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When will the Lunar landings be accepted?



  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Overheal wrote: »
    This whole lead mention sounds erroneous, as Gold was/is the primary shielding element on spacecraft, rolled into stupid-thin sheeting and at least 1 layer of the stuff is between each point of the cabin and exterior bar the windows, its dense material structure blocks out. And used tons of other places on the craft as well, including ICs which seems excessive to me but they can't tolerate failures up there (from static and corrosion apparently)
    The gold is mostly for infra-red and Ultra-violet radiation rather than the high energy particles in the Van Allen belts.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,651 ✭✭✭ShowMeTheCash

    King Mob wrote: »
    And I've explained this several times. I've given you several methods by which the Russians would have found out, including, but not limited to:
    • Spotting the mistakes in the footage.
    • Spotting physical inconsistencies in the footage because they weren't filming on the Moon.
    • Testing the samples returned by the mission
    • Tracking the missions via radar and noticing that the craft aren't were they are supposed to be or not acting consistently with the reported mission.
    • Monitoring the radio transmissions for clues of fakery or inconsistencies.
    • Engineers being able to tell if the Apollo craft did something impossible for current technology.
    • Experts in film and photography being able to notice tricks or edits in the released footage and pictures.
    • Generally being able to notice when the US are launching secret missions to the moon they aren't telling others about (if they were sending unmanned missions to collect samples or plant retroreflectors.)
    • And then lots and lots of spies.
    If you are going to say the conspiracy somehow can counter all of these, then it's plain old impossible on the face of it, and adds another problem in that it would require thousands of people to run.

    I am going in circles with this.
    But let's be clear.

    You have not given any methods to how the Russian would find out.

    I think you need to really read what you are saying, the logic does not stand up nor does the use of English.

    To say the use of radar would have been a tool where the Russians would know if the Americans landed a man on the moon is not correct.

    All it provides is an object took the desired flight path.

    To say their use of spy's and intelligence gathering suggest's they would find out if the Americans landed on the moon is also not correct. I think you should perhaps think of using the word could indicating it is possible opposed to would which is indicating certainty.

    There is nothing of significance here just ideas and conjecture which has as about much weight as a man on the moon!

    As for the list you provide it has no substance.

    Spotting mistake or problems with the footage - This is simply a weird statement, it's vague nothing specific. Like saying if I fake something you could tell...... OK how could you tell? What specifically would someone be looking for?

    Tracking the vessel - We have been though this, we are talking about the manned moon landing portion specifically, radar would not have been able to prove their was a manned moon landing, only the flight path of an object.

    Radio transmission - The Americans would have had to have been pretty stupid if this was faked to allow a transmission to be broadcast that would give up them up!

    Experts, other missions.... this is all waffle and does not answer anything and is off point, why another mission to collect samples and plant the mirror?
    They could of done that as part of the Apollo 11 mission without a manned landing - this point has no relevance... You are trying to suggest another mission would have needed to be launched to bring back samples and land the mirror.... No it doesn't!

    Also if NASA wanted to fake it I am sure experts would have been called in to make sure the fake looked authentic, what... you think they would of just winged it?

    As for the "lot's and lot's of spies" you may have just said lot's and lot's of stuff......

    What's inside an atom? Lot's and lot's of stuff......

    A point needs to actually have a point of significance otherwise is random thought with nothing to back it up.....

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    I am going in circles with this.
    But let's be clear.
    You have not given any methods to how the Russian would find out.
    I gave several specific examples to counter the example you gave.
    The rest are non-specific because they are referring to the non-specific conspiracy claims.
    I can't be specific and give details for things we are not discussing.
    To say the use of radar would have been a tool where the Russians would know if the Americans landed a man on the moon is not correct.

    All it provides is an object took the desired flight path.
    If the Apollo missions didn't land something on the moon and take off again, then the radar would have shown this.
    If they could land and return something from the Moon, then there's no reason to fake it.
    To say their use of spy's and intelligence gathering suggest's they would find out if the Americans landed on the moon is also not correct. I think you should perhaps think of using the word could indicating it is possible opposed to would which is indicating certainty.
    No I mean would. Any conspiracy of this level would require a high level of involvement from a lot of departments and a lot of manpower and resources.
    It is not possible for Russian Intelligence to miss it.
    Spotting mistake or problems with the footage - This is simply a weird statement, it's vague nothing specific. Like saying if I fake something you could tell...... OK how could you tell? What specifically would someone be looking for?
    For example, the "mistakes" the conspiracy theorists constantly point out.
    If they faked something on Earth it is not possible for them to make it mistake free.

    Also there are several effects that are impossible to fake on Earth with 60's technology, for example the parabolic trajectory of dust kicked up by astronauts. On Earth the dust would cloud and be blown around by air currents and cloud up. On the Moon they fall only by the effects of gravity.
    This is impossible to fake with 60's technology. If it was missing or if the dust did not behave correctly, it would alert the Russians.
    This is only one way off the top of my head.
    Radio transmission - The Americans would have had to have been pretty stupid if this was faked to allow a transmission to be broadcast that would give up them up!
    In the scenario you gave, the Astronauts would have to indicate that there was some issue that prevented them from landing and the decision would have to be made to fake it.
    How else could they communicate this without using the radio?
    Experts, other missions.... this is all waffle and does not answer anything and is off point, why another mission to collect samples and plant the mirror?
    They could of done that as part of the Apollo 11 mission without a manned landing - this point has no relevance... You are trying to suggest another mission would have needed to be launched to bring back samples and land the mirror.... No it doesn't!
    No they could not have. The technology for returning that much lunar sample simply did not exist.
    For it to exist there would have had to have been a very large robotic development program that was totally secret and is to this day, yet they never use this technology ever again.

    Further if they did somehow have an emergency back up unmanned probe to retrieve the samples (impossible to have on the ship as well as the stuff they would need for the actual landings), then the Russians would notice the ships behaving very differently to how the should be as well as the transmissions from Houston or the ship controlling the robot probe.

    All of this is "possible" in the strictest sense of the word.
    Just like it's "possible" that they used a mind ray to mind control everyone to believe in the Moon landings.

    Neither of these scenarios are likely and are so unlikely that they are for all practical purposes impossible.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,651 ✭✭✭ShowMeTheCash

    King Mob wrote: »

    No I mean would. Any conspiracy of this level would require a high level of involvement from a lot of departments and a lot of manpower and resources.
    It is not possible for Russian Intelligence to miss it.

    Look I am not trying to be mean.
    This type of attitude say in an academic forum would have you laughed at.
    I am by no means an expert on the moon landings and all the evidence may suggest the moon landings where authentic, but making the above claim is literally a killer blow to any scientific argument.

    To claim certainty on any scientific paper would make the author look very foolish.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Look I am not trying to be mean.
    This type of attitude say in an academic forum would have you laughed at.
    I am by no means an expert on the moon landings and all the evidence may suggest the moon landings where authentic, but making the above claim is literally a killer blow to any scientific argument.

    To claim certainty on any scientific paper would make the author look very foolish.
    But I'm not writing a scientific paper...:confused:

    Again, I said that it is possible on the strictest sense of the word.
    Just as mind rays are technically possible as well.

    My point is that that both of these explanations are on the same level:
    Unlikely to the point of being impossible on the practical level.

    So no, it's not possible that Russian spies would miss such a large and vital operation.
    In the possibility you suggested they would need to hide a huge amount:
    • First they would have to hide the actual filming which would involve a huge amount of specialised equipment beyond the normal things they would need for filming. (Not to mention the things they would need to simulate the lunar environment and lower gravity.)
    • They would need a huge team of top level experts to develop the techniques to fake the footage. And they would have to work tirelessly and at the top og their game if they were to beat the top level experts in Russia.
    • They would need to hide how they got Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin as well various mission control guys to record the footage and audio for the faked transmissions.
    • They would also have to hide the secret robot probe program they would need to get the samples supposedly recovered by Apollo 11 (which would also require a bunch of top level experts who aren't already working on the actual Apollo missions.)
    • Then they would need a team to keep all of this conspiracy straight and enforced with precise detail and maintain it for decades.
    • And then their would be the vast amounts of money this would all cost. Hush money, assassin fees, paying for secret robot research, director fees....
    Unless you can propose how they did all of this in total secret, then I am confident that it is impossible for the Russian spies not to have noticed.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 82,176 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    I'm inclined to agree, the USSR and USA had both been developing ICBMs extensively after WWII, along with mutually assured destruction they both had the capabilities to detect when the other was initiating a launch. Among that, if you had a very high profile lunar-bound launch (especially your eleventh one) they would surely have developed the tracking capabilities for it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,831 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    King Mob wrote: »
    • First they would have to hide the actual filming which would involve a huge amount of specialised equipment beyond the normal things they would need for filming. (Not to mention the things they would need to simulate the lunar environment and lower gravity.)
    • They would need a huge team of top level experts to develop the techniques to fake the footage. And they would have to work tirelessly and at the top og their game if they were to beat the top level experts in Russia.
    • They would need to hide how they got Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin as well various mission control guys to record the footage and audio for the faked transmissions.
    • They would also have to hide the secret robot probe program they would need to get the samples supposedly recovered by Apollo 11 (which would also require a bunch of top level experts who aren't already working on the actual Apollo missions.)
    • Then they would need a team to keep all of this conspiracy straight and enforced with precise detail and maintain it for decades.
    • And then their would be the vast amounts of money this would all cost. Hush money, assassin fees, paying for secret robot research, director fees....

    Not to mention they would have had to pull it all off flawlessly just a few months later.. and then four more subsequent times

    Unless of course the first was a perfect hoax, but the next five landings were real.. which opens an even bigger can of worms regarding all the experts, designers, scientists and engineers that worked closely on all the missions

    It involves having to step into some very surreal territory

    This from the administration that couldn't break into a hotel-office building

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,304 ✭✭✭✭NIMAN

    There are some people who wouldn't believe man went to the moon if NASA put them on a spacecraft and flew them there tomorrow.

    They'd claim they were hypnotised and imagined they were on the moon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,448 ✭✭✭weisses

    Dohnjoe wrote: »
    This from the administration that couldn't break into a hotel-office building

    Using that example means they could not make it to the moon either

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,831 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Getting to the moon was more a technical accomplishment, faking it would have required the ability to keep things perfectly watertight, not something that administration or subsequent ones demonstrated they were very good at, or politicians in general, as we know full well

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,651 ✭✭✭ShowMeTheCash

    Dohnjoe wrote: »
    Getting to the moon was more a technical accomplishment, faking it would have required the ability to keep things perfectly watertight, not something that administration or subsequent ones demonstrated they were very good at, or politicians in general, as we know full well

    No it wouldn't this is the beauty of the "conspiracy theory".
    Let's say you worked at NASA and let's say you are one of a few people that knew it was faked.

    You step forward and tell the world like others have done "It was a fake" people laugh at you and you are branded a nut job!

    My argument on this page is really around this idea.
    You question the norm and you become categorised and thus not taken seriously even if the question you ask is a credible one.

    People seem to think everything about the moon landing is known and in the public domain.... I don't

    I do not think the footage was faked but I think it possible it could of been and perhaps they even had plan B where fake footage was engineered.
    I think NASA and the US Government had to keep elements of the mission a secret, at end of the day information is power and they where stepping into the unknown.

    Neil Armstrong in I think in his last public forum not that he spoke that much came out with something that people would call weird. Talking to the young people of today he said "there are great ideas undiscovered breakthroughs available too those who can remove one of truths protective layers.."

    So the truth is out there...

    Some CT will claim this was a submission that all was not as it seems, some go as far to suggest it was an indication that it was fake, other think that more was discovered on the moon than NASA and the US government wanted to make public. From putting Nuclear Warheads on the moon too finding Alien artifacts on the surface of the moon.

    People choose to ignore what they don't believe it is simple as that.
    Buzz Aldrin said the Apollo 11 was followed by UFO's most people just choose to ignore that or now think he is a bit of a nut job also.
    He said when they reported it they where told to ignore it....

    Now you could argue that the "Russians" had some probe up following them, but that would have been some pretty awesome technology considering they did not achieve it themselves..

    Oh Buzz also think's there is an Alien space craft behind a moon on mars but I think again people just jump on the "Ahh crazy old Buzz is at it again" bandwagon....

    People can have crazy ideas, does not mean all their ideas are crazy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    People seem to think everything about the moon landing is known and in the public domain.... I don't
    I do not think the footage was faked but I think it possible it could of been and perhaps they even had plan B where fake footage was engineered.
    I think NASA and the US Government had to keep elements of the mission a secret, at end of the day information is power and they where stepping into the unknown.
    Which elements of the mission were kept secret and why?
    And how do you know they were kept secret?
    People choose to ignore what they don't believe it is simple as that.
    Buzz Aldrin said the Apollo 11 was followed by UFO's most people just choose to ignore that or now think he is a bit of a nut job also.
    He said when they reported it they where told to ignore it....
    This is simply not true.
    This is the result of a conspiracyish tv show talking what Buzz Aldrin out of context and deliberately and dishonestly editing an interview with him to make it appear as if he was saying there were aliens.
    Oh Buzz also think's there is an Alien space craft behind a moon on mars but I think again people just jump on the "Ahh crazy old Buzz is at it again" bandwagon....
    And this is a plain fabrication.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,651 ✭✭✭ShowMeTheCash

    King Mob wrote: »
    Which elements of the mission were kept secret and why?
    And how do you know they were kept secret?

    Is this a serious question? What parts of the mission did they keep a secret and why?
    If I knew it would hardly be a secret now would it?

    Let me ask you a question as again you choose to ignore parts of what I posted.... What do you think Neil Armstrong meant when he said "remove one of truths protective layers."
    King Mob wrote: »
    This is simply not true.
    This is the result of a conspiracyish tv show talking what Buzz Aldrin out of context and deliberately and dishonestly editing an interview with him to make it appear as if he was saying there were aliens.

    I think the axe you have to grind is completely blinding you to what I have said, who said anything about Aliens? I said Buzz Aldrin claims he saw a UFO, which he did, was it Russian probe? Was it one of their own rockets they detached from? He does say he reported it to mission control but cannot be sure what it was and was told to ingnore it.

    What part of this is untrue?
    King Mob wrote: »
    And this is a plain fabrication.

    This in relation to the monolith photo on Phobos what buzz said was

    "There’s a monolith there – a very unusual structure on this little potato shaped object that goes around Mars once every seven hours.
    ‘When people find out about that they are going to say, “Who put that there? Who put that there?” Well the universe put it there, or if you choose God put it there."

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Is this a serious question? What parts of the mission did they keep a secret and why?
    If I knew it would hardly be a secret now would it?
    Then what leads you to believe that they are keeping secrets?
    What do you think Neil Armstrong meant when he said "remove one of truths protective layers."
    An eloquent way of saying that you need to dig a little to make discoveries.
    This is made clear by the full context of the speech this is from.
    (Which is also not close to his last public appearance.)

    Do you think he was admitting to some great cover up here?
    I think the axe you have to grind is completely blinding you to what I have said, who said anything about Aliens? I said Buzz Aldrin claims he saw a UFO, which he did, was it Russian probe? Was it one of their own rockets they detached from?
    Again, you mentioned Aliens.
    It was panel from the rocket. Aldrin said so himself.
    The only mystery about it is manufactured by people looking for a conspiracy.
    He does say he reported it to mission control but cannot be sure what it was and was told to ingnore it.

    What part of this is untrue?
    He didn't report it and he was not told to ignore it.
    Where are you getting that from?
    This in relation to the monolith photo on Phobos what buzz said was

    "There’s a monolith there – a very unusual structure on this little potato shaped object that goes around Mars once every seven hours.
    ‘When people find out about that they are going to say, “Who put that there? Who put that there?” Well the universe put it there, or if you choose God put it there."
    You said:
    Oh Buzz also think's there is an Alien space craft behind a moon on mars.
    None of that bares any resemblance to that quote. Nothing about aliens or an alien craft.
    What makes you think that he believes there is an alien craft behind a moon around Mars?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,651 ✭✭✭ShowMeTheCash

    King Mob wrote: »
    Then what leads you to believe that they are keeping secrets?

    An eloquent way of saying that you need to dig a little to make discoveries.
    This is made clear by the full context of the speech this is from.
    (Which is also not close to his last public appearance.)

    I recommend you crack out the dictionary.
    Yes I agree he is saying people should dig a little deeper but he is also passing comment on the "truth" and it's "protetive layers"....
    I think this means people are told a "truth" to protect them, but in order to move forward we need to remove this protective layer.
    I've no idea what he is getting at but he does appear to be getting at something.
    King Mob wrote: »
    Do you think he was admitting to some great cover up here?

    No, I try to think in colour not black and white, I think it suggests there is a lot more to what we are told and pioneers and people who will shape the future need to see beyond what is being fed to them.
    King Mob wrote: »
    Again, you mentioned Aliens.
    It was panel from the rocket. Aldrin said so himself.
    The only mystery about it is manufactured by people looking for a conspiracy.

    I said UFO... You said Aliens!
    Aldrin said later he was pretty sure it was one of the panels as what else could it be... but he does not know which one, it is him who actually says technically it is an UFO.

    The S-IVB they detached from was 2 days before, Aldrin says at the time when the saw it they where not sure what it was so they asked mission control where the S-IVB was with regards them, mission control responded 6000 miles from them. Aldrin says what they where looking at they did not look to be 6000 miles away.
    King Mob wrote: »
    He didn't report it and he was not told to ignore it.
    Where are you getting that from?

    You are correct, I was recalling this from memory on something I watched a while back, they did not report it to mission control the crew made the decision to ask mission control about the S-IVB then to ignore it as they did not want to say over comm's what they could see. Did not want to cause a stir as they knew others where listening in.
    King Mob wrote: »
    None of that bares any resemblance to that quote. Nothing about aliens or an alien craft.
    What makes you think that he believes there is an alien craft behind a moon around Mars?

    This is like pulling teeth!

    Please try and read this in the context in which it was written

    "Oh Buzz also think's there is an Alien space craft behind a moon on mars but I think again people just jump on the "Ahh crazy old Buzz is at it again" bandwagon...."

    I am showing how when Buzz made the comments:

    "There’s a monolith there – a very unusual structure on this little potato shaped object that goes around Mars once every seven hours.
    ‘When people find out about that they are going to say, “Who put that there? Who put that there?” Well the universe put it there, or if you choose God put it there."

    That people jump to make out like he is nut. Oh that dude believes in Aliens he is crazy.

    It's like this.
    We found an object that does not appear to be natural but manufactured, its on a planet we have never been too...

    Right away people shout "What aliens done it, you think there are aliens on Phobos...." and before anyone can actually look at the data, gather the evidence a campaign has already began making fun of these people.

    My original comment was showing how people get discredited even ones as credible a Buzz Aldrin.

    Buzz is pretty exciting about this object why? Because it has no significance? That it is nothing more than an odly shaped rock? (which it could be)
    Buzz seems to think it is something of significance, he even goes on to say things like "Who put that there..." Suggesting it was put it there....

    This is going down the route of a completely different CT....

    Let me ask a question, based on what Buzz has said about it, could you hazzard a guess why he thinks it is significant?

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    I think this means people are told a "truth" to protect them, but in order to move forward we need to remove this protective layer.
    I've no idea what he is getting at but he does appear to be getting at something.

    No, I try to think in colour not black and white, I think it suggests there is a lot more to what we are told and pioneers and people who will shape the future need to see beyond what is being fed to them.
    So you don't know what he's getting at, but he must be hinting at some kind of secret and no other interpretation is possible?
    Yet I am the one thinking in black and white?

    Also, could you please explain what leads you to believe that Nasa is hiding details of the missions even though you don't actually know what or why?
    I said UFO... You said Aliens!
    Aldrin said later he was pretty sure it was one of the panels as what else could it be... but he does not know which one, it is him who actually says technically it is an UFO.

    The S-IVB they detached from was 2 days before, Aldrin says at the time when the saw it they where not sure what it was so they asked mission control where the S-IVB was with regards them, mission control responded 6000 miles from them. Aldrin says what they where looking at they did not look to be 6000 miles away.

    You are correct, I was recalling this from memory on something I watched a while back, they did not report it to mission control the crew made the decision to ask mission control about the S-IVB then to ignore it as they did not want to say over comm's what they could see. Did not want to cause a stir as they knew others where listening in.
    So what's the point you are trying to make exactly?
    That people jump to make out like he is nut. Oh that dude believes in Aliens he is crazy.

    My original comment was showing how people get discredited even ones as credible a Buzz Aldrin.
    Who has done this exactly?

    The only people who make any significance of this are conspiracy theorists who are trying to make out that he is saying it's aliens.

    He is very clearly not saying that and noone has jump on him for saying what he did say.

    Why do you think that Buzz Aldrin has been discredited?
    Buzz is pretty exciting about this object why? Because it has no significance? That it is nothing more than an odly shaped rock? (which it could be)
    Buzz seems to think it is something of significance, he even goes on to say things like "Who put that there..." Suggesting it was put it there....
    He states what he thinks very clearly:
    Well the universe put it there, or if you choose God put it there.
    Let me ask a question, based on what Buzz has said about it, could you hazzard a guess why he thinks it is significant?
    Because it's an odd object that we don't know enough about to be able to guess at it's exact origins. And that's a good enough reason to learn more about it and other things. So basically the driving force of space exploration.

    What do you think he meant, exactly?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,651 ✭✭✭ShowMeTheCash

    King Mob wrote: »
    So you don't know what he's getting at, but he must be hinting at some kind of secret and no other interpretation is possible?
    Yet I am the one thinking in black and white?

    He is clearly talking about the Truth.... Why do I think that? Because he uses the word truth....

    Look I am not saying what it is, you are trying to tell me what it isn't... Black and white!
    King Mob wrote: »
    Also, could you please explain what leads you to believe that Nasa is hiding details of the missions even though you don't actually know what or why?

    Again like pulling teeth, "remove truths protetive layer" if you have to remove a layer to get to the truth what can you disern? That something was or is hiden.
    King Mob wrote: »
    So what's the point you are trying to make exactly?

    Earlier you said it was not true but you where wrong.
    My original comment was around the idea of keeping a fake water-tight which another poster talked about, I said this is the beauty of a CT you don't need too, if someone comes out with a bold claim you make them out to be a CTist... Automatically they become a joke! In some cases I can see why as their claims are a little nutty even for me, but I have looked at other CT's and looked at the questions asked I do not see a CTist I see relavent questions where people are being purposfully discredited simply for asking the question.
    King Mob wrote: »
    Who has done this exactly?

    The only people who make any significance of this are conspiracy theorists who are trying to make out that he is saying it's aliens.

    He is very clearly not saying that and noone has jump on him for saying what he did say.

    Why do you think that Buzz Aldrin has been discredited?

    Do you actually follow what I am saying?
    CT's would only use it to get traction with their own argument as a credible argument.
    People trying to make out Buzz has lost the plot does not serve the CT, it dilutes his view as to nullify a position.

    For me there are apposing sides to make a CT.

    In order for a CT to really be a CT it needs a strong opposing position, otherwise it would just be a theory... It appears the best way to oppose is to play down the credibility of an individual, I think this to some extent has been done to Buzz.
    Neil Armstong I think was a smart guy, he did not do many interviews he did not say a lot... Walt Disney based Buzz lightyear on Buzz Adlrin, do you think people now take him more seriosuly or less?
    King Mob wrote: »
    Because it's an odd object that we don't know enough about to be able to guess at it's exact origins. And that's a good enough reason to learn more about it and other things. So basically the driving force of space exploration.

    What do you think he meant, exactly?

    I think Buzz does not rule out anything, but for the reasons mentioned above Buzz needs to be careful to what he says...

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    He is clearly talking about the Truth.... Why do I think that? Because he uses the word truth....

    Look I am not saying what it is, you are trying to tell me what it isn't... Black and white!

    Again like pulling teeth, "remove truths protetive layer" if you have to remove a layer to get to the truth what can you disern? That something was or is hiden.
    And again, you are saying it's not black and white, but only your narrow interpretation is valid.

    It could (and give the context from the speech this quote is from probably does) mean removing truth's protective layer of natural scientific mystery.
    People trying to make out Buzz has lost the plot does not serve the CT, it dilutes his view as to nullify a position.

    For me there are apposing sides to make a CT.

    In order for a CT to really be a CT it needs a strong opposing position, otherwise it would just be a theory... It appears the best way to oppose is to play down the credibility of an individual, I think this to some extent has been done to Buzz.
    Neil Armstong I think was a smart guy, he did not do many interviews he did not say a lot... Walt Disney based Buzz lightyear on Buzz Adlrin, do you think people now take him more seriosuly or less?
    I don't understand what you are trying to say here.
    Can you please point out how and where Buzz Aldrin has been discredited.
    He still is a highly respected figure.
    Pixar affectionately naming a character after him is not a good example of this.
    I think Buzz does not rule out anything, but for the reasons mentioned above Buzz needs to be careful to what he says...
    No, Buzz quite clearly states what he meant:
    Well the universe put it there, or if you choose God put it there.
    I don't know how else you can interpret that but to mean it's a natural object.

    So any chance you can go back and actually answer my question now?

    What leads you to believe that NASA is withholding information given that you do not know what this information is or why they are withholding it?

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,176 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Hey baby I hear the blues a callin', tossed salad and scrambled eggs..Oh My...Mercy...

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,176 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    I don't know how else you can interpret that but to mean it's a natural object.
    Unless you're a creationist or have watched 2001 Space Odyssey lately :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,651 ✭✭✭ShowMeTheCash

    King Mob wrote: »
    And again, you are saying it's not black and white, but only your narrow interpretation is valid.

    It could (and give the context from the speech this quote is from probably does) mean removing truth's protective layer of natural scientific mystery.

    I am not trying to give an explanation, you are the one that is coming out with what you think, Oh it means :
    King Mob wrote: »
    natural scientific mystery
    or an
    King Mob wrote: »
    eloquent way of saying that you need to dig a little to make discoveries

    Then failing this argument you just jump to an extremem point of view by saying
    King Mob wrote: »
    Do you think he was admitting to some great cover up here?
    This type of thinking is black and white and narrow, you have your own ideas and failing that just jump to a complete contrasting idea even though no-one is arguing the contrast.

    All I have said is Armstrong made a somewhat cryptic statement around removing one of truths layers...

    A lot of people have spoken about this saying it was cryptic... I do not pretend to know what it was in refernce too, but you want to try and explain it... You want to say there is no way NASA keeps secrets and it was nothing to do with NASA... Maybe it wasn't or maybe it was.
    King Mob wrote: »
    I don't understand what you are trying to say here.
    Can you please point out how and where Buzz Aldrin has been discredited.
    He still is a highly respected figure.
    Pixar affectionately naming a character after him is not a good example of this.

    I am not saying he has been discredited, I am saying this is how CT's work, Buzz talked about the Phobos object, people automatically jump to a conclusion like you do time and time again, looking at the comments on the youtube video of C-span when he talked about the object I see comments like "Buzz I bet has some tall tails"... I think the issue with Buzz is people do not take him seriosuly partly because Buzz has fallen into the publicity trap and is seen by sum as "publicity seeker" I think it somewhat Ironic he done dancing with the stars.

    Whether or not this is fair certain publicity does not lend itself well to particular roles especially if you want people to take you seriosuly.

    This does not discredit him, I am not even saying there was a campaign to discret him, I am just saying this is how CT's work.
    King Mob wrote: »
    No, Buzz quite clearly states what he meant:

    I don't know how else you can interpret that but to mean it's a natural object.

    The universe put it there... then you jump to your explaination "it's a natural object." The Universe could mean many things but you again look at it in a very narrow way...
    King Mob wrote: »
    So any chance you can go back and actually answer my question now?

    Buzz in that interview starts with saying how interesting the object is, people will want to know what it is and who put it there....

    If it is a natrual formation what is interesting about that?
    I think Buzz likes the idea of the possibility that there could be evidence to show another civilization visited our solar system at some-point in it's 4/5 billion years....

    King Mob wrote: »
    What leads you to believe that NASA is withholding information given that you do not know what this information is or why they are withholding it?

    Too me this is like saying, what leads you to believe the government is withholding information. NASA is funded by the state department and is inter twined with US military of course not everything will be for public domain you woudl need to be completely stupid to think NASA is completely transparent at the end of the day it is effectively a state body they will disclose what they are allowed to disclose.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    I am not trying to give an explanation, you are the one that is coming out with what you think, Oh it means :

    This type of thinking is black and white and narrow, you have your own ideas and failing that just jump to a complete contrasting idea even though no-one is arguing the contrast.
    I gave the explanation you asked for. You're rejecting out of hand.
    And for contrasting ideas you only offer completely nebulous and vague waffle.

    You keep saying that you don't know what he's saying, then on the same breath insist that he's being cryptic or has some double meaning.
    All I have said is Armstrong made a somewhat cryptic statement around removing one of truths layers...

    A lot of people have spoken about this saying it was cryptic... I do not pretend to know what it was in refernce too, but you want to try and explain it... You want to say there is no way NASA keeps secrets and it was nothing to do with NASA... Maybe it wasn't or maybe it was.
    You're assuming it's cryptic when there is no reason at all to conclude that.
    Aside from conspiracy theorists wanting to claim it is cryptic.
    The universe put it there... then you jump to your explaination "it's a natural object." The Universe could mean many things but you again look at it in a very narrow way...

    I think Buzz likes the idea of the possibility that there could be evidence to show another civilization visited our solar system at some-point in it's 4/5 billion years....
    Again an assumption based on what conspiracy theorists want to believe, not the most reasonable and rational explanation.

    When he says "The Universe" obviously he means an ancient alien civilisation. :rolleyes:

    What other evidence are you using to conclude that Buzz might be referring to aliens?
    If it is a natrual formation what is interesting about that?
    What wouldn't be interesting about it? :confused:
    It's an object for which we don't have an explanation for. Learning about it would tell us tons of stuff about the composition and formation and conditions of the Moons of Mars. Perhaps it could help solve the mystery of where the moons came from and how the interacted with Mars.

    If you are saying it's only interesting if it's something built by aliens, and that is the only reason to be interested in it, then you don't get what space exploration is about.
    Too me this is like saying, what leads you to believe the government is withholding information. NASA is funded by the state department and is inter twined with US military of course not everything will be for public domain you woudl need to be completely stupid to think NASA is completely transparent at the end of the day it is effectively a state body they will disclose what they are allowed to disclose.
    It's completely stupid to not be suspicious, yet when you are pressed for any details you fail completely.
    You can't suggest what they might be hiding or why. You can't point to any evidence or reasoning for it.
    You can't address the myriad of issues I've brought up with the possible conspiracies you have suggested

    All you have is your gut feeling and what conspiracy theorists claim, which is not particularly convincing or meaningful.
    Unless you can point to something more solid than the waffle of "well they might possibly be up to something non-specific", then your suspicions are on the exact same level as the silly conspiracies about mind rays and alien moon bases.

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,176 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    I think Buzz likes the idea of the possibility that there could be evidence to show another civilization visited our solar system at some-point in it's 4/5 billion years....
    Which could evidence a confirmation bias on his part.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,651 ✭✭✭ShowMeTheCash

    King Mob wrote: »
    I gave the explanation you asked for. You're rejecting out of hand.
    And for contrasting ideas you only offer completely nebulous and vague waffle.

    Opposed to uneducated guess?
    You are not giving an explanation, you are giving an opinion there is a huge difference.
    King Mob wrote: »
    You keep saying that you don't know what he's saying, then on the same breath insist that he's being cryptic or has some double meaning.

    You're assuming it's cryptic when there is no reason at all to conclude that.
    Aside from conspiracy theorists wanting to claim it is cryptic.

    This is not cryptic you are failing to comprehend basic english, he is saying we need to remove the layers of truth, I think it is fair to say he is saying in a nice way we need to move past the lies. The cryptic part is understanding what specifically is this in reference too.
    King Mob wrote: »
    Again an assumption based on what conspiracy theorists want to believe, not the most reasonable and rational explanation.

    When he says "The Universe" obviously he means an ancient alien civilisation. :rolleyes:

    This statement really shows how narrow minded you are, if Buzz wanted to be as narrow minded he would just of said we have a stange but natural rock formation on Phobos but not being narrow minded he does not make that distinction because he does not know what it is yet.
    King Mob wrote: »
    What other evidence are you using to conclude that Buzz might be referring to aliens?

    Maybe because he started with question "who put it there....." he is definately considering at the possibility of it not being natural, that's not a conspiricy it's a plausible consideration.
    King Mob wrote: »
    What wouldn't be interesting about it? :confused:
    It's an object for which we don't have an explanation for. Learning about it would tell us tons of stuff about the composition and formation and conditions of the Moons of Mars. Perhaps it could help solve the mystery of where the moons came from and how the interacted with Mars.

    If you are saying it's only interesting if it's something built by aliens, and that is the only reason to be interested in it, then you don't get what space exploration is about.

    I really think you are now grasping at straws, if it is a natural rock formation there is nothing interesting about it, no more so than any other rock formation on Phobos, the only interesting thing would be it's shape. At this momenet in time the only reason we are interested in it, is because it looks like it was put there, does not really fit in with the rest of the landscape and essentially looks like a stucture of design opposed to a formation of chance.
    King Mob wrote: »
    It's completely stupid to not be suspicious, yet when you are pressed for any details you fail completely.
    You can't suggest what they might be hiding or why. You can't point to any evidence or reasoning for it.
    You can't address the myriad of issues I've brought up with the possible conspiracies you have suggested

    Myriad of issues? You mean by constantly stating "The Russians would know" and trying to pass this off as some kind of educated argument, or we had the technology without really understanding the technology and again trying to pass this off as a credible argument?

    Neil Armstrong did talk about the desent to the moon and ability to take off again, what odds where given that they would be able to do it?

    King Mob wrote: »
    All you have is your gut feeling and what conspiracy theorists claim, which is not particularly convincing or meaningful.
    Unless you can point to something more solid than the waffle of "well they might possibly be up to something non-specific", then your suspicions are on the exact same level as the silly conspiracies about mind rays and alien moon bases.

    The world is full of sheep that accept everything at face value, they believe what they are told to believe.

    You really do not want to consider anything.
    I have stated this but I will state it again, I do not think the moon landing was faked but I accept it is possible it could of been staged.
    I accepted there was definitely political pressure and a motive to do it. You do not even accept that which shows a complete lack of knowledge of the political climate and world history.
    You want to accept that NASA is a completely transparent body that would not lie too anyone despite that they killed the first crew by cutting corners and despite Neil Armstrong saying he was fully aware that even if they reached the moon there was only a 50% chance they would be successful in landing on the moon and getting back off it...

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Opposed to uneducated guess?
    You are not giving an explanation, you are giving an opinion there is a huge difference.

    This is not cryptic you are failing to comprehend basic english, he is saying we need to remove the layers of truth, I think it is fair to say he is saying in a nice way we need to move past the lies. The cryptic part is understanding what specifically is this in reference too.
    You are moving the goalposts again.

    You claimed he is being cryptic.
    You are insisting that he is talking about lies.
    Neither of these things are supported by anything beyond your assumptions.
    This statement really shows how narrow minded you are, if Buzz wanted to be as narrow minded he would just of said we have a stange but natural rock formation on Phobos but not being narrow minded he does not make that distinction because he does not know what it is yet.

    Maybe because he started with question "who put it there....." he is definately considering at the possibility of it not being natural, that's not a conspiricy it's a plausible consideration.
    Again, assumptions out of nowhere that don't make any sense.

    You claim you don't know what he's getting at, but then also claim that you have perfect knowledge of his motivations and meanings.
    I really think you are now grasping at straws, if it is a natural rock formation there is nothing interesting about it,
    Then you don't understand the nature of space exploration.
    Myriad of issues? You mean by constantly stating "The Russians would know" and trying to pass this off as some kind of educated argument, or we had the technology without really understanding the technology and again trying to pass this off as a credible argument?
    I pointed out a long list of reasons why and how the Russians would have found out. You ignored this because you are unable to address these issues.
    The world is full of sheep that accept everything at face value, they believe what they are told to believe.

    You really do not want to consider anything.
    I have stated this but I will state it again, I do not think the moon landing was faked but I accept it is possible it could of been staged.
    I accepted there was definitely political pressure and a motive to do it. You do not even accept that which shows a complete lack of knowledge of the political climate and world history.
    But you have been unable to show how it's possible to fake.
    You have been unable to show how they would have hidden it from the Russians.
    And if they couldn't have hidden it from the Russian then there would be no political pressure to fake it.

    Why would they be pressured to fake it when they would have been easily caught at faking it?
    Wouldn't being caught at faking it result in the opposite of they wanted?

    It's not possible that they could have gotten away with faking it, hence there is no motivation.
    You've failed to show that it is possible to get away with.
    You want to accept that NASA is a completely transparent body that would not lie too anyone despite that they killed the first crew by cutting corners and despite Neil Armstrong saying he was fully aware that even if they reached the moon there was only a 50% chance they would be successful in landing on the moon and getting back off it...
    So again, what's NASA hiding?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,651 ✭✭✭ShowMeTheCash

    King Mob wrote: »
    You are moving the goalposts again.

    You claimed he is being cryptic.
    You are insisting that he is talking about lies.
    Neither of these things are supported by anything beyond your assumptions.

    Did you listen to what he said? It all made perfect sense to you?
    "Remove truths protective layers" This is not cryptic?
    What is a protective layer of the truth?
    I think you are being deliberately obtuse now!

    King Mob wrote: »
    Then you don't understand the nature of space exploration.

    You have failed to grasp some fairly basic comprehension or simply chosen to ignore it, shown a completely lack of knowledge of political events of the 1960s and an inability to think even remotely outside the box.
    I like the way you post my comment leaving out the section where I say

    "no more so than any other rock formation on Phobos, the only interesting thing would be it's shape."

    Earlier you where on about these CT that edited Buzz Aldrin's statements to make it look like he was saying he thought there was aliens on mars.
    You deliberately edit what I have said to try and make your point.

    I am not saying examining rock on Phobos would not hold some significance and I saying if this is natural the monolith really hold little more significance than any other rock formation...

    What I understand is that you know very little and are trying to pass yourself off as someone who knows more than they do!

    King Mob wrote: »
    I pointed out a long list of reasons why and how the Russians would have found out. You ignored this because you are unable to address these issues.

    You made statement I would liken with a that of someone in national school.

    You want me to give you a clear example so you can attempt to rebuff.
    I say I think NASA is not giving all the full story - You want to know what I think they are hiding - If i knew they did not hide it too well.

    You refuse to except any of the history and political arguments of the time.
    How shady the US government is and there involvement.
    m not saying it was faked, I am saying it could
    King Mob wrote: »
    But you have been unable to show how it's possible to fake.
    You have been unable to show how they would have hidden it from the Russians.
    And if they couldn't have hidden it from the Russian then there would be no political pressure to fake it.

    This is literally a stupid argument!

    King Mob wrote: »
    Why would they be pressured to fake it when they would have been easily caught at faking it?
    Wouldn't being caught at faking it result in the opposite of they wanted?

    It's not possible that they could have gotten away with faking it, hence there is no motivation.
    You've failed to show that it is possible to get away with.

    So again, what's NASA hiding?

    You literally are under estimating what the USA have done throughout history, what they have faked, what they have been caught faking which really only begs the question to what they have not been caught doing...

    Google Red Flag attacks and JFK - Some interesting reading!

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,831 ✭✭✭✭Dohnjoe

    Google Red Flag attacks and JFK - Some interesting reading!

    Don't forget to search for the mountain of US political scandals, leaked memos, whistle-blowers, intelligence leaks to keep things in perspective

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,229 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    "Remove truths protective layers" This is not cryptic?
    So you are saying he is being cryptic now? :confused:
    This is not cryptic you are failing to comprehend basic english,
    You want me to give you a clear example so you can attempt to rebuff.
    I say I think NASA is not giving all the full story - You want to know what I think they are hiding - If i knew they did not hide it too well.
    Yes I am asking you to give a clear example.
    You tried to give one but it was shown to be impossible.

    Any example you will give will run into the same problems because it is impossible for NASA to fake any part of the mission and get away with it.

    If this isn't the case, put your money where your mouth is and give us an example of:
    What they possibly could fake and why they possibly would need to.
    How they possibly faked that.
    How they possibly kept it secret from the Russians.
    You refuse to except any of the history and political arguments of the time.
    How shady the US government is and there involvement.
    m not saying it was faked, I am saying it could
    You're saying it but you're failing to show how t could or address how I've showed it's impossible.
    You literally are under estimating what the USA have done throughout history, what they have faked, what they have been caught faking which really only begs the question to what they have not been caught doing...
    Again, I'm not seeing you point here.
    You don't trust the government. Good for you.

    Why does this mean that NASA is up to no good?

    Can't you even speculate what they are being dishonest about or is it a completely vague, and ultimately meaningless suspicion and distrust?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,988 ✭✭✭enno99

    Just a thought
    Could any of the Russian missions have been faked ?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 82,176 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    This is literally a stupid argument!
    Care to elaborate?
