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The Boards Photography Forum 24hr magazine.



  • Registered Users Posts: 6,392 ✭✭✭AnCatDubh

    Executive summary TL/DR - We're go for Sunday. Take a picture. Write some text. Submit to the email address below before 9pm. Wait and see your work come together in a magazine produced in under 24 hours.

    Details, T & C's, etc...

    Project Name: This is the 24 Hour Magazine project

    Project Description: Photographers, writers and/or a collaboration of both which is being organised through the photography & creative writing forum in order to produce an entire magazine of creative endeavors in the space of 24 hours.

    When? Sunday, 24th of July - 24/7

    By midnight on 24th, a publication will be uploaded or uploading but eitherways it will be complete.

    Who is it for? It's for everyone!
    The project is welcoming of everyone, all styles, all levels from beginner, professional and/or expert. The common criteria that joins us all together and the reason we come back to our fora is that we enjoy the creative arts, and enjoy each others company whether lurking or partaking in discussion. Hence, everyone is welcome to partake in this project.

    If taking photographs, do I need a fancy smancy camera? Nope, your work will stand on its own and not compared with others so whether you are shooting with a pinhole matchbox, a Holga, a digital point and shoot, a SLR, medium format, or the latest in dSLR technology, then your efforts will be equally welcome.

    What is expected of participants?
    Because it is your work which will be showcased, it is anticipated that you will stretch yourself in your efforts on the day in whatever it is that you decide to shoot or whatever you decide to write about.

    When can I submit my work? Ideally *before* 9pm in order to ensure your work can be included but don't wait until 9pm. If you have your work complete then submit anytime after the start of the 24 hours on the 24th July (please check back here before the start of the project as this may need to be altered depending on the designers).

    Where do i submit work? A dedicated email has been set up to receive submissions which will keep all submissions in the one place for the designer to work on. The email address is 24hourmagazine at gmail dot com (obviously replace the at with @ and dot with . and remove spaces).

    What format should my work be submitted?

    For photographers: Full size jpeg images.
    For writers: Plain text ideally.

    Every effort will be made to include works as submitted with no modification. That said, it is the aspiration. I'm guessing that the designer may in some instances need to apply a crop to images or alter as they see appropriate to 'make things fit' on the page layouts. You will need to trust the project to do this in a tasteful manner albeit that everyone's taste may be different. Ok, last year no one died so we should be alright. Every attempt will be made to retain the spirit of the submitted work but any editorial decision in this regard will be final as time will not allow for prior opinion or permission to be sought.

    How many images / photographs / words can I submit? There is no limit. You may submit a single image, or a series of images to convey your shooting efforts of the day. You may submit a short story or a lengthy prose piece. By submitting something, you are guaranteed to have something published. Thereafter, it becomes an editorial decision as to what can reasonably be published. Obviously, if a sequence of images need to convey a documentary shoot then every effort will be made to include the series. Also, the intention would be to include creative writing in their full. In terms of work that possibly wouldn't be included - it would be down to practicalities of the day - for example if someone submits 100 images then it is likely that a selection of those images would be used.

    Copyright? I value my work The project values your work too and respects your legitimate rights to your creation thus the copyright of the work which is submitted remains with the creator - the photographer / author/writer.

    But the project needs a little liberty in this regard. This is important to understand. In order for your submission to be published, you need to licence the project in good faith and in the spirit of the project, in perpetuity and non revocable terms your consent to have your submission/image(s) used in the publication. There is no financial consideration or payment for being involved. The project is entirely voluntary.

    Will the publication be purely online or will there be a paper publication? In the first instance, the resulting publication will be online through a service called (where it was published last year). The intention is also to have an "on demand" magazine in print format available through magcloud. This is a first for using magcloud so please bear with us should it take a little longer to figure out ;)

    By submitting your work you are agreeing to the work being published both online and in paper format.

    There is no profit from this venture. The print format will be provided at cost and it is completely optional if people wish to buy a copy or not.

    It would be helpful for you to include:
    Your name:
    Your username:
    A title/headline for your work:
    In the case of photography, a description of the image/photograph:

    Optional other details:
    Your website/ your blog / your email / other contact information
    Where taken:
    When taken (time - we'll already know it was the 24th)
    A text article to accompany your image

    Is there any material of a type which can't be submitted? In general the publication will work under the normal photography and creative writing fora charter provisions and the general ethos and acceptable behaviour of the forum. Hence anything which is normally allowed on the photography & creative writing fora is acceptable.

    I want to collaborate with a writer / photographer, How do I organise it

    In the absence of a tried and tested way of approaching this, i'm suggesting to simply post brief detail of what you hope to do and what you are looking for. Let's keep this all on the one thread from here on.

    Post it at the end of the thread on the photography forum HERE

    If someone bites they can answer your post. If nothing comes of it, don't worry it's not rejection, just an appropriate match wasn't found. None of us are quite sure how this aspect will work before we start at it. Do your thing anyway on the day and submit it.

    Is there a theme?

    There isn't a prescribed theme. It is open. Knock yourself out. Do your best. You can set yourself a theme or a challenge if you want to - it's up to you, or if collaborating with another boardsie, you can agree a theme between yourselves.

    Shout if you've any queries. I hope to be online quite a bit over this weekend ;)

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 2,283 Mod ✭✭✭✭Chorcai

    Heading to a little forest, there is water fall (small very small!) its very sunny here at the moment so if anyone thinks those images would suit their text let me know.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 2,283 Mod ✭✭✭✭Chorcai (uploading)

    Some photos here if anyone wants to work with them.

  • Moderators, Arts Moderators Posts: 2,283 Mod ✭✭✭✭Chorcai

    Hey all, many thanks to those who sent your photos/ stories. Hope you can spread the word a bit smile.gif

    I hope you enjoy it as much as I have in being involed in the production of it.

    night night ! smile.gif
