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so a Taxi driver told me I'm going to hell....

  • 17-11-2012 8:42pm
    Registered Users Posts: 241 ✭✭

    About an hour ago I hopped into a taxi in St.Stephens Green in Dublin.

    About two minutes into my journey the taxi driver starts talking about the budget, that its going to be harsh and how he can't wait for Jesus to come again to sort everything out. I enquired how he knew Jesus was going to come again, he got talking about being born again, really knowing god and what it means to be born again.

    He started off by saying that he started questioning God at 15, then 24 years ago he attended a "business mans prayer meeting" and people were talking in tongues, he felt washed over and felt that he had finally found and now knew God. In his story he mentioned thanking God for nature and the trees.

    About three minutes before we reached the destination I re-picked up the nature thing and mentioned that I'm not religious but I believe in spirituality and how nature calms.

    To which turns to me and shouts....


    Now, I don't know who Gaia is and quite frankly I was a bit taken aback. I told him that was ok because I believe in science and fact. He then asked me why I loved Satan and why did I want to go to Hell. I was extremely uncomfortable at this point and threw a tenner at him (didn't wait for my change either!) and asked him to please let me out.

    I told him that his views were responsible for more hate in the world than anything a few pagans could come up with and that science will prosper.

    The man knows where I live as he remained parked outside for five minutes after I got out. I'm feeling extremely uncomfortable about the whole thing and shocked by his unprofessional behavior! I only have his name will I get anywhere with the regulator if I report this?

    Any of ye been in the preacher taxi before?


