting when you are on the same journey as everyone else.

    I am in the tww right now, af is due next week although i am not optimistic with mr greens wonky sperm. He is going for another test soon so that will be the decider to see whether we keep trying like we are or if we go meet a specialist.

    One thing that is giving me a tiny smidgen of hope is that we used preseed this time so will be amazing if it works. It,is only a smidgen of hope though!

    Anyone else try it yet? How did you find it, and did it work for anyone in our little group? Fingers crossed!

    Have gotten BFP 2 months out of the 3 months that we TTC using pre-seed. Both ended in mc sadly but will continue to use it when we try again.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,053 ✭✭✭mollybird

    hey ladies, we are looking to use our preseed stuff for the first time this month. could someone send me on a link to their smily face ov sticks? as the ones im using i feel are crap.

  • Administrators, Business & Finance Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 16,975 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Toots

    Clear Blue do the ones with the smiley faces, you'll be able to get them in any pharmacy, although they're not cheap. The basic Clear Blue Digital ovulation test (the one that just shows a smiley face on the LH surge) comes with 10 test sticks and I got it in Boots for €29.99. Then there's the Clear Blue Advanced Digital ovulation test, which shows a flashing smiley on your two peak fertile days leading up to the LH surge, and then a static smiley when you get the LH surge. It comes with 20 test sticks, which they say is a 2 month supply. It's actually on a sale on inhealth at the mo, so it's €31.99 instead of €44.99

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 260 ✭✭Scousemouse83

    mollybird wrote: »
    hey ladies, we are looking to use our preseed stuff for the first time this month. could someone send me on a link to their smily face ov sticks? as the ones im using i feel are crap.

    I used the advanced opk clear blue dear enough but I think I'll try that and an Internet cheap test this month if not successful to see the difference! Thanks for the tip toots that it's on sale!!!
    We've used pressed too so I'll let u know how it works out!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 731 ✭✭✭StarBright01

    Definitely worth checking out Amazon too. I got ovulation sticks and presents on it yesterday and didn't work out too expensive. Also Just to check are any of you taking Agnus Castus (Vitex) I find it great to balance hormones. I've been taking it on and off did a few years but back on it now again as cycle was out of whack after chemical pregnancy. My question is do any of you take it and do you plan on taking it during the first few weeks of pregnancy (weening yourself off it week by week) one-off my friends took it for first few weeks & I also heard of some midwives giving it the okay in the case of recurrent miscarriages. Anyway Just to check anyway if any of you take it as I'm curious about it & have been reading up on it

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 260 ✭✭Scousemouse83

    Definitely worth checking out Amazon too. I got ovulation sticks and presents on it yesterday and didn't work out too expensive. Also Just to check are any of you taking Agnus Castus (Vitex) I find it great to balance hormones. I've been taking it on and off did a few years but back on it now again as cycle was out of whack after chemical pregnancy. My question is do any of you take it and do you plan on taking it during the first few weeks of pregnancy (weening yourself off it week by week) one-off my friends took it for first few weeks & I also heard of some midwives giving it the okay in the case of recurrent miscarriages. Anyway Just to check anyway if any of you take it as I'm curious about it & have been reading up on it

    I seen all the Amazon deals so will be investing this month! U could end up broke!!
    Have heard people taking it then stopping but will ask re continuing it!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 731 ✭✭✭StarBright01

    I seen all the Amazon desks so will be investing this month! U could end up broke!!
    Have heard people taking it then stopping but will ask re continuing it!!
    Typo I meant I got pre seed on Amazon not presents!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 260 ✭✭Scousemouse83

    Typo I meant I got pre seed on Amazon not presents!!

    Haha! Well it could give you a present!!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 67 ✭✭Meubles

    I'm also slightly more hopeful as we tried the preseed too this month. 5dpo and of course I'm obsessing over how I feel. ...had some cramps yesterday which was weird for me but every month it's something new. I def recommend the temping as a way to confirm ovulation I was using just opk and getting dark strong lines for 3 days etc and having no clue when I was ovulating and now have a better idea!! I got some frer tests this month and was planning to test at 10 or 11DPO my ff app recommends the day after missed way I can wait until then!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 21 Gossipgirl24

    So I posted the other day about getting symptoms I'm still not sure if they are pregnancy or period symptoms. I'm day 27 and my cycle is around 34 day . My boobs are heavier , broken out in spots , so tired , so hungry all the time and now since yesterday my hands are killing me. On my son I got pregnancy carpel tunnel it only came on the last 5 weeks of the pregnancy it wasn't very severe it was very uncomfortable though. What tests are best for early detection ? Has anyone got pregnancy carpel tunnel before even being able to test?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 430 ✭✭Hopeful2016

    Meubles wrote: »
    I'm also slightly more hopeful as we tried the preseed too this month. 5dpo and of course I'm obsessing over how I feel. ...had some cramps yesterday which was weird for me but every month it's something new. I def recommend the temping as a way to confirm ovulation I was using just opk and getting dark strong lines for 3 days etc and having no clue when I was ovulating and now have a better idea!! I got some frer tests this month and was planning to test at 10 or 11DPO my ff app recommends the day after missed way I can wait until then!

    I got a BFP previously at 9 DPO with first response, there's definitely no need to wait until after missed af. I believe it suggests waiting to reduce the risk of false negative but once you bear in mind the a false negative is a possibility there's nothing stopping you testing before that. The stats on try FR box indicate that a high % of pregnant women will get a BFP a few days before missed af.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 927 ✭✭✭greenttc

    Have gotten BFP 2 months out of the 3 months that we TTC using pre-seed. Both ended in mc sadly but will continue to use it when we try again.

    Really sorry to hear that hopeful. I suppose that is one of the "risks" of preseed that i had read about but that may or may not even be attributed to preseed. You have to weigh up the pro's and cons though and while it is awful to have those two losses you know that it works for you and that it will be successful for you, hope you dont have to go through that again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 430 ✭✭Hopeful2016

    greenttc wrote: »
    Really sorry to hear that hopeful. I suppose that is one of the "risks" of preseed that i had read about but that may or may not even be attributed to preseed. You have to weigh up the pro's and cons though and while it is awful to have those two losses you know that it works for you and that it will be successful for you, hope you dont have to go through that again.

    Thanks, I'd never heard that about pre-seed, guess you'll never know either way with an early mc but I must read up on that, thanks for mentioning it. Blood tests have identified low progesterone since the 2nd mc and am being referred to an early pregnancy loss clinic. Could be unrelated as every pregnancy is different and sometimes it's a numbers game. If not, hopefully the clinc can help. my GP is very optimistic, 2 mc isn't considered recurring but I'm happy enough to be referred privately at this stage just in case. Best of luck with your own journey.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 455 ✭✭Jen44

    Im a great believer in preseed I defo believe it's the reason I got pregnant first time! I had been trying for four months and got pregnant the fifth month after using it!

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,053 ✭✭✭mollybird

    as i said earlier im hoping ot use my pres seed for the first time this month. we only have 9 sticks and they say you only need to use a small amount. can you get extra sticks for is with out the gel if you have exrta gel left over?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 430 ✭✭Hopeful2016

    mollybird wrote: »
    as i said earlier im hoping ot use my pres seed for the first time this month. we only have 9 sticks and they say you only need to use a small amount. can you get extra sticks for is with out the gel if you have exrta gel left over?

    Actually we don't use it with the syringe thingies, we just use it as a lube, sorry TMI, I know! So maybe it's not actually contributing to our BFP and/or mc when we're not using it as described. We're also only using a v small amount.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 927 ✭✭✭greenttc

    Thanks, I'd never heard that about pre-seed, guess you'll never know either way with an early mc but I must read up on that, thanks for mentioning it. Blood tests have identified low progesterone since the 2nd mc and am being referred to an early pregnancy loss clinic. Could be unrelated as every pregnancy is different and sometimes it's a numbers game. If not, hopefully the clinc can help. my GP is very optimistic, 2 mc isn't considered recurring but I'm happy enough to be referred privately at this stage just in case. Best of luck with your own journey.

    WhAt i read in a few places is that the preseed helps sperm get to the egg but in some cases it was believed that it helped "bad" sperm reach the egg who would/should not have reached it under normal circumstances and so it ended in MC but i dont think i would be too worried about it to be honest.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 927 ✭✭✭greenttc

    mollybird wrote: »
    as i said earlier im hoping ot use my pres seed for the first time this month. we only have 9 sticks and they say you only need to use a small amount. can you get extra sticks for is with out the gel if you have exrta gel left over?

    I read elsewhere that people sterilised and then reused their syringes so thats an option, i only used four so far so have more left over but i didn't throw the used ones out so i may just sterilise and reuse

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,053 ✭✭✭mollybird

    thanks for that greenttc. will def keep it in mind. think ill go with the syringes and see how i feel. if im not liking them i can always switch.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 229 ✭✭geez

    So af was due yesterday still no sign today. Should I test this evening or wait til the morning? I'm thinking morning would be better I'll have to sit on my hands til then!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,872 ✭✭✭Sittingpretty

    geez wrote: »
    So af was due yesterday still no sign today. Should I test this evening or wait til the morning? I'm thinking morning would be better I'll have to sit on my hands til then!

    If you're a day late Id test this eve if it were me. I've no patience :D

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 221 ✭✭Ruailebuile

    Oh geez, that's very exciting.... you are so patient. I am 6 dpo and already dying to test. I'm going to do one next Saturday, my cycle length varies but the Ovia app says I can test on Friday.
    I used the syringes with the preseed once I got the solid smiley just to make sure I was getting the maximum benefit from it. I've also been taking NHP fertility support vitamins for the past month. Had been taking the pregnacare ones but had no luck so far so thought I'd try these ones.
    It seems like a lot of us are in the same boat so fingers crossed for us all.

  • Administrators, Business & Finance Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 16,975 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Toots

    If you're a day late Id test this eve if it were me. I've no patience :D

    Lol, same here! I've yet to make it to the day AF is due without doing a test. I had trouble restraining myself from testing at 6dpo! :pac:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 229 ✭✭geez

    So I tested this morning and got a bfn. All so weird my periods are usually very regular

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 260 ✭✭Scousemouse83

    Cycles are so unpredictable!
    7/8 dpo and feel like I'm getting Af so who knows!!! Bloated and crampy. But 28 days since implant was removed so could be Af!
    This ttc business is a head wrecker!!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 221 ✭✭Ruailebuile

    geez wrote: »
    So I tested this morning and got a bfn. All so weird my periods are usually very regular

    Uff that's so annoying, maybe test again tomorrow or the day after. The bfn is a heartbreaker.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 221 ✭✭Ruailebuile

    Cycles are so unpredictable!
    7/8 dpo and feel like I'm getting Af so who knows!!! Bloated and crampy. But 28 days since implant was removed so could be Af!
    This ttc business is a head wrecker!!!

    Couldn't agree more.. always thought when I was trying I would be completely laid back about it all and really enjoy it.... it's completely the opposite and not particularly enjoyable. I'm 8 dpo and over analysing every little thing, wasting so much time reading stuff online too.

    I have a issue with recurrent thrush/BV (sorry for TMI) and read an article on today that said that BV can stop women from getting pregnant... another thing to worry about :(

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 260 ✭✭Scousemouse83

    Couldn't agree more.. always thought when I was trying I would be completely laid back about it all and really enjoy it.... it's completely the opposite and not particularly enjoyable. I'm 8 dpo and over analysing every little thing, wasting so much time reading stuff online too.

    I have a issue with recurrent thrush/BV (sorry for TMI) and read an article on today that said that BV can stop women from getting pregnant... another thing to worry about :(
    I read that to! You could be driven mad! My oh is so relaxed, sure could take 6-12 months he says!
    Google is the problem indeed! Dr Google never has good answers!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 260 ✭✭Scousemouse83

    geez wrote: »
    So I tested this morning and got a bfn. All so weird my periods are usually very regular

    Definitely test again if there no sign tomorrow! So frustrating!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 221 ✭✭Ruailebuile

    I read that to! You could be driven mad! My oh is so relaxed, sure could take 6-12 months he says!
    Google is the problem indeed! Dr Google never has good answers!!

    So true... google is not our friend at the moment. Should we get the BFP I'm sure it'll be our saviour!

  • Administrators, Business & Finance Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 16,975 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Toots

    So true... google is not our friend at the moment. Should we get the BFP I'm sure it'll be our saviour!

    You'd think that, but then there's the 9 months of worrying if the baby is ok! :pac:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 62 ✭✭apple26

    I'm really confused today! According to FF App I was due to ovulate on Wednesday 9th March so I started using OPK on Sunday 6th March just to confirm. I've been using the Tesco own-brand ones. The test on Sunday 6th was a faint positive, definitely not negative but not a full on strong positive either. I tested on the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and all were negative. Now I'm not sure if I even ovulated this month, and if I did then I ovulated earlier in my cycle than usual.
    Anyway, we DTD on Sunday 6th. AF due today (according to FF App) but no sign yet. Think I'll wait to see if it arrives tomorrow before I get my hopes up.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 221 ✭✭Ruailebuile

    apple26 wrote: »
    I'm really confused today! According to FF App I was due to ovulate on Wednesday 9th March so I started using OPK on Sunday 6th March just to confirm. I've been using the Tesco own-brand ones. The test on Sunday 6th was a faint positive, definitely not negative but not a full on strong positive either. I tested on the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and all were negative. Now I'm not sure if I even ovulated this month, and if I did then I ovulated earlier in my cycle than usual.
    Anyway, we DTD on Sunday 6th. AF due today (according to FF App) but no sign yet. Think I'll wait to see if it arrives tomorrow before I get my hopes up.

    This was our first month using the OPK and I ovulated (hopefully) much earlier than I had expected, I had just been tracking using ovulation calculators which based on the OPK were way off. Maybe you did ovulate early and you got the end of it on the OPK or maybe you stopped testing too early?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 67 ✭✭Meubles

    I also use OPK for 5 months but for the last two months get the positive the day I ovulate - very annoying. The day before is always negative. Although I have noticed the line starts to get darker a couple of days before but this can go on for days and then I'll have 1 or 2 days of very strong positive.

    3 days until I test - it's driving me crazy already, I had to double check the low stats for testing at 7dpo to stop myself....sadly I have no google-worthy symptoms I feel great not sick or tired or achey de nada...

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 455 ✭✭Jen44

    The month I got pregnant i had zero sypmtoms...nothing at all! It made me realise all the previous months the symptoms i was having were simply my body gearing up for AF. So you may be lucky!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 430 ✭✭Hopeful2016

    Meubles wrote: »
    I also use OPK for 5 months but for the last two months get the positive the day I ovulate - very annoying. The day before is always negative. Although I have noticed the line starts to get darker a couple of days before but this can go on for days and then I'll have 1 or 2 days of very strong positive.

    3 days until I test - it's driving me crazy already, I had to double check the low stats for testing at 7dpo to stop myself....sadly I have no google-worthy symptoms I feel great not sick or tired or achey de nada...

    Maybe try the Clearblue dual hormone OPKs, the flashing smilies will give you a bit of notice.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 260 ✭✭Scousemouse83

    3 days until I can test. Well if Af doesn't appear. Still feel as it will very bloated, crampy and more cm so I'd say Af. The waiting continues!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 229 ✭✭geez

    Lads still no af and another negetive test. Just want af to arrive now at this stage!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 62 ✭✭apple26

    geez wrote: »
    Lads still no af and another negetive test. Just want af to arrive now at this stage!

    I'm the same. Period due yesterday, still no sign of it. No cramping or anything to suggest it's on the way. Did a pregnancy test today and it was negative.
    Jeez, this is head-wrecking!!!!!!!

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  • Administrators, Business & Finance Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 16,975 Admin ✭✭✭✭✭Toots

    I got some Agnus Castus today to give it a try. Couldn't get tablets anywhere so had to get the drops - 15 to 20 drops to be taken twice daily in a small amount of water. Tried it there this evening and it tastes like liquid ass. If it has any effect on regulating my cycle it'll be worth the horrible horrible taste though!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 260 ✭✭Scousemouse83

    Well negative test today. Finding the wait for the first Af harder than I thought as the bloating, cramps and uncomfortable for 10 days now is really getting to me. Hate not knowing my body at all. Plus the insomnia and lack of sleep is ridiculous. Definitely a moaning day!! Sorry!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 221 ✭✭Ruailebuile

    Well negative test today. Finding the wait for the first Af harder than I thought as the bloating, cramps and uncomfortable for 10 days now is really getting to me. Hate not knowing my body at all. Plus the insomnia and lack of sleep is ridiculous. Definitely a moaning day!! Sorry!!

    Did you test early? Maybe test again tomorrow if you did.
    Our bodies can be so cruel to us sometimes.

    I'm not sure when my AF is due - Monday according to FF but not until Wednesday according to Ovia, I'm 10 do today so thinking of testing on Saturday but I have the clear blue tests not the first response ones so thinking i'll probably just get another bfn

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 260 ✭✭Scousemouse83

    Did you test early? Maybe test again tomorrow if you did.
    Our bodies can be so cruel to us sometimes.

    I'm not sure when my AF is due - Monday according to FF but not until Wednesday according to Ovia, I'm 10 do today so thinking of testing on Saturday but I have the clear blue tests not the first response ones so thinking i'll probably just get another bfn
    I don't know when Af is due as its all over the place after the implanon removal. I'm at 9/10 dpo just feel rubbish since implanon removed.
    Hard to know what to do. The digital do need a lot more hca than first response or pink dye tests.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 221 ✭✭Ruailebuile

    I don't know when Af is due as its all over the place after the implanon removal. I'm at 9/10 dpo just feel rubbish since implanon removed.
    Hard to know what to do. The digital do need a lot more hca than first response or pink dye tests.

    Test again tomorrow or the day after if you can wait. Although the tests cost a bomb so it's not ideal.

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