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Keeping 2 pigs

  • 17-04-2015 11:03am
    Registered Users Posts: 12

    Hello all,

    I been intrested for a while in keeping 2 pigs .

    any advise would be welcome

    I know its not cheap meat.

    I know i must get a herd number

    how much ground would they need ?

    How long they take to fatten?

    Could i keep each batch on the same area each time or is it better to move them.?

    What size shed they need ?

    Would it be good to have a concrete apron for the house and feeding area?

    what kind of floor in the house ? earten or concrete ? do you have to bed them ?

    and anything else i should know ?


  • Registered Users Posts: 18,523 ✭✭✭✭_Brian

    Some People keep them indoors so any ground is good.

    We keep two on an area about 25/30ft square.

    The shed they have access to is about 12ft square, used because it's free, half that size would be fine.

    Earthen or concrete floor, can't see it matters, ours is concrete.

    We feed them in troughs on the regular ground, wouldn't need concrete apren.

    We've reared 5 pairs on the same ground, no problems.

    We use an electric fence to keep them in and have a chicken wire fence behind that as security.

    Our butcher says 6/7 months should see any pigs ready. He says Landrace are best for meat volume.
