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This gubberment is going after the pirates.



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,645 ✭✭✭k.p.h

    Do any of these people even know how the internet works, the simple idea "lets block stuff", is actually completely impossible.

    Sure at a certain level they can block access to sites, but their are millions of sites out their. Once you get to a certain level it's just electromagnetic signals travelling through a wire. it's either on or off, their is no monitoring.

    If ISP's come in at a higher level and start blocking stuff users will just drop a level lower and figure a way from downloading from their. It's not that hard read a how too guide..!

    Too long as the software and media/entertainment industry's be monopolised, and people forced to pay for stuff weather it was crap or not.

    <Insert massive rant here> ....

    The reason I have not bothered to articulate my rant is because it is completely pointless, downloading is a thing of the past anyway, current broadband standards have reached a level where live streaming is the obvious method of view content, while EMI worry about physical sales artists worry about getting the work/ content out their. It is almost impossible to be successful these days without making their work available this way.

    Who is going to be downloading music in the coming years when it is their on demand to their live wifi enabled Tv/HiFi.

    In regard to software, 3 years ago 95% of devices connected to the internet were pc's, that number is predicted to fall to less than 20% in the next 3 years with the growing popularity of tablets and smart phones (not to forget your Tv/HiFi and even fridge ..!). Unfortunately for the big monopoly players such as Microsoft/Apple they are being pushed out by the increasing popularity of the free open source players, Op systems such as Android and Linux are growing in popularity so much so as no casual user will have to pay for software to complete any task in the coming years.

    The only markets that are going to be left are specialist software and enterprise software.

    Games developers are not concentrating on the online environments and update-able contents, they are at no risk from piracy as they provide a service that people will gladly pay for..

    As for the movies, I watch a lot of movies but I only go the the cinema about 15 times a year, this year I ventured out to see Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Warrior , Moneyball etc. etc. You don't really ever hear the makers of these films complaining about piracy as the films they produce generally do quite well, and according to articles I'v read during the year the film industry is doing quite well for the big guys, the great directors, the writers the actors. You know they that are actually good at what they do.. .. the guys that view it not as an industry to generate cash but rather the artists and the story tellers ..

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34,809 ✭✭✭✭smash

    Freddie59 wrote: »
    Can you actually download movies legally, like music on iTunes?

    Yea you can.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34,809 ✭✭✭✭smash

    k.p.h wrote: »
    Who is going to be downloading music in the coming years when it is their on demand to their live wifi enabled Tv/HiFi.

    People who have portable devices!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,645 ✭✭✭k.p.h

    smash wrote: »
    People who have portable devices!

    Portable devices will be up to speed in a matter of years (e.g 4G) , streaming will be possible everywhere you have phone signal. Just to add to that IP6 addressing is had this consideration in mind, Any money with you in less than 10 years your pants will have internet connectivity :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 34,788 ✭✭✭✭krudler

    with youtube, grooveshark, soundcloud, itunes etc you dont need to buy cds anymore, why would you? I started getting rid of my dvds and getting digital versions or ripping them to hard drives.

    ironically seeing movies via piratey ways has made me buy films I wouldnt have seen as they didnt get cinema releases a rip, watched it, enjoyed it, bought the blu-ray. downloading is a big grey area anyway its not as simple as downloading music/movie= makes you bad. I've downloaded HD versions of movies I already own, is that still considered stealing? its the exact same film but its not my fault there's a shiny HD version that has a better picture and audio quality than the shoddy dvd version already out there with a piss poor transfer.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,537 ✭✭✭joseph brand

    Anyone remember when you found a 'rare' version of an album. It probably had some Japanese text on it. Anyway, this album could be twice the normal price of 16 euro/ punt and it may have a couple extra songs on it. But, there's no such thing as rare, now that people can rip a cd onto their pc and duplicate it, in case there's a fire which consumes the original, or the dog chews it. ;)

    Music companies have been screwing us and artists over for a long time. I don't know where they want to get sympathy from?

    If there are any decent artists here, get out and play live and earn your money. Perhaps there are more opportunities to see bands/ artists we love due to online sharing? Instead of them sitting on their laurels in sunny mansions eating cocaine hash bombs.

  • Registered Users Posts: 789 ✭✭✭The Internet Explorer

    Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrr !

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,068 ✭✭✭✭My name is URL

    Seachmall wrote: »
    How dare they go about it by passing laws that force a separate industry to follow their directions and prevent users from accessing entirely legal websites all while ignoring EU rulings.

    It doesn't matter what mechanism they're using to clamp down on piracy. The same people will still be opposed to the measures being taken, and perform mental gymnastics in order to morally justify the fact that they want to get the latest movies etc without paying anything for them.

    I've no problem with people downloading stuff nefariously, I do plenty of that myself.. It just irks me to see people try to argue that they should be left to it without any interference from ISPs and rights holders.

  • Registered Users Posts: 789 ✭✭✭The Internet Explorer

    It's not plundering me matey! It's sharing we be doing !! Aaaaaaaaarrrrrgghh ! !

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,041 ✭✭✭Seachmall

    It just irks me to see people try to argue that they should be left to it without any interference from ISPs and rights holders.
    The Rights Holders can do their best to enforce their rights but they can fuck off if they think this is an acceptable way to go about it.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,030 ✭✭✭✭Chuck Stone

    It's not plundering me matey! It's sharing we be doing !! Aaaaaaaaarrrrrgghh ! !

    The end of the concept of 'intellectual property' is just over the horizon.

    It's already a defunct concept for many.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,699 ✭✭✭deathrider

    That means I've only got about two weeks meft to download the entire internet?... Challenge accepted!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,096 ✭✭✭--amadeus--

    I bought the Star Wars trilogy on video. Then I bought it again on DVD. Now it's out on Blu-Ray and I'm supposed to pay a third time for it? Same thing happened once upon a time with music. People had the vinyl copy, then bought the cassette and then the CD. CDs that cost a few cents to produce and retailed for €16+ (with the artist getting a euro if they were lucky).

    I have no issue with paying for quality content but I do have an issue with paying time and again for the same thing. And - as said above - if something is good enough people will pay for it and attempting to use the law to stop downloads is futile. The "entertainment" industry is eating itself; it's producing less and less quality original work and it cannot sustain or justify it's rip off margins any longer. Instead of giving us 5 identikit copies of "The Fast and the Furious" or yet another Mission Impossible how about making original films people want to see? Avatar might have been crap but it was crap that pulled people into the cinema - get your product right and people will pay. Same for music; less Jedward and whoever else is on X Factor and more original music and people will happily hand over the cash.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34,809 ✭✭✭✭smash

    Instead of giving us 5 identikit copies of "The Fast and the Furious" or yet another Mission Impossible how about making original films people want to see?

    People do want to see them, that's why they make them.

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,789 ✭✭✭✭ScumLord

    But, there's no such thing as rare, now that people can rip a cd onto their pc and duplicate it, in case there's a fire which consumes the original, or the dog chews it. ;)
    This is a good thing though as it only really applies to information. Knowledge has always equalled power and now that power has been handed out to everyone and the people who want to maintain their power don't like it.

    I also think the media companies have brought this on themselves with their insidious advertising. They go out of their way to make people want their goods, it's no surprise people will break laws to be part of the popular culture it's very hard for a social animal like the human to just ignore being part of the group if they don't have the funds to pay for their inclusion.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,096 ✭✭✭--amadeus--

    smash wrote: »
    People do want to see them, that's why they make them.

    Fast Five was a bad example, it made more than the earlier ones :p

    Most film "franchises" get progressively worse both in terms of quality and at the Box Office. For example Mission Impossible , the 3rd film took around half the money of teh first (adjusted for inflation). "Live free or die hard" was $70million down after adjustment and Rocky Balboa was a whopping $400million off the originals take. And look at the all time list I count 3 sequels in the all time top 30, and they are Star Wars.

    Making sequels is sticking to a formula. Creating a cutsey boy band on X factor is a formula. It will make money but people generally prefer to see new things. Even though it was released at the height of the pirate age Avatar is still #14 in the all time box office list. Make it compelling enough and people will pay for it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 34,809 ✭✭✭✭smash

    It will make money but

    Forget the buts, the money is what matters!

  • Registered Users Posts: 901 ✭✭✭usernamegoes

    Freddie59 wrote: »
    Load of bollix. I'm currently transferring my (legally purchased) DVDs to a media player for convenience. Can you actually download movies legally, like music on iTunes? I note that some DVDs for sale in the shops are a 'triple play', DVD, BluRay, and 'Digital Copy'.

    The way of the future?:confused:

    If the DVD, CD or whatever, has CRM which most DVDs do then it is illegal for you to tamper with that regardless of whether or not the content on the DVD is copyright or not.

    I am interested to know pursuant to what power is the Minister making this order and what test will the court need to consider when granting an order to censor the internet. The likes of Youtube probably is the biggest provider of illegal copyright violations. Doubt that will be banned.

    I can see a market for VPNs opening up with this and Data Retention etc. Good way to sell to people is to make them scared of the State and spying and sell them a Swedish VPN. Hmm, might be a good investment.

  • Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 11,011 Mod ✭✭✭✭yoyo

    This is probably just one of many reasons people prefer to download movies than buy them. DVDs with unskippable ads at the beginning are ripping the p!ss. Also for anybody thinking well I don't mind its only a few piracy sites (likely the more common torrent sites or something it will likely be!) and it stops piracy, you arn't really understanding the bigger picture and how dangerous it is to allow companies control the ISPs or the internet. Sites may be blocked incorrectly, technology used to block sites will slow down browsing speed, sometimes significantly.
    anyone with any clue would know Eircom only agreed to do the blocking thing as they were promoting their own Music shop, quite convenient actually thinking about it!!
    Also with the invention of VPNs, Proxys since the early beginnings of the Internet blocking is a waste of time, and only a slight inconvenience to anyone wishing to download stuff. You can't block Rapidshare et al. either as none of those sites are illegal (even if some of the content is "questionnable" they remove it upon request.)


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,246 ✭✭✭conor.hogan.2

    What about sites that stream Movies, TV shows and Sports illegally?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,645 ✭✭✭k.p.h

    Avatar might have been crap but it was crap that pulled people into the cinema - get your product right and people will pay.

    Avatar was a ground breaking film , reintroducing the 3D concept with modern technology, also the film was actually quite well written with a lot of metaphor and a strong message.

    That's besides the point TBH, I just have to defend the movie quite often as I though it was quite good and it was an experience I won't forget even just for the sheer spectacle.

    I do think you have a point though, if film is taken as it's basic form e.g story telling. Are these they types of story's the general public want to see, if so with the type of rubbish that is pumped out these days it dose not reflect well on society in general.

    The same go's for music.

    Music and film is very influential in modern society and popular culture, but it's a very tainted because what is popular is not what is genuinely popular but rather what has had the most amount of money thrown at it through advertising and publicity.

    The same as everything it's a monopoly, more money, more popularity and then sell more of it. It's a never ending circle and as we dive deeper into it individualism, creativity and to be honest general intelligence suffers.

    Piracy is in one way the solution to the convoluted and manipulated society we live in, as soon as you can't make money selling your muck you will stop creating it.

    You give me one musician, artist or film maker that are in it for the money, and I'l show you a corrupt mofo that has missed the point.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,186 ✭✭✭Squaredude

    Block sites that "pirate" this material.
    Good luck with that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,087 ✭✭✭Duiske

    LiamN wrote: »
    Eircom will be first to block everything - they've already done TPB; they must think it's the only torrent site or something :rolleyes:

    Much as i loath Eircom as a company, they did this to get themselves out of a hole at time, all the while knowing that it would have zero effect on any Eircom BB customers who were intent on using TPB. Maybe some will think they should have just stood up to the music industry, but given their dire financial situation, that would have been risky. In fairness, I think they played it well.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,041 ✭✭✭Seachmall

    Duiske wrote: »
    In fairness, I think they played it well.

    Irish Broadband simply told them to feck off as they had no legal grounds to get sites filtered (hence this law).

    Eircom should've done the same.

  • Registered Users Posts: 47 5ftGiant

    Seachmall wrote: »
    Irish Broadband simply told them to feck off as they had no legal grounds to get sites filtered (hence this law).

    Eircom should've done the same.

    You're correct. The Majority of ISP's have and will tell them to piss off, trust me. If the mentioned actions do go ahead, its going to take a lonnnnnng time to have it enforced nationally so theres no pressure on people to start maxing out their bandwidth
    Duiske wrote: »
    Much as i loath Eircom as a company, they did this to get themselves out of a hole at time, all the while knowing that it would have zero effect on any Eircom BB customers who were intent on using TPB. Maybe some will think they should have just stood up to the music industry, but given their dire financial situation, that would have been risky. In fairness, I think they played it well.

    Might also have something to do with the timing of the release of the MusicHub?!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,456 ✭✭✭fishy fishy

    probably bonehead put him up to it - y'know, and all the profits will be sent to Africa ......NOT

    more likely it's all small men stick together syndrome, bonehead, kenny, napoleon, etc.

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 328 ✭✭thefly

    most modern music (crap if u ask me) comes from xfactor now anyways... no more need for cds when all you have to do is turn on the tv

    That is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard!!!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,645 ✭✭✭k.p.h

    Yup seems like the ISP association of Ireland know it's a load of bollox ..

  • Users Awaiting Email Confirmation Posts: 328 ✭✭thefly

    Does everyone know the difference between legally and illegally downloading?

    Personally Im not a downloader. I love going into record shops and buying CDs and records ( of which I've 1000's)

    Also, to all the brain dead idiots who say record companies make too much. Actully, the record companies need to make money to give new bands a chance. it now means that unless a bands first record is a hit, chances are the band will be dropped. Gone are the days where bands can release 4-5 albums that don't enter the top 30 in the chart.

    Also, small bands can't tour as much because unless they are selling out venues, the record company can't afford for them to keep touring

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  • Registered Users Posts: 28,789 ✭✭✭✭ScumLord

    thefly wrote: »
    Does everyone know the difference between legally and illegally downloading?

    Personally Im not a downloader. I love going into record shops and buying CDs and records ( of which I've 1000's)
    Well maybe you like the nightmare of shopping but I'd rather not have to drive 30 miles to go routing through selves in the hope what I'm looking for is there.
    Also, to all the brain dead idiots who say record companies make too much. Actully, the record companies need to make money to give new bands a chance. it now means that unless a bands first record is a hit, chances are the band will be dropped. Gone are the days where bands can release 4-5 albums that don't enter the top 30 in the chart.
    The record companies are just making product of mass appeal, they manufacture music rather than sign artists so I'm not at all upset to hear that nonsense wouldn't be feasible any more.
    Also, small bands can't tour as much because unless they are selling out venues, the record company can't afford for them to keep touring
    Because the record company want to make obscene amounts of money to keep themselves and their chums in Ferrari's and cocaine. **** them.
