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Finlay released from WWE

  • 30-03-2011 2:35pm
    Registered Users Posts: 5,994 ✭✭✭

    Apparently he scripted a segment for a Raw House show that involved the National Anthem being disrupted in order to begin a match. Shame as I understood he was well thought of behind the scenes within the company.

    I'm aware that the National Anthem in the US is perhaps considered more 'sacrosanct' than in other countries (I grew up there), yet Ms Aguilera got away with making a mash of the words during the Superbowl with no real long-term damage I'd guess. Also, in light of Michael Cole's thoughtless 'Tweet', which only merited a slap on the wrist I'm surprised that Finlay was hit with immediate dismissal. Maybe there's more to the story. Any thoughts?


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