If you have a new account but are having problems posting or verifying your account, please email us on for help. Thanks :)
Hello all! Please ensure that you are posting a new thread or question in the appropriate forum. The Feedback forum is overwhelmed with questions that are having to be moved elsewhere. If you need help to verify your account contact
Hi there,
There is an issue with role permissions that is being worked on at the moment.
If you are having trouble with access or permissions on regional forums please post here to get access:

Noticeboard - All casting calls, auditions, crew requests and general notices go here



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 485 ✭✭Boo Radley

    Hi all,

    As the title suggests I'm looking for someone with the know how when it comes to lighting, who can get to Galway City with relative ease. We're making a 5 min short in a local bar and have 4 hours to shoot it.

    Our previous lighting guy has been offered long term work outside of Galway and it clashes with our fixed date (the 25th of January) and hence why I'm posting so close to the shoot.

    If you have the knowledge but no equipment fret not as we have a budget which I can discuss via PM. With regard a wage I must state everyone involved is working for free and the experience, including myself. However I will not rule out working something out, again via PM. I may be able to allocate a bit of the budget.

    If anyone is interested please contact me and I can go into more details.

    I think you'll enjoy the project in question.



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 485 ✭✭Boo Radley

    I think we got ourselves a replacement.

    Thanks though.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 70 ✭✭tyreman1

    we are looking to expand our promotion company and are looking for an open minded individual that thinks outside the box....

    we run MMA (mixed martial arts) events in dublin...
    this fast paced live action,if you think you have what it takes pm me

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 18 davetheminogue

    We're looking for a production assistant to assist us with episode two of 'Rent a Friend' for RTE Storyland 3 (should we get in).

    We're based in Kilkenny and we will be shooting in Kilkenny in mid march.

    You dont need to have a load of experience but knowledge of production is essential.

    Get in touch if your interested

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 69 ✭✭Publicdiservice

    I'm looking to have a comedy set recorded live asap, limited finance available so may suit a student. The gig will be in the midlands so would probably suit somebody based in Laois/Offaly or surrounding areas. PM for more details if interested.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,161 ✭✭✭Average-Ro

    I PM'd you about this two days ago but didn't get a reply. Did you find someone?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 22 Ste7en

    Good morning,

    Looking for extras to come down and help us out on a small low-budgeted short, shooting on Saturday 26th February.

    The film is a zombie-wrestling extravaganza and we need numbers to make up the zombie hoarde that takes on our main character. Unfortunately there is no pay as we are a very low budget film. But it'll be a couple of hours dressing up as zombie and shuffling around being scary so it should be fun! We are shooting in Dublin 12.

    If you are interested please e-mail me at for all the details or message me on this forum.

    Sorry about the short notice.

    Any help would be hugely appreciated!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,136 ✭✭✭WooPeeA

    Wish to do that but I'm working til 9 :(

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,379 ✭✭✭Sticky_Fingers

    Perhaps try over in the zombie survival forum OP, I'm sure you'd get a bite from some of guys there :pac:

    Zombie Survival Forum

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 Bastion Pictures

    Submissions open to residents of Ireland, the USA, Canada, and the UK.

    Bastion Pictures is casting the 8 lead roles for 'Where The Treetops Glisten', in which a fierce reality-TV programming pitch meeting is orchestrated to be the setting of a violent and bloody murder scene, all in the name of entertainment.

    Shortlisted talent will each audition from their chosen location, virtually (online), and must have access to the Internet, webcam, speakers and mic (built-in or external).

    Please make your submission on the Casting page of the film's website at

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 Bastion Pictures

    A variety of actors needed for a series of promos.
    Location: Ardmore Studios, Bray, Ireland
    Shoot: one day, 15 or 16 March 2011

    Note: All minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
    Payment details: expenses paid
    PLEASE EMAIL with your details and headshot, to make a submission/application.

    Dancing Man

    Exuberant performer. Can duplicate James Brown ‘Good Foot’ moves.
    Sequence: Funky, furious and unsuitable dancing to a variety of tunes, in a variety of situations
    Males, aged 30 to 50
    Ethnicity:Black/ African


    Obviously threatening/dangerous build.
    Sequence: committing a variety of murders in silhouette.
    Males, aged 40 to 50 from Ireland
    Ethnicity: White / Caucasian


    "Redneck" / cowboy / sleazy / slightly scary. Must be able to adopt convincing Nashville accent.
    Sequence: Salesman doing piece-to-camera selling CD, QVC-style
    Males, aged 30 to 50 from Ireland
    Ethnicity: White / Caucasian
    Languages spoken: English
    Accents spoken: USA Southern

    Vox Pop Males

    Must be able to improvise and play short bursts of dialogue. Must be willing and able to fall to the ground repeatedly (from standing position) without padding (e.g. enact death scene).
    Sequence: respond to various questions about violence in the media.
    Males, aged 16 to 60 from Ireland
    Languages spoken: English

    Vox Pop Females

    Must be able to improvise and play short bursts of dialogue. Must be willing and able to fall to the ground repeatedly (from standing position) without padding (e.g. enact death scene).
    Sequence: respond to various questions about violence in the media.
    Females, aged 16 to 60 from Ireland
    Languages spoken: English


    Must be able to handle/fire (blanks) firearm - Professional armourer on set.
    Sequence: Abstract holding and firing shotgun.
    Males, aged 8 to 11 from Ireland
    Ethnicity: White / Caucasian

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,559 ✭✭✭✭AnonoBoy

    Where are you based?
    When are these shoots taking place?
    What are they for?

    Sounds like you're looking for a lot of specific talent without any payment.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 703 ✭✭✭obliviousgrudge

    What is FOLLOW ME?
    FOLLOW ME is an upcoming reality show which follows a person in their daily life. The person can be contacted via social networking sites by fans and viewers of the show.

    The Job
    The successful applicant will be required to be available to film in Dublin city at least one day per week for up to 4 hours. (usually less). It will then be your job to send send the editor the video so that the video can be edited and broadcast.

    Payment, etc.
    Unfortunately, as we, Hazy Entertainment, are only starting out in production we are unable to pay you. However, when money from our sponsors comes through (who we are negotiating with at the moment) you will then be paid. We will agree payment at a later date.

    We require a motivated, not necessarily experienced person who can work a camera (note: you will need your own camera) and can film proceedings without interfering with the scene.

    More About the Show
    We are intending to have 1 episode of 30 minutes per week, for a series of 6 weeks, beginning in early April. The show will broadcast online and will be advertised on websites online such as Facebook, etc.

    We hope you decide to help us and further both ours, and your career, and work with us in more than this project in the future.

    Please send me a PM here if you are interested, thanks.

    Please note: you DO NOT have to be a professional or have ''high-tech'' or ''top of the range'' camera, any camcorder will do!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,559 ✭✭✭✭AnonoBoy

    emmetmcl wrote: »
    We will agree payment at a later date.

    Translation: You will not be paid?

    If you're negotiating with sponsors at the moment then surely you'll have that sorted by the time you start shooting in April and should know how much you can pay the cameraman.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,627 ✭✭✭Fol20

    So your company dont even have a camera?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 703 ✭✭✭obliviousgrudge

    No need to worry folks (sarcastic). We have a cameraman.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,559 ✭✭✭✭AnonoBoy

    emmetmcl wrote: »
    No need to worry folks (sarcastic). We have a cameraman.

    Ah good. No need to answer awkward questions then.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 Aifric31

    Actors are required for a short drama being produced by the final year Creative Digital Media class of ITT Dublin.

    Working Title: Time Orient

    Roles required:

    Main Roles:

    Michelle - Early 20s, petite. Lead role in the production.

    Alexander - Mid 20s - Early 30s. Average height.

    Mr Time - Mid 20s - Early 30s. 5'10" and above.

    Supplementary roles:

    Man - Middle age

    Lady - 20s, average height

    Older Lady - 50-60 years old

    Start date:
    Tuesday 22nd March to Friday 25th March 2011

    This work is unpaid, but actors will receive credit for their work. This film is to be submitted to festivals around the country.

    ITT Dublin provides insurance for this shoot.

    If interested, please send CV with head shot and contact details to before Friday 18th March.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 78 ✭✭Froggy7

    Hello all!

    Oulala Productions is shooting a promotional film next month and we have an opportunity for a student to assist and learn from the DP/cameraman on the project.

    The filming will take place both indoors and outdoors, with a variety of shots and one trad music live recording.

    The dates are 12th to 16th of April in various Meath locations and 25-26th April in Fairyhouse Racecourse for the Irish Grand National.

    Own transport essential. No remuneration but some expenses will be taken care of.

    If one of your students is interested in this opportunity, please let me know ASAP.

    Many thanks,

    Delphine Coudray

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 22,559 ✭✭✭✭AnonoBoy

    You say 'some expenses' - could you clarify which expenses you will be taking care of?

    What level of experience does the student need to have?

    Do you need this person to commit to the full 6 days of shooting?

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 78 ✭✭Froggy7

    Hello AnonoBoy,

    "Some Expenses" mean we would cover travel expenses (unless you need to take a plane to join us!) and we would ensure you don't go hungry nor thirsty while helping us out... not a five star meal every day, but definitly something edible.

    As for the level of experience, we would like someone who is aware of what is involved in a typical film set-up, who has had the opportunity/interest to use a camera before. We assume that students who started at least last September would have the minimum required. The DOP is highly professional and willing to show you as much as possible while you give them a hand.

    As this is not remunerated, we do not expect people to be able to commit to the full 6 days. However, the best for us would be to have maybe one assistant for at least 3 days, or maybe half-days. We will make a decision when we look at all the applicants and their availability.

    I hope this answers your questions!


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 177 ✭✭sparkzter

    Actors & Actresses Wanted

    We are Film Students of The Digital Skills Academy, Dublin 8 & we are looking for some volunteers to help us with our Film Projects this year.
    We are looking for a variety of people to fill the various roles for our 4 short movies. We are beginning filming on the week beginning 28th March 2011. And we will be filming usually between the hours of 8am & 1pm and in the Dublin area.

    We are looking for the following;

    Man 50- 60 years old
    Woman 50- 60 years old.
    Woman 40's
    Man 40's
    Man 30's to 40's
    Man early to mid 30's
    Woman early to mid 30's
    Girl 17-18 years old
    Young Girl (About 8 years old)- If any of the female actresses (mid 30's) has a daughter or niece etc. that has a similar look as themselves & they can bring them along- that would be great!

    These are the main roles but we will also need a few extras on the day too.
    Although this is a non-paying role, it promises to be a great experience & lots of fun for everyone involved.
    We will only need you for a few hours in the morning for a few days over the next few weeks & everyone who volunteers will get a copy of a professionally shot & edited short- movie for their show reel.
    If you are interested, please email for further information & times of auditions. We are planning to have the auditions on Friday 25th March, so if you are available, drop us your CV and details & we will get back to you.
    See you there!

    Contact-email us at:

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    I am looking for at least one camera operator (with own camera) to film a comedy show on the night of Monday April 4th in Dublin (city center).
    Ideally we would also like a sound recordist too (own gear preferred, but I can provide kit if need be).
    The show is due to start around 9. The improvers are due to finish up shortly after ten, so the crew are welcome to watch the other comedy acts afterward if they want. While we can't pay you, there's a pint in it for anyone who wants to help out.
    If anything, it will be a fun shoot.

    PM me or email me for more details or to express interest.
    My email is:

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 202 ✭✭John 187

    Hi Im Jonathan and I'm looking for actor/actress for a short film set in the midlands.

    Looking for a male and female lead, age range 18-25.

    Other main role will be that of the lead girl's father. Age range 40's - 50's.

    This is a amuter production, but I do have experience in making films before.

    Please PM me or e-mail at for more details.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 249 ✭✭Norma_Desmond

    2 actors and 1 actress needed for a 15 minute short film.
    Actors required to be in their 20's.
    Filming will be taking place in Dundalk and will be from the 26th of April until 28th of April.
    All travel expenses will be paid for.
    If you're interested or have any questions PM me.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 37 egoboo

    Hi I'm looking to team up with a cameraman/editor who is experienced and capable of producing good quality video. I currently run a successful business in media and I would like to offer more services.

    He/She must:

    1 Have own video equipment
    2 Be fast worker
    3 Creative
    4 Have own transport

    If anybody is interested in getting involved in a new business on a part time basis at first, please contact PM me

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 78 ✭✭Froggy7

    Hello all!

    we urgently need the following for a short promotional film:

    a group or family of 5 up to 8 people to pose as tourists. The scene is very simple: you stand in front of the Newgrange monument while one of you is taking a photograph of the scene.

    Location: Newgrange Monument.
    Date: next Tuesday 12 April.
    Time: 9.15am to 11.15am (at the latest)

    Transport from Navan can be arranged if you do not have your own vehicle. There is no remuneration but a compensation of €100 has been allocated to the group or family who wishes to take part.

    Foreign groups would be a plus.

    Please contact ASAP.

    Many thanks!


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 Rockefeller

    Hi. I’m looking for a producer for a short comedy video. The setup’s fairly simple; it’s a conversation between 2 characters in a single location. The actors are already lined up & I have funding that I hope will be enough.

    If you’re interested please PM me for more info, or if anyone has any suggestions as to where might be a good place to look for a producer, I’d really appreciate it.


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,371 ✭✭✭✭Zillah

    Actors needed for a short film being shot in Dublin late May or early June, please see pdf for details.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12 Sandillica

    Film being made by Production and Direction MA students of Huston Film School in Galway. Low budget, so only main roles will recieve compensation.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 MaxiJaz

    Hi there.

    I've written a pilot for an independent sitcom which I plan to direct. It's a comedy that's somewhat similar (in style and in writing) to an american sitcom called "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia". If anyone is interested in the post of cinematographer for this job please drop me a line. Also a link to some footage you yourself have shot (relatively recently) would be desirable.


    P.S I will pay the cinematographer. It is however likely to be on a minimum wage an hour basis due to the tight budget involved.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 51 ✭✭The_Illuminator

    Casey Hughes

    Age: 22 - 27

    Height: 5’6 – 5’10 approx.

    Build: Average

    Character Brief: Casey is a fragile young woman, who in ‘The Lamb’ is struggling with an overly possessive relationship. She displays attention-seeking behaviour and relies on the attentiveness of others to validate her actions. She is very concerned with her appearance, although she is far more beautiful than she gives herself credit for. The role necessitates a confident and experienced actress, who will be required to interact with the camera in ‘home movie’ style scenes. The role will be paid, although the budget for the film is minimal. ‘The Lamb’ is based in Galway, and is scheduled to shoot over 2 days and one evening 24-26 May, although these dates are flexible.

    Please Contact with a CV, showreel and any relevant information.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1 lixnawman


    I'd be interested in working with you. Here is a link to my vimeo page where you can see numerous excerpts of my work.

    Best regards,
    Tommy Fitzgerald

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 TrashCanFilms

    Trash Can Productions are holding their first round of auditions for What Waits Within, a psychological thriller, on Sunday May 15th (12noon - 6pm) and Monday May 16th (3pm - 8pm) in Aras na Mac Leinn, NUI Galway. What Waits Within will be filmed in late June and early July in Galway.

    Number of Roles:
    Male - 4 in mid-30s, 2 in mid-40s, 3 in mid-50s
    Female - 2 in mid-30s, 1 in 40s

    If interested, email your details to Samantha Higgins at and we'll get back to you real quick!

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Entertainment Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 22,699 CMod ✭✭✭✭Sad Professor

    Okay, I've merged all the casting calls and crew recruitment threads since the start of the year into this thread. From now on (unless you have permission from a mod) this is the only place to post cast and crew requests. The forum is completely littered with these threads and most of them are by one post wonders who never return. In future, these threads will be treated as spam.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 132 ✭✭madmandaniel

    Hey guys im Dan, a 19 year old hip hop artist from california living in Dublin...

    What I have in mind is quite simple, just a "street" video around Dublin, something like this would be sick

    I dont have any specific date in mind, anytime mid-june would be cool for me! I havent actually decided what song im gonna make a video for yet.. It will be probably be a feelgood summer type song we can film on a sunny day around town and stephens green park and stuff..

    Dont need any equipment like lighting or a crew or stuff, just anybody with a Canon or whatever, and good editing..

    In terms of budget, what would you guys charge?

    Im just a poor student lol but im sure we can sort something out if its reasonable

    And of course, if we make a good team ill use you for every future video I make too..

    Thanks guys, heres my soundcloud btw if you wanna check out my stuff -


    You can hit me back here, or on my facebook

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 mpgextras

    Hi all,

    We're looking for extras for an exciting new teenage drama series called "My Phone Genie" beginning filming in Studio Solas in Baile na hAbhann, Co. Galway in mid-July and finishing in December.

    If anyone has an interest in applying please contact for more information.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2 cathalcheunt

    Auditions are taking place in Dublin, Pearce Street, this Wednesday 6th July between 12 and 5:30 for a comedy horror film to be shot end of August/Septmember. We are looking for actors and actresses between 16 and 21. Actors have to be at least 16. No previous experience necessary.

    If you are interested please contact:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,419 ✭✭✭tommy21

    I’m looking for an actor to play a main part along with myself for an MA project I’m doing in London. I’m filming it in Cork between the 15th-23rd/24th of August. Unfortunately as with most small projects it is unpaid but you will get a copy of the movie within a few weeks - it’s going to look pretty professional as it has to meet certain standards for the University. After its marked and everything I’ll be looking to enter it into next year’s Cork Film Festival so I’m looking to get some exposure of the film, hopefully I’ll try and get this thing on IMDB as well.

    The character is a guy called Rochey and he’s aged between 19-27 but him and his friend still drink everyday by the 99 steps (in Blackpool). He’s a character, along with his friend, that thinks he’s really cool but in fact they are the opposite, they’re also not the brightest sparks. They wear tracksuits and caps but no rings or piercings (as they’re not that mad heh heh). These guys are caricatures of the Cork Sham so it’s a pretty slapstick script. Think a kind of a sham/scobe/etc. I’m looking for someone who has a thick cork accent or someone who can do a convincing thick Cork accent. This character is pretty much in every scene so whoever gets the part will need to be able to commit to the shooting dates as I’m only in Ireland for these dates and can only use the equipment, etc. on these dates.

    Tuesday 19th of July 5 – 8
    Wednesday 20th of July 5 – 8
    The venue is TBC it’ll either be in South Parish or Firkin Crane. I will be allocating 15 minute slots for each person who is looking to audition. If you could email me your interest and I’ll allocate your time slots with the venue to follow. You can email me at
    Please remember that whoever gets the part needs to be available for the dates specified for filming.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 Zombie Lenin

    Our company is producing two low-budget TV shows for an Irish station and we're looking for crew from all disciplines. The positions are not paid, but the show will definitely be produced and broadcast so the job will provide excellent experience and something for your reel.

    The primary positions we are looking for are;
    Camera Operator - We are looking for someone who can frame a shot. We will be using Canon DSLRs and Canon AVCHD cameras. Training will be provided if you don't know your way around camera operation but show flair for framing and shot selection.

    Camera Loader/Grip - We are looking for someone to mark shots with a slate and keep shot logs and notes. The loader will be in charge of unloading footage from memory cards to a hard drive among other responsibilities.

    Production Manager/Assistant Director - We are looking for someone who is efficient, level-headed, pragmatic and who can multi-task and manage people and locations.

    Production Assistant - We are also looking for a production assistant who can fill in various roles, from getting coffee to recording sound. This role is perfect for anyone looking for experience in multiple elements of TV/Film production.

    If you are interested in any of these roles, please contact us at with a C.V. and a link to your reel or portfolio. Competence, enthusiasm and reliability is more important to us than experience.
    Again, all roles are unpaid, but our company intends to develop significantly in the next year which will almost certainly lead to paid work for those who work well within the team. When we get paid you get paid.


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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,417 ✭✭✭Miguel_Sanchez

    The positions are not paid, but the show will definitely be produced and broadcast so the job will provide excellent experience and something for your reel.

    Can I ask what channel is broadcasting the show if you don't mind?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 Zombie Lenin

    Hi Jeff

    We've been guaranteed a slot on Dublin Community TV ( but we're going to show the pilots to RTE and Tv3 to see if someone bites.

    It'll either be a bit of craic and something for the reel, or a good foot in the door and a paid gig.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 30,746 ✭✭✭✭Galvasean

    Making coffee AND recording sound? :confused:
    If I may, I think you may be grossly undervaluing the importance of sound recording for your project. It's a bit of an insult to expect your sound recordist to make the coffee.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8 Zombie Lenin

    Thanks, but I've got a Sennheiser ME66 and a zoom H2. It's literally a case of pressing the record button twice, pointing the mic at whoever's talking, and pressing the same button to stop recording.

    Tried and tested.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,417 ✭✭✭Miguel_Sanchez

    Hi Jeff

    We've been guaranteed a slot on Dublin Community TV ( but we're going to show the pilots to RTE and Tv3 to see if someone bites.

    It'll either be a bit of craic and something for the reel, or a good foot in the door and a paid gig.

    Oh I have no interest in it myself, I was just wondering what channel was giving you such a low budget that you couldn't afford to pay anyone.
    Thanks, but I've got a Sennheiser ME66 and a zoom H2. It's literally a case of pressing the record button twice, pointing the mic at whoever's talking, and pressing the same button to stop recording.

    Tried and tested.

    Honestly if you think that's all a sound recordist and boom op do then you've got a lot to learn.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 38 antrophe

    Thanks, but I've got a Sennheiser ME66 and a zoom H2. It's literally a case of pressing the record button twice, pointing the mic at whoever's talking, and pressing the same button to stop recording.

    Tried and tested.

    Hi guys, I might be up for helping on this. I can definitely frame a shot and am looking for some video experience. Can you tell me something about the nature of the show you are making?

  • Posts: 15,814 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Thanks, but I've got a Sennheiser ME66 and a zoom H2. It's literally a case of pressing the record button twice, pointing the mic at whoever's talking, and pressing the same button to stop recording.

    Tried and tested.

    Yes a sound recordist is pretty the same as a trained monkey. Sound is one if the most important aspects of any production and can make or break it. The unprofessionalism of your attitude would make me believe that you've never been on a professional shoot or that you are one of those people who thinks we can fix it in post.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,161 ✭✭✭Average-Ro

    Thanks, but I've got a Sennheiser ME66 and a zoom H2. It's literally a case of pressing the record button twice, pointing the mic at whoever's talking, and pressing the same button to stop recording.

    Tried and tested.

    Have you ever been on a film set before?

    That's a ridiculous attitude. Sound is equally important to picture, there's no way around it. Says a lot that you also don't mind getting a camera op who's never used the equipment before.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 80 ✭✭rebeldiamond

    Director of Photography Wanted

    Super Evil Dinosaur Productions are seeking a talented Director Of Photography to work with on our next short film.

    The following should be taken into consideration by all applicants:

    1. The candidate should be an accomplished camera-person, good with lighting and movement. We're looking for a D.O.P. with style, he/she should be confident with body language, physical comedy and have experience composing moving shots. This should ideally be reflected in the show-reel.

    2. We aim to shoot on high-def digital format over a period of at least 2 days within the next 4 weeks. Applicants with access to equipment are preferred.

    3. This is a micro-budget short, so unfortunately we are unable to pay any crew or expenses beyond what is reasonable. However anyone who takes part will obviously be credited and receive a copy to add to their show-reel. We'll be working with a small crew but this is a very manageable shoot, just one suburban location. There will be pints with evil dinosaurs once we wrap!

    4. This film is being made for entry into domestic film festivals and competition with a view to marketing our short abroad. We are aiming high with this project and you should too!

    About the film: Factor 50 is a dark comedy narrating a middle-aged couples' domestic disputes against the backdrop of nuclear Armageddon.

    Middle-aged housewife Pamela is a committed sun-worshipper. When the sun is shining down and the cocktails are mixed there's little time for anything else, bar a cigarette. Long-suffering husband Phil does his best to stay out of the way. However, with the threat of nuclear Armageddon looming on the horizon, even domestic disharmony can suddenly seem like bliss.

    The above is just to give you a little taste of the film! If you are looking for any further information then you can contact us as follows:
    Please e-mail CV and show-reel links to;


    Facebook Page-

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 80 ✭✭rebeldiamond

    Actors & Actresses Wanted

    Super Evil Dinosaur Productions are currently seeking both a male and female lead for the short film Factor 50.

    Factor 50 is a dark comedy narrating a middle-aged couples' domestic disputes against the backdrop of nuclear Armageddon.

    We urgently need the following;

    Man 35- 50 years old
    Woman 35- 50 years old.


    Male Lead- A suitable actor should ideally be expressive, comfortable delivering dialogue on camera and possess good comic timing.

    Female Lead- A suitable actress should ideally be confident, comfortable in her skin and able to bring physicality to the role.

    For More Information on the movie & the upcoming auditions, please email your CV, headshots & showreel links & details to

    Also you can find us on facebook (search- Super Evil Dinosaur Productions)

    Please note- This is a micro-budget short, so unfortunately we are unable to pay any cast or expenses beyond what is reasonable. However anyone who takes part will obviously be credited and receive a copy to add to their show-reel.
    This film is being made for entry into domestic film festivals and competition with a view to marketing our short abroad. We are aiming high with this project and you should too!

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