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Thinking of becoming a teetotal dry****é that can't hack the session and is no fun



  • Registered Users Posts: 5,166 ✭✭✭enda1

    yipeeeee wrote: »
    70 euro is considered a lot on drink??


    Seeing that there's not a fixed €/gramme alcohol, it depends. If pints at standard price, then yes! If bottles of Dom, then no.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,377 ✭✭✭Warper

    cson wrote: »
    €100 is a scary amount of drink OP.

    Even if you take off €30 for Taxis/Nightclubs/Chipper; €70 is still about 12-14 pints.

    I'd say that's where your issue is rather than alcohol in itself - if you can limit yourself to €30-40 a night all in then do that, just cash and no bank cards. If you can't; cold turkey is probably your best bet.

    Ya right you would want at least a 100 quid heading out these days

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,925 ✭✭✭✭anncoates

    I basically gave up at around that age too.

    If your friends are morons they'll harangue you about it endlessly. You will find out which of your friends are genuinely boring though because they're the ones who "have" to drink to have a good time. You don't owe them any explanation other than "I don't want one".

    To be fair, it sometimes goes both ways. I would never dream of questioning somebody's teetotalism but neither do I want to hear lectures about "blowing a fiver on a pint" or "you spent 100 quid on a night out?" and so on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,534 ✭✭✭✭Mr. CooL ICE

    I drink about 1-2 times per month. I was never a massive fan of the taste of beer (yes, I've tasted loads) or spirits and the older I get, the worse the hangovers get. Unfortunately, some of my oldest friends love getting hammered and they make it a mission to get me hammered whenever I'm out with them. I'm not going to drop them as friends cos of the difference in attitude to drinking as it's rare I get to see them. If they enjoy getting hammered with me, then I'm willing to take the occasional hit to the liver.

    OP, no need to give it up outright. However, I recommend taking up some form of exercise with a goal, e.g. you already run, so sign up for a marathon and set yourself a progressive training schedule. You will notice that a Monday 10k run suddenly becomes horrible if you've been out on the Saturday night, and so on.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,464 ✭✭✭valoren

    Boozing is this generations smoking.

    Don't underestimate the addicitve nature of it.

    The health implications are enormous.
    You're effectively ingesting a watered down, sugared up poison.
    What harm can that do?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,295 ✭✭✭✭Duggy747

    I quit the fags and now I find myself drinking more, which is fine by me because we rarely go out and I get to stock my fridge with different beers to try.

    Mmmm, beer.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,465 ✭✭✭deadybai

    I kinda gave up drinking over the last year. I didnt plan it or anything just cant face the thought of getting wasted and feeling sick. I only drink now when I fancy a few (celebrating, bday parties, xmas etc.). Also I only drink what I actually like. Before I used to drink a shoulder of vodka (raw) and we all know that the taste of that is vile. I never used to buy drinks out to save money buy drinking piss before I go out. But now I buy a few pints of Guinness because I actually like that. I might have a bit more of an empty pocket but its worth it. Im 21 btw and I am p

    SO my advice would be
    1.Only drink what you enjoy dont settle for less even if it saves money
    2. Only drink every so often. dont have it in your head on Monday that you will be heading out Saturday. Only head out if there is something on or you are celebrating
    3. Ignore your friends. Only do what YOU want to do
    4. Take up a hobby. Use the fact that your not drinking to your advantage. Join the gym, get fit. You will feel much better looking forward to a day at the gym on Sunday when you think about all your friends dying of a hangover.

  • Registered Users Posts: 32,370 ✭✭✭✭Son Of A Vidic

    valoren wrote: »
    Boozing is this generations smoking.

    This generation? Well I have a few decades under my belt and as far as I can tell. Drinking has always been a national pastime and at the epicenter of most social events on this wee Island.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,464 ✭✭✭valoren

    This generation? Well I have a few decades under my belt and as far as I can tell. Drinking has always been a national pastime and at the epicenter of most social events on this wee Island.

    I guess I mean, that in the past 15-20 years, it is now generally accepted that smoking is pretty bad for you and will more than likely contribute to your early demise should you do it a lot.

    In the next decade, although it is as you say and integral part of socialising in Ireland and everywhere else, we'll all realise that, that drinking is pretty bad for you and will more than likely contribute to your early demise should you do it a lot.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,523 ✭✭✭blue note

    I haven't read the thread, but I've decided to give up the booze for a while. Basically, I broke up with the gf in July (we were together 9 years) and every weekend since then bar 2 I've had between 1 and 3 heavy nights. Some weekends that was as little as one night drinking 7-8 pints, some weekends that was 3 nights drinking about 25 pints. I just decided that I'll do myself real damage sooner rather than later so am giving up altogether for a month and I'll see how I'm feeling about going back on the stuff then. If I do it will be in relative moderation - 4-5 pints will be a heavy night.

    I've probably been spending 4-5 hundred quid a month on going out (which is way beyond my means) as well as having a bunch of days written off because I was hung over, or equally bad doing whatever I needed to do while dying from a hangover.

    I'm fed up of it now, but I won't pretend that a lot of it wasn't a lot of fun!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,023 ✭✭✭Fukuyama

    I know everyone is well meaning but it's a little odd that so many posters are trying to convince me not to give up drink! :eek: :p

    In the short term my main motivation is money, accomplishing fitness goals and just living "clean". I'm not going to smoke weed either (although it's extremely rare that I ever do - three times a year maybe).

    Like I said, I just want to be clean and get other aspects of my life in order. Maybe I'll end up drinking again in the future. If I do it'll be with a different mentality because when I really think about it; the past few month's I've been going out and drinking more because I'm bored. I want to plug that boredom gap with work, fitness and self improvement goals. :D

    I went online this morning and accessed a Rabo Direct account. I haven't thought about it in over two years. I could see withdrawals over a period of months until my savings (small as they were) were gone - most of that was likely on college nights out and drink. I'm going to set up a weekly direct debit of what WOULD have been my average spend on drink. Would be nice to see some money building up again instead of flying down a urinal.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 542 ✭✭✭dont bother

    i drink occasionally, not every weekend... and that's the key.

    i see a lot of my "friends" (read: Drinking gang) that just are addicted. they do more than drink mind you, that's their own decision, BUT, i wonder "WHY!?" do they do it so much?

    Ireland is not addicted to drinking, or has this "drinking culture"... it's more about people getting addicted to the NOTHINGNESS of irish nightlife. it costs a fortune.

    I dont go out every weekend, a) because it's sh!t, and b) because i get to go on over 4 or 5 proper holidays each year by saying "No" to whatever crap clubnight my mates are going to. they literally go out for a couple of hours and spend the same money that i would spend on a flight for a week in the sun, or wherever. sure i'm only home from vegas...

    so, my advice is: "give up drinking... IN IRELAND". it's great. you can enjoy your drink on hols, and wont be wasting your money on some crap here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 81,223 ✭✭✭✭biko

    Check out the Non Drinkers Group

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,622 ✭✭✭Ruu <--lots of stories here, long running thread.
