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Need to rent apt in Dublin 15



  • Registered Users Posts: 71 ✭✭Jelly-Bean

    Well I didn't get the apartment and the reason was because I mentioned my daughter and the landlord didn't want a child there.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,284 ✭✭✭Chattastrophe!

    Well if I were in your position, I wouldn't feel the need to mention your daughter at the next viewing - after all, she's not going to be living there full-time.

    I'd be of the opinion that you disclose only the necessary information. I.e. that you will be the only person living there full-time, and that you (I assume) have a permanent job. Emphasis no pets, no smoking (if both are true for you.) No point in giving them unnecessary information that might turn them off.

    A child can only have one primary residence, and in this case it seems it's with her father. In my opinion, once you're the only person living there full-time, it's not really the landlord's business who you have staying over and how often.

    I mean, for all the landlord knows, a prospective tenant might be pregnant - I assume there's no obligation to inform them of this, but what are they going to do, kick them out when the baby arrives?

  • Registered Users Posts: 71 ✭✭Jelly-Bean

    Oh I have totally learned my lesson by now. I guess Im just such an honest person and I felt like telling the whole story is the best thing to do. I'm so new to all this, haven't rented in 10 yrs!

  • Registered Users Posts: 71 ✭✭Jelly-Bean

    OK i’ve decided to change my tactics! Im not going to mention about my daughter. As bad as I feel I’ve realised that there is no point now.

    My problem is that if Im looking at a 2 bed apt then Im going to find it hard to get it on my own (even though i can afford it). I was thinking of saying that my partner lives in England but will be moving over and I am trying to secure a place first before he moves.

    Any advice?
