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Alex Jones: Agent Provocateur Extraordinaire?

  • 24-08-2011 1:40am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭

    wOw. Blatant!

    COINTELPRO (an acronym for Counter Intelligence Program) was a series of covert, and often illegal,[2] projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic political organizations.

    COINTELPRO tactics included discrediting targets through psychological warfare, planting false reports in the media, smearing through forged letters, harassment, wrongful imprisonment, extralegal violence and assassination. Covert operations under COINTELPRO took place between 1956 and 1971; however, the FBI has used covert operations against domestic political groups since its inception.[3] The FBI's stated motivation at the time was "protecting national security, preventing violence, and maintaining the existing social and political order".

    He's clearly very good at it, with apparently 10 million viewers per day amongst other things, films etc. He's been doing this for a long time too...

    Bit of a tyrant this guy. Any thoughts?

    Did you know 'Alex Jones' is a new NWO shill? 12 votes

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  • Registered Users Posts: 620 ✭✭✭Laika1986

    To be honest i'v been slightly suspicious of him for a while, i think some of the truth movement is been orchestrated. Not to mention alot of his stuff is sensationalist

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    Laika1986 wrote: »
    To be honest i'v been slightly suspicious of him for a while, i think some of the truth movement is been orchestrated. Not to mention alot of his stuff is sensationalist

    I always felt it, looked elsewhere but a lot take him serious. He delivers fear and tries to incite people day in day out.. He's right about one thing, it is an infowar! Bill Cooper busted him over a decade ago :eek:

    The whole Y2K facade, rumbled;

    I wonder if the proceeding feud between them might have contributed to Cooper's inevitable martyrdom...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭WakeUp

    Ive listened to Jones for many years long before he went "main stream" and grew to what he is today and I have to say at this stage now I dont trust him anymore. Yes he speaks about stuff nobody else really touches on but he has an agenda which is quite obvious in his support for his Libertarian buddy Ron Paul. I have no time at all for Libertarianism but leaving that aside I think Jones is a shill and an extremely good one at that da b@stard. People have been murdered for going public with a fraction of what this guy talks about yet he is still alive and breathing and talking the talk. Jones has an agenda and he is working for somebody other than himself and the "people". Who these people are I have no idea.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    I clicked 'Yes' by accident, I always had that feeling inside but didnt know conclusively until fairly recent. It's a pretty insane psy-op :pac:

    Buyer's beware.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,696 ✭✭✭Jonny7

    Try and call him or email him?

    I think the two questions are :

    If he knows and exposes so much why he is still on air, let alone alive? (I'm assuming the Kennedy's were a lot more protected than Jones currently is)

    He see's many and most things as a conspiracy, how does he feel when people question him as a possible conspiracy (because he seemingly operates so freely and untouched)

    Something like that maybe

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    Jonny7 wrote: »
    I think the two questions are :

    If he knows and exposes so much why he is still on air, let alone alive? (I'm assuming the Kennedy's were a lot more protected than Jones currently is)

    He see's many and most things as a conspiracy, how does he feel when people question him as a possible conspiracy (because he seemingly operates so freely and untouched)

    So your a believer in Alex Jones! Do more research man. Steer clear...

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,696 ✭✭✭Jonny7

    I think he's a charlatan. Would be interested to see his reaction to the idea that he could be part of a conspiracy.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭WakeUp

    There is truth in a lot of what he talks about and he has made me aware of things that I wouldnt have been wide to otherwise. But he has an agenda its become very obvious over the past couple of years the year just gone in particular. I always look at the information he puts out there for myself and find out as much as I can about a certain topic he is talking about or highlighting. I just dont trust him anymore though I cant put my finger on it but I dont so Im going to trust my instinct on this one there is something not right about him as Ive already said plenty of people have paid with their lives going public about things in the past. Jones is still standing something isnt right unless someone is pulling the strings and setting the agenda.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    Jonny7 wrote: »
    I think he's a charlatan. Would be interested to see his reaction to the idea that he could be part of a conspiracy.

    That he is...

    Funny you should say that, this is new;

    WakeUp wrote: »
    There is truth in a lot of what he talks about and he has made me aware of things that I wouldnt have been wide to otherwise..

    Same here, we've all fell for it at some stage. There's no denying it now tho.

    'The devil will feed you 99 truths just to convince you of that one lie' I think the saying goes. :pac: This guy is psycho.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    Torakx wrote: »
    they key thing to remember is they are smarter than us.
    they have guys working around the clock while we are sleeping

    so i would think for them alex jones is a good thing.
    he is still alive so it tells me he is to be suspect.if they can kill former president kennedy, alex jones should be a piece of cake.

    the 9/11 controversy is to benefit them.
    while we are crying in the streets trying to get one or 2 guys into a court that works for the banks,they are busy securing the rest of the plan assigned to them

    Well put that. I was never truly roped in by it have to say. I liked 'Invisible Empire: A New World Order Defined' but in hindsight there's nothing exclusive in his documentaries, anything that is exclusive looks phony.

    There's a war on out there. For your mind!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,511 ✭✭✭saywhatyousee

    My first ever post on this website was to ridicule Alex Jones the man is a shill and a fraud just look at the amount of advertising on his website he is nothing but a business man.He makes his money out of sensationalist rubbish and fear spreading same with that Ventura guy.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,831 ✭✭✭Torakx

    When i first saw The Obama Deception i was roped in lol
    I still think he tells alot of truth in that one and others.But he also blows it out of proportion and spreads fear.

    Yeah there really is a war on for your mind!
    Right down since man began to get organised.

    I see the new age movement as a designed belief system for the purpose of collecting those who are the "black sheep" of society,those who have religious aspects to their lives but are disinfranchised by religion.
    And in general activists,free thinkers,hippies etc.

    To create a movement like the new age one and throw in CT's and aliens on top is a good way to control damage done after religion lost alot of control over societies around the world.

    The new religion is here.
    But when i say created, i mean in a very general way.
    It came about naturally due to atheism and agnosticism i think.
    And i think at some stage in the last decade or two its been hijacked as it got more popular.

    Same goes for any political party or group.
    Once it becomes popular it will then be infiltrated and sullied or controlled in my view.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 9,700 ✭✭✭tricky D

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,831 ✭✭✭Torakx

    My first ever post on this website was to ridicule Alex Jones the man is a shill and a fraud just look at the amount of advertising on his website he is nothing but a business man.He makes his money out of sensationalist rubbish and fear spreading same with that Ventura guy.

    Oh yes! Jesse Ventura is hilarious!
    I watched a few of his conspiracy theory recently.
    The general gist of them was actually ok.
    But it was the scare mongering in the intro that was hilarious!
    "these people want to kill your children..." etc etc
    He really goes for it lol... its actually really funny to me ^^

    I love the way everyone calls him governor(if he isnt still one thats very egotistical).Didnt he leave that office? or does he do both now?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    He makes his money out of sensationalist rubbish and fear spreading same with that Ventura guy.

    That's true. I think it goes a lot deeper than money though.
    Torakx wrote: »
    Yeah there really is a war on for your mind!
    Right down since man began to get organised.

    I see the new age movement as a designed belief system for the purpose of collecting those who are the "black sheep" of society,those who have religious aspects to their lives but are disinfranchised by religion.
    And in general activists,free thinkers,hippies etc.

    To create a movement like the new age one and throw in CT's and aliens on top is a good way to control damage done after religion lost alot of control over societies around the world.

    The new religion is here.
    But when i say created, i mean in a very general way.
    It came about naturally due to atheism and agnosticism i think.
    And i think at some stage in the last decade or two its been hijacked as it got more popular.

    Same goes for any political party or group.
    Once it becomes popular it will then be infiltrated and sullied or controlled in my view.

    ^ This

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,177 ✭✭✭nyarlothothep

    He's a shill or just an analogue of Cartman, take your pick. FYI the arab revolutions in the ME are just a precursor to a large scale war which will precipitate in WW3. First the elites siphon money off to wipe out the middle classes, eliminate social programs through austerity measures and buy up national resources, to create a neo feudalist heirarchical sh1thole of their own design, next they will engineer a massive global war to consolidate their system of governance.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,831 ✭✭✭Torakx

    Order out of chaos :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭WakeUp

    He's a shill or just an analogue of Cartman, take your pick. FYI the arab revolutions in the ME are just a precursor to a large scale war which will precipitate in WW3. First the elites siphon money off to wipe out the middle classes, eliminate social programs through austerity measures and buy up national resources, to create a neo feudalist heirarchical sh1thole of their own design, next they will engineer a massive global war to consolidate their system of governance.

    You have nailed it right there. There is a big war coming Im not sure if the majority of people can see it yet but its coming and soon. The signs are everywhere especially with what is going on in the ME. Even reknown market analyst's are saying the same thing. Question is after it happens because its going to happen, whats the type of world that we will be left with?..

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,177 ✭✭✭nyarlothothep

    WakeUp wrote: »
    You have nailed it right there. There is a big war coming Im not sure if the majority of people can see it yet but its coming and soon. The signs are everywhere especially with what is going on in the ME. Even reknown market analyst's are saying the same thing. Question is after it happens because its going to happen, whats the type of world that we will be left with?..

    The second they announce a war, try to curb back on civil liberties and introduce a conscription, people have to tell these authoritarian costume wearing chimps to fck themselves! That's the major thorn in their side, people are more educated relative to the first half of the 20th century and they have history to go on, the only way its going to work is if there is an unanticipated nuclear strike from China/Iran/Russia, whether its real or not. If they can't politically engineer the outcome they'll manufacture it. Its already happening, in Australia students are being imprisoned for peacefully protesting against the Israeli settlements, apart from being labelled anti semetic by the political establishment and there are jewish people in the protest too so that gives you an idea of the kind of asshat clowns in office. Those imprisoned have to pay a 10,000 dollars bail, or something to that effect simply because they disagree. So the fight is on. The achille's heel of the elites is that they overestimate their own abilities, arrogance is the downfall of many, and they fail to realize (due to their primate urges for power and conquest) that they are no exception to this historical precedent.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,922 ✭✭✭hooradiation

    WakeUp wrote: »
    You have nailed it right there. There is a big war coming Im not sure if the majority of people can see it yet but its coming and soon.

    Well, i suppose if you maintain this outlook you'll eventually be right.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭WakeUp

    The second they announce a war, try to curb back on civil liberties and introduce a conscription, people have to tell these authoritarian costume wearing chimps to fck themselves! That's the major thorn in their side, people are more educated relative to the first half of the 20th century and they have history to go on, the only way its going to work is if there is an unanticipated nuclear strike from China/Iran/Russia, whether its real or not. If they can't politically engineer the outcome they'll manufacture it. Its already happening, in Australia students are being imprisoned for peacefully protesting against the Israeli settlements, apart from being labelled anti semetic by the political establishment and there are jewish people in the protest too so that gives you an idea of the kind of asshat clowns in office. Those imprisoned have to pay a 10,000 dollars bail, or something to that effect simply because they disagree. So the fight is on. The achille's heel of the elites is that they overestimate their own abilities, arrogance is the downfall of many, and they fail to realize (due to their primate urges for power and conquest) that they are no exception to this historical precedent.

    Had no idea that was happening in Australia. When it happens like you say people will need to speak out and tell them where to go but will they do that? do enough people have the motivation to go against the crowd and call it for what it is. I know people are suffering all over the world because of the madness created by the power hungry whores and most people are just focusing on surving because things are that bad for many people but the next big war that happens is probably going to be the mother of all wars. The time to speak out is now I think because if its left until when the bombs start falling by then it could be too late for all of us. The people who run the planet are power crazed maniacs and we should be concerned as to where they intend taking us and the planet, very concerned.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭WakeUp

    Well, i suppose if you maintain this outlook you'll eventually be right.

    Well, why did you bother putting eventually in Italics? could you not just of made your point without trying to highlight the bleedin obvious you dont have to put something in italics I understand your one liner perfectly. Its as if you think I want such a thing to happen that Im hoping my "outlook" comes to fruition. What planet have you been living on the past few years have you noticed whats happening all around the world. Has the death, killing misery and war somehow escaped your attention? Nobody wants to have a dreary outlook on things but the reality of the situation and the world we live in is that unfortunately the "outlook" doesnt appear to be good at the moment with no sign of it improving anytime soon.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,202 ✭✭✭Jeboa Safari

    That's the major thorn in their side, people are more educated relative to the first half of the 20th century and they have history to go on
    So why wait till now to do it?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,922 ✭✭✭hooradiation

    WakeUp wrote: »
    Well, why did you bother putting eventually in Italics?
    For emphasis.
    Such are the limitations of communicating via a written medium.
    WakeUp wrote: »
    Its as if you think I want such a thing to happen that Im hoping my "outlook" comes to fruition.

    No, it's that I do not share your conviction that your outlook will come to pass.
    At least as not in my lifetime.
    Hence why I italicised the word eventually.
    WakeUp wrote: »
    What planet have you been living on the past few years have you noticed whats happening all around the world. Has the death, killing misery and war somehow escaped your attention? Nobody wants to have a dreary outlook on things but the reality of the situation and the world we live in is that unfortunately the "outlook" doesnt appear to be good at the moment with no sign of it improving anytime soon.

    Sadly - the world has always been this much of a shitty place.
    It's an indication of nothing other than the old maxim that life is nasty, brutish and short.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,823 ✭✭✭WakeUp

    Sadly - the world has always been this much of a shitty place.
    It's an indication of nothing other than the old maxim that life is nasty, brutish and short.

    I agree with what you are saying there in the first line the world has always been a sh1tty place for the vast majority of human beings you are completely right. Not so sure about the second part though thats probabaly true aswell in so much as what happens in the world is a reflection of human nature and human "civilisation" which isnt "civilised" at all if you ask me nothing civilised about our species thats a myth and pretty much bad things have happend since nineteen O'splash and will continue to happen for all of time. But I also think such events can indicate a coming crisis or a coming war or moves toward a more militant world or something like that. All through history wars have been preceded by certain situations for example fiscal problems and depressions things along those line. There is so much war in the world these days and upheaval and strife and stress and misery there has to be a breaking point something has to give. History indicates its war that happens no one wants that to happen of course but to just dismiss the posibility of something kicking off and soon is dangerous I reckon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,177 ✭✭✭nyarlothothep

    In relation to the world being a sh1tty place, its not that it has to be, its just that there is are certain types of human, in the minority, that makes it sh1tty for everyone else, they're called authoritarians, con artists, liers, cute hooers, cheats, power mongers, opportunists but in my experience most people aren't like this. These types are shallow and fixated on material gain, they don't have the intellect to devote themselves to higher pursuits like art, science or just generally improving the lot of the race, due to the influence of their primate ancestry. As such they should be completely ignored by society. But then there is the other problem, a lot of people like to obey, and there are institutions which are run by these minority types which reward obediance so their survival instinct motivates them to prop such types up. Essentially the way to take power from the elites, from these individuals you come across, is to not acknowledge that they have any power to begin with. Its a simple mental decision to not recognise them as having any superior value over you, this equalizes the playing field and they hate/fear this, they really get unnerved if you see through them because they are weak internally which is why they compensate by seeking power externally in the social world. However for such a decision to have a momentous effect the majority of people have to make this mental switch. And this may come to pass. There was an admission by some bilderberger a while back that the human race is more politically aware than at any stage in history. This would reflect the multiple ancient predictions of a shift in global consciousness, a new age dawning etc even Aleister Crowley suggested this with his three ages of man.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,922 ✭✭✭hooradiation

    In relation to the world being a sh1tty place, its not that it has to be, its just that there is are certain types of human, in the minority, that makes it sh1tty for everyone else, they're called authoritarians, con artists, liers, cute hooers, cheats, power mongers, opportunists but in my experience most people aren't like this.

    Then I would, as politely as possible, suggest you're lacking in experience.
    People are shitty is the rule, not the exception.

    These types are shallow and fixated on material gain, they don't have the intellect to devote themselves to higher pursuits like art, science or just generally improving the lot of the race, due to the influence of their primate ancestry. As such they should be completely ignored by society. But then there is the other problem, a lot of people like to obey, and there are institutions which are run by these minority types which reward obediance so their survival instinct motivates them to prop such types up.

    Oh come on. Evolutionary psychology? Really?
    I know this is the conspiracy theories forum and as a rule the subject matters are outside the realm of 'normal' but I have to draw the line at entertaining this kind of psuedoscientific nonsense.
    If you find yourself using a misconception of evolution to explain sociological behavior then you need to take a step back and re evaluate your position.

    However for such a decision to have a momentous effect the majority of people have to make this mental switch. And this may come to pass. There was an admission by some bilderberger a while back that the human race is more politically aware than at any stage in history. This would reflect the multiple ancient predictions of a shift in global consciousness, a new age dawning etc even Aleister Crowley suggested this with his three ages of man.

    That said, as little stock as I put in Evolutionary psychology I put even less in mysticism and ancient predictions.
    I have never seen any evidence that anybody has ever successfully predicted the future in any meaningful way, and certainly not on the timescales that are implied here.
    The Mayans, or any other ancient civilization for that matter, knew no more about what will happen tomorrow or next year then they did about quantum physics or oncology as far as I can see.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    The war is already here IMO. That's not to say it wont get worse...

    (Charlie V does put on a class 'act' I'l say that)
    Torakx wrote: »
    Order out of chaos :)

    That's the truth.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 620 ✭✭✭Laika1986

    When it comes to an all out war I have felt it has been around the corner for some time. I think this could play out similar to Hitler's foreign policy prior to World War II. Annexing Austria, then the Sudetenland.

    America/NATO's strategy has been Afghanistan, the two years later Iraq. Libya this year and most likely Syria next. No one will object to these states been invaded and possibly Yemen for Humanitarian concerns.

    Looking at a map of the region this leaves Iran pretty much in hostile territory from the East(Afghanistan) and the West(Iraq). With the only real allies to the North being Russia.
